PUMP / core /losses /unsupervised_deepmatching_loss.py
Philippe Weinzaepfel
huggingface demo
# Copyright 2022-present NAVER Corp.
# CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
# Available only for non-commercial use
from pdb import set_trace as bb
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from core import functional as myF
class DeepMatchingLoss (nn.Module):
""" This loss is based on DeepMatching (IJCV'16).
atleast: (int) minimum image size at which the pyramid construction stops.
sub: (int) prior subsampling
way: (str) which way to compute the asymmetric matching ('1', '2' or '12')
border: (int) ignore pixels too close to the border
rectify_p: (float) non-linear power-rectification in DeepMatching
eps: (float) epsilon for the L1 normalization. Kinda handles unmatched pixels.
def __init__(self, eps=0.03, atleast=5, sub=2, way='12', border=16, rectify_p=1.5):
assert way in ('1','2','12')
self.subsample = sub
self.border = border
self.way = way
self.atleast = atleast
self.rectify_p = rectify_p
self.eps = eps
self._cache = {}
def rectify(self, corr):
corr = corr.clip_(min=0)
corr = corr ** self.rectify_p
return corr
def forward(self, desc1, desc2, **kw):
# 1 --> 2
loss1 = self.forward_oneway(desc1, desc2, **kw) \
if '1' in self.way else 0
# 2 --> 1
loss2 = self.forward_oneway(desc2, desc1, **kw) \
if '2' in self.way else 0
return dict(deepm_loss=(loss1+loss2)/len(self.way))
def forward_oneway(self, desc1, desc2, dbg=(), **kw):
assert desc1.shape[:2] == desc2.shape[:2]
# prior subsampling
s = slice(self.border, -self.border or None, self.subsample)
desc1, desc2 = desc1[...,s,s], desc2[...,s,s]
desc1 = desc1[:,:,2::4,2::4] # subsample patches in 1st image
B, D, H1, W1, H2, W2 = desc1.shape + desc2.shape[-2:]
if B == 0: return 0 # empty batch
# intial 4D correlation volume
corr = torch.bmm(desc1.reshape(B,D,-1).transpose(1,2), desc2.reshape(B,D,-1)).view(B,H1,W1,H2,W2)
# build pyramid
pyramid = self.deep_matching(corr)
corr = pyramid[-1] # high-level correlation
corr = self.rectify(corr)
# L1 norm
B, H1, W1, H2, W2 = corr.shape
corr = corr / (corr.reshape(B,H1*W1,-1).sum(dim=-1).view(B,H1,W1,1,1) + self.eps)
# squared L2 norm
loss = - torch.square(corr).sum() / (B*H1*W1)
return loss
def deep_matching(self, corr):
# print(f'level=0 {corr.shape=}')
weights = None
pyramid = [corr]
for level in range(1,999):
corr, weights = self.forward_level(level, corr, weights)
# print(f'{level=} {corr.shape=}')
if weights.sum() == 0: break # img1 has become too small
if min(corr.shape[-2:]) < 2*self.atleast: break # img2 has become too small
return pyramid
def forward_level(self, level, corr, weights):
B, H1, W1, H2, W2 = corr.shape
# max-pooling
pooled = F.max_pool2d(corr.view(B,H1*W1,H2,W2), 3, padding=1, stride=2)
pooled = pooled.view(B, H1, W1, *pooled.shape[-2:])
# print(f'rectifying corr at {level=}')
pooled = self.rectify(pooled)
# sparse conv
key = level, H1, W1, H2, W2
if key not in self._cache:
B, H1, W1, H2, W2 = myF.true_corr_shape(pooled.shape, level-1)
self._cache[key] = myF.children(level, H1, W1, H2, W2).to(corr.device)
return sparse_conv(level, pooled, self._cache[key], weights)
def sparse_conv(level, corr, parents, weights=None, border_norm=0.9):
B, H1, W1, H2, W2 = myF.true_corr_shape(corr.shape, level-1)
n_cache = len(parents)
# perform the sparse convolution 'manually'
# since sparse convolutions are not implemented in pytorch currently
corr = corr.view(B, -1, H2, W2)
res = corr.new_zeros((B, n_cache+1, H2, W2)) # last one = garbage channel
nrm = corr.new_full((n_cache+1, 3, 3), torch.finfo(corr.dtype).eps)
ones = nrm.new_ones((corr.shape[1], 1, 1))
ex = 1
if weights is not None:
weights = weights.view(corr.shape[1],1,1)
corr = corr * weights[None] # apply weights to correlation maps beforehand
ones *= weights
sl = lambda v: slice(0,-1 or None) if v < 0 else slice(1,None)
c = 0
for y in (-1, 1):
for x in (-1, 1):
src_layers = parents[:,c]; c+= 1
# we want to do: res += corr[src_layers] (for all children != -1)
# but we only have 'res.index_add_()' <==> res[tgt_layers] += corr
tgt_layers = myF.inverse_mapping(src_layers, max_elem=corr.shape[1], default=n_cache)[:-1]
# All of corr's channels MUST be utilized. for level>1, this doesn't hold,
# so we'll send them to a garbage channel ==> res[n_cache]
sel = myF.good_slice( tgt_layers < n_cache )
res[:,:,sl(-y),sl(-x)].index_add_(1, tgt_layers[sel], corr[:,sel,sl(y),sl(x)])
nrm[ :,sl(-y),sl(-x)].index_add_(0, tgt_layers[sel], ones[sel].expand(-1,2,2))
# normalize borders
weights = myF.norm_borders(res, nrm, norm=border_norm)[:-1]
res = res[:,:-1] # remove garbage channel
return res.view(B, H1+ex, W1+ex, *res.shape[-2:]), weights