ondrejbiza's picture
Working on isa demo.
# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2023 The Google Research Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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"""Loss functions."""
import functools
import inspect
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import ml_collections
Array = Any # jnp.ndarray somehow doesn't work anymore for pytype.
ArrayTree = Union[Array, Iterable["ArrayTree"], Mapping[str, "ArrayTree"]] # pytype: disable=not-supported-yet
ArrayDict = Dict[str, Array]
DictTree = Dict[str, Union[Array, "DictTree"]] # pytype: disable=not-supported-yet
PRNGKey = Array
LossFn = Callable[[Dict[str, ArrayTree], Dict[str, ArrayTree]],
Tuple[Array, ArrayTree]]
ConfigAttr = Any
MetricSpec = Dict[str, str]
def standardize_loss_config(
"""Standardize loss configs into a common ConfigDict format.
loss_config: List of strings or ConfigDict specifying loss configuration.
Valid input formats are: - Option 1 (list of strings), for example,
`loss_config = ["box", "presence"]` - Option 2 (losses with weights
only), for example,
`loss_config = ConfigDict({"box": 5, "presence": 2})` - Option 3
(losses with weights and other parameters), for example,
`loss_config = ConfigDict({"box": {"weight": 5, "metric": "l1"},
"presence": {"weight": 2}})`
Standardized ConfigDict containing the loss configuration.
ValueError: If loss_config is a list that contains non-string entries.
if isinstance(loss_config, Sequence): # Option 1
if not all(isinstance(loss_type, str) for loss_type in loss_config):
raise ValueError(f"Loss types all need to be str but got {loss_config}")
return ml_collections.FrozenConfigDict({k: {} for k in loss_config})
# Convert all option-2-style weights to option-3-style dictionaries.
loss_config = {
k: {
"weight": v
} if isinstance(v, (float, int)) else v for k, v in loss_config.items()
return ml_collections.FrozenConfigDict(loss_config)
def update_loss_aux(loss_aux, update):
existing_keys = set(update.keys()).intersection(loss_aux.keys())
if existing_keys:
raise KeyError(
f"Can't overwrite existing keys in loss_aux: {existing_keys}")
def compute_full_loss(
preds, targets,
"""Loss function that parses and combines weighted loss terms.
preds: Dictionary of tensors containing model predictions.
targets: Dictionary of tensors containing prediction targets.
loss_config: List of strings or ConfigDict specifying loss configuration.
See @register_loss decorated functions below for valid loss names.
Valid losses formats are: - Option 1 (list of strings), for example,
`loss_config = ["box", "presence"]` - Option 2 (losses with weights
only), for example,
`loss_config = ConfigDict({"box": 5, "presence": 2})` - Option 3 (losses
with weights and other parameters), for example,
`loss_config = ConfigDict({"box": {"weight": 5, "metric": "l1"},
"presence": {"weight": 2}})` - Option 4 (like
3 but decoupling name and loss_type), for
`loss_config = ConfigDict({"recon_flow": {"loss_type": "recon",
"key": "flow"},
"recon_video": {"loss_type": "recon",
"key": "video"}})`
A 2-tuple of the sum of all individual loss terms and a dictionary of
auxiliary losses and metrics.
loss = jnp.zeros([], jnp.float32)
loss_aux = {}
loss_config = standardize_loss_config(loss_config)
for loss_name, cfg in loss_config.items():
context_kwargs = {"preds": preds, "targets": targets}
weight, loss_term, loss_aux_update = compute_loss_term(
loss_name=loss_name, context_kwargs=context_kwargs, config_kwargs=cfg)
unweighted_loss = jnp.mean(loss_term)
loss += weight * unweighted_loss
loss_aux_update[loss_name + "_value"] = unweighted_loss
loss_aux_update[loss_name + "_weight"] = jnp.ones_like(unweighted_loss)
update_loss_aux(loss_aux, loss_aux_update)
return loss, loss_aux
def register_loss(func=None,
name = None,
check_unused_kwargs = True):
"""Decorator for registering a loss function.
Can be used without arguments:
def my_loss(**_):
return 0
or with keyword arguments:
def my_loss(**_):
return 0
Loss functions may accept
- context kwargs: `preds` and `targets`
- config kwargs: any argument specified in the config
- the special `config_kwargs` parameter that contains the entire loss config
Loss functions also _need_ to accept a **kwarg argument to support extending
the interface.
They should return either:
- just the computed loss (pre-reduction)
- or a tuple of the computed loss and a loss_aux_updates dict
func: the decorated function
name (str): Optional name to be used for this loss in the config. Defaults
to the name of the function.
check_unused_kwargs (bool): By default compute_loss_term raises an error if
there are any unused config kwargs. If this flag is set to False that step
is skipped. This is useful if the config_kwargs should be passed onward to
another function.
The decorated function (or a partial of the decorator)
# If this decorator has been called with parameters but no function, then we
# return the decorator again (but with partially filled parameters).
# This allows using both @register_loss and @register_loss(name="foo")
if func is None:
return functools.partial(
register_loss, name=name, check_unused_kwargs=check_unused_kwargs)
# No (further) arguments: this is the actual decorator
# ensure that the loss function includes a **kwargs argument
loss_name = name if name is not None else func.__name__
if not any(v.kind == inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD
for k, v in inspect.signature(func).parameters.items()):
raise TypeError(
f"Loss function '{loss_name}' needs to include a **kwargs argument")
func.name = loss_name
func.check_unused_kwargs = check_unused_kwargs
_LOSS_FUNCTIONS[loss_name] = func
return func
def compute_loss_term(
loss_name, context_kwargs,
"""Compute a loss function given its config and context parameters.
Takes care of:
- finding the correct loss function based on "loss_type" or name
- the optional "weight" parameter
- checking for typos and collisions in config parameters
- adding the optional loss_aux_updates if omitted by the loss_fn
loss_name: Name of the loss, i.e. its key in the config.losses dict.
context_kwargs: Dictionary of context variables (`preds` and `targets`)
config_kwargs: The config dict for this loss.
1. the loss weight (float)
2. loss term (Array)
3. loss aux updates (Dict[str, Array])
Unknown loss_type
Unused config entries, i.e. not used by the loss function.
Not raised if using @register_loss(check_unused_kwargs=False)
KeyError: Config entry with a name that conflicts with a context_kwarg
ValueError: Non-numerical weight in config_kwargs
# Make a dict copy of config_kwargs
kwargs = {k: v for k, v in config_kwargs.items()}
# Get the loss function
loss_type = kwargs.pop("loss_type", loss_name)
if loss_type not in _LOSS_FUNCTIONS:
raise KeyError(f"Unknown loss_type '{loss_type}'.")
loss_fn = _LOSS_FUNCTIONS[loss_type]
# Take care of "weight" term
weight = kwargs.pop("weight", 1.0)
if not isinstance(weight, (int, float)):
raise ValueError(f"Weight for loss {loss_name} should be a number, "
f"but was {weight}.")
# Check for unused config entries (to prevent typos etc.)
config_keys = set(kwargs)
if loss_fn.check_unused_kwargs:
param_names = set(inspect.signature(loss_fn).parameters)
unused_config_keys = config_keys - param_names
if unused_config_keys:
raise KeyError(f"Unrecognized config entries {unused_config_keys} "
f"for loss {loss_name}.")
# Check for key collisions between context and config
conflicting_config_keys = config_keys.intersection(context_kwargs)
if conflicting_config_keys:
raise KeyError(f"The config keys {conflicting_config_keys} conflict "
f"with the context parameters ({context_kwargs.keys()}) "
f"for loss {loss_name}.")
# Construct the arguments for the loss function
kwargs["config_kwargs"] = config_kwargs
# Call loss
results = loss_fn(**kwargs)
# Add empty loss_aux_updates if necessary
if isinstance(results, Tuple):
loss, loss_aux_update = results
loss, loss_aux_update = results, {}
return weight, loss, loss_aux_update
# -------- Loss functions --------
def recon(preds,
key = "video",
reduction_type = "sum",
"""Reconstruction loss (MSE)."""
squared_l2_norm_fn = jax.vmap(functools.partial(
squared_l2_norm, reduction_type=reduction_type))
targets = targets[key]
loss = squared_l2_norm_fn(preds["outputs"][key], targets)
if reduction_type == "mean":
# This rescaling reflects taking the sum over feature axis &
# mean over space/time axes.
loss *= targets.shape[-1] # pytype: disable=attribute-error # allow-recursive-types
return jnp.mean(loss)
def squared_l2_norm(preds, targets,
reduction_type = "sum"):
if reduction_type == "sum":
return jnp.sum(jnp.square(preds - targets))
elif reduction_type == "mean":
return jnp.mean(jnp.square(preds - targets))
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported reduction_type: {reduction_type}")