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* Copyright 2021 Google LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <atomic>
#include <thread> // NOLINT
#include <vector>
#include "absl/memory/memory.h"
#include "glog/logging.h"
namespace csrblocksparse {
// A re-usable barrier. Keeps threads in extremely tight sync without
// relinquishing control. All memory writes _before_ this barrier are visible
// to all threads _after_ this barrier. Similar in spirit to
// pthreads_barrier. If you expect arrival times at this barrier to be varied
// by more than microseconds, this is probably not the right synchronization
// primitive for you. If |num_threads| exceeds the number of physical threads
// that can run simultaneously, then using this is certainly a bad idea
// (although it should still be correct).
// Callers MUST NOT call barrier from more threads than |num_threads|. The
// result is undefined behavior.
class SpinBarrier {
explicit SpinBarrier(int num_threads)
: num_threads_(num_threads), threads_at_barrier_(0), barrier_step_(0) {}
void barrier();
const int num_threads_;
std::atomic<int32_t> threads_at_barrier_;
std::atomic<uint32_t> barrier_step_; // unsigned to make overflow defined.
// Producer-consumer API using the same underlying mechanism as SpinBarrier.
// This class is intended to allow >=1 producers to produce data for >=1
// consumers, without blocking the producers.
// The consumer will block if it is ready before all the producer(s) have
// produced.
// WARNING: By design this lock does not work without some other barrier that
// prevents any producer from producing again, or consumer from consuming again
// until all consumers have consumed. Basically any loop that uses
// ProducerConsumer must have at least two consume() calls in each thread (on
// different instances) in order for the lock to work correctly.
class ProducerConsumer {
ProducerConsumer(int num_producers, int num_consumers)
: num_producers_(num_producers),
consumers_passed_(0) {}
// Indicates that the data produced by this thread is ready. Does NOT block.
// NOTE that some other lock must exist between the call to this produce and
// looping back to call produce again on the same ProducerConsumer, that
// depends on all consumers having called consume. One such candidate would
// be a call to SpinBarrier above by all producers and consumers.
// Another candidate would be a separate ProducerConsumer object in which
// these producers consume some data produced by the threads that consume
// the data produced here. Eg.
// tid 0 1 2 3
// action 1 produce produce consume consume (on ProducerConsumer 1)
// action 2 consume consume produce produce (on ProducerConsumer 2)
// action 3 produce produce consume consume (on ProducerConsumer 3)
// action 4 consume consume produce produce (on ProducerConsumer 4)
// loop back to action 1.
// NOTE: It is inadequate to loop back after action2, as thread 0 could loop
// back and consume again on PC2 while thread 1 is still completing its call
// to consume. It is still inadequate to loop back after action 3 for the same
// reason (but tsan doesn't seem to pick this up.)
inline void produce() {
producers_ready_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
// Waits if necessary for all producers to have produced before proceeding.
// The ProducerConsumer cannot be reused until all consumers have consumed.
// See detailed comment and example on produce().
inline void consume() {
// We can't do anything until all the producers have produced.
while (producers_ready_.load(std::memory_order_acquire) < num_producers_) {
#if defined __aarch64__ || defined __arm__
asm volatile("yield\n" ::: "memory");
// No pause for x86! The pause instruction on Skylake takes 141 clock
// cycles, which in an AVX2-down-clocked CPU is getting on for 70ns.
// NOTE: It is tempting to move this fetch_add to before the wait loop to
// reduce contention for the memory location, but that would break the lock,
// as then the last to arrive could zero out the producers_ready before the
// other consumers have noticed that all producers have produced.
// With the fetch_add after the wait loop, we are guaranteed that all
// producers have produced AND all consumers have noticed that they have
// produced before we zero out the counters.
int consumers = consumers_passed_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
if (consumers == num_consumers_ - 1) {
// The last consumer to pass has to reset everything for the next time., std::memory_order_relaxed);, std::memory_order_relaxed);
int num_producers() const { return num_producers_; }
int num_consumers() const { return num_consumers_; }
const int num_producers_;
const int num_consumers_;
std::atomic<int32_t> producers_ready_;
std::atomic<int32_t> consumers_passed_;
// We define Thread here, so we can easily change its type later.
using Thread = std::thread;
using ThreadId = std::thread::id;
// Creates (|num_threads|-1) threads and executes a total of |num_threads|
// copies of |func| (executes one on the calling thread).
// Useful for long running func bodies that are intended to run in lock step.
// A possible use case for this style parallelism over a thread pool is when
// we want tight control over which memory is resident in the L2 cache of a
// processor. With a pool we have no control over which thread gets assigned
// which portion of the computation resulting in L2 thrashing. With this
// breakdown we can make sure each thread only acceses a specific L2-sized
// portion of memory.
// func's signature must be (SpinBarrier*, int thread_id, ...);
template <class Function, class... Args>
void LaunchOnThreadsWithBarrier(int num_threads, Function&& func,
Args&&... args) {
SpinBarrier spin_barrier(num_threads);
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Thread>> threads;
for (int tid = 1; tid < num_threads; ++tid) {
auto f = [&, tid]() { func(&spin_barrier, tid, args...); };
const int kLocalTid = 0;
func(&spin_barrier, kLocalTid, args...);
for (auto& thread : threads) {
} // namespace csrblocksparse