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import torch
import cv2
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from transformers import pipeline
import gradio as gr
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from colorsys import rgb_to_hsv
from huggingface_hub import InferenceClient # Import InferenceClient for API calls
# Initialize the emotion detection pipeline for text (if any text is included in assets)
emotion_classifier = pipeline("text-classification", model="j-hartmann/emotion-english-distilroberta-base", return_all_scores=True)
# Initialize the Hugging Face API client with your Space model ID
client = InferenceClient("nehapasricha94/LLaVA-image-analysis")
# Function to analyze colors in an image
def analyze_colors(image):
# Ensure the image is in RGB format
if image.mode != "RGB":
image = image.convert("RGB")
# Resize the image for faster processing
image = image.resize((150, 150))
# Convert to numpy array
img_array = np.array(image)
# Reshape image to be a list of pixels
pixels = img_array.reshape((-1, 3))
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=5, random_state=0)
dominant_colors = kmeans.cluster_centers_
# Plot the colors for visualization
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
return dominant_colors
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error in analyze_colors: {e}")
return None
# Function to analyze emotions based on color (hue, brightness, saturation) and stress with weights
def color_emotion_analysis(dominant_colors):
emotions = []
stress_levels = []
# Weight coefficients for each factor
brightness_weight = 0.5
hue_weight = 0.3
saturation_weight = 0.2
for color in dominant_colors:
# Normalize RGB values to 0-1 range
r, g, b = color / 255.0
# Convert RGB to HSV
h, s, v = rgb_to_hsv(r, g, b) # Hue, Saturation, Value (brightness)
# Calculate weighted emotion and stress levels
weighted_brightness = v * brightness_weight
weighted_hue = h * hue_weight
weighted_saturation = s * saturation_weight
# Combine weighted factors
score = weighted_brightness + weighted_hue + weighted_saturation
# Analyze emotion and stress based on combined score
if score < 0.3: # Lower combined score, less rigid "high stress"
stress_levels.append("Moderate-High Stress")
elif 0.3 <= score < 0.5:
stress_levels.append("Moderate Stress")
elif 0.5 <= score < 0.7:
stress_levels.append("Low Stress")
elif 0.7 <= score < 0.85:
stress_levels.append("Very Low Stress")
emotions.append("Very Happy")
stress_levels.append("No Stress")
return emotions, stress_levels
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error in color_emotion_analysis: {e}")
return ["Error analyzing emotions"], ["Error analyzing stress levels"]
# Function to analyze patterns and shapes using OpenCV
def analyze_patterns(image):
# Convert to grayscale for edge detection
gray_image = cv2.cvtColor(np.array(image), cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
edges = cv2.Canny(gray_image, 100, 200)
# Calculate the number of edges (chaos metric)
num_edges = np.sum(edges > 0)
if num_edges > 10000: # Arbitrary threshold for "chaos"
return "Chaotic patterns - possibly distress", 0.8 # Assigning 0.8 stress for chaotic patterns
return "Orderly patterns - possibly calm", 0.2 # Assigning 0.2 stress for calm patterns
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error in analyze_patterns: {e}")
return "Error analyzing patterns", 0.5 # Assigning neutral weight for errors
# Function to compute overall results by combining color and pattern analyses
def compute_overall_result(color_emotions, stress_levels, pattern_analysis, pattern_stress):
# Assigning weightage to different factors
color_emotion_weight = 0.5 # 50% for color-based emotions and stress
pattern_weight = 0.5 # 50% for pattern analysis
# Determine the most common emotion from colors
dominant_emotion = max(set(color_emotions), key=color_emotions.count)
# Average stress level from color analysis (converting text stress levels to numeric)
stress_mapping = {
"No Stress": 0.1,
"Very Low Stress": 0.3,
"Low Stress": 0.5,
"Moderate Stress": 0.7,
"Moderate-High Stress": 0.9,
color_stress_numeric = [stress_mapping[stress] for stress in stress_levels if stress in stress_mapping]
avg_color_stress = np.mean(color_stress_numeric) if color_stress_numeric else 0.5 # Default to 0.5 if no valid data
# Compute the overall stress by combining color stress and pattern stress
overall_stress = (avg_color_stress * color_emotion_weight) + (pattern_stress * pattern_weight)
# Determine overall result based on combined factors
if overall_stress < 0.3:
overall_emotion = "Calm and Relaxed"
elif 0.3 <= overall_stress < 0.6:
overall_emotion = "Neutral Mood"
elif 0.6 <= overall_stress < 0.8:
overall_emotion = "Slightly Stressed"
overall_emotion = "Highly Stressed"
return f"Overall emotion: {overall_emotion} (Dominant Color Emotion: {dominant_emotion}, Pattern Analysis: {pattern_analysis})"
except Exception as e:
return f"Error computing overall result: {str(e)}"
# Function to analyze emotions from a given text (if applicable)
def analyze_emotion_from_text(text):
# Using the local emotion classifier
emotion_scores = emotion_classifier(text)
dominant_emotion = max(emotion_scores, key=lambda x: x['score'])
return f"Detected emotion from text: {dominant_emotion['label']} with score: {dominant_emotion['score']:.2f}"
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error analyzing emotion from text: {e}")
return "Error analyzing text emotion"
# Main function to process image and analyze emotional expression
def analyze_emotion_from_image(image):
print(f"Initial input type: {type(image)}")
# Check if the input is a URL string
if isinstance(image, str) and image.startswith('http'):
print(f"Loading image from URL: {image}")
response = requests.get(image, stream=True)
response.raise_for_status() # Raise an error for bad responses
image ="RGB") # Load from URL response content
print("Loaded image from URL.")
# Check if the input is a local file path string
elif isinstance(image, str):
print(f"Loading image from file path: {image}")
image ="RGB") # Load from file path
print("Loaded image from local file.")
# Check if the input is Blob data (file-like object)
elif isinstance(image, dict) and "blob" in image:
blob_data = image["blob"]
image ="RGB") # Load from Blob data
print("Loaded image from Blob data.")
# Check if the input is a NumPy array
elif isinstance(image, np.ndarray):
image = Image.fromarray(image).convert("RGB") # Convert NumPy array to image
print("Converted image from NumPy array.")
print(f"Image size: {image.size}, mode: {image.mode}")
# Analyze colors (stubbed function)
dominant_colors = analyze_colors(image)
if dominant_colors is None:
return "Error analyzing colors"
color_emotions, stress_levels = color_emotion_analysis(dominant_colors)
print(f"Color emotions: {color_emotions}, Stress levels: {stress_levels}")
# Analyze patterns (stubbed function)
pattern_analysis, pattern_stress = analyze_patterns(image)
print(f"Pattern analysis: {pattern_analysis}, Pattern stress: {pattern_stress}")
# Compute overall result (stubbed function)
overall_result = compute_overall_result(color_emotions, stress_levels, pattern_analysis, pattern_stress)
return overall_result
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error processing image: {str(e)}")
return f"Error processing image: {str(e)}"
# Gradio interface to upload image files and perform analysis
iface = gr.Interface(fn=analyze_emotion_from_image, inputs="image", outputs="text")
# Launch the interface
if __name__ == "__main__":