<!DOCTYPE html> |
<html lang="en"> |
<head> |
<meta charset="UTF-8"> |
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> |
<title>AI Chat Assistant</title> |
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--glow-shadow: 0 0 20px rgba(45, 212, 191, 0.2); |
--message-user-bg: linear-gradient(135deg, #2dd4bf, #818cf8); |
--message-ai-bg: rgba(30, 41, 59, 0.5); |
--message-user-gradient: linear-gradient(135deg, #2563eb, #1d4ed8); |
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transform: translateY(-2px); |
box-shadow: 0 6px 20px rgba(45, 212, 191, 0.3); |
background: var(--accent-color); |
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flex-grow: 1; |
overflow-y: auto; |
} |
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padding: 10px; |
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cursor: pointer; |
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color: var(--text-secondary); |
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background: var(--hover-color); |
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opacity: 0; |
transition: opacity 0.2s ease; |
color: var(--text-secondary); |
background: none; |
border: none; |
cursor: pointer; |
padding: 4px; |
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opacity: 1; |
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display: flex; |
flex-direction: column; |
height: 100vh; |
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.chat-header { |
padding: 16px; |
border-bottom: 1px solid var(--border-color); |
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justify-content: center; |
position: relative; |
background: rgba(26, 31, 44, 0.8); |
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overflow-y: auto; |
padding: 20px; |
scroll-behavior: smooth; |
height: calc(100vh - 140px); |
font-size: 16px !important; |
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max-width: 80%; |
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font-size: 16px !important; |
line-height: 1.5; |
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flex-direction: row-reverse; |
box-shadow: 0 2px 8px rgba(45, 212, 191, 0.2); |
float: right; |
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} |
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margin-right: auto; |
background: var(--secondary-color); |
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box-shadow: 0 2px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); |
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} |
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background: white; |
color: var(--primary-color); |
box-shadow: 0 2px 8px rgba(45, 212, 191, 0.2); |
} |
.ai-avatar { |
background: white; |
color: var(--secondary-color); |
box-shadow: 0 2px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); |
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font-size: 16px !important; |
line-height: 1.5; |
padding: 0 4px; |
word-wrap: break-word; |
white-space: pre-wrap; |
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.user-message .message-content { |
color: white; |
text-align: left; |
} |
.ai-message .message-content { |
color: var(--text-primary); |
} |
.input-container { |
padding: 20px; |
border-top: 1px solid var(--border-color); |
max-width: 900px; |
margin: 0 auto; |
width: calc(100% - 40px); |
position: relative; |
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display: flex; |
gap: 12px; |
background: var(--message-ai-bg); |
border: 1px solid rgba(45, 212, 191, 0.2); |
padding: 12px 16px; |
border-radius: 12px; |
transition: all 0.3s ease; |
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border-color: var(--primary-color); |
box-shadow: 0 0 15px rgba(45, 212, 191, 0.2); |
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width: 32px; |
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display: flex; |
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justify-content: center; |
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padding: 0; |
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box-shadow: 0 6px 20px rgba(45, 212, 191, 0.3); |
background: var(--accent-color); |
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cursor: not-allowed; |
opacity: 0.5; |
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left: 8px; |
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font-size: 12px; |
font-family: 'Inter', sans-serif; |
} |
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.code-block .operator { color: #D4D4D4; } |
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.code-block .property { color: #9CDCFE; } |
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display: flex; |
align-items: center; |
gap: 12px; |
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opacity: 0; |
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to { |
transform: translateX(0); |
opacity: 1; |
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@keyframes messageSlide { |
from { |
transform: translateY(20px); |
opacity: 0; |
} |
to { |
transform: translateY(0); |
opacity: 1; |
} |
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position: relative; |
overflow: hidden; |
} |
.message.user-message::after { |
content: ''; |
position: absolute; |
top: 0; |
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right: 0; |
bottom: 0; |
background: linear-gradient( |
45deg, |
transparent, |
rgba(45, 212, 191, 0.1), |
transparent |
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0% { |
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50%, 100% { |
transform: translateX(100%) translateY(100%); |
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opacity: 0.5; |
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@keyframes messageAppear { |
from { |
opacity: 0; |
transform: translateY(10px); |
} |
to { |
opacity: 1; |
transform: translateY(0); |
} |
} |
.message { |
animation: messageAppear 0.3s ease-out; |
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.chat-messages::after { |
content: ''; |
display: table; |
clear: both; |
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@media (max-width: 768px) { |
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background: var(--secondary-color); |
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box-shadow: none; |
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border: none; |
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width: 36px; |
height: 36px; |
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align-items: center; |
justify-content: center; |
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padding: 15px 70px; |
height: 50px; |
display: flex; |
align-items: center; |
justify-content: center; |
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max-width: 80%; |
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padding-top: 0; |
height: 100vh; |
margin-left: 0; |
width: 100%; |
position: relative; |
z-index: 1; |
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.message { |
max-width: 90%; |
padding: 10px 12px; |
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padding: 12px; |
width: calc(100% - 24px); |
} |
.scroll-button { |
right: 10px; |
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font-size: 12px; |
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white-space: nowrap; |
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width: calc(100% - 24px); |
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font-size: 14px; |
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0%, 100% { transform: translate(0, 0); } |
25% { transform: translate(100px, 100px); } |
50% { transform: translate(0, 200px); } |
75% { transform: translate(-100px, 100px); } |
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border-radius: 12px; |
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margin: 10px 20px 24px 20px; |
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border: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); |
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font-size: 1.2rem; |
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font-size: 0.95rem; |
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gap: 8px; |
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margin-top: 16px; |
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opacity: .3; |
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content: ''; |
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opacity: 0.5; |
transition: opacity 0.3s ease; |
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@media (max-width: 768px) { |
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padding: 10px 16px; |
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.quick-action-btn:active { |
background: var(--primary-color); |
transform: scale(0.98); |
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@media (max-width: 768px) { |
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margin: 10px 10px 20px 10px; |
padding: 15px; |
max-width: calc(100% - 20px); |
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font-size: 1.1rem; |
margin-bottom: 10px; |
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margin-bottom: 12px; |
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gap: 6px; |
margin-top: 12px; |
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font-size: 13px; |
flex: 1 1 calc(50% - 6px); |
text-align: center; |
min-width: calc(50% - 6px); |
max-width: calc(50% - 6px); |
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from { |
opacity: 0; |
transform: translateY(10px); |
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to { |
opacity: 1; |
transform: translateY(0); |
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backdrop-filter: blur(10px); |
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position: relative; |
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.input-actions { |
position: absolute; |
right: 50px; |
top: 50%; |
transform: translateY(-50%); |
display: flex; |
gap: 8px; |
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background: none; |
border: none; |
color: var(--text-secondary); |
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padding: 4px; |
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color: var(--primary-color); |
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width: 90%; |
max-width: 500px; |
position: relative; |
animation: modalSlide 0.3s ease; |
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<body> |
<div class="landing-page" id="landing-page"> |
<div class="landing-container"> |
<section class="hero-section"> |
<h1 class="hero-title">Welcome to Rxple AI</h1> |
<p class="hero-subtitle">Experience the future of AI-powered conversations with our advanced chatbot</p> |
</section> |
<div class="features-grid"> |
<div class="feature-card"> |
<div class="feature-icon">🤖</div> |
<h3 class="feature-title">Advanced AI Technology</h3> |
<p class="feature-description"> |
Powered by state-of-the-art language models, our AI understands context and provides accurate, relevant responses. |
</p> |
</div> |
<div class="feature-card"> |
<div class="feature-icon">💡</div> |
<h3 class="feature-title">Smart Assistance</h3> |
<p class="feature-description"> |
Get help with coding, writing, analysis, and more. Our AI adapts to your needs and learning style. |
</p> |
</div> |
<div class="feature-card"> |
<div class="feature-icon">🔒</div> |
<h3 class="feature-title">Secure & Private</h3> |
<p class="feature-description"> |
Your conversations are private and secure. We prioritize your data protection and privacy. |
</p> |
</div> |
<div class="feature-card"> |
<div class="feature-icon">⚡</div> |
<h3 class="feature-title">Real-time Responses</h3> |
<p class="feature-description"> |
Get instant answers to your questions with our lightning-fast response system. |
</p> |
</div> |
<div class="feature-card"> |
<div class="feature-icon">📱</div> |
<h3 class="feature-title">Mobile Friendly</h3> |
<p class="feature-description"> |
Access our AI assistant from any device with a seamless, responsive design. |
</p> |
</div> |
<div class="feature-card"> |
<div class="feature-icon">🔄</div> |
<h3 class="feature-title">Continuous Learning</h3> |
<p class="feature-description"> |
Our AI constantly improves and updates its knowledge to provide better assistance. |
</p> |
</div> |
</div> |
<section class="hero-section"> |
<button class="cta-button" onclick="startChat()">Start Chatting with AI</button> |
</section> |
</div> |
</div> |
<aside class="sidebar"> |
<button class="new-chat-btn" onclick="createNewChat()"> |
<svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2"> |
<line x1="12" y1="5" x2="12" y2="19"></line> |
<line x1="5" y1="12" x2="19" y2="12"></line> |
</svg> |
New Chat |
</button> |
<div class="chat-list" id="chat-list"> |
</div> |
</aside> |
<main class="main-container"> |
<div class="chat-header"> |
<div class="settings-button" id="settings-button" title="Settings"> |
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</svg> |
</div> |
<h1 class="chat-title" id="current-chat-title">New Chat</h1> |
</div> |
<div class="chat-messages" id="chat-messages"></div> |
<button id="scroll-top" class="scroll-button scroll-top-button" title="Scroll to top"> |
<svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2"> |
<path d="M18 15l-6-6-6 6"/> |
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<path d="M6 9l6 6 6-6"/> |
</svg> |
</button> |
<div class="input-container"> |
<div class="input-wrapper"> |
<input |
type="text" |
id="user-input" |
placeholder="Send a message..." |
autocomplete="off" |
autofocus |
> |
<button class="send-button" id="send-button" onclick="sendMessage()"> |
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</main> |
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<line x1="3" y1="18" x2="21" y2="18"></line> |
</svg> |
</button> |
<div class="overlay" id="overlay"></div> |
<div class="background-effects"></div> |
<div class="welcome-message"> |
<h3>👋 Welcome to AI Chat Assistant</h3> |
<p>I'm here to help you with any questions or tasks. Here are some things I can do:</p> |
<div class="quick-actions"> |
<button class="quick-action-btn" onclick="sendQuickAction('Tell me a joke')">Tell me a joke</button> |
<button class="quick-action-btn" onclick="sendQuickAction('Write a poem')">Write a poem</button> |
<button class="quick-action-btn" onclick="sendQuickAction('Explain quantum physics')">Explain quantum physics</button> |
<button class="quick-action-btn" onclick="sendQuickAction('Help with coding')">Help with coding</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="settings-modal" id="settings-modal"> |
<div class="settings-content"> |
<div class="settings-header"> |
<h2>Settings</h2> |
<button class="close-settings">×</button> |
</div> |
<div class="settings-body"> |
<div class="settings-section"> |
<h3>Theme</h3> |
<div class="theme-options"> |
<button class="theme-btn active" data-theme="dark">Dark</button> |
<button class="theme-btn" data-theme="light">Light</button> |
<button class="theme-btn" data-theme="system">System</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="settings-section"> |
<h3>Language</h3> |
<select class="language-select"> |
<option value="en">English</option> |
<option value="es">Español</option> |
<option value="fr">Français</option> |
</select> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<script> |
const MISTRAL_API_KEY = 'UgKksYvcKnoxvJ13q5UBjL3AdU8Mu1DQ'; |
const chatMessages = document.getElementById('chat-messages'); |
const userInput = document.getElementById('user-input'); |
const sendButton = document.getElementById('send-button'); |
const scrollTopBtn = document.getElementById('scroll-top'); |
const scrollBottomBtn = document.getElementById('scroll-bottom'); |
let lastScrollTop = 0; |
let scrollCount = 0; |
let scrollTimeout; |
let chats = []; |
let currentChatId = null; |
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { |
initializeScrollButtons(); |
if (chats.length === 0) { |
createNewChat(); |
} |
userInput.addEventListener('keypress', (e) => { |
if (e.key === 'Enter' && !e.shiftKey) { |
e.preventDefault(); |
sendMessage(); |
} |
}); |
userInput.addEventListener('input', () => { |
const isEmpty = userInput.value.trim() === ''; |
sendButton.classList.toggle('disabled', isEmpty); |
}); |
sendButton.classList.add('disabled'); |
}); |
function addMessage(text, sender, save = true) { |
const messageDiv = document.createElement('div'); |
messageDiv.className = `message ${sender}-message`; |
const avatar = document.createElement('div'); |
avatar.className = `avatar ${sender}-avatar`; |
avatar.textContent = sender === 'user' ? 'U' : 'AI'; |
const content = document.createElement('div'); |
content.className = 'message-content'; |
if (text === 'Thinking...') { |
content.innerHTML = ` |
<div class="thinking"> |
<span>Thinking</span> |
<div class="loading-dots"> |
<span></span> |
<span></span> |
<span></span> |
</div> |
</div>`; |
} else { |
content.innerHTML = formatMessage(text); |
content.querySelectorAll('.copy-button').forEach(button => { |
button.addEventListener('click', handleCopyClick); |
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} |
messageDiv.appendChild(avatar); |
messageDiv.appendChild(content); |
const id = Date.now(); |
messageDiv.id = `message-${id}`; |
chatMessages.appendChild(messageDiv); |
if (save && currentChatId) { |
const chat = chats.find(c => c.id === currentChatId); |
if (chat) { |
chat.messages.push({ content: text, sender }); |
if (chat.title === 'New Chat' && sender === 'user') { |
const title = text.slice(0, 30) + (text.length > 30 ? '...' : ''); |
updateChatTitle(title); |
} |
} |
} |
const shouldScroll = chatMessages.scrollTop + chatMessages.clientHeight >= chatMessages.scrollHeight - 100; |
setTimeout(() => { |
if (shouldScroll) { |
chatMessages.scrollTo({ |
top: chatMessages.scrollHeight, |
behavior: 'smooth' |
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handleScroll(); |
}, 100); |
setTimeout(() => { |
chatMessages.scrollTop = chatMessages.scrollHeight; |
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return id; |
} |
function formatMessage(text) { |
const codeBlockRegex = /```(\w*)\n([\s\S]*?)```/g; |
let formattedText = text; |
formattedText = formattedText.replace(codeBlockRegex, (match, language, code) => { |
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Copy |
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`; |
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return formattedText; |
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function highlightSyntax(code, language) { |
return code |
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.replace(/(\w+)\(/g, '<span class="function">$1</span>(') |
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function handleCopyClick(event) { |
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const originalText = button.innerHTML; |
button.innerHTML = ` |
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Copied! |
`; |
button.style.background = '#10B981'; |
setTimeout(() => { |
button.innerHTML = originalText; |
button.style.background = ''; |
}, 2000); |
}).catch(err => { |
console.error('Failed to copy:', err); |
button.textContent = 'Failed'; |
}); |
} |
async function sendMessage() { |
const message = userInput.value.trim(); |
if (!message) return; |
try { |
addMessage(message, 'user'); |
userInput.value = ''; |
scrollToBottom(true); |
const loadingId = addMessage('Thinking...', 'ai'); |
scrollToBottom(true); |
const response = await fetch('https://api.mistral.ai/v1/chat/completions', { |
method: 'POST', |
headers: { |
'Content-Type': 'application/json', |
'Authorization': `Bearer ${MISTRAL_API_KEY}`, |
'Accept': 'application/json' |
}, |
body: JSON.stringify({ |
model: "mistral-small", |
messages: [ |
{ |
role: "system", |
content: "You are a helpful AI assistant. Provide clear and concise responses." |
}, |
{ |
role: "user", |
content: message |
} |
], |
max_tokens: 1000, |
temperature: 0.7 |
}) |
}); |
if (!response.ok) { |
const errorData = await response.json().catch(() => ({})); |
throw new Error( |
`API Error (${response.status}): ${errorData.error?.message || 'Unknown error'}` |
); |
} |
const data = await response.json(); |
removeMessage(loadingId); |
if (data.choices && data.choices[0] && data.choices[0].message) { |
removeMessage(loadingId); |
addMessage(data.choices[0].message.content, 'ai'); |
scrollToBottom(); |
} else { |
console.error('Unexpected API response:', data); |
addMessage('Sorry, I received an unexpected response format.', 'ai'); |
scrollToBottom(); |
} |
} catch (error) { |
console.error('Error details:', error); |
removeMessage(loadingId); |
addMessage(`Sorry, I encountered an error: ${error.message}`, 'ai'); |
scrollToBottom(); |
} finally { |
userInput.disabled = false; |
sendButton.classList.remove('disabled'); |
userInput.focus(); |
} |
} |
function removeMessage(id) { |
const message = document.getElementById(`message-${id}`); |
if (message) { |
message.remove(); |
} |
} |
function initializeScrollButtons() { |
const scrollTopBtn = document.getElementById('scroll-top'); |
const scrollBottomBtn = document.getElementById('scroll-bottom'); |
const chatMessages = document.getElementById('chat-messages'); |
chatMessages.addEventListener('scroll', () => { |
if (chatMessages.scrollTop > 500) { |
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scrollTopBtn.addEventListener('click', () => { |
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scrollBottomBtn.addEventListener('click', () => { |
chatMessages.scrollTo({ top: chatMessages.scrollHeight, behavior: 'smooth' }); |
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function handleScroll() { |
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scrollCount = 0; |
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function scrollToTop() { |
chatMessages.scrollTo({ |
top: 0, |
behavior: 'smooth' |
}); |
} |
function scrollToBottom(immediate = false) { |
const chatMessages = document.getElementById('chat-messages'); |
if (chatMessages) { |
const scrollOptions = { |
top: chatMessages.scrollHeight, |
behavior: immediate ? 'auto' : 'smooth' |
}; |
if (chatMessages.scrollTo) { |
chatMessages.scrollTo(scrollOptions); |
} else { |
chatMessages.scrollTop = chatMessages.scrollHeight; |
} |
} |
} |
createNewChat(); |
function createNewChat() { |
const chatId = Date.now(); |
const chat = { |
id: chatId, |
title: 'New Chat', |
messages: [] |
}; |
chats.push(chat); |
currentChatId = chatId; |
clearMessages(); |
updateChatList(); |
updateChatTitle('New Chat'); |
const welcomeMessage = document.createElement('div'); |
welcomeMessage.className = 'welcome-message'; |
welcomeMessage.innerHTML = ` |
<h3>👋 Welcome to Rxple AI Chat Assistant</h3> |
<p>I'm here to help you with any questions or tasks. Here are some things I can do:</p> |
<div class="quick-actions"> |
<button class="quick-action-btn" onclick="sendQuickAction('Tell me a joke')">Tell me a joke</button> |
<button class="quick-action-btn" onclick="sendQuickAction('Write a poem')">Write a poem</button> |
<button class="quick-action-btn" onclick="sendQuickAction('Explain quantum physics')">Explain quantum physics</button> |
<button class="quick-action-btn" onclick="sendQuickAction('Help with coding')">Help with coding</button> |
</div> |
`; |
chatMessages.appendChild(welcomeMessage); |
} |
function updateChatList() { |
const chatList = document.getElementById('chat-list'); |
chatList.innerHTML = ''; |
chats.forEach(chat => { |
const chatItem = document.createElement('div'); |
chatItem.className = `chat-item ${chat.id === currentChatId ? 'active' : ''}`; |
chatItem.innerHTML = ` |
<span>${chat.title}</span> |
<button class="delete-chat" onclick="deleteChat(${chat.id})"> |
<svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2"> |
<path d="M3 6h18"></path> |
<path d="M19 6v14a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H7a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V6"></path> |
<path d="M8 6V4a2 2 0 0 1 2-2h4a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v2"></path> |
</svg> |
</button> |
`; |
chatItem.onclick = (e) => { |
if (!e.target.closest('.delete-chat')) { |
switchChat(chat.id); |
} |
}; |
chatList.appendChild(chatItem); |
}); |
} |
function deleteChat(chatId) { |
if (confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this chat?')) { |
chats = chats.filter(chat => chat.id !== chatId); |
if (currentChatId === chatId) { |
if (chats.length > 0) { |
switchChat(chats[0].id); |
} else { |
createNewChat(); |
} |
} |
updateChatList(); |
} |
} |
function switchChat(chatId) { |
currentChatId = chatId; |
const chat = chats.find(c => c.id === chatId); |
clearMessages(); |
chat.messages.forEach(msg => { |
addMessage(msg.content, msg.sender, false); |
}); |
updateChatTitle(chat.title); |
updateChatList(); |
} |
function updateChatTitle(title) { |
document.getElementById('current-chat-title').textContent = title; |
if (currentChatId) { |
const chat = chats.find(c => c.id === currentChatId); |
if (chat) { |
chat.title = title; |
updateChatList(); |
} |
} |
} |
function clearMessages() { |
chatMessages.innerHTML = ''; |
} |
const menuButton = document.getElementById('menu-button'); |
const sidebar = document.querySelector('.sidebar'); |
const overlay = document.getElementById('overlay'); |
function checkScreenSize() { |
if (window.innerWidth <= 768) { |
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menuButton.style.opacity = sidebar.classList.contains('active') ? '0' : '1'; |
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menuButton.style.display = 'none'; |
menuButton.style.opacity = '1'; |
sidebar.classList.remove('active'); |
overlay.classList.remove('active'); |
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sidebar.classList.toggle('active'); |
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const style = document.createElement('style'); |
style.textContent = ` |
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transition: opacity 0.3s ease; |
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document.head.appendChild(style); |
function sendQuickAction(text) { |
userInput.value = text; |
sendMessage(); |
} |
const settingsButton = document.getElementById('settings-button'); |
const settingsModal = document.getElementById('settings-modal'); |
const closeSettings = document.querySelector('.close-settings'); |
settingsButton.addEventListener('click', () => { |
settingsModal.classList.add('active'); |
}); |
closeSettings.addEventListener('click', () => { |
settingsModal.classList.remove('active'); |
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if (e.target === settingsModal) { |
settingsModal.classList.remove('active'); |
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button.addEventListener('click', () => { |
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button.classList.add('active'); |
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function startChat() { |
document.getElementById('landing-page').classList.add('hidden'); |
} |
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