; | |
exports.__esModule = true; | |
exports.StaticProperties = exports.InstanceProperties = exports.CommonIterators = exports.BuiltIns = void 0; | |
var _corejs2BuiltIns = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/compat-data/corejs2-built-ins")); | |
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } | |
const define = (name, pure, global = [], meta) => { | |
return { | |
name, | |
pure, | |
global, | |
meta | |
}; | |
}; | |
const pureAndGlobal = (pure, global, minRuntimeVersion = null) => define(global[0], pure, global, { | |
minRuntimeVersion | |
}); | |
const globalOnly = global => define(global[0], null, global); | |
const pureOnly = (pure, name) => define(name, pure, []); | |
const ArrayNatureIterators = ["", "es6.array.iterator", "web.dom.iterable"]; | |
const CommonIterators = ["es6.string.iterator", ...ArrayNatureIterators]; | |
exports.CommonIterators = CommonIterators; | |
const PromiseDependencies = ["", "es6.promise"]; | |
const BuiltIns = { | |
DataView: globalOnly([""]), | |
Float32Array: globalOnly(["es6.typed.float32-array"]), | |
Float64Array: globalOnly(["es6.typed.float64-array"]), | |
Int8Array: globalOnly(["es6.typed.int8-array"]), | |
Int16Array: globalOnly(["es6.typed.int16-array"]), | |
Int32Array: globalOnly(["es6.typed.int32-array"]), | |
Map: pureAndGlobal("map", ["", ...CommonIterators]), | |
Number: globalOnly(["es6.number.constructor"]), | |
Promise: pureAndGlobal("promise", PromiseDependencies), | |
RegExp: globalOnly(["es6.regexp.constructor"]), | |
Set: pureAndGlobal("set", ["es6.set", ...CommonIterators]), | |
Symbol: pureAndGlobal("symbol/index", ["es6.symbol"]), | |
Uint8Array: globalOnly(["es6.typed.uint8-array"]), | |
Uint8ClampedArray: globalOnly(["es6.typed.uint8-clamped-array"]), | |
Uint16Array: globalOnly(["es6.typed.uint16-array"]), | |
Uint32Array: globalOnly(["es6.typed.uint32-array"]), | |
WeakMap: pureAndGlobal("weak-map", ["es6.weak-map", ...CommonIterators]), | |
WeakSet: pureAndGlobal("weak-set", ["es6.weak-set", ...CommonIterators]), | |
setImmediate: pureOnly("set-immediate", "web.immediate"), | |
clearImmediate: pureOnly("clear-immediate", "web.immediate"), | |
parseFloat: pureOnly("parse-float", "es6.parse-float"), | |
parseInt: pureOnly("parse-int", "es6.parse-int") | |
}; | |
exports.BuiltIns = BuiltIns; | |
const InstanceProperties = { | |
__defineGetter__: globalOnly(["es7.object.define-getter"]), | |
__defineSetter__: globalOnly(["es7.object.define-setter"]), | |
__lookupGetter__: globalOnly(["es7.object.lookup-getter"]), | |
__lookupSetter__: globalOnly(["es7.object.lookup-setter"]), | |
anchor: globalOnly(["es6.string.anchor"]), | |
big: globalOnly(["es6.string.big"]), | |
bind: globalOnly(["es6.function.bind"]), | |
blink: globalOnly(["es6.string.blink"]), | |
bold: globalOnly(["es6.string.bold"]), | |
codePointAt: globalOnly(["es6.string.code-point-at"]), | |
copyWithin: globalOnly(["es6.array.copy-within"]), | |
endsWith: globalOnly(["es6.string.ends-with"]), | |
entries: globalOnly(ArrayNatureIterators), | |
every: globalOnly(["es6.array.every"]), | |
fill: globalOnly(["es6.array.fill"]), | |
filter: globalOnly(["es6.array.filter"]), | |
finally: globalOnly(["es7.promise.finally", ...PromiseDependencies]), | |
find: globalOnly(["es6.array.find"]), | |
findIndex: globalOnly(["es6.array.find-index"]), | |
fixed: globalOnly(["es6.string.fixed"]), | |
flags: globalOnly(["es6.regexp.flags"]), | |
flatMap: globalOnly(["es7.array.flat-map"]), | |
fontcolor: globalOnly(["es6.string.fontcolor"]), | |
fontsize: globalOnly(["es6.string.fontsize"]), | |
forEach: globalOnly(["es6.array.for-each"]), | |
includes: globalOnly(["es6.string.includes", "es7.array.includes"]), | |
indexOf: globalOnly(["es6.array.index-of"]), | |
italics: globalOnly(["es6.string.italics"]), | |
keys: globalOnly(ArrayNatureIterators), | |
lastIndexOf: globalOnly(["es6.array.last-index-of"]), | |
link: globalOnly([""]), | |
map: globalOnly([""]), | |
match: globalOnly(["es6.regexp.match"]), | |
name: globalOnly([""]), | |
padStart: globalOnly(["es7.string.pad-start"]), | |
padEnd: globalOnly(["es7.string.pad-end"]), | |
reduce: globalOnly(["es6.array.reduce"]), | |
reduceRight: globalOnly(["es6.array.reduce-right"]), | |
repeat: globalOnly(["es6.string.repeat"]), | |
replace: globalOnly(["es6.regexp.replace"]), | |
search: globalOnly([""]), | |
small: globalOnly(["es6.string.small"]), | |
some: globalOnly(["es6.array.some"]), | |
sort: globalOnly(["es6.array.sort"]), | |
split: globalOnly(["es6.regexp.split"]), | |
startsWith: globalOnly(["es6.string.starts-with"]), | |
strike: globalOnly(["es6.string.strike"]), | |
sub: globalOnly(["es6.string.sub"]), | |
sup: globalOnly(["es6.string.sup"]), | |
toISOString: globalOnly([""]), | |
toJSON: globalOnly([""]), | |
toString: globalOnly(["", "", ""]), | |
trim: globalOnly(["es6.string.trim"]), | |
trimEnd: globalOnly(["es7.string.trim-right"]), | |
trimLeft: globalOnly(["es7.string.trim-left"]), | |
trimRight: globalOnly(["es7.string.trim-right"]), | |
trimStart: globalOnly(["es7.string.trim-left"]), | |
values: globalOnly(ArrayNatureIterators) | |
}; | |
// This isn't present in older @babel/compat-data versions | |
exports.InstanceProperties = InstanceProperties; | |
if ("es6.array.slice" in _corejs2BuiltIns.default) { | |
InstanceProperties.slice = globalOnly(["es6.array.slice"]); | |
} | |
const StaticProperties = { | |
Array: { | |
from: pureAndGlobal("array/from", ["es6.symbol", "es6.array.from", ...CommonIterators]), | |
isArray: pureAndGlobal("array/is-array", [""]), | |
of: pureAndGlobal("array/of", ["es6.array.of"]) | |
}, | |
Date: { | |
now: pureAndGlobal("date/now", [""]) | |
}, | |
JSON: { | |
stringify: pureOnly("json/stringify", "es6.symbol") | |
}, | |
Math: { | |
// 'Math' was not included in the 7.0.0 | |
// release of '@babel/runtime'. See issue | |
acosh: pureAndGlobal("math/acosh", ["es6.math.acosh"], "7.0.1"), | |
asinh: pureAndGlobal("math/asinh", ["es6.math.asinh"], "7.0.1"), | |
atanh: pureAndGlobal("math/atanh", ["es6.math.atanh"], "7.0.1"), | |
cbrt: pureAndGlobal("math/cbrt", ["es6.math.cbrt"], "7.0.1"), | |
clz32: pureAndGlobal("math/clz32", ["es6.math.clz32"], "7.0.1"), | |
cosh: pureAndGlobal("math/cosh", ["es6.math.cosh"], "7.0.1"), | |
expm1: pureAndGlobal("math/expm1", ["es6.math.expm1"], "7.0.1"), | |
fround: pureAndGlobal("math/fround", ["es6.math.fround"], "7.0.1"), | |
hypot: pureAndGlobal("math/hypot", ["es6.math.hypot"], "7.0.1"), | |
imul: pureAndGlobal("math/imul", ["es6.math.imul"], "7.0.1"), | |
log1p: pureAndGlobal("math/log1p", ["es6.math.log1p"], "7.0.1"), | |
log10: pureAndGlobal("math/log10", ["es6.math.log10"], "7.0.1"), | |
log2: pureAndGlobal("math/log2", ["es6.math.log2"], "7.0.1"), | |
sign: pureAndGlobal("math/sign", ["es6.math.sign"], "7.0.1"), | |
sinh: pureAndGlobal("math/sinh", ["es6.math.sinh"], "7.0.1"), | |
tanh: pureAndGlobal("math/tanh", ["es6.math.tanh"], "7.0.1"), | |
trunc: pureAndGlobal("math/trunc", ["es6.math.trunc"], "7.0.1") | |
}, | |
Number: { | |
EPSILON: pureAndGlobal("number/epsilon", ["es6.number.epsilon"]), | |
MIN_SAFE_INTEGER: pureAndGlobal("number/min-safe-integer", ["es6.number.min-safe-integer"]), | |
MAX_SAFE_INTEGER: pureAndGlobal("number/max-safe-integer", ["es6.number.max-safe-integer"]), | |
isFinite: pureAndGlobal("number/is-finite", [""]), | |
isInteger: pureAndGlobal("number/is-integer", [""]), | |
isSafeInteger: pureAndGlobal("number/is-safe-integer", [""]), | |
isNaN: pureAndGlobal("number/is-nan", [""]), | |
parseFloat: pureAndGlobal("number/parse-float", ["es6.number.parse-float"]), | |
parseInt: pureAndGlobal("number/parse-int", ["es6.number.parse-int"]) | |
}, | |
Object: { | |
assign: pureAndGlobal("object/assign", ["es6.object.assign"]), | |
create: pureAndGlobal("object/create", ["es6.object.create"]), | |
defineProperties: pureAndGlobal("object/define-properties", ["es6.object.define-properties"]), | |
defineProperty: pureAndGlobal("object/define-property", ["es6.object.define-property"]), | |
entries: pureAndGlobal("object/entries", ["es7.object.entries"]), | |
freeze: pureAndGlobal("object/freeze", ["es6.object.freeze"]), | |
getOwnPropertyDescriptor: pureAndGlobal("object/get-own-property-descriptor", ["es6.object.get-own-property-descriptor"]), | |
getOwnPropertyDescriptors: pureAndGlobal("object/get-own-property-descriptors", ["es7.object.get-own-property-descriptors"]), | |
getOwnPropertyNames: pureAndGlobal("object/get-own-property-names", ["es6.object.get-own-property-names"]), | |
getOwnPropertySymbols: pureAndGlobal("object/get-own-property-symbols", ["es6.symbol"]), | |
getPrototypeOf: pureAndGlobal("object/get-prototype-of", ["es6.object.get-prototype-of"]), | |
is: pureAndGlobal("object/is", [""]), | |
isExtensible: pureAndGlobal("object/is-extensible", [""]), | |
isFrozen: pureAndGlobal("object/is-frozen", [""]), | |
isSealed: pureAndGlobal("object/is-sealed", [""]), | |
keys: pureAndGlobal("object/keys", ["es6.object.keys"]), | |
preventExtensions: pureAndGlobal("object/prevent-extensions", ["es6.object.prevent-extensions"]), | |
seal: pureAndGlobal("object/seal", ["es6.object.seal"]), | |
setPrototypeOf: pureAndGlobal("object/set-prototype-of", ["es6.object.set-prototype-of"]), | |
values: pureAndGlobal("object/values", ["es7.object.values"]) | |
}, | |
Promise: { | |
all: globalOnly(CommonIterators), | |
race: globalOnly(CommonIterators) | |
}, | |
Reflect: { | |
apply: pureAndGlobal("reflect/apply", ["es6.reflect.apply"]), | |
construct: pureAndGlobal("reflect/construct", ["es6.reflect.construct"]), | |
defineProperty: pureAndGlobal("reflect/define-property", ["es6.reflect.define-property"]), | |
deleteProperty: pureAndGlobal("reflect/delete-property", ["es6.reflect.delete-property"]), | |
get: pureAndGlobal("reflect/get", ["es6.reflect.get"]), | |
getOwnPropertyDescriptor: pureAndGlobal("reflect/get-own-property-descriptor", ["es6.reflect.get-own-property-descriptor"]), | |
getPrototypeOf: pureAndGlobal("reflect/get-prototype-of", ["es6.reflect.get-prototype-of"]), | |
has: pureAndGlobal("reflect/has", ["es6.reflect.has"]), | |
isExtensible: pureAndGlobal("reflect/is-extensible", [""]), | |
ownKeys: pureAndGlobal("reflect/own-keys", ["es6.reflect.own-keys"]), | |
preventExtensions: pureAndGlobal("reflect/prevent-extensions", ["es6.reflect.prevent-extensions"]), | |
set: pureAndGlobal("reflect/set", ["es6.reflect.set"]), | |
setPrototypeOf: pureAndGlobal("reflect/set-prototype-of", ["es6.reflect.set-prototype-of"]) | |
}, | |
String: { | |
at: pureOnly("string/at", ""), | |
fromCodePoint: pureAndGlobal("string/from-code-point", ["es6.string.from-code-point"]), | |
raw: pureAndGlobal("string/raw", ["es6.string.raw"]) | |
}, | |
Symbol: { | |
// FIXME: Pure disabled to work around zloirock/core-js#262. | |
asyncIterator: globalOnly(["es6.symbol", "es7.symbol.async-iterator"]), | |
for: pureOnly("symbol/for", "es6.symbol"), | |
hasInstance: pureOnly("symbol/has-instance", "es6.symbol"), | |
isConcatSpreadable: pureOnly("symbol/is-concat-spreadable", "es6.symbol"), | |
iterator: define("es6.symbol", "symbol/iterator", CommonIterators), | |
keyFor: pureOnly("symbol/key-for", "es6.symbol"), | |
match: pureAndGlobal("symbol/match", ["es6.regexp.match"]), | |
replace: pureOnly("symbol/replace", "es6.symbol"), | |
search: pureOnly("symbol/search", "es6.symbol"), | |
species: pureOnly("symbol/species", "es6.symbol"), | |
split: pureOnly("symbol/split", "es6.symbol"), | |
toPrimitive: pureOnly("symbol/to-primitive", "es6.symbol"), | |
toStringTag: pureOnly("symbol/to-string-tag", "es6.symbol"), | |
unscopables: pureOnly("symbol/unscopables", "es6.symbol") | |
} | |
}; | |
exports.StaticProperties = StaticProperties; |