orpatashnik's picture
fix inversion
import json
import os
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import List
import pyrallis
import torch
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
from torchvision.transforms import ToTensor
from torchvision.utils import save_image
from tqdm import tqdm
from src.diffusion_model_wrapper import DiffusionModelWrapper, get_stable_diffusion_model, get_stable_diffusion_config, \
from src.null_text_inversion import invert_image
from src.prompt_mixing import PromptMixing
from src.prompt_to_prompt_controllers import AttentionStore, AttentionReplace
from src.prompt_utils import get_proxy_prompts
def save_args_dict(args, similar_words):
exp_path = os.path.join(args.exp_dir, args.prompt.replace(' ', '-'), f"seed={args.seed}_{args.exp_name}")
os.makedirs(exp_path, exist_ok=True)
args_dict = vars(args)
args_dict['similar_words'] = similar_words
with open(os.path.join(exp_path, "opt.json"), 'w') as fp:
json.dump(args_dict, fp, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
return exp_path
def setup(args):
ldm_stable = get_stable_diffusion_model(args)
ldm_stable_config = get_stable_diffusion_config(args)
return ldm_stable, ldm_stable_config
def main(ldm_stable, ldm_stable_config, args):
similar_words, prompts, another_prompts = get_proxy_prompts(args, ldm_stable)
exp_path = save_args_dict(args, similar_words)
images = []
x_t = None
uncond_embeddings = None
if args.real_image_path != "":
ldm_stable, ldm_stable_config = setup(args)
x_t, uncond_embeddings = invert_image(args, ldm_stable, ldm_stable_config, prompts, exp_path)
image, x_t, orig_all_latents, orig_mask, average_attention = generate_original_image(args, ldm_stable, ldm_stable_config, prompts, x_t, uncond_embeddings)
save_image(ToTensor()(image[0]), f"{exp_path}/{similar_words[0]}.jpg")
save_image(torch.from_numpy(orig_mask).float(), f"{exp_path}/{similar_words[0]}_mask.jpg")
object_of_interest_index = args.prompt.split().index('{word}') + 1
pm = PromptMixing(args, object_of_interest_index, average_attention)
do_other_obj_self_attn_masking = len(args.objects_to_preserve) > 0 and args.end_preserved_obj_self_attn_masking > 0
do_self_or_cross_attn_inject = args.cross_attn_inject_steps != 0.0 or args.self_attn_inject_steps != 0.0
if do_other_obj_self_attn_masking:
print("Do self attn other obj masking")
if do_self_or_cross_attn_inject:
print(f'Do self attn inject for {args.self_attn_inject_steps} steps')
print(f'Do cross attn inject for {args.cross_attn_inject_steps} steps')
another_prompts_dataloader = DataLoader(another_prompts[1:], batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=False)
for another_prompt_batch in tqdm(another_prompts_dataloader):
batch_size = len(another_prompt_batch["word"])
batch_prompts = prompts * batch_size
batch_another_prompt = another_prompt_batch["prompt"]
if do_self_or_cross_attn_inject or do_other_obj_self_attn_masking:
batch_another_prompt.insert(0, prompts[0])
if do_self_or_cross_attn_inject:
controller = AttentionReplace(batch_another_prompt, ldm_stable.tokenizer, ldm_stable.device,
ldm_stable_config["low_resource"], ldm_stable_config["num_diffusion_steps"],
controller = AttentionStore(ldm_stable_config["low_resource"])
diffusion_model_wrapper = DiffusionModelWrapper(args, ldm_stable, ldm_stable_config, controller, prompt_mixing=pm)
with torch.no_grad():
image, x_t, _, mask = diffusion_model_wrapper.forward(batch_prompts, latent=x_t, other_prompt=batch_another_prompt,
post_background=args.background_post_process, orig_all_latents=orig_all_latents,
orig_mask=orig_mask, uncond_embeddings=uncond_embeddings)
for i in range(batch_size):
image_index = i + 1 if do_self_or_cross_attn_inject or do_other_obj_self_attn_masking else i
save_image(ToTensor()(image[image_index]), f"{exp_path}/{another_prompt_batch['word'][i]}.jpg")
if mask is not None:
save_image(torch.from_numpy(mask).float(), f"{exp_path}/{another_prompt_batch['word'][i]}_mask.jpg")
images = [ToTensor()(image) for image in images]
save_image(images, f"{exp_path}/grid.jpg", nrow=min(max([i for i in range(2, 8) if len(images) % i == 0]), 8))
return images, similar_words
class LPMConfig:
# general config
seed: int = 10
batch_size: int = 1
exp_dir: str = "results"
exp_name: str = ""
display_images: bool = False
gpu_id: int = 0
# Stable Diffusion config
auth_token: str = ""
low_resource: bool = True
num_diffusion_steps: int = 50
guidance_scale: float = 7.5
max_num_words: int = 77
# prompt-mixing
prompt: str = "a {word} in the field eats an apple"
object_of_interest: str = "snake" # The object for which we generate variations
proxy_words: List[str] = field(default_factory=lambda :[]) # Leave empty for automatic proxy words
number_of_variations: int = 20
start_prompt_range: int = 7 # Number of steps to begin prompt-mixing
end_prompt_range: int = 17 # Number of steps to finish prompt-mixing
# attention based shape localization
objects_to_preserve: List[str] = field(default_factory=lambda :[]) # Objects for which apply attention based shape localization
remove_obj_from_self_mask: bool = True # If set to True, removes the object of interest from the self-attention mask
obj_pixels_injection_threshold: float = 0.05
end_preserved_obj_self_attn_masking: int = 40
# real image
real_image_path: str = ""
# controllable background preservation
background_post_process: bool = True
background_nouns: List[str] = field(default_factory=lambda :[]) # Objects to take from the original image in addition to the background
num_segments: int = 5 # Number of clusters for the segmentation
background_segment_threshold: float = 0.3 # Threshold for the segments labeling
background_blend_timestep: int = 35 # Number of steps before background blending
# other
cross_attn_inject_steps: float = 0.0
self_attn_inject_steps: float = 0.0
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = pyrallis.parse(config_class=LPMConfig)
stable, stable_config = setup(args)
main(stable, stable_config, args)