ondrejbiza's picture
Working on isa demo.
# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2023 The Google Research Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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"""Initializers module library."""
import functools
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union
from flax import linen as nn
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
from invariant_slot_attention.lib import utils
from invariant_slot_attention.modules import misc
from invariant_slot_attention.modules import video
Shape = Tuple[int]
DType = Any
Array = Any # jnp.ndarray
ArrayTree = Union[Array, Iterable["ArrayTree"], Mapping[str, "ArrayTree"]] # pytype: disable=not-supported-yet
ProcessorState = ArrayTree
PRNGKey = Array
NestedDict = Dict[str, Any]
class ParamStateInit(nn.Module):
"""Fixed, learnable state initalization.
Note: This module ignores any conditional input (by design).
shape: Sequence[int]
init_fn: str = "normal" # Default init with unit variance.
def __call__(self, inputs, batch_size,
train = False):
del inputs, train # Unused.
if self.init_fn == "normal":
init_fn = functools.partial(nn.initializers.normal, stddev=1.)
elif self.init_fn == "zeros":
init_fn = lambda: nn.initializers.zeros
raise ValueError("Unknown init_fn: {}.".format(self.init_fn))
param = self.param("state_init", init_fn(), self.shape)
return utils.broadcast_across_batch(param, batch_size=batch_size)
class GaussianStateInit(nn.Module):
"""Random state initialization with zero-mean, unit-variance Gaussian.
Note: This module does not contain any trainable parameters and requires
providing a jax.PRNGKey both at training and at test time. Note: This module
also ignores any conditional input (by design).
shape: Sequence[int]
def __call__(self, inputs, batch_size,
train = False):
del inputs, train # Unused.
rng = self.make_rng("state_init")
return jax.random.normal(rng, shape=[batch_size] + list(self.shape))
class SegmentationEncoderStateInit(nn.Module):
"""State init that encodes segmentation masks as conditional input."""
max_num_slots: int
backbone: Callable[[], nn.Module]
pos_emb: Callable[[], nn.Module] = misc.Identity
reduction: Optional[str] = "all_flatten" # Reduce spatial dim by default.
output_transform: Callable[[], nn.Module] = misc.Identity
zero_background: bool = False
def __call__(self, inputs, batch_size,
train = False):
del batch_size # Unused.
# inputs.shape = (batch_size, seq_len, height, width)
inputs = inputs[:, 0] # Only condition on first time step.
# Convert mask index to one-hot.
inputs_oh = jax.nn.one_hot(inputs, self.max_num_slots)
# inputs_oh.shape = (batch_size, height, width, n_slots)
# NOTE: 0th entry inputs_oh[..., 0] will typically correspond to background.
# Set background slot to all-zeros.
if self.zero_background:
inputs_oh = inputs_oh.at[:, :, :, 0].set(0)
# Switch one-hot axis into 1st position (i.e. sequence axis).
inputs_oh = jnp.transpose(inputs_oh, (0, 3, 1, 2))
# inputs_oh.shape = (batch_size, max_num_slots, height, width)
# Append dummy feature axis.
inputs_oh = jnp.expand_dims(inputs_oh, axis=-1)
# Vmapped encoder over seq. axis (i.e. we process each slot independently).
encoder = video.FrameEncoder(
output_transform=self.output_transform) # type: ignore
# encoder(inputs_oh).shape = (batch_size, n_slots, n_features)
slots = encoder(inputs_oh, None, train)
return slots
class CoordinateEncoderStateInit(nn.Module):
"""State init that encodes bounding box coordinates as conditional input.
embedding_transform: A nn.Module that is applied on inputs (bounding boxes).
prepend_background: Boolean flag; whether to prepend a special, zero-valued
background bounding box to the input. Default: false.
center_of_mass: Boolean flag; whether to convert bounding boxes to center
of mass coordinates. Default: false.
background_value: Default value to fill in the background.
embedding_transform: Callable[[], nn.Module]
prepend_background: bool = False
center_of_mass: bool = False
background_value: float = 0.
def __call__(self, inputs, batch_size,
train = False):
del batch_size # Unused.
# inputs.shape = (batch_size, seq_len, bboxes, 4)
inputs = inputs[:, 0] # Only condition on first time step.
# inputs.shape = (batch_size, bboxes, 4)
if self.prepend_background:
# Adds a fake background box [0, 0, 0, 0] at the beginning.
batch_size = inputs.shape[0]
# Encode the background as specified by background_value.
background = jnp.full(
(batch_size, 1, 4), self.background_value, dtype=inputs.dtype)
inputs = jnp.concatenate((background, inputs), axis=1)
if self.center_of_mass:
y_pos = (inputs[:, :, 0] + inputs[:, :, 2]) / 2
x_pos = (inputs[:, :, 1] + inputs[:, :, 3]) / 2
inputs = jnp.stack((y_pos, x_pos), axis=-1)
slots = self.embedding_transform()(inputs, train=train) # pytype: disable=not-callable
return slots