Runtime error
Runtime error
import typing | |
from datetime import datetime | |
import PIL | |
from PIL import Image | |
from moviepy.editor import * | |
from lib import * | |
datetime_format = "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S" | |
def now(): | |
return | |
class AudioPalette: | |
def __init__(self, pace_model_weights_path, resnet50_tf_model_weights_path, height, width, channels): | |
self.pace_model = PaceModel(height, width, channels, resnet50_tf_model_weights_path, pace_model_weights_path) | |
self.image_captioning = ImageCaptioning() | |
self.audio_generation = AudioGeneration() | |
self.sentiment_analyser = SentimentAnalyser() | |
self.pace_map = { | |
"Fast": "high", | |
"Medium": "medium", | |
"Slow": "low" | |
} | |
def prompt_construction(self, caption: str, pace: str, sentiment: typing.Union[str, None], instrument: typing.Union[str, None], first: bool = True): | |
instrument = instrument if instrument is not None else "" | |
if first: | |
prompt = f"A {instrument} soundtrack for {caption} with {self.pace_map[pace]} beats per minute. High Quality." | |
else: | |
prompt = f"A {instrument} soundtrack for {caption} with {self.pace_map[pace]} beats per minute. High Quality. Transitions smoothely from the previous audio while sounding different." | |
# if sentiment: | |
# prompt += f" As a {sentiment} music." | |
return prompt | |
def generate_single(self, input_image: PIL.Image.Image, instrument: typing.Union[str, None], ngrok_endpoint: str): | |
pace = self.pace_model.predict(input_image) | |
print(f"[{now()}]", pace) | |
print(f"[{now()}] Pace Prediction Done") | |
generated_text = self.image_captioning.query(input_image)[0].get("generated_text") | |
print(f"[{now()}]", generated_text) | |
print(f"[{now()}] Captioning Done") | |
sentiment = self.sentiment_analyser.sentiment(generated_text) | |
print(f"[{now()}] Sentiment Analysis Done") | |
prompt = self.prompt_construction(generated_text, pace, sentiment, instrument) | |
print(f"[{now()}] Generated Prompt:", prompt) | |
audio_file = self.audio_generation.generate(prompt, ngrok_endpoint) | |
print(f"[{now()}]", audio_file) | |
print(f"[{now()}] Audio Generation Done") | |
outputs = [prompt, pace, generated_text, audio_file] | |
return outputs | |
def stitch_images(self, file_paths: typing.List[str], audio_paths: typing.List[str]): | |
clips = [ImageClip(m).set_duration(5) for m in file_paths] | |
audio_clips = [AudioFileClip(a) for a in audio_paths] | |
concat_audio = concatenate_audioclips(audio_clips) | |
new_audio = CompositeAudioClip([concat_audio]) | |
concat_clip = concatenate_videoclips(clips, method="compose") | | = new_audio | |
file_name = "generated_video.mp4" | |
concat_clip.write_videofile(file_name, fps=24) | |
return file_name | |
def generate_multiple(self, file_paths: typing.List[str], instrument: typing.Union[str, None], ngrok_endpoint: str): | |
images = [ for image_path in file_paths] | |
pace = [] | |
generated_text = [] | |
sentiments = [] | |
prompts = [] | |
# Extracting the pace for all the images | |
for image in images: | |
pace_prediction = self.pace_model.predict(image) | |
pace.append(pace_prediction) | |
print(f"[{now()}]", pace) | |
print(f"[{now()}] Pace Prediction Done") | |
# Generating the caption for all the images | |
for image in images: | |
caption = self.image_captioning.query(image)[0].get("generated_text") | |
generated_text.append(caption) | |
print(f"[{now()}]", generated_text) | |
print(f"[{now()}] Captioning Done") | |
# Extracting the sentiments from the generated captions | |
for text in generated_text: | |
sentiment = self.sentiment_analyser.sentiment(text) | |
sentiments.append(sentiment) | |
print(f"[{now()}] Sentiment Analysis Done:", sentiments) | |
first = True | |
for generated_caption, senti, pace_pred in zip(generated_text, sentiments, pace): | |
prompts.append(self.prompt_construction(generated_caption, pace_pred, senti, instrument, first)) | |
first = False | |
print(f"[{now()}] Generated Prompts:", prompts) | |
audio_file = self.audio_generation.generate(prompts, ngrok_endpoint) | |
print(f"[{now()}]", audio_file) | |
print(f"[{now()}] Audio Generation Done") | |
video_file = self.stitch_images(file_paths, [audio_file]) | |
return video_file | |