nickil's picture
add initial files
history blame contribute delete
No virus
7.99 kB
import argparse
import collections
import os
import subprocess
import nltk
def tree_to_spans(tree, keep_labels=False, keep_leaves=False, keep_whole_span=False):
if isinstance(tree, str):
tree = nltk.Tree.fromstring(tree)
length = len(tree.pos())
queue = collections.deque(tree.treepositions())
stack = [(queue.popleft(), 0)]
j = 0
spans = []
while stack != []:
(p, i) = stack[-1]
if not queue or queue[0][:-1] != p:
if isinstance(tree[p], nltk.tree.Tree):
if j - i > 1:
spans.append((tree[p].label(), (i, j)))
j = i + 1
q = queue.popleft()
stack.append((q, j))
if not keep_whole_span:
spans = [span for span in spans if span[1] != (0, length)]
if not keep_labels:
spans = [span[1] for span in spans]
return spans
def test_tree_to_spans():
assert [(0, 2), (0, 3), (0, 4)] == tree_to_spans("(S (S (S (S (S 1) (S 2)) (S 3)) (S 4)) (S 5))", keep_labels=False)
assert [] == tree_to_spans("(S 1)", keep_labels=False)
assert [] == tree_to_spans("(S (S 1) (S 2))", keep_labels=False)
assert [(1, 3)] == tree_to_spans("(S (S 1) (S (S 2) (S 3)))", keep_labels=False)
assert [("S", (1, 3))] == tree_to_spans("(S (S 1) (S (S 2) (S 3)))", keep_labels=True)
def get_F1_score_intermediates(gold_spans, pred_spans):
"""Get intermediate results for calculating the F1 score"""
n_true_positives = 0
gold_span_counter = collections.Counter(gold_spans)
pred_span_counter = collections.Counter(pred_spans)
unique_spans = set(gold_spans + pred_spans)
for span in unique_spans:
n_true_positives += min(gold_span_counter[span], pred_span_counter[span])
return n_true_positives, len(gold_spans), len(pred_spans)
def calculate_F1_score_from_intermediates(n_true_positives, n_golds, n_predictions, precision_recall_f_score=False):
"""Calculate F1 score"""
if precision_recall_f_score:
zeros = (0, 0, 0)
zeros = 0
if n_golds == 0:
return 100 if n_predictions == 0 else zeros
if n_true_positives == 0 or n_predictions == 0:
return zeros
recall = n_true_positives / n_golds
precision = n_true_positives / n_predictions
F1 = 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall)
if precision_recall_f_score:
return precision, recall, F1 * 100
return F1 * 100
def calculate_F1_for_spans(gold_spans, pred_spans, precision_recall_f_score=False):
# gold_spans = list(set(gold_spans))
tp, n_gold, n_pred = get_F1_score_intermediates(gold_spans, pred_spans)
if precision_recall_f_score:
p, r, F1 = calculate_F1_score_from_intermediates(tp, len(gold_spans), len(pred_spans), precision_recall_f_score=precision_recall_f_score)
return p, r, F1
F1 = calculate_F1_score_from_intermediates(tp, len(gold_spans), len(pred_spans))
return F1
def test_calculate_F1_for_spans():
pred = [(0, 1)]
gold = [(0, 1)]
assert calculate_F1_for_spans(gold, pred) == 100
pred = [(0, 0)]
gold = [(0, 1)]
assert calculate_F1_for_spans(gold, pred) == 0
pred = [(0, 0), (0, 1)]
gold = [(0, 1), (1, 1)]
assert calculate_F1_for_spans(gold, pred) == 50
pred = [(0, 0), (0, 0)]
gold = [(0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 1)]
assert calculate_F1_for_spans(gold, pred) == 80
pred = [(0, 0), (1, 0)]
gold = [(0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 1)]
assert calculate_F1_for_spans(gold, pred) == 40
def read_lines_from_file(filepath, len_limit):
with open(filepath, "r") as f:
for line in f:
tree = nltk.Tree.fromstring(line)
if len_limit is not None and len(tree.pos()) > len_limit:
yield line.strip()
def read_spans_from_file(filepath, len_limit):
for line in read_lines_from_file(filepath, len_limit):
yield tree_to_spans(line, keep_labels=False, keep_leaves=False, keep_whole_span=False)
def calculate_corpus_level_F1_for_spans(gold_list, pred_list):
n_true_positives = 0
n_golds = 0
n_predictions = 0
for gold_spans, pred_spans in zip(gold_list, pred_list):
n_tp, n_g, n_p = get_F1_score_intermediates(gold_spans, pred_spans)
n_true_positives += n_tp
n_golds += n_g
n_predictions += n_p
F1 = calculate_F1_score_from_intermediates(n_true_positives, n_golds, n_predictions)
return F1
def calculate_sentence_level_F1_for_spans(gold_list, pred_list):
f1_scores = []
for gold_spans, pred_spans in zip(gold_list, pred_list):
f1 = calculate_F1_for_spans(gold_spans, pred_spans)
F1 = sum(f1_scores) / len(f1_scores)
return F1
def parse_evalb_results_from_file(filepath):
i_th_score = 0
score_of_all_length = None
score_of_length_10 = None
prefix_of_the_score_line = "Bracketing FMeasure ="
with open(filepath, "r") as f:
for line in f:
if line.startswith(prefix_of_the_score_line):
i_th_score += 1
if i_th_score == 1:
score_of_all_length = float(line.split()[-1])
elif i_th_score == 2:
score_of_length_10 = float(line.split()[-1])
raise ValueError("Too many lines for F score")
return score_of_all_length, score_of_length_10
def execute_evalb(gold_file, pred_file, out_file, len_limit):
EVALB_PATH = "model/EVALB/""{} -p {} {} {} > {}".format(EVALB_PATH + "/evalb", EVALB_PATH + "unlabelled.prm", gold_file, pred_file, out_file), shell=True)
def calculate_evalb_F1_for_file(gold_file, pred_file, len_limit):
evalb_out_file = pred_file + ".evalb_out"
execute_evalb(gold_file, pred_file, evalb_out_file, len_limit)
F1_len_all, F1_len_10 = parse_evalb_results_from_file(evalb_out_file)
if len_limit is None:
return F1_len_all
elif len_limit == 10:
return F1_len_10
raise ValueError(f"Unexpected len_limit: {len_limit}")
def calculate_sentence_level_F1_for_file(gold_file, pred_file, len_limit):
gold_list = list(read_spans_from_file(gold_file, len_limit))
pred_list = list(read_spans_from_file(pred_file, len_limit))
F1 = calculate_sentence_level_F1_for_spans(gold_list, pred_list)
return F1
def calculate_corpus_level_F1_for_file(gold_file, pred_file, len_limit):
gold_list = list(read_spans_from_file(gold_file, len_limit))
pred_list = list(read_spans_from_file(pred_file, len_limit))
F1 = calculate_corpus_level_F1_for_spans(gold_list, pred_list)
return F1
def evaluate_prediction_file(gold_file, pred_file, len_limit):
corpus_F1 = calculate_corpus_level_F1_for_file(gold_file, pred_file, len_limit)
sentence_F1 = calculate_sentence_level_F1_for_file(gold_file, pred_file, len_limit)
# evalb_F1 = calculate_evalb_F1_for_file(gold_file, pred_file, len_limit)
print("=====> Evaluation Results <=====")
print(f"Length constraint: f{len_limit}")
print(f"Micro F1: {corpus_F1:.2f}, Macro F1: {sentence_F1:.2f}") # , evalb_F1))
print("=====> Evaluation Results <=====")
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--gold_file", "-g", help="path to gold file")
parser.add_argument("--pred_file", "-p", help="path to prediction file")
"--len_limit", default=None, type=int, choices=(None, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100), help="length constraint for evaluation, 10 or None"
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
def main():
args = parse_args()
evaluate_prediction_file(args.gold_file, args.pred_file, args.len_limit)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# python helper/ -g TEMP/preprocessed_dev.txt -p TEMP/pred_dev_m_None.txt