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convert build_space function to static as cls parameter appears in the gradio textbox title
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from typing import List
import numpy as np
import requests
import gradio as gr
from huggingface_hub import (
class SpaceBuilder:
error_message = ""
def file_as_a_string(cls, name_list: List[str]) -> str:
Returns the file that is going to be created in the new space as string.
:param name_list: list of space names
:return: file as a string
return (
f"import gradio as gr"
f"\nname_list = {name_list} "
f"\ninterfaces = [gr.Interface.load(name) for name in name_list]"
def combine_several_space_inputs(cls, names: str) -> str:
Combines several space inputs and returns the file that is going to be created in the new space as string.
:param names: space inputs
:return: file as a string
name_list = names.split("\n")
interfaces = [gr.Interface.load(name) for name in name_list]
if not cls.control_input_and_output_types(interfaces):
print("Spaces have different input or output types, could not combine them!")
return ""
return cls.file_as_a_string(name_list)
def control_input_and_output_types(cls, interface_list: List["gr.Interface"]) -> bool:
Controls whether if input and output types of the given interfaces are the same.
:param interface_list: list of interfaces
:return: True if all input and output types are the same
first_input_types = [type(input) for input in interface_list[0].input_components]
first_output_types = [
type(output) for output in interface_list[0].output_components
for interface in interface_list:
interface_input_types = [type(input) for input in interface.input_components]
if not np.all(
interface_input_types == first_input_types
): # Vectorize the comparison and don't use double for loop
return False
interface_output_types = [
type(output) for output in interface.output_components
if not np.all(interface_output_types == first_output_types):
return False
return True
def check_space_name_availability(cls, hf_token: str, space_name: str) -> bool:
Check whether if the space_name is currently used.
:param hf_token: hugging_face token
:param space_name:
:return: True if the space_name is available
repo_name = get_full_repo_name(model_id=space_name, token=hf_token)
except Exception as ex:
cls.error_message = "You have given an incorrect HuggingFace token"
return False
url = f"{repo_name}"
response = requests.get(url)
if response.status_code == 200:
cls.error_message = "The the username/space_name is already used for the given token's user"
return False
return True
def build_space(spaces: str, hf_token: str, space_name: str, space_description: str) -> str:
Creates a space with given inputs
:param spaces:
:param hf_token:
:param space_name:
:param space_description:
if spaces == "" or hf_token == "" or space_name == "" or space_description == "":
return "Please fill all the inputs"
if SpaceBuilder.check_space_name_availability(hf_token, space_name):
return "The space name is available"
return SpaceBuilder.error_message
iface = gr.Interface(
f"Drop space links at each line, ie:"
gr.inputs.Textbox(lines=1, placeholder="HuggingFace Write Token"),
gr.inputs.Textbox(lines=1, placeholder="Name for the space"),
gr.inputs.Textbox(lines=1, placeholder="Description for the space"),