Runtime error
Runtime error
import base64 | |
import concurrent | |
import os | |
from concurrent.futures import thread | |
from datetime import datetime | |
import datetime as dt | |
import requests | |
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup | |
from flask import Flask, app, jsonify, request | |
from flask_cors import CORS, cross_origin | |
from flask_mail import Mail, Message | |
from physicsaqa import PhysicsAQA | |
from config import Config | |
from flask_jwt_extended import JWTManager, jwt_required, create_access_token, get_jwt_identity | |
from csv_to_db import ImportCSV | |
from models import Users | |
from bson.objectid import ObjectId # | |
import hashlib | |
import random | |
from datetime import datetime | |
from PIL import Image, ImageOps | |
from io import BytesIO | |
import base64 | |
import json | |
import stripe | |
import jwt | |
#import cv2 | |
import re | |
import jwt | |
from fastapi import FastAPI, Header | |
from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware | |
from pydantic import BaseModel | |
from typing import Optional | |
from typing import Generic, TypeVar,Dict,List,AnyStr,Any,Union | |
import asyncio | |
import uvicorn | |
import pytesseract | |
from forgotpassemail import forgotpasswordemail | |
from RevisionBankModels import * | |
from fastapi_utils.tasks import repeat_every | |
from revisionbankscheduler import RevisionBankScheduler | |
app = FastAPI() | |
app.add_middleware( | |
CORSMiddleware, | |
allow_origins=["*"], | |
allow_credentials=True, | |
allow_methods=["*"], | |
allow_headers=["*"], | |
) | |
importcsv = ImportCSV("RevisionBankDB",maindb=0) | |
importcsvqp = ImportCSV("RevisionBankDB",maindb= 1) | |
importcsvqp1 = ImportCSV("RevisionBankQPs1",maindb=2) | |
revisionbankschedule = RevisionBankScheduler(importcsv) | |
JWT_SECRET = "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked, If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked" #'super-secret' | |
# IRL we should NEVER hardcode the secret: it should be an evironment variable!!! | |
JSONObject = Dict[Any, Any] | |
JSONArray = List[Any] | |
JSONStructure = Union[JSONArray, JSONObject] | |
time_hour = 60 * 60 # 1 hour, | |
def secure_encode(token): | |
# if we want to sign/encrypt the JSON object: {"hello": "world"}, we can do it as follows | |
# encoded = jwt.encode({"hello": "world"}, JWT_SECRET, algorithm=JWT_ALGORITHM) | |
encoded_token = jwt.encode(token, JWT_SECRET, algorithm=JWT_ALGORITHM) | |
# this is often used on the client side to encode the user's email address or other properties | |
return encoded_token | |
def secure_decode(token): | |
# if we want to sign/encrypt the JSON object: {"hello": "world"}, we can do it as follows | |
# encoded = jwt.encode({"hello": "world"}, JWT_SECRET, algorithm=JWT_ALGORITHM) | |
decoded_token = jwt.decode(token, JWT_SECRET, algorithms=JWT_ALGORITHM) | |
# this is often used on the client side to encode the user's email address or other properties | |
return decoded_token | |
def getendsubscription(current_user): | |
user_from_db = list(importcsv.db.users.find({"email": current_user}))[0] | |
end_date = user_from_db["end_date_subscription"] | |
return end_date | |
# Sending Emails from Heroku: | |
# Send Email API: | |
# Signin and Signup page: | |
# SetUp Tesseract: | |
def check_user_from_db(current_user): #test | |
email_exists = importcsv.db.users.find_one({"email":current_user}) | |
student_email_exists = importcsv.db.studentsubscriptions.find_one({"email":current_user}) | |
if email_exists: | |
user_from_db = list(importcsv.db.users.find({"email": current_user}))[0] # Gets wanted data for user | |
return user_from_db | |
elif student_email_exists: | |
user_from_db = list(importcsv.db.studentsubscriptions.find({"email": current_user}))[0] | |
return user_from_db | |
# GET # allow all origins all methods. | |
async def index(): | |
return "Hello World" | |
# 24 hours | |
async def revisionbankschedulerevisioncardsrepeat() -> None: | |
revisionbankschedule.runschedule() | |
print("All Cards sent.") | |
# POST # allow all origins all methods. | |
async def revisionbankstripepayment(data : JSONStructure = None, authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
current_user = secure_decode(authorization.replace("Bearer ",""))["email"] # outputs the email of the user | |
if current_user: | |
try: | |
data = dict(data)#request.get_json() | |
price = data["price"] | |
stripe.api_key = "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" | |
#"sk_test_51La4WnLpfbhhIhYRjP1w036wUwBoatAgqNRYEoj9u6jMd7GvSmBioKgmwJsabjgAY8V5W8i2r3QdelOPe5VNOueB00zDxeXtDQ" | |
striperesponse = stripe.PaymentIntent.create( | |
amount=round(price*100), | |
currency="gbp", | |
payment_method_types=["card"], | |
) | |
clientsecret= striperesponse["client_secret"] | |
#print(clientsecret) | |
return {"clientsecret":clientsecret} | |
except Exception as ex: | |
return {"error":f"{type(ex)}-{ex}"} | |
# POST # allow all origins all methods. | |
async def revisionbanktranslate(data : JSONStructure = None, authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
async def read_img(img): | |
pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd = "/app/.apt/usr/bin/tesseract" | |
text = pytesseract.image_to_string(img, | |
lang="eng", | |
config='--dpi 300 --psm 6 --oem 2 -c tessedit_char_blacklist=][|~_}{=!#%&«§><:;—?¢°*@,') | |
return(text) | |
try: | |
# TODO Use Tesseract OCR to get the text from the image hello | |
data = dict(data)#request.get_json() | |
img = data["revisioncardscreenshot"].replace("data:image/png;base64,","").replace("data:image/jpeg;base64,","") | |
# TODO Next Remove Blurriness and Noise from the image with cv2 | |
# | |
img_obj =ImageOps.grayscale( | |
text = read_img(img_obj) | |
return {"revisioncardscreenshotext":text } | |
#return {"result":data} | |
except Exception as e: | |
return {f"error":f"{type(e)},{str(e)}"} | |
# POST # allow all origins all methods. | |
async def getedexcelqp(data : JSONStructure = None, authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
current_user = secure_decode(authorization.replace("Bearer ",""))["email"] # outputs the email of the user | |
if current_user: | |
try: | |
data = dict(data)#request.get_json() | |
edexcelpapers = list(importcsvqp.db.edexcelpapers.find({data["edexcelpaper"]:{"$exists":"true"}}))[0] | |
del edexcelpapers["_id"] | |
return {"edexcelpaper":edexcelpapers} | |
except Exception as e: | |
return {f"error":f"{type(e)},{str(e)}"} | |
# POST # allow all origins all methods. | |
async def getcomputerscienceqp(data : JSONStructure = None, authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
current_user = secure_decode(authorization.replace("Bearer ",""))["email"] # outputs the email of the user | |
if current_user: | |
try: | |
data = dict(data)#request.get_json() | |
edexcelpapers = list(importcsvqp1.db.computerscienceqp.find({data["aqacomputerscience"]:{"$exists":"true"}}))[0] | |
del edexcelpapers["_id"] | |
return edexcelpapers # {"aqacomputerscience":edexcelpapers} | |
except Exception as e: | |
return {f"error":f"{type(e)},{str(e)}"} | |
# POST # allow all origins all methods. | |
async def getcomputersciencems(data : JSONStructure = None, authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
current_user = secure_decode(authorization.replace("Bearer ",""))["email"] # outputs the email of the user | |
if current_user: | |
try: | |
data = dict(data)#request.get_json() | |
edexcelpapers = list(importcsvqp1.db.computersciencems.find({data["aqacomputerscience"]:{"$exists":"true"}}))[0] | |
del edexcelpapers["_id"] | |
return edexcelpapers # {"aqacomputerscience":edexcelpapers} | |
except Exception as e: | |
return {f"error":f"{type(e)},{str(e)}"} | |
# POST # allow all origins all methods. | |
async def getphysicsocrqp(data : JSONStructure = None, authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
current_user = secure_decode(authorization.replace("Bearer ",""))["email"] # outputs the email of the user | |
if current_user: | |
try: | |
data = dict(data)#request.get_json() | |
if data["subject"] == "physics": | |
edexcelpapers = list(importcsvqp1.db.physicsocrqp.find({data["questionpapersubject"]:{"$exists":"true"}}))[0] | |
elif data["subject"] == "chemistry": | |
edexcelpapers = list(importcsvqp.db.chemistryaqaqp.find({data["questionpapersubject"]:{"$exists":"true"}}))[0] | |
elif data["subject"] == "biology": | |
edexcelpapers = list(importcsvqp.db.biologyaqaqp.find({data["questionpapersubject"]:{"$exists":"true"}}))[0] | |
del edexcelpapers["_id"] | |
#print(edexcelpapers) | |
if data["scheme"] == "qp": | |
return {"questionpapersubject":edexcelpapers[data["questionpapersubject"]]["questionpaper"]} | |
elif data["scheme"] == "ms": | |
return {"questionpapersubject":edexcelpapers[data["questionpapersubject"]]["markscheme"]} | |
except Exception as e: | |
return {f"error":f"{type(e)},{str(e)}"} | |
# POST # allow all origins all methods. | |
async def storeocrrevisioncards(data : JSONStructure = None, authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
current_user = secure_decode(authorization.replace("Bearer ",""))["email"] # outputs the email of the user | |
if current_user: | |
try: | |
data_json = dict(data)#request.get_json() | |
print(data_json) | |
data = data_json["revisioncardscheduler"] | |
email_exists = importcsv.db.accountrevisioncards.find_one({"email":current_user}) | |
if email_exists: # Checks if email exists | |
cards_not_exist = [] | |
user_revision_cards = list(importcsv.db.accountrevisioncards.find({"email": current_user}))[0] # Gets the email. | |
#print(user_revision_cards) | |
for card in data["revisioncards"]: # Checks if the revision card exists in the database. | |
if card not in user_revision_cards["revisioncards"]: | |
cards_not_exist.append(card) # If not, add it to the list. | |
#cards_that_exist.append(card) | |
if cards_not_exist != []: | |
new_cards = cards_not_exist + user_revision_cards["revisioncards"] # adds new cards to the list. | |
user_revision_cards["revisioncards"] = new_cards # Updates the list. | |
del user_revision_cards["_id"] | |
user_revision_cards["email"] = current_user # Sets the email to the current user. | |
importcsv.db.accountrevisioncards.delete_many({"email":current_user}) # Allows data to be updated. | |
importcsv.db.accountrevisioncards.insert_one(user_revision_cards) # Inserts the new data. | |
return {"message":"revision cards updated"} | |
elif cards_not_exist == []: # If the cards are already in the database, return a message. | |
return {"message":"No new cards"} | |
elif not email_exists: | |
return {"message": "account doesn't exist"} | |
except Exception as ex: | |
print(type(ex),ex) | |
# POST # allow all origins all methods. | |
async def storerevisioncards(data : JSONStructure = None, authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
try: | |
current_user = secure_decode(authorization.replace("Bearer ",""))["email"] | |
if current_user: | |
data_json = dict(data)#request.get_json() # test | |
data = data_json["revisioncardscheduler"] | |
email_exists = importcsv.db.accountrevisioncards.find_one({"email":current_user}) | |
if email_exists: # Checks if email exists | |
cards_not_exist = [] | |
user_revision_cards = list(importcsv.db.accountrevisioncards.find({"email": current_user}))[0] # Gets the email. | |
#print(user_revision_cards) | |
for card in data["revisioncards"]: # Checks if the revision card exists in the database. | |
if card not in user_revision_cards["revisioncards"]: | |
cards_not_exist.append(card) # If not, add it to the list. | |
#cards_that_exist.append(card) | |
if cards_not_exist != []: | |
new_cards = cards_not_exist + user_revision_cards["revisioncards"] # adds new cards to the list. | |
user_revision_cards["revisioncards"] = new_cards # Updates the list. | |
del user_revision_cards["_id"] | |
user_revision_cards["email"] = current_user # Sets the email to the current user. | |
importcsv.db.accountrevisioncards.delete_many({"email":current_user}) # Allows data to be updated. | |
importcsv.db.accountrevisioncards.insert_one(user_revision_cards) # Inserts the new data. | |
return {"message":"revision cards updated"} | |
elif cards_not_exist == []: # If the cards are already in the database, return a message. | |
return {"message":"No new cards"} | |
elif not email_exists: | |
data["email"] = current_user | |
importcsv.db.accountrevisioncards.insert_one(data) | |
return {"message": "revision card stored"} | |
except Exception as ex: | |
print(type(ex),ex) | |
# PUT # allow all origins all methods. | |
async def changesendtoemail(data : JSONStructure = None, authorization: str = Header(None)): # TODO | |
current_user = secure_decode(authorization.replace("Bearer ",""))["email"] | |
if current_user: | |
try: | |
data = dict(data)#request.get_json() | |
email_exists = importcsv.db.accountrevisioncards.find_one({"email":current_user}) | |
if email_exists: | |
scheduled_exists = importcsv.db.scheduledcards.find_one({"email":current_user}) | |
if scheduled_exists: | |
user_scheduled_cards = list(importcsv.db.scheduledcards.find({"email": current_user}))[0] | |
importcsv.db.scheduledcards.delete_many(user_scheduled_cards) | |
del user_scheduled_cards["sendtoemail"] | |
sendtoemailscheduled = user_scheduled_cards["sendtoemail"] | |
user_scheduled_cards.update({"sendtoemail": sendtoemailscheduled}) | |
importcsv.db.scheduledcards.insert_one(user_scheduled_cards) | |
user_revision_cards = list(importcsv.db.accountrevisioncards.find({"email": current_user}))[0] | |
importcsv.db.accountrevisioncards.delete_many(user_revision_cards) | |
del user_revision_cards["sendtoemail"] | |
sendtoemail = data["sendtoemail"] | |
user_revision_cards.update({"sendtoemail": sendtoemail}) | |
importcsv.db.accountrevisioncards.insert_one(user_revision_cards) | |
return {"message": "Send to email changed."} | |
elif not email_exists: | |
return {"message":"email does not exist"} | |
except Exception as ex: | |
return {f"error":f"{type(ex)},{str(ex)}"} | |
# POST # allow all origins all methods. | |
async def changerevisioncard(data : JSONStructure = None, authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
current_user = secure_decode(authorization.replace("Bearer ",""))["email"] | |
if current_user: | |
try: | |
data = dict(data)#request.get_json() | |
email_exists = importcsv.db.accountrevisioncards.find_one({"email":current_user}) | |
if email_exists: # Checks if email exists | |
# TODO Slightly buggy here - removes old schedule from the database. | |
user_scheduled_cards = list(importcsv.db.scheduledcards.find({"email": current_user}))[0] | |
if user_scheduled_cards: | |
for card in user_scheduled_cards["revisioncards"]: | |
oldcard = {i:data[i] for i in data if i!='newrevisioncard'} | |
if card == oldcard: | |
user_scheduled_cards["revisioncards"].remove(card) | |
#importcsv.db.scheduledcards.delete_many({"email":current_user}) | |
#importcsv.db.scheduledcards.insert_one(user_scheduled_cards) | |
importcsv.db.scheduledcards.replace_one( | |
{"email":current_user},user_scheduled_cards | |
) | |
user_revision_cards = list(importcsv.db.accountrevisioncards.find({"email": current_user}))[0] | |
for card in user_revision_cards["revisioncards"]: | |
oldcard = {i:data[i] for i in data if i!='newrevisioncard'} | |
if card == oldcard: | |
user_revision_cards["revisioncards"].remove(card) | |
del data["revisioncard"] | |
data["revisioncard"] = data["newrevisioncard"] | |
del data["newrevisioncard"] | |
user_revision_cards["revisioncards"].append(data) | |
importcsv.db.accountrevisioncards.replace_one( | |
{"email":current_user},user_revision_cards | |
) | |
#importcsv.db.accountrevisioncards.delete_many({"email":current_user}) | |
#importcsv.db.accountrevisioncards.insert_one(user_revision_cards) | |
return {"message":"revision card changed."} | |
except Exception as ex: | |
return {f"error":f"{type(ex)},{str(ex)}"} | |
# GET # allow all origins all methods. | |
async def getrevisioncards(authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
current_user = secure_decode(authorization.replace("Bearer ",""))["email"] | |
if current_user: | |
try: | |
email_exists = importcsv.db.accountrevisioncards.find_one({"email":current_user}) | |
if email_exists: # Checks if email exists | |
user_revision_cards = list(importcsv.db.accountrevisioncards.find({"email": current_user}))[0] | |
del user_revision_cards["_id"],user_revision_cards["email"] | |
return user_revision_cards | |
elif not email_exists: | |
return {"message":"No revision cards"} # Send in shape of data | |
except Exception as ex: | |
return {f"error":f"{type(ex)},{str(ex)}"} | |
# POST # allow all origins all methods. | |
async def uploadrevisioncardtxtfile(data : JSONStructure = None, authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
try: | |
current_user = secure_decode(authorization.replace("Bearer ",""))["email"] | |
if current_user: | |
file = request.files["file"] | |
if file: | |
return {"message":file} | |
elif not file: | |
{"message":"No file"} | |
except Exception as ex: | |
return {f"error":f"{type(ex)},{str(ex)}"} | |
# POST # allow all origins all methods. | |
async def removerevisioncard(data : JSONStructure = None, authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
current_user = secure_decode(authorization.replace("Bearer ",""))["email"] | |
if current_user: | |
try: | |
data = dict(data)#request.get_json() | |
email_exists = importcsv.db.accountrevisioncards.find_one({"email":current_user}) | |
if email_exists: # Checks if email exists | |
# Remove the revision card from the database. | |
user_revision_cards = list(importcsv.db.accountrevisioncards.find({"email": current_user}))[0] | |
for card in user_revision_cards["revisioncards"]: | |
if card == data: | |
user_revision_cards["revisioncards"].remove(card) | |
importcsv.db.accountrevisioncards.delete_many({"email":current_user}) | |
importcsv.db.accountrevisioncards.insert_one(user_revision_cards) | |
# Remove the revision card from the scheduled cards | |
try: | |
user_scheduled_cards = list(importcsv.db.scheduledcards.find({"email": current_user}))[0] | |
for card in user_scheduled_cards["revisioncards"]: | |
if card == data: | |
user_scheduled_cards["revisioncards"].remove(card) | |
importcsv.db.scheduledcards.delete_many({"email":current_user}) | |
importcsv.db.scheduledcards.insert_one(user_scheduled_cards) | |
return {"message":"revision card removed"} | |
except IndexError as iex: | |
return {"message":"revision card removed"} | |
except Exception as ex: | |
return {f"error":f"{type(ex)},{str(ex)}"} | |
# POST # allow all origins all methods. | |
async def schedulerevisioncard(data : JSONStructure = None, authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
try: | |
current_user = secure_decode(authorization.replace("Bearer ",""))["email"] | |
if current_user: | |
data = dict(data)#request.get_json() # test | |
email_exists = importcsv.db.scheduledcards.find_one({"email":current_user}) | |
if email_exists: # Checks if email exists | |
cards_not_exist = [] | |
user_scheduled_cards = list(importcsv.db.scheduledcards.find({"email": current_user}))[0] # Gets the email. | |
#print(user_revision_cards) | |
for card in data["revisioncards"]: # Checks if the revision card exists in the database. | |
if card not in user_scheduled_cards["revisioncards"]: | |
cards_not_exist.append(card) # If not, add it to the list. | |
#cards_that_exist.append(card) | |
if cards_not_exist != []: | |
new_cards = cards_not_exist + user_scheduled_cards["revisioncards"] # adds new cards to the list. | |
user_scheduled_cards["revisioncards"] = new_cards # Updates the list. | |
del user_scheduled_cards["_id"] | |
user_scheduled_cards["email"] = current_user # Sets the email to the current user. | |
importcsv.db.scheduledcards.delete_many({"email":current_user}) # Allows data to be updated. | |
importcsv.db.scheduledcards.insert_one(user_scheduled_cards) # Inserts the new data. | |
return {"message":"revision cards scheduled"} | |
elif cards_not_exist == []: # If the cards are already in the database, return a message. | |
return {"message":"revision cards already scheduled"} | |
elif not email_exists: | |
data["email"] = current_user | |
importcsv.db.scheduledcards.insert_one(data) | |
return {"message": "revision card scheduled"} | |
except Exception as ex: | |
print(type(ex),ex) | |
# DELETE # allow all origins all methods. | |
async def unscheduleallrevisioncard(authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
current_user = secure_decode(authorization.replace("Bearer ",""))["email"] | |
if current_user: | |
try: | |
email_exists = importcsv.db.scheduledcards.find_one({"email":current_user}) | |
if email_exists: # Checks if email exists | |
user_revision_cards = list(importcsv.db.scheduledcards.find({"email": current_user}))[0] | |
user_revision_cards["revisioncards"] = [] | |
importcsv.db.scheduledcards.delete_many({"email":current_user}) | |
importcsv.db.scheduledcards.insert_one(user_revision_cards) | |
return {"message":"Allrevision card unscheduled"} | |
except Exception as ex: | |
return {f"error":f"{type(ex)},{str(ex)}"} | |
# POST # allow all origins all methods. | |
async def unschedulerevisioncard(data : JSONStructure = None, authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
current_user = secure_decode(authorization.replace("Bearer ",""))["email"] | |
if current_user: | |
try: | |
data = dict(data)#request.get_json() | |
email_exists = importcsv.db.scheduledcards.find_one({"email":current_user}) | |
if email_exists: # Checks if email exists | |
user_revision_cards = list(importcsv.db.scheduledcards.find({"email": current_user}))[0] | |
for card in user_revision_cards["revisioncards"]: | |
if card == data: | |
user_revision_cards["revisioncards"].remove(card) | |
importcsv.db.scheduledcards.delete_many({"email":current_user}) | |
importcsv.db.scheduledcards.insert_one(user_revision_cards) | |
return {"message":"revision card unscheduled"} | |
except Exception as ex: | |
return {f"error":f"{type(ex)},{str(ex)}"} | |
# POST # allow all origins all methods. | |
async def sendnowrevisioncard(data : JSONStructure = None, authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
try: | |
current_user = secure_decode(authorization.replace("Bearer ",""))["email"] | |
if current_user: | |
data = dict(data)#request.get_json() | |
now ="%c") | |
message = f"""{data['revisioncards'][0]['revisioncardtitle']}{data["revisioncards"][0]["revisioncard"]}""" | |
response ="",json={"raspsendemail":{"email":data["sendtoemail"],"message":message,"subject":f"{data['revisioncards'][0]['subject']} Send Now"}}) | |
#print(response.text) | |
#msg = Message(f"{data['revisioncards'][0]['subject']} Send Now", recipients=[data["sendtoemail"]]) # "" | |
#msg.body = f"Mail from RevisionCard Send Now at {now}" | |
#if "!DOCTYPE" not in data["revisioncards"][0]["revisioncard"] or "h1" not in data["revisioncards"][0]["revisioncard"]: | |
# msg.html = f"""<pre>{data['revisioncards'][0]['revisioncardtitle']} | |
# {data["revisioncards"][0]["revisioncard"]}</pre>""" | |
#elif "!DOCTYPE" in data["revisioncards"][0]["revisioncard"] or "h1" in data["revisioncards"][0]["revisioncard"]: | |
# msg.html = f""" | |
# {data['revisioncards'][0]['revisioncardtitle']} | |
# {data["revisioncards"][0]["revisioncard"]} | |
# """ | |
#print(msg) | |
#mail.send(msg) | |
return {"message":"revision card sent"} | |
except Exception as ex: | |
return {f"error":f"{type(ex)},{str(ex)}"} | |
# GET # allow all origins all methods. | |
async def checkschedulerevisioncard(authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
current_user = secure_decode(authorization.replace("Bearer ",""))["email"] | |
if current_user: | |
try: | |
email_exists = importcsv.db.scheduledcards.find_one({"email":current_user}) | |
if email_exists: # Checks if email exists | |
user_scheduled_cards = list(importcsv.db.scheduledcards.find({"email": current_user}))[0] | |
del user_scheduled_cards["_id"],user_scheduled_cards["email"],user_scheduled_cards["revisionscheduleinterval"],user_scheduled_cards["sendtoemail"] | |
return user_scheduled_cards | |
elif not email_exists: | |
return {"message":"revision cards not scheduled"} # Send in shape of data | |
except Exception as ex: | |
return {f"error":f"{type(ex)},{str(ex)}"} | |
# POST # allow all origins all methods. | |
async def fmathsqp(data : JSONStructure = None, authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
current_user = secure_decode(authorization.replace("Bearer ",""))["email"] # outputs the email of the user | |
if current_user: | |
datajson = dict(data)#request.get_json() | |
try: | |
main_qp_url = "" | |
data = datajson["furthermaths"] | |
email = data["email"] | |
book_inp = data["furthermathsbook"] | |
topic_inp = data["furthermathstopic"] | |
platform = data["platform"] | |
qp_sections = {"Core":["c1",'c2','c3','c4'],"Mechanics":['m1','m2','m3','m4','m5'],"Statistics":['s1','s2','s3','s4'],'Further Pure':['fp1','fp2','fp3'],'Decision Maths':['d1','d2']} | |
if "c".lower() in book_inp.lower(): | |
book_choice = "c" | |
elif "m".lower() in book_inp.lower(): | |
book_choice = "m" | |
elif "s".lower() in book_inp.lower(): | |
book_choice = "s" | |
elif "fp".lower() in book_inp.lower(): | |
book_choice = "fp" | |
elif "d".lower() in book_inp.lower(): | |
book_choice = "d" | |
elif "a".lower() in book_inp.lower(): | |
book_choice = "a" | |
else: | |
return {"result": "doesn't exist"} | |
if book_choice != "a": | |
endpoints = [endpoint for val in qp_sections.values() for endpoint in val if book_choice in endpoint] | |
elif book_choice == "a": | |
endpoints = [endpoint for val in qp_sections.values() for endpoint in val] | |
pdf_result = [] | |
pdf_titles = [] | |
def qp_extraction(qp_url,end): | |
headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:66.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/66.0","Accept-Encoding": "gzip, async deflate", "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8","DNT": "1", "Connection": "close", "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests": "1"} | |
response_topic = requests.get(f"{qp_url}/{end}-by-topic/",headers=headers).text | |
#if "This site is currently under going scheduled maintenance." in response_topic: | |
# return {"error":"Physics maths tutor is in maintenance mode."} | |
soup = BeautifulSoup(response_topic,features='lxml') | |
for child in soup.find_all(['a'],href=True): | |
if topic_inp.lower() in str(child.text).lower(): | |
pdf_url = child['href'] | |
#print(pdf_url) | |
#print(f'{str(child.text).capitalize()}.pdf') | |
pdf_titles.append(f'{str(child.text).capitalize()}.pdf') | |
pdf_result.append(pdf_url) | |
#response = requests.get(pdf_url) | |
#pdf_result.append(str(response.content).replace("b'","").replace("'","")) | |
#print(endpoints) | |
def topic_extraction(end): | |
qp_extraction(main_qp_url,end) | |
def threads_url(data : JSONStructure = None, authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
#threads = 60 # 20 # TODO Number of threads may be blowing up the router. | |
threads = 4 | |
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=threads) as executor: #max_workers=threads | |,endpoints) | |
threads_url() | |
message = """ | |
The Further Maths question papers, email has been sent to you: | |
""" | |
linkmessage = """ | |
The Further Maths question papers links: | |
""" | |
#random.shuffle(pdf_result) | |
#random.shuffle(pdf_titles) | |
if pdf_result != []: | |
if len(pdf_result) > 5: | |
pdf_slice = round(len(pdf_result) * (100/100)) | |
else: | |
pdf_slice = round(len(pdf_result) * (100/100)) | |
for link,title in zip(pdf_result[:pdf_slice],pdf_titles[:pdf_slice]): | |
linkmessage += "<br>" | |
linkmessage += f"{title}" + "<br>" | |
linkmessage += link.replace(" ",'%20') + "<br>" | |
for i in pdf_titles: | |
message += "\n" | |
message += i + "\n" | |
user_from_db = check_user_from_db(current_user) | |
student_email_exists = importcsv.db.studentsubscriptions.find_one({"email":current_user}) | |
if "end_date_subscription" in user_from_db: | |
end_date = getendsubscription(current_user) | |
if user_from_db["emailsleft"] <= 0: | |
if platform == "app": | |
pdf_response = {"furthermathsresult":{"furthermathsmessage":message}} # "furthermathslinks":pdf_result,"furthermathstitles":pdf_titles,"furthermathslinkmessage":linkmessage | |
elif platform == "web": | |
pdf_response = {"furthermathsresult":{"furthermathsmessage":linkmessage,"emailcount":0,"end_date_subscription":end_date}}# "furthermathslinks":pdf_result,"furthermathstitles":pdf_titles,"furthermathslinkmessage":linkmessage | |
return pdf_response | |
elif user_from_db["emailsleft"] > 0: | |
now ="%c") | |
message = f""" | |
<h1>The Further Maths question papers links:</h1> | |
<p>{linkmessage}</p>. | |
""" | |
response ="",json={"raspsendemail":{"email":email,"message":message,"subject":"FMathqp PDFs"}}) | |
#msg = Message("FMathqp PDFs", recipients=[email]) # "" | |
#msg.body = f"Mail from FMathqp at {now}" | |
#msg.html = f""" | |
#<h1>The Further Maths question papers links:</h1> | |
#<p>{linkmessage}</p>. | |
#""" | |
#mail.send(msg) | |
user_from_db.update({"emailsleft":int(user_from_db["emailsleft"])-1}) | |
importcsv.db.users.update_one({"email": current_user}, {"$set": user_from_db},upsert=True) | |
if platform == "app": | |
pdf_response = {"furthermathsresult":{"furthermathsmessage":message}} # "furthermathslinks":pdf_result,"furthermathstitles":pdf_titles,"furthermathslinkmessage":linkmessage | |
elif platform == "web": | |
pdf_response = {"furthermathsresult":{"furthermathsmessage":linkmessage,"emailcount":int(user_from_db["emailsleft"])-1,"end_date_subscription":end_date}} | |
return pdf_response | |
elif "end_date_subscription" not in user_from_db and not student_email_exists: | |
if platform == "app": | |
pdf_response = {"furthermathsresult":{"furthermathsmessage":message}} # "furthermathslinks":pdf_result,"furthermathstitles":pdf_titles,"furthermathslinkmessage":linkmessage | |
elif platform == "web": | |
pdf_response = {"furthermathsresult":{"furthermathsmessage":linkmessage,"emailcount":0,"end_date_subscription":99999999}}# "furthermathslinks":pdf_result,"furthermathstitles":pdf_titles,"furthermathslinkmessage":linkmessage | |
return pdf_response | |
elif "end_date_subscription" not in user_from_db and student_email_exists: | |
if user_from_db["emailsleft"] <= 0: | |
if platform == "app": | |
pdf_response = {"furthermathsresult":{"furthermathsmessage":message}} # "furthermathslinks":pdf_result,"furthermathstitles":pdf_titles,"furthermathslinkmessage":linkmessage | |
elif platform == "web": | |
pdf_response = {"furthermathsresult":{"furthermathsmessage":linkmessage,"emailcount":0,"end_date_subscription":end_date}}# "furthermathslinks":pdf_result,"furthermathstitles":pdf_titles,"furthermathslinkmessage":linkmessage | |
return pdf_response | |
elif user_from_db["emailsleft"] > 0: | |
now ="%c") | |
message = f""" | |
<h1>The Further Maths question papers links:</h1> | |
<p>{linkmessage}</p>. | |
""" | |
response ="",json={"raspsendemail":{"email":email,"message":message,"subject":"FMathqp PDFs"}}) | |
user_from_db.update({"emailsleft":int(user_from_db["emailsleft"])-1}) | |
importcsv.db.studentsubscriptions.update_one({"email": current_user}, {"$set": user_from_db},upsert=True) | |
if platform == "app": | |
pdf_response = {"furthermathsresult":{"furthermathsmessage":message}} # "furthermathslinks":pdf_result,"furthermathstitles":pdf_titles,"furthermathslinkmessage":linkmessage | |
elif platform == "web": | |
pdf_response = {"furthermathsresult":{"furthermathsmessage":linkmessage,"emailcount":int(user_from_db["emailsleft"])-1,"end_date_subscription":99999999}}# "furthermathslinks":pdf_result,"furthermathstitles":pdf_titles,"furthermathslinkmessage":linkmessage | |
return pdf_response | |
elif pdf_result == []: | |
return {"error":"No further maths question papers available"} | |
except Exception as e: | |
return {f"error":f"{type(e)},{str(e)}"} | |
else: | |
return {"message": "Login first please."} | |
# POST # allow all origins all methods. | |
async def fmathsb(data : JSONStructure = None, authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
#pure maths: 0, statistics mechanics: 1, core pure maths: 2, further pure maths: 3, further statistics: 4, further mechanics: 5, decision maths: 6" | |
# year/book: 1, year/book: 2 | |
# {"furthermathsb":{"email":"","furthermathsbbook": 0,"furthermathsbyear":2}} | |
# Output PureMaths Book 2 | |
current_user = secure_decode(authorization.replace("Bearer ",""))["email"] # outputs the email of the user | |
if current_user: | |
try: | |
sb_books_list = {"0":"pure-maths","1":"statistics-mechanics","2":"core-pure-maths","3":"further-pure-maths","4":"further-statistics","5":"further-mechanics","6":"decision-maths"} | |
datajson = dict(data)#request.get_json() | |
data = datajson["furthermathsb"] | |
email = data["email"] | |
sb_book_inp = str(data["furthermathsbbook"]) | |
sb_year_inp = str(data["furthermathsbyear"]) | |
sb_exercise = str(data["furthermathsbexercise"]) | |
platform = data["platform"] | |
sb_book = sb_books_list[str(sb_book_inp)] | |
sb_year = str(sb_year_inp) | |
if sb_book == "pure-maths" or sb_book == "statistics-mechanics": | |
sb_url = f"{sb_book}-year-{sb_year}/" | |
#print(sb_url) | |
else: | |
sb_url = f"{sb_book}-{sb_year}/" | |
book_dir_name = f"{sb_book}{str(sb_year)}".capitalize() | |
response = requests.get(sb_url).text | |
soup = BeautifulSoup(response,features='lxml') | |
soup_a_tags = soup.find_all(['a'],href=True) | |
sb_result = [] | |
sb_titles = [] | |
async def sb_extraction(child): | |
if "Exercise" in child.text and sb_exercise.upper() in child.text: | |
print(child.text) | |
pdf_url = child['href'] | |
#response = requests.get(pdf_url) | |
sb_titles.append(f'{book_dir_name}-{str(child.text).capitalize()}.pdf') | |
sb_result.append(pdf_url) | |
async def threads_url(data : JSONStructure = None, authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
#threads = 60 # 20 # TODO Number of threads may be blowing up the router. | |
threads = 4 | |
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=threads) as executor: #max_workers=threads | |,soup_a_tags) | |
threads_url() | |
if sb_result != []: | |
message = """ | |
The Further Maths solution bank, email has been sent to you: | |
""" | |
linkmessage = """ | |
The Further Maths question papers links: | |
""" | |
for link,title in zip(sb_result,sb_titles): | |
linkmessage += "<br>" | |
linkmessage += f"{title}" + "<br>" | |
linkmessage += link.replace(" ",'%20') + "<br>" | |
for i in sb_titles: | |
message += "\n" | |
message += i + "\n" | |
user_from_db = check_user_from_db(current_user) | |
student_email_exists = importcsv.db.studentsubscriptions.find_one({"email":current_user}) | |
if "end_date_subscription" in user_from_db: | |
end_date = getendsubscription(current_user) | |
if user_from_db["emailsleft"] <= 0: | |
if platform == "app": | |
pdf_response = {"furthermathsresult":{"furthermathsmessage":message}} # "furthermathslinks":pdf_result,"furthermathstitles":pdf_titles,"furthermathslinkmessage":linkmessage | |
elif platform == "web": | |
pdf_response = {"furthermathsresult":{"furthermathsmessage":linkmessage,"emailcount":0,"end_date_subscription":end_date}}# "furthermathslinks":pdf_result,"furthermathstitles":pdf_titles,"furthermathslinkmessage":linkmessage | |
return pdf_response | |
elif user_from_db["emailsleft"] > 0: | |
now ="%c") | |
message = f""" | |
<h1>The Further Maths Solution Bank links:</h1> | |
<p>{linkmessage}</p>. | |
""" | |
response ="",json={"raspsendemail":{"email":email,"message":message,"subject":"FMathSB PDFs"}}) | |
#msg = Message("FMathSB PDFs", recipients=[email]) # "" | |
#msg.body = f"Mail from FMathsb at {now}" | |
#msg.html = f""" | |
#<h1>The Further Maths Solution Bank links:</h1> | |
#<p>{linkmessage}</p>. | |
#""" | |
#mail.send(msg) | |
emailcount = int(user_from_db["emailsleft"])-1 | |
user_from_db.update({"emailsleft":emailcount}) | |
importcsv.db.users.update_one({"email": current_user}, {"$set": user_from_db},upsert=True) | |
if platform == "app": | |
pdf_response = {"furthermathsresult":{"furthermathsmessage":message}} # "furthermathslinks":pdf_result,"furthermathstitles":pdf_titles,"furthermathslinkmessage":linkmessage | |
elif platform == "web": | |
pdf_response = {"furthermathsresult":{"furthermathsmessage":linkmessage,"emailcount":emailcount,"end_date_subscription":end_date}}# "furthermathslinks":pdf_result,"furthermathstitles":pdf_titles,"furthermathslinkmessage":linkmessage | |
return pdf_response | |
elif "end_date_subscription" not in user_from_db and not student_email_exists: | |
if platform == "app": | |
pdf_response = {"furthermathsresult":{"furthermathsmessage":message}} # "furthermathslinks":pdf_result,"furthermathstitles":pdf_titles,"furthermathslinkmessage":linkmessage | |
elif platform == "web": | |
pdf_response = {"furthermathsresult":{"furthermathsmessage":linkmessage,"emailcount":0,"end_date_subscription":9999999}}# "furthermathslinks":pdf_result,"furthermathstitles":pdf_titles,"furthermathslinkmessage":linkmessage | |
return pdf_response | |
elif "end_date_subscription" not in user_from_db and student_email_exists: | |
if user_from_db["emailsleft"] <= 0: | |
if platform == "app": | |
pdf_response = {"furthermathsresult":{"furthermathsmessage":message}} # "furthermathslinks":pdf_result,"furthermathstitles":pdf_titles,"furthermathslinkmessage":linkmessage | |
elif platform == "web": | |
pdf_response = {"furthermathsresult":{"furthermathsmessage":linkmessage,"emailcount":0,"end_date_subscription":end_date}}# "furthermathslinks":pdf_result,"furthermathstitles":pdf_titles,"furthermathslinkmessage":linkmessage | |
return pdf_response | |
elif user_from_db["emailsleft"] > 0: | |
now ="%c") | |
message = f""" | |
<h1>The Further Maths Solution Bank links:</h1> | |
<p>{linkmessage}</p>. | |
""" | |
response ="",json={"raspsendemail":{"email":email,"message":message,"subject":"FMathSB PDFs"}}) | |
user_from_db.update({"emailsleft":int(user_from_db["emailsleft"])-1}) | |
importcsv.db.studentsubscriptions.update_one({"email": current_user}, {"$set": user_from_db},upsert=True) | |
if platform == "app": | |
pdf_response = {"furthermathsresult":{"furthermathsmessage":message}} # "furthermathslinks":pdf_result,"furthermathstitles":pdf_titles,"furthermathslinkmessage":linkmessage | |
elif platform == "web": | |
pdf_response = {"furthermathsresult":{"furthermathsmessage":linkmessage,"emailcount":int(user_from_db["emailsleft"])-1,"end_date_subscription":9999999}}# "furthermathslinks":pdf_result,"furthermathstitles":pdf_titles,"furthermathslinkmessage":linkmessage | |
return pdf_response | |
elif sb_result == []: | |
return {f"error":f"No further maths solution bank for {sb_book} {sb_year}"} | |
except Exception as e: | |
return {f"error":f"{type(e)},{str(e)}"} | |
else: | |
return {"message": "Login first please."} | |
# POST # allow all origins all methods. | |
async def scienceocranswers(data : JSONStructure = None, authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
current_user = secure_decode(authorization.replace("Bearer ",""))["email"] # outputs the email of the user | |
if current_user: | |
datajson = dict(data)#request.get_json() | |
async def ocrscienceanswers(querydata): | |
examboards = "OCR" | |
url = "" | |
physicsanswerspdf = {} | |
response= requests.get(url).text | |
soup = BeautifulSoup(response,features='lxml') | |
for divele in soup.find_all('div',{'class':'content_block half_width enclosed'}): # inner_block text_only_single ## | |
if querydata in divele.text: | |
for a in divele.find_all("a",href=True): | |
if a["href"] != "?region=uk": | |
physicsanswerspdf.update({a.text.replace("\xa0",' '): a["href"].replace("?region=uk",'')}) | |
result = {querydata:{examboards:physicsanswerspdf}} | |
return result | |
try: | |
data = datajson["physicsocr"] | |
email = data["email"] | |
subject = data["subject"] # physics, chemistry, biology | |
physicsocralph = data["physicsocralph"] # A or B | |
chapter = data["chapter"] # Chapter 1 | |
year = data["year"] # AS/Year 1, A Level | |
platform = data["platform"] # web or app | |
query = f"{subject.capitalize()} {physicsocralph} {year}" | |
papers = ocrscienceanswers(query) | |
answerlink = papers[query]["OCR"][f"{chapter.capitalize()} (PDF)"].replace(" ",'%20') | |
user_from_db = check_user_from_db(current_user) | |
student_email_exists = importcsv.db.studentsubscriptions.find_one({"email":current_user}) | |
if "end_date_subscription" in user_from_db: | |
end_date = getendsubscription(current_user) | |
if user_from_db["emailsleft"] <= 0: | |
result = {"scienceocranswers": answerlink,"emailcount":0,"end_date_subscription":end_date} | |
return result | |
elif user_from_db["emailsleft"] > 0: | |
now ="%c") | |
message = f""" | |
<h1>OCR Science {query} Answers:</h1> | |
<p>{answerlink}</p>. | |
""" | |
response ="",json={"raspsendemail":{"email":email,"message":message,"subject":f"OCR {query} Answers"}}) | |
#msg = Message(f"OCR {query} Answers", recipients=[email]) # "" | |
#msg.body = f"Mail from {query} at {now}" | |
#msg.html = f""" | |
#<h1>OCR Science {query} Answers:</h1> | |
#<p>{answerlink}</p>. | |
#""" | |
#mail.send(msg) | |
emailcount = int(user_from_db["emailsleft"])-1 | |
user_from_db.update({"emailsleft":emailcount}) | |
importcsv.db.users.update_one({"email": current_user}, {"$set": user_from_db},upsert=True) | |
result = {"scienceocranswers": answerlink,"emailcount":emailcount,"end_date_subscription":end_date} | |
return result | |
elif "end_date_subscription" not in user_from_db and not student_email_exists: | |
result = {"scienceocranswers": answerlink,"emailcount":0,"end_date_subscription":9999999} | |
return result | |
elif "end_date_subscription" not in user_from_db and student_email_exists: | |
if user_from_db["emailsleft"] <= 0: | |
result = {"scienceocranswers": answerlink,"emailcount":0,"end_date_subscription":end_date} | |
return result | |
elif user_from_db["emailsleft"] > 0: | |
now ="%c") | |
message = f""" | |
<h1>OCR Science {query} Answers:</h1> | |
<p>{answerlink}</p>. | |
""" | |
response ="",json={"raspsendemail":{"email":email,"message":message,"subject":f"OCR {query} Answers"}}) | |
user_from_db.update({"emailsleft":int(user_from_db["emailsleft"])-1}) | |
importcsv.db.studentsubscriptions.update_one({"email": current_user}, {"$set": user_from_db},upsert=True) | |
result = {"scienceocranswers": answerlink,"emailcount":int(user_from_db["emailsleft"])-1,"end_date_subscription":9999999} | |
return result | |
except Exception as e: | |
return {f"error":f"{type(e)},{str(e)}"} | |
else: | |
return {"message": "Login first please."} | |
# POST # allow all origins all methods. | |
async def physicsaqa(data : JSONStructure = None, authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
current_user = secure_decode(authorization.replace("Bearer ",""))["email"] # outputs the email of the user | |
if current_user: | |
try: | |
datajson = dict(data)#request.get_json() | |
topicquestions = PhysicsAQA().collectdata() | |
data = datajson["physicsaqa"] | |
email = data["email"] | |
chapter = data["chapter"] # Section 1: Measurement & Their Errors | |
topic = data["topic"] # Constituents of the Atom or The Law of the Atom | |
platform = data["platform"] # web or app | |
try: | |
questionpaper = topicquestions[chapter][topic] | |
except Exception as ex: | |
return {"error":"chapter or topic not found"} | |
try: | |
markscheme = topicquestions[chapter][f"{topic} MS"] | |
except Exception as ex: | |
return {"error":"chapter or topic mark scheme not found"} | |
user_from_db = check_user_from_db(current_user) | |
student_email_exists = importcsv.db.studentsubscriptions.find_one({"email":current_user}) | |
if "end_date_subscription" in user_from_db: | |
end_date = getendsubscription(current_user) | |
if user_from_db["emailsleft"] <= 0: | |
return {"physicsaqa":{"chapter":chapter,"topic":topic,"question paper":questionpaper,"markscheme":markscheme,"emailcount":emailcount,"end_date_subscription":end_date}} | |
elif user_from_db["emailsleft"] > 0: | |
now ="%c") | |
message = f""" | |
<h1>PhysicsAqa Question Papers:</h1> | |
<p>{questionpaper}</p> | |
<p>{markscheme}</p>. | |
""" | |
response ="",json={"raspsendemail":{"email":email,"message":message,"subject":f"PhysicsAqa Papers"}}) | |
#msg = Message(f"PhysicsAqa Papers", recipients=[email]) # "" | |
#msg.body = f"Mail from physicsaqaApi at {now}" | |
#msg.html = f""" | |
#<h1>PhysicsAqa Question Papers:</h1> | |
#<p>{questionpaper}</p> | |
#<p>{markscheme}</p>. | |
#""" | |
#mail.send(msg) | |
emailcount = int(user_from_db["emailsleft"])-1 | |
user_from_db.update({"emailsleft":emailcount}) | |
importcsv.db.users.update_one({"email": current_user}, {"$set": user_from_db},upsert=True) | |
return {"physicsaqa":{"chapter":chapter,"topic":topic,"question paper":questionpaper,"markscheme":markscheme,"emailcount":emailcount,"end_date_subscription":end_date}} | |
elif "end_date_subscription" not in user_from_db and not student_email_exists: | |
return {"physicsaqa":{"chapter":chapter,"topic":topic,"question paper":questionpaper,"markscheme":markscheme,"emailcount":0,"end_date_subscription":9999999}} | |
# If it is a student account | |
elif "end_date_subscription" not in user_from_db and student_email_exists: | |
# Check number of emails left | |
if user_from_db["emailsleft"] <= 0: | |
return {"physicsaqa":{"chapter":chapter,"topic":topic,"question paper":questionpaper,"markscheme":markscheme,"emailcount":emailcount,"end_date_subscription":end_date}} | |
elif user_from_db["emailsleft"] > 0: | |
now ="%c") | |
message = f""" | |
<h1>PhysicsAqa Question Papers:</h1> | |
<p>{questionpaper}</p> | |
<p>{markscheme}</p>. | |
""" | |
response ="",json={"raspsendemail":{"email":email,"message":message,"subject":f"PhysicsAqa Papers"}}) | |
user_from_db.update({"emailsleft":int(user_from_db["emailsleft"])-1}) | |
importcsv.db.studentsubscriptions.update_one({"email": current_user}, {"$set": user_from_db},upsert=True) | |
return {"physicsaqa":{"chapter":chapter,"topic":topic,"question paper":questionpaper,"markscheme":markscheme,"emailcount":int(user_from_db["emailsleft"])-1,"end_date_subscription":9999999}} | |
except TypeError as tex: | |
return {f"error":f"request is wrong shape {tex}"} | |
except Exception as ex: | |
return {f"error":f"{type(ex)} {str(ex)}"} | |
else: | |
return {"message": "Login first please."} | |
# POST | |
async def signup(data: JSONStructure = None): | |
try: | |
signupdata = {} | |
data = dict(data) | |
print(data) | |
hashed = hashlib.sha256(data["password"].encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() | |
signupdata["email"] = data["email"] | |
signupdata["password"] = hashed | |
print(signupdata["email"]) | |
email_exists = importcsv.db.users.find_one({"email": signupdata["email"]}) | |
email_exists_student = importcsv.db.studentsubscriptions.find_one({"email": signupdata["email"]}) # Checks if student account exists | |
if email_exists or email_exists_student: | |
return {"message": "Email already exists"} # , 400 | |
elif not email_exists: | |
# Notifies who are the beta testers | |
#if < "2022-05-19T21:37:00.057084": | |
# signupdata.update({"betatest":"true"}) | |
importcsv.db.users.insert_one(signupdata) | |
access_token = secure_encode({{"email":signupdata["email"]}})#create_access_token(identity=signupdata["email"]) | |
callback = {"status": "success","id": str(signupdata["_id"]),"access_token":access_token} | |
return callback | |
except Exception as ex: | |
error_detected = {"error": "error occured","errortype":type(ex), "error": str(ex)} | |
return error_detected | |
# POST | |
async def login(login_details: JSONStructure = None): # ,authorization: str = Header(None) | |
# Login API | |
try: | |
def provide_access_token(login_details,student=0): | |
if student == 0: | |
email_exists = list(importcsv.db.users.find({"email": login_details["email"]}))[0] | |
elif student == 1: | |
email_exists = list(importcsv.db.studentsubscriptions.find({"email": login_details["email"]}))[0] | |
encrypted_password = hashlib.sha256(login_details["password"].encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() | |
if email_exists["password"] == encrypted_password: | |
access_token = secure_encode({"email":email_exists["email"]}) #create_access_token(identity=email_exists["email"]) | |
return access_token | |
else: | |
return "Wrong password" | |
login_details = dict(login_details) | |
#print(login_details) | |
email_exists = importcsv.db.users.find_one({"email": login_details["email"]}) | |
email_exists_student = importcsv.db.studentsubscriptions.find_one({"email": login_details["email"]}) # Checks if student account exists | |
if email_exists: | |
access_token = provide_access_token(login_details,student=0) | |
if access_token == "Wrong password": | |
return {"message": "The username or password is incorrect."} | |
else: | |
return {"access_token": access_token} | |
elif email_exists_student: | |
access_token = provide_access_token(login_details,student=1) | |
if access_token == "Wrong password": | |
return {"message": "The username or password is incorrect."} | |
else: | |
return {"access_token": access_token} | |
return {"message": "The username or password is incorrect."} | |
except Exception as ex: | |
return {"error": f"{type(ex)} {str(ex)}"} | |
# | |
# POST | |
async def forgotpassword(data : JSONStructure = None, authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
# Login API | |
data = dict(data)#request.get_json() | |
try: | |
#print(data["email"]) | |
access_token = secure_decode(data["email"]) #create_access_token(identity=data["email"]) | |
# store token in database temporarily | |
now ="%c") | |
response ="",json={"raspsendemail":{"email":data["email"],"message":forgotpasswordemail(data["email"],access_token),"subject":f"RevsionBank Password Reset"}}) | |
#msg = Message(f"RevsionBank Password Reset", recipients=[data["email"]]) # "" | |
#msg.body = f"Mail from RevisionBank at {now}" | |
#msg.html = forgotpasswordemail(data["email"],access_token) | |
#mail.send(msg) | |
return {"message": "Reset Email sent"} | |
except Exception as ex: | |
return {"error": f"{type(ex)} {str(ex)}"} | |
# PUT | |
async def resetpassword(data : JSONStructure = None, authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
current_user = secure_decode(authorization.replace("Bearer ",""))["email"] | |
if current_user: | |
try: | |
data = dict(data)#request.get_json() | |
email_exists = importcsv.db.users.find_one({"email": current_user}) | |
#print(email_exists) | |
if email_exists: | |
user_from_db = list(importcsv.db.users.find({"email": current_user}))[0] | |
#print(user_from_db) | |
# TODO Delete password from here and replace. | |
importcsv.db.users.delete_many(user_from_db) | |
del user_from_db["password"] | |
encrypted_password = hashlib.sha256(data["password"].encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() | |
user_from_db.update({"password": encrypted_password}) | |
importcsv.db.users.insert_one(user_from_db) | |
return {"message": "Password reset successful."} | |
elif not email_exists: | |
return {"message": "Email Doesn't exist."} | |
except Exception as ex: | |
return {"error": f"{type(ex)} {str(ex)}"} | |
# POST | |
async def storesubscription(data : JSONStructure = None, authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
current_user = secure_decode(authorization.replace("Bearer ",""))["email"] # outputs the email of the user | |
if current_user: | |
try: | |
data = dict(data)#request.get_json() | |
user_from_db = list(importcsv.db.users.find({"email": current_user}))[0] # Gets wanted data for user | |
if data["subscription"] == 'basic': | |
emailsleft = {'emailsleft': 0} | |
elif data["subscription"] == 'standard': | |
emailsleft = {'emailsleft': 40} | |
elif data["subscription"] == 'premium' or data["subscription"] == 'educational': | |
emailsleft = {'emailsleft': 10000000000} | |
if data["subscription"] == "educational": | |
user_from_db.update({"numofaccounts": 200}) # TODO Constant Value needs to be changed when frontend is changed | |
user_from_db.update({"start_date_subscription": data["start_date_subscription"]}) | |
user_from_db.update({"end_date_subscription": data["end_date_subscription"]}) | |
user_from_db.update({"subscription": data["subscription"]}) # Updates the user with the new subscription | |
user_from_db.update(emailsleft) | |
importcsv.db.users.update_one( { "email": current_user}, {"$set": user_from_db}, upsert = True ) | |
importcsv.db.subscriptionlog.insert_one({"email": user_from_db["email"],"start_date_subscription": data["start_date_subscription"], "end_date_subscription": data["end_date_subscription"], "subscription": data["subscription"], "emailsleft": emailsleft["emailsleft"]}) | |
return {"message": "Subscription Completed."} | |
except Exception as ex: | |
return {"error": f"{type(ex)}-{ex}"} | |
else: | |
return {"message": "User not found"} | |
# POST # | |
async def storebetatester(data : JSONStructure = None, authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
data = dict(data)#request.get_json() | |
emailsleft = {'emailsleft': 10000000000} | |
email_exists = importcsv.db.users.find_one({"email": data["email"]}) | |
if email_exists: | |
user_from_db = list(importcsv.db.users.find({"email": data["email"]}))[0] # Gets wanted data for user | |
#user_from_db.update({"numofaccounts": 200}) # TODO Constant Value needs to be changed when frontend is changed | |
date_now = | |
datetime_delta = dt.timedelta(weeks=2) | |
user_from_db.update({"start_date_subscription": date_now.isoformat()}) | |
user_from_db.update({"end_date_subscription": (datetime_delta + date_now).isoformat()}) | |
user_from_db.update({"subscription": "premium"}) # Updates the user with the new subscription | |
user_from_db.update(emailsleft) | |
user_from_db.update({"betatester": "true"}) | |
importcsv.db.users.update_one( { "email": data["email"]}, {"$set": user_from_db}, upsert = True ) | |
#importcsv.db.subscriptionlog.insert_one({"email": user_from_db["email"],"start_date_subscription": data["start_date_subscription"], "end_date_subscription": data["end_date_subscription"], "subscription": data["subscription"], "emailsleft": emailsleft["emailsleft"]}) | |
return {"message": "Beta Tester Subscription Completed."} | |
elif not email_exists: | |
return {"message": "User not found"} | |
# POST # | |
async def storeeducationalfreetrial(data : JSONStructure = None, authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
data = dict(data)#request.get_json() | |
try: | |
emailsleft = {'emailsleft': 10000000000} | |
email_exists = importcsv.db.users.find_one({"email": data["email"]}) | |
if email_exists: | |
user_from_db = list(importcsv.db.users.find({"email": data["email"]}))[0] # Gets wanted data for user | |
#user_from_db.update({"numofaccounts": 200}) # TODO Constant Value needs to be changed when frontend is changed | |
date_now = | |
decimal_part = float(3 / 7) | |
datetime_delta = dt.timedelta(weeks=4 + decimal_part) | |
user_from_db.update({"start_date_subscription": date_now.isoformat()}) | |
user_from_db.update({"numofaccounts": 200}) | |
user_from_db.update({"end_date_subscription": (datetime_delta + date_now).isoformat()}) | |
user_from_db.update({"subscription": "educational"}) # Updates the user with the new subscription | |
user_from_db.update(emailsleft) | |
importcsv.db.users.update_one( { "email": data["email"]}, {"$set": user_from_db}, upsert = True ) | |
#importcsv.db.subscriptionlog.insert_one({"email": user_from_db["email"],"start_date_subscription": data["start_date_subscription"], "end_date_subscription": data["end_date_subscription"], "subscription": data["subscription"], "emailsleft": emailsleft["emailsleft"]}) | |
return {"message": "Educational Freetrial Subscription Completed."} | |
elif not email_exists: | |
return {"message": "User not found"} | |
except Exception as ex: | |
return {"error": f"{type(ex)}-{ex}"} | |
# POST # | |
async def scheduleeducationalfreetrial(data : JSONStructure = None, authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
data = dict(data)#request.get_json() | |
try: | |
regexdatetime = re.compile(r'\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d') | |
mo =["educationalfreetrialdate"]) | |
educationalfreetrialdate = | |
except AttributeError as aex: | |
return {"error":r"Datetime shape is %Y-%m-%d"} | |
try: | |
email_exists = importcsv.db.users.find_one({"email": data["email"]}) | |
if email_exists: | |
importcsv.db.schedulededucationalfreetrial.insert_one({"email": data["email"],"educationalfreetrialdate":educationalfreetrialdate}) | |
return {"message": "Educational Freetrial Scheduled."} | |
elif not email_exists: | |
return {"message": "User not found"} | |
except Exception as ex: | |
return {"error": f"{type(ex)}-{ex}"} | |
# POST # | |
async def deletescheduleeducationalfreetrial(data : JSONStructure = None, authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
data = dict(data)#request.get_json() | |
current_user = data["email"] | |
current_user = importcsv.db.users.find_one({"email": data["email"]}) | |
if current_user: | |
try: | |
user_from_db = list(importcsv.db.schedulededucationalfreetrial.find({"email": data["email"]}))[0] | |
importcsv.db.schedulededucationalfreetrial.delete_many(user_from_db) | |
return {"message":"Educational Freetrial Unscheduled."} | |
except Exception as ex: | |
return {"error": f"{type(ex)}-{ex}"} | |
# POST # | |
async def removebetatester(data : JSONStructure = None, authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
data = dict(data)#request.get_json() | |
email_exists = importcsv.db.users.find_one({"email": data["email"]}) | |
if email_exists: | |
user_from_db = list(importcsv.db.users.find({"email": data["email"]}))[0] # Gets wanted data for user | |
importcsv.db.users.delete_many(user_from_db) | |
del user_from_db["end_date_subscription"], user_from_db["start_date_subscription"],user_from_db["subscription"],user_from_db["emailsleft"], user_from_db["betatester"] | |
importcsv.db.users.update_one( { "email": data["email"]}, {"$set": user_from_db}, upsert = True ) | |
return {"message": "Beta Tester Subscription Deleted."} | |
elif not email_exists: | |
return {"message": "User not found"} | |
# GET | |
async def getsubscription(authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
current_user = secure_decode(authorization.replace("Bearer ",""))["email"] # outputs the email of the user | |
if current_user: | |
try: | |
user_from_db = list(importcsv.db.users.find({"email": current_user}))[0] # Gets wanted data for user | |
end_date = user_from_db["end_date_subscription"] | |
end_date_subscription = {"end_date_subscription": end_date} | |
return end_date_subscription | |
except Exception as ex: | |
return {"error": f"{type(ex)}-{ex}"} | |
# GET | |
async def getemailcount(authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
current_user = secure_decode(authorization.replace("Bearer ",""))["email"] # outputs the email of the user | |
if current_user: | |
try: | |
user_from_db = list(importcsv.db.users.find({"email": current_user}))[0] # Gets wanted data for user | |
emailcount = user_from_db["emailsleft"] | |
emailcountres = {"emailcount": emailcount} | |
return emailcountres | |
except Exception as ex: | |
return {"error": f"{type(ex)}-{ex}"} | |
# POST | |
async def storefreetrial(data : JSONStructure = None, authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
current_user = secure_decode(authorization.replace("Bearer ",""))["email"] # outputs the email of the user | |
if current_user: | |
try: | |
data = dict(data)#request.get_json() | |
user_from_db = list(importcsv.db.users.find({"email": current_user}))[0] # Gets wanted data for user | |
if 'freetrial' not in user_from_db: | |
user_from_db.update({"freetrial": "true"}) | |
emailsleft = {'emailsleft': 10000000000} | |
user_from_db.update({"start_date_subscription": data["start_date_subscription"]}) | |
user_from_db.update({"end_date_subscription": data["end_date_subscription"]}) | |
user_from_db.update({"subscription": data["subscription"]}) # Updates the user with the new subscription | |
user_from_db.update(emailsleft) | |
importcsv.db.users.update_one( { "email": current_user}, {"$set": user_from_db}, upsert = True ) | |
importcsv.db.users.update_one({"email": current_user}, {"$set": user_from_db}, upsert = True) | |
importcsv.db.freetrialhistory.insert_one({"email": user_from_db["email"],"freetrial":"true"}) | |
return {"message": "Freetrial Redeemed."} | |
elif 'freetrial' in user_from_db: | |
return {"error": "Freetrial has already used."} | |
except Exception as ex: | |
return {"error": f"{type(ex)}-{ex}"} | |
# POST | |
async def setstudentsubscriptions(data : JSONStructure = None, authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
current_user = secure_decode(authorization.replace("Bearer ",""))["email"] # outputs the email of the user | |
if current_user: | |
# Hostemail is the primary key for the studentsubscription collection | |
try: | |
data = dict(data)#request.get_json() | |
# {"hostemail": "","hostnumofaccounts": 198,"studentemails": [{"email": "","password": "mann35"},{"email": "","password": "billy45"},{"email": "","password": "bobby46"}],"studentemailsleft": 20,"studentsubscription": "student educational"} | |
user_from_db = list(importcsv.db.users.find({"email": current_user}))[0] # Host emails data | |
studentsnotexist = [] | |
for student in data["studentemails"]: # data["studentemails"] is a list of dictionaries [{"email":"","password":"password"},{"email":"","password":"password"}] | |
student_user_from_db = importcsv.db.studentsubscriptions.find_one({"email": student["email"]}) # Checks if any of the emails added are in the database | |
if not student_user_from_db: # If the email is not in the database, then we need to store the data into the database | |
studentsnotexist.append(student) # Adds the email to the list of emails that do not exist in the database | |
if studentsnotexist == []: # If all data is already in the database, no need to store it. | |
return {"message": "all students exist."} | |
elif studentsnotexist != []: # If there are emails that are not in the database, we need to store the data into the database | |
if user_from_db["numofaccounts"] > 0: | |
for student in studentsnotexist: # Goes through the emails not in the database | |
encrypted_password = hashlib.sha256(student["password"].encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()# Encrypts the password | |
# Then stores data into the studentsubscriptions collection | |
importcsv.db.studentsubscriptions.insert_one({"hostemail":current_user,"email": student["email"],"password": encrypted_password,"emailsleft": 20,"subscription": "student educational"}) | |
return {"message": "student subscriptions Set."} | |
elif user_from_db["numofaccounts"] <= 0: | |
return {"error": "No more student accounts left."} | |
except Exception as ex: | |
return {"error": f"{type(ex)}-{ex}"} | |
# GET | |
async def getstudentsubscriptions(authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
current_user = secure_decode(authorization.replace("Bearer ",""))["email"] | |
if current_user: | |
try: | |
student_user_from_db = list(importcsv.db.studentsubscriptions.find({"hostemail": current_user})) # [0] | |
user_from_db = list(importcsv.db.users.find({"email": current_user}))[0] | |
for student in student_user_from_db: | |
del student["_id"], student["password"],student["hostemail"],student['subscription'] | |
importcsv.db.users.delete_many(user_from_db) # Deletes the data in order to update it. | |
del user_from_db["numofaccounts"] # Deletes the numofaccounts to update it. | |
user_from_db.update({"numofaccounts": 200 - len(student_user_from_db)}) # Updates the number of accounts | |
importcsv.db.users.insert_one(user_from_db) # inserts updated data into the host emails account | |
return {"result":student_user_from_db} | |
except Exception as ex: | |
return {"error": f"{type(ex)}-{ex}"} | |
# GET | |
async def checkstudentsubscriptions(authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
current_user = secure_decode(authorization.replace("Bearer ",""))["email"] # outputs the email of the user | |
if current_user: | |
try: | |
student_from_db = list(importcsv.db.studentsubscriptions.find({"email": current_user}))[0] # Gets wanted data for user | |
student_subscription = student_from_db["subscription"] | |
student_subscription_json = {"student_subscription": student_subscription} | |
return student_subscription_json | |
except Exception as ex: | |
return {"error": f"{type(ex)}-{ex}"} | |
# POST | |
async def deletestudentaccount(data : JSONStructure = None, authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
current_user = secure_decode(authorization.replace("Bearer ",""))["email"] | |
if current_user: | |
data = dict(data)#request.get_json() | |
try: | |
hostkey = importcsv.db.studentsubscriptions.find_one({"hostemail": current_user}) | |
studentkey = importcsv.db.studentsubscriptions.find_one({"email": data["studentemail"]}) | |
if hostkey and studentkey: | |
importcsv.db.studentsubscriptions.delete_one({"email": data["studentemail"]}) | |
return {"message": "Student account deleted."} | |
else: | |
return {"error": "Student account does not exist."} | |
except Exception as ex: | |
return {"error": f"{type(ex)}-{ex}"} | |
# PUT | |
async def changestudentpassword(data : JSONStructure = None, authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
current_user = secure_decode(authorization.replace("Bearer ",""))["email"] | |
if current_user: | |
data = dict(data)#request.get_json() | |
try: | |
hostkey = importcsv.db.studentsubscriptions.find_one({"hostemail": current_user}) | |
studentkey = importcsv.db.studentsubscriptions.find_one({"email": data["studentemail"]}) | |
if hostkey and studentkey: | |
student_user_from_db = list(importcsv.db.studentsubscriptions.find({"email": data["studentemail"]}))[0] | |
# TODO Delete password from here and replace. | |
importcsv.db.studentsubscriptions.delete_many(student_user_from_db) | |
del student_user_from_db["password"] | |
encrypted_password = hashlib.sha256(data["password"].encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() | |
student_user_from_db.update({"password": encrypted_password}) | |
importcsv.db.studentsubscriptions.insert_one(student_user_from_db) | |
return {"message": "Password reset successful."} | |
else: | |
return {"error": "Student account does not exist."} | |
except Exception as ex: | |
return {"error": f"{type(ex)}-{ex}"} | |
# GET | |
async def getfreetrial(authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
current_user = secure_decode(authorization.replace("Bearer ",""))["email"] # outputs the email of the user | |
if current_user: | |
try: | |
freetrialhistory = list(importcsv.db.freetrialhistory.find({"email": current_user}))[0] # Gets wanted data for user | |
freetrial = freetrialhistory["freetrial"] | |
freetrial_subscription = {"freetrial": freetrial} # check freetrial | |
return freetrial_subscription | |
except Exception as ex: | |
return {"error": f"{type(ex)}-{ex}"} | |
# GET | |
async def getemail(authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
current_user = secure_decode(authorization.replace("Bearer ",""))["email"] # outputs the email of the user | |
if current_user: | |
try: | |
user_from_db = check_user_from_db(current_user) | |
return {"email":user_from_db["email"]} | |
except Exception as ex: | |
return {"error": f"{type(ex)}-{ex}"} | |
# DELETE | |
async def deletesubscription(authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
current_user = secure_decode(authorization.replace("Bearer ",""))["email"] # outputs the email of the user | |
if current_user: | |
try: | |
user_from_db = list(importcsv.db.users.find({"email": current_user}))[0] | |
importcsv.db.users.delete_many(user_from_db) | |
if "end_date_subscription" in user_from_db: | |
del user_from_db["end_date_subscription"] | |
if "start_date_subscription" in user_from_db: | |
del user_from_db["start_date_subscription"] | |
if "subscription" in user_from_db: | |
del user_from_db["subscription"] | |
if "emailsleft" in user_from_db: | |
del user_from_db["emailsleft"] | |
if "numofaccounts" in user_from_db: | |
del user_from_db["numofaccounts"] | |
importcsv.db.users.update_one( { "email": current_user}, {"$set": user_from_db}, upsert = True ) | |
return {"message":"Subscription deleted from expiration"} | |
except Exception as ex: | |
return {"error": f"{type(ex)}-{ex}"} | |
# GET | |
async def getaccountinfo(authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
current_user = secure_decode(authorization.replace("Bearer ",""))["email"] # outputs the email of the user | |
if current_user: | |
try: | |
email_exists = importcsv.db.users.find_one({"email": current_user}) | |
email_exists_student = importcsv.db.studentsubscriptions.find_one({"email": current_user}) | |
if email_exists: | |
user_from_db = list(importcsv.db.users.find({"email": current_user}))[0] | |
del user_from_db["password"], user_from_db["_id"] | |
return user_from_db | |
elif email_exists_student: | |
student_user_from_db = list(importcsv.db.studentsubscriptions.find({"email": current_user}))[0] | |
host_from_db = list(importcsv.db.users.find({"email": student_user_from_db["hostemail"]}))[0] | |
student_user_from_db.update({"start_date_subscription":host_from_db["start_date_subscription"]}) | |
student_user_from_db.update({"end_date_subscription":host_from_db["end_date_subscription"]}) | |
del student_user_from_db["password"], student_user_from_db["_id"] | |
return student_user_from_db | |
#return {"error": f"account not found"} | |
except Exception as ex: | |
return {"error": f"{type(ex)}-{ex}"} | |
# DELETE | |
async def deleteaccount(authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
current_user = secure_decode(authorization.replace("Bearer ",""))["email"] # outputs the email of the user | |
if current_user: | |
try: | |
user_from_db = list(importcsv.db.users.find({"email": current_user}))[0] | |
importcsv.db.users.delete_many(user_from_db) | |
return {"message":"Account Deleted"} | |
except Exception as ex: | |
return {"error": f"{type(ex)}-{ex}"} | |
# GET # allow all origins all methods. | |
async def getedexcelpapers(authorization: str = Header(None)): | |
try: | |
data = dict(data)#request.get_json() | |
dataedexcel = list(importcsv.db.edexcelpapers.find({"year":"AS Level"})) | |
return {"result":dataedexcel} | |
except Exception as ex: | |
return {"error":f"{type(ex)},ex"} | |
async def main(): | |
config = uvicorn.Config("main:app", port=7860, log_level="info",host="",reload=True) | |
server = uvicorn.Server(config) | |
await server.serve() | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | | |