ondrejbiza's picture
Working on isa demo.
# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2023 The Google Research Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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"""Miscellaneous modules."""
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union
from flax import linen as nn
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
from invariant_slot_attention.lib import utils
Shape = Tuple[int]
DType = Any
Array = Any # jnp.ndarray
ArrayTree = Union[Array, Iterable["ArrayTree"], Mapping[str, "ArrayTree"]] # pytype: disable=not-supported-yet
ProcessorState = ArrayTree
PRNGKey = Array
NestedDict = Dict[str, Any]
class Identity(nn.Module):
"""Module that applies the identity function, ignoring any additional args."""
def __call__(self, inputs, **args):
return inputs
class Readout(nn.Module):
"""Module for reading out multiple targets from an embedding."""
keys: Sequence[str]
readout_modules: Sequence[Callable[[], nn.Module]]
stop_gradient: Optional[Sequence[bool]] = None
def __call__(self, inputs, train = False):
num_targets = len(self.keys)
assert num_targets >= 1, "Need to have at least one target."
assert len(self.readout_modules) == num_targets, (
"len(modules) and len(keys) must match.")
if self.stop_gradient is not None:
assert len(self.stop_gradient) == num_targets, (
"len(stop_gradient) and len(keys) must match.")
outputs = {}
for i in range(num_targets):
if self.stop_gradient is not None and self.stop_gradient[i]:
x = jax.lax.stop_gradient(inputs)
x = inputs
outputs[self.keys[i]] = self.readout_modules[i]()(x, train) # pytype: disable=not-callable
return outputs
class MLP(nn.Module):
"""Simple MLP with one hidden layer and optional pre-/post-layernorm."""
hidden_size: int
output_size: Optional[int] = None
num_hidden_layers: int = 1
activation_fn: Callable[[Array], Array] = nn.relu
layernorm: Optional[str] = None
activate_output: bool = False
residual: bool = False
def __call__(self, inputs, train = False):
del train # Unused.
output_size = self.output_size or inputs.shape[-1]
x = inputs
if self.layernorm == "pre":
x = nn.LayerNorm()(x)
for i in range(self.num_hidden_layers):
x = nn.Dense(self.hidden_size, name=f"dense_mlp_{i}")(x)
x = self.activation_fn(x)
x = nn.Dense(output_size, name=f"dense_mlp_{self.num_hidden_layers}")(x)
if self.activate_output:
x = self.activation_fn(x)
if self.residual:
x = x + inputs
if self.layernorm == "post":
x = nn.LayerNorm()(x)
return x
class GRU(nn.Module):
"""GRU cell as nn.Module."""
def __call__(self, carry, inputs,
train = False):
del train # Unused.
carry, _ = nn.GRUCell()(carry, inputs)
return carry
class Dense(nn.Module):
"""Dense layer as nn.Module accepting "train" flag."""
features: int
use_bias: bool = True
def __call__(self, inputs, train = False):
del train # Unused.
return nn.Dense(features=self.features, use_bias=self.use_bias)(inputs)
class PositionEmbedding(nn.Module):
"""A module for applying N-dimensional position embedding.
embedding_type: A string defining the type of position embedding to use. One
of ["linear", "discrete_1d", "fourier", "gaussian_fourier"].
update_type: A string defining how the input is updated with the position
embedding. One of ["proj_add", "concat"].
num_fourier_bases: The number of Fourier bases to use. For embedding_type ==
"fourier", the embedding dimensionality is 2 x number of position
dimensions x num_fourier_bases. For embedding_type == "gaussian_fourier",
the embedding dimensionality is 2 x num_fourier_bases. For embedding_type
== "linear", this parameter is ignored.
gaussian_sigma: Standard deviation of sampled Gaussians.
pos_transform: Optional transform for the embedding.
output_transform: Optional transform for the combined input and embedding.
trainable_pos_embedding: Boolean flag for allowing gradients to flow into
the position embedding, so that the optimizer can update it.
embedding_type: str
update_type: str
num_fourier_bases: int = 0
gaussian_sigma: float = 1.0
pos_transform: Callable[[], nn.Module] = Identity
output_transform: Callable[[], nn.Module] = Identity
trainable_pos_embedding: bool = False
def _make_pos_embedding_tensor(self, rng, input_shape):
if self.embedding_type == "discrete_1d":
# An integer tensor in [0, input_shape[-2]-1] reflecting
# 1D discrete position encoding (encode the second-to-last axis).
pos_embedding = jnp.broadcast_to(
jnp.arange(input_shape[-2]), input_shape[1:-1])
# A tensor grid in [-1, +1] for each input dimension.
pos_embedding = utils.create_gradient_grid(input_shape[1:-1], [-1.0, 1.0])
if self.embedding_type == "linear":
elif self.embedding_type == "discrete_1d":
pos_embedding = jax.nn.one_hot(pos_embedding, input_shape[-2])
elif self.embedding_type == "fourier":
# NeRF-style Fourier/sinusoidal position encoding.
pos_embedding = utils.convert_to_fourier_features(
pos_embedding * jnp.pi, basis_degree=self.num_fourier_bases)
elif self.embedding_type == "gaussian_fourier":
# Gaussian Fourier features. Reference: https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.10739
num_dims = pos_embedding.shape[-1]
projection = jax.random.normal(
rng, [num_dims, self.num_fourier_bases]) * self.gaussian_sigma
pos_embedding = jnp.pi * pos_embedding.dot(projection)
# A slightly faster implementation of sin and cos.
pos_embedding = jnp.sin(
jnp.concatenate([pos_embedding, pos_embedding + 0.5 * jnp.pi],
raise ValueError("Invalid embedding type provided.")
# Add batch dimension.
pos_embedding = jnp.expand_dims(pos_embedding, axis=0)
return pos_embedding
def __call__(self, inputs):
# Compute the position embedding only in the initial call use the same rng
# as is used for initializing learnable parameters.
pos_embedding = self.param("pos_embedding", self._make_pos_embedding_tensor,
if not self.trainable_pos_embedding:
pos_embedding = jax.lax.stop_gradient(pos_embedding)
# Apply optional transformation on the position embedding.
pos_embedding = self.pos_transform()(pos_embedding) # pytype: disable=not-callable
# Apply position encoding to inputs.
if self.update_type == "project_add":
# Here, we project the position encodings to the same dimensionality as
# the inputs and add them to the inputs (broadcast along batch dimension).
# This is roughly equivalent to concatenation of position encodings to the
# inputs (if followed by a Dense layer), but is slightly more efficient.
n_features = inputs.shape[-1]
x = inputs + nn.Dense(n_features, name="dense_pe_0")(pos_embedding)
elif self.update_type == "concat":
# Repeat the position embedding along the first (batch) dimension.
pos_embedding = jnp.broadcast_to(
pos_embedding, shape=inputs.shape[:-1] + pos_embedding.shape[-1:])
# concatenate along the channel dimension.
x = jnp.concatenate((inputs, pos_embedding), axis=-1)
raise ValueError("Invalid update type provided.")
# Apply optional output transformation.
x = self.output_transform()(x) # pytype: disable=not-callable
return x
class RelativePositionEmbedding(nn.Module):
"""A module for applying embedding of input position relative to slots.
update_type: A string defining how the input is updated with the position
embedding. One of ["proj_add", "concat"].
embedding_type: A string defining the type of position embedding to use.
Currently only "linear" is supported.
num_fourier_bases: The number of Fourier bases to use. For embedding_type ==
"fourier", the embedding dimensionality is 2 x number of position
dimensions x num_fourier_bases. For embedding_type == "gaussian_fourier",
the embedding dimensionality is 2 x num_fourier_bases. For embedding_type
== "linear", this parameter is ignored.
gaussian_sigma: Standard deviation of sampled Gaussians.
pos_transform: Optional transform for the embedding.
output_transform: Optional transform for the combined input and embedding.
trainable_pos_embedding: Boolean flag for allowing gradients to flow into
the position embedding, so that the optimizer can update it.
update_type: str
embedding_type: str = "linear"
num_fourier_bases: int = 0
gaussian_sigma: float = 1.0
pos_transform: Callable[[], nn.Module] = Identity
output_transform: Callable[[], nn.Module] = Identity
trainable_pos_embedding: bool = False
scales_factor: float = 1.0
def _make_pos_embedding_tensor(self, rng, input_shape):
# A tensor grid in [-1, +1] for each input dimension.
pos_embedding = utils.create_gradient_grid(input_shape[1:-1], [-1.0, 1.0])
# Add batch dimension.
pos_embedding = jnp.expand_dims(pos_embedding, axis=0)
return pos_embedding
def __call__(self, inputs, slot_positions,
slot_scales = None,
slot_rotm = None):
# Compute the position embedding only in the initial call use the same rng
# as is used for initializing learnable parameters.
pos_embedding = self.param("pos_embedding", self._make_pos_embedding_tensor,
if not self.trainable_pos_embedding:
pos_embedding = jax.lax.stop_gradient(pos_embedding)
# Relativize pos_embedding with respect to slot positions
# and optionally slot scales.
slot_positions = jnp.expand_dims(
jnp.expand_dims(slot_positions, axis=-2), axis=-2)
if slot_scales is not None:
slot_scales = jnp.expand_dims(
jnp.expand_dims(slot_scales, axis=-2), axis=-2)
if self.embedding_type == "linear":
pos_embedding = pos_embedding - slot_positions
if slot_rotm is not None:
pos_embedding = self.transform(slot_rotm, pos_embedding)
if slot_scales is not None:
# Scales are usually small so the grid might get too large.
pos_embedding = pos_embedding / self.scales_factor
pos_embedding = pos_embedding / slot_scales
raise ValueError("Invalid embedding type provided.")
# Apply optional transformation on the position embedding.
pos_embedding = self.pos_transform()(pos_embedding) # pytype: disable=not-callable
# Define intermediate for logging.
pos_embedding = Identity(name="pos_emb")(pos_embedding)
# Apply position encoding to inputs.
if self.update_type == "project_add":
# Here, we project the position encodings to the same dimensionality as
# the inputs and add them to the inputs (broadcast along batch dimension).
# This is roughly equivalent to concatenation of position encodings to the
# inputs (if followed by a Dense layer), but is slightly more efficient.
n_features = inputs.shape[-1]
x = inputs + nn.Dense(n_features, name="dense_pe_0")(pos_embedding)
elif self.update_type == "concat":
# Repeat the position embedding along the first (batch) dimension.
pos_embedding = jnp.broadcast_to(
pos_embedding, shape=inputs.shape[:-1] + pos_embedding.shape[-1:])
# concatenate along the channel dimension.
x = jnp.concatenate((inputs, pos_embedding), axis=-1)
raise ValueError("Invalid update type provided.")
# Apply optional output transformation.
x = self.output_transform()(x) # pytype: disable=not-callable
return x
def transform(cls, rot, coords):
# The coordinate grid coords is in the (y, x) format, so we need to swap
# the coordinates on the input and output.
coords = jnp.stack([coords[Ellipsis, 1], coords[Ellipsis, 0]], axis=-1)
# Equivalent to inv(R) * coords^T = R^T * coords^T = (coords * R)^T.
# We are multiplying by the inverse of the rotation matrix because
# we are rotating the coordinate grid *against* the rotation of the object.
new_coords = jnp.einsum("...hij,...jk->...hik", coords, rot)
# Swap coordinates again.
return jnp.stack([new_coords[Ellipsis, 1], new_coords[Ellipsis, 0]], axis=-1)