ondrejbiza's picture
Working on isa demo.
# coding=utf-8
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"""Transform functions for preprocessing."""
from typing import Any, Optional, Tuple
import tensorflow as tf
SizeTuple = Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor] # (height, width).
Self = Any
NOTRACK_BOX = (0., 0., 0., 0.) # No-track bounding box for padding.
NOTRACK_RBOX = (0., 0., 0., 0., 0.) # No-track bounding rbox for padding.
def crop_or_pad_boxes(boxes, top, left, height,
width, h_orig, w_orig,
min_cropped_area = None):
"""Transforms the relative box coordinates according to the frame crop.
Note that, if height/width are larger than h_orig/w_orig, this function
implements the equivalent of padding.
boxes: Tensor of bounding boxes with shape (..., 4).
top: Top of crop box in absolute pixel coordinates.
left: Left of crop box in absolute pixel coordinates.
height: Height of crop box in absolute pixel coordinates.
width: Width of crop box in absolute pixel coordinates.
h_orig: Original image height in absolute pixel coordinates.
w_orig: Original image width in absolute pixel coordinates.
min_cropped_area: If set, remove cropped boxes whose area relative to the
original box is less than min_cropped_area or that covers the entire
Boxes tensor with same shape as input boxes but updated values.
# Video track bound boxes: [num_instances, num_tracks, 4]
# Image bounding boxes: [num_instances, 4]
assert boxes.shape[-1] == 4
seq_len = tf.shape(boxes)[0]
not_padding = tf.reduce_any(tf.not_equal(boxes, PADDING_VALUE), axis=-1)
has_tracks = len(boxes.shape) == 3
if has_tracks:
num_tracks = tf.shape(boxes)[1]
assert len(boxes.shape) == 2
num_tracks = 1
# Transform the box coordinates.
a = tf.cast(tf.stack([h_orig, w_orig]), tf.float32)
b = tf.cast(tf.stack([top, left]), tf.float32)
c = tf.cast(tf.stack([height, width]), tf.float32)
boxes = tf.reshape(
(tf.reshape(boxes, (seq_len, num_tracks, 2, 2)) * a - b) / c,
(seq_len, num_tracks, len(NOTRACK_BOX)),
# Filter the valid boxes.
areas_uncropped = tf.reduce_prod(
tf.maximum(boxes[Ellipsis, 2:] - boxes[Ellipsis, :2], 0), axis=-1
boxes = tf.minimum(tf.maximum(boxes, 0.0), 1.0)
if has_tracks:
cond = tf.reduce_all((boxes[:, :, 2:] - boxes[:, :, :2]) > 0.0, axis=-1)
boxes = tf.where(cond[:, :, tf.newaxis], boxes, NOTRACK_BOX)
if min_cropped_area is not None:
areas_cropped = tf.reduce_prod(
tf.maximum(boxes[Ellipsis, 2:] - boxes[Ellipsis, :2], 0), axis=-1
boxes = tf.where(
tf.reduce_max(areas_cropped, axis=0, keepdims=True)
> min_cropped_area * areas_uncropped,
tf.reduce_min(areas_cropped, axis=0, keepdims=True) < 1,
)[Ellipsis, tf.newaxis],
tf.constant(NOTRACK_BOX)[tf.newaxis, tf.newaxis],
boxes = tf.reshape(boxes, (seq_len, 4))
# Image ops use `-1``, whereas video ops above use `NOTRACK_BOX`.
boxes = tf.where(not_padding[Ellipsis, tf.newaxis], boxes, PADDING_VALUE)
return boxes
def cxcywha_to_corners(cxcywha):
"""Convert [cx, cy, w, h, a] to four corners of [x, y].
TF version of cxcywha_to_corners in
cxcywha: [..., 5]-tf.Tensor of [center-x, center-y, width, height, angle]
representation of rotated boxes. Angle is in radians and center of rotation
is defined by [center-x, center-y] point.
[..., 4, 2]-tf.Tensor of four corners of the rotated box as [x, y] points.
assert cxcywha.shape[-1] == 5, "Expected [..., [cx, cy, w, h, a] input."
bs = cxcywha.shape[:-1]
cx, cy, w, h, a = tf.split(cxcywha, num_or_size_splits=5, axis=-1)
xs = tf.constant([.5, .5, -.5, -.5]) * w
ys = tf.constant([-.5, .5, .5, -.5]) * h
pts = tf.stack([xs, ys], axis=-1)
sin = tf.sin(a)
cos = tf.cos(a)
rot = tf.reshape(tf.concat([cos, -sin, sin, cos], axis=-1), (*bs, 2, 2))
offset = tf.reshape(tf.concat([cx, cy], -1), (*bs, 1, 2))
corners = pts @ rot + offset
return corners
def corners_to_cxcywha(corners):
"""Convert four corners of [x, y] to [cx, cy, w, h, a].
corners: [..., 4, 2]-tf.Tensor of four corners of the rotated box as [x, y]
[..., 5]-tf.Tensor of [center-x, center-y, width, height, angle]
representation of rotated boxes. Angle is in radians and center of rotation
is defined by [center-x, center-y] point.
assert corners.shape[-2] == 4 and corners.shape[-1] == 2, (
"Expected [..., [cx, cy, w, h, a] input.")
cornersx, cornersy = tf.unstack(corners, axis=-1)
cx = tf.reduce_mean(cornersx, axis=-1)
cy = tf.reduce_mean(cornersy, axis=-1)
wcornersx = (
cornersx[Ellipsis, 0] + cornersx[Ellipsis, 1] - cornersx[Ellipsis, 2] - cornersx[Ellipsis, 3])
wcornersy = (
cornersy[Ellipsis, 0] + cornersy[Ellipsis, 1] - cornersy[Ellipsis, 2] - cornersy[Ellipsis, 3])
hcornersy = (-cornersy[Ellipsis, 0,] + cornersy[Ellipsis, 1] + cornersy[Ellipsis, 2] -
cornersy[Ellipsis, 3])
a = -tf.atan2(wcornersy, wcornersx)
cos = tf.cos(a)
w = wcornersx / (2 * cos)
h = hcornersy / (2 * cos)
cxcywha = tf.stack([cx, cy, w, h, a], axis=-1)
return cxcywha