PUMP / demo_warping.py
Philippe Weinzaepfel
huggingface demo
history blame
No virus
2.8 kB
# Copyright 2022-present NAVER Corp.
# CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
# Available only for non-commercial use
from pdb import set_trace as bb
import os, os.path as osp
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
from tools.viz import pl, noticks
""" This script will warp (deform) img2 so that it fits img1
>> In case of memory failure (not enough GPU memory):
try adding '--resize 400 300' (or larger values if possible) to the _exec(...) command below.
def parse_args():
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('PUMP demo script for the image warping demo')
parser.add_argument('--img1', default='datasets/demo_warp/mountains_src.jpg')
parser.add_argument('--img2', default='datasets/demo_warp/mountains_tgt.jpg')
parser.add_argument('--output', default='results/demo_warp')
parser.add_argument('--just-print', action='store_true', help='just print commands')
return parser.parse_args()
def main( args ):
run_pump(args) and run_demo_warp(args)
def run_pump(args):
output_path = osp.join(args.output, args.img1, args.img2+'.corres')
if osp.isfile(output_path): return True
return _exec(f'''python test_singlescale_recursive.py
--img1 {args.img1}
--img2 {args.img2}
--post-filter densify=True
--output {output_path}''')
def run_demo_warp(args):
corres_path = osp.join(args.output, args.img1, args.img2+'.corres')
corres = np.load(corres_path)['corres']
img1 = Image.open(args.img1).convert('RGB')
img2 = Image.open(args.img2).convert('RGB')
W, H = img1.size
warped_img2 = warp_img(np.asarray(img2), corres[:,2:4].reshape(H,W,2))
pl.figure('Warping demo')
pl.imshow( img2 )
pl.title('Source image')
pl.imshow( img1 )
pl.title('Target image')
pl.imshow( warped_img2 )
pl.title('Source image warped to match target')
def warp_img( img, absolute_flow ):
H1, W1, TWO = absolute_flow.shape
H2, W2, THREE = img.shape
assert TWO == 2 and THREE == 3
warp = absolute_flow.round().astype(int)
invalid = (warp[:,:,0]<0) | (warp[:,:,0]>=W2) | (warp[:,:,1]<0) | (warp[:,:,1]>=H2)
warp[:,:,0] = warp[:,:,0].clip(min=0, max=W2-1)
warp[:,:,1] = warp[:,:,1].clip(min=0, max=H2-1)
warp = warp[:,:,0] + W2*warp[:,:,1]
warped_img = np.asarray(img).reshape(-1,3)[warp].reshape(H1,W1,3)
return warped_img
def _exec(cmd):
# strip & remove \n
cmd = ' '.join(cmd.split())
if args.just_print:
return False
return os.WEXITSTATUS(os.system(cmd)) == 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = parse_args()
main( args )