Browse files
@@ -6,8 +6,11 @@ import streamlit as st
6 |
import json
7 |
import time
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
products = []
12 |
page = 1
13 |
query = quote(nama_barang)
@@ -63,6 +66,80 @@ def scrape_e_commerce(nama_barang, num_items):
63 |
64 |
return products
65 |
66 |
#---------------------------------------------------User Interface----------------------------------------------------------------------
67 |
68 |
# Streamlit UI
@@ -70,7 +147,7 @@ st.title("Scraping E-Commerce")
70 |
71 |
with st.expander("Settings :"):
72 |
# Pilihan untuk memilih situs web
73 |
selected_site = st.selectbox("Pilih Situs Web :", ["", "
74 |
75 |
nama_barang = st.text_input("Masukkan Nama Barang :")
76 |
num_items = st.number_input("Masukkan Estimasi Banyak Data :", min_value = 1, step = 1, placeholder="Type a number...")
@@ -88,21 +165,28 @@ if selected_site == "":
88 |
if not nama_barang:
89 |
st.error("Mohon isi Nama Barang.")
90 |
91 |
scraped_products =
92 |
hidden_data = scraped_products # Simpan data ke dalam variabel tersembunyi
93 |
scraping_done = True # Set scraping_done menjadi True
94 |
95 |
if selected_site == "
96 |
st.error("Sedang dalam pengembangan. Silahkan pilih situs yang lain")
97 |
98 |
99 |
100 |
101 |
102 |
# Simpan DataFrame ke dalam file
103 |
output_file = f"scraped_{nama_barang}.xlsx"
104 |
output_file_csv = f"scraped_{nama_barang}.csv"
105 |
output_file_json = f"scraped_{nama_barang}.json"
106 |
107 |
108 |
#---------------------------------------------------Download File & Hasil Scraping----------------------------------------------------------------------
6 |
import json
7 |
import time
8 |
9 |
from selenium import webdriver
10 |
from import Options
11 |
12 |
13 |
def scrape_klikindomaret(nama_barang, num_items):
14 |
products = []
15 |
page = 1
16 |
query = quote(nama_barang)
66 |
67 |
return products
68 |
69 |
70 |
def scrape_shopee(nama_barang, num_items):
71 |
products = []
72 |
page = 1
73 |
query = quote(nama_barang)
74 |
progress_text = "Scraping in progress. Please wait."
75 |
my_bar = st.progress(0, text=progress_text)
76 |
url = f'{nama_barang}&page={page}'
77 |
#path = ''
78 |
79 |
#Customize chrome display
80 |
chrome_options = Options()
81 |
82 |
83 |
84 |
85 |
86 |
while len(products) < num_items :
87 |
#Cek agar produk sesuai jumlah yang diminta
88 |
if len (products) > num_items :
89 |
products = products[:num_items]
90 |
91 |
92 |
#driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path = path, options = chrome_options)
93 |
driver = webdriver.Chrome(options = chrome_options)
94 |
95 |
96 |
html = driver.execute_script("return document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].innerHTML")
97 |
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
98 |
99 |
product_list = soup.find_all('li', class ="col-xs-2-4 shopee-search-item-result__item" )
100 |
for product in product_list:
101 |
# Mencari tag <a> di dalam setiap tag <li>
102 |
a_tag = product.find_all('a', href=True)
103 |
104 |
for product_info in a_tag:
105 |
# Mendapatkan URL dari atribut 'href'
106 |
product_href = product_info['href']
107 |
product_name = product.find('div', class_="ie3A+n bM+7UW Cve6sh").text.strip()
108 |
product_price = product.find('div', class="vioxXd rVLWG6").text.strip()
109 |
product_terjual = product.find('div', class="r6HknA uEPGHT").text.strip()
110 |
product_asal = product.find('div', class="zGGwiV").text.strip()
111 |
112 |
# Cek apakah ada harga sebelum diskon dan persentase diskon
113 |
#discount_element = product.find('span', class_='strikeout disc-price')
114 |
#discount_percentage = ""
115 |
#original_price = ""
116 |
#if discount_element:
117 |
# discount_percentage = discount_element.find('span', class_='discount').text.strip()
118 |
# original_price = discount_element.text.replace(discount_percentage, '').strip()
119 |
120 |
# # Jika tidak ada diskon, set discount_percentage ke "0%" dan original_price ke product_price
121 |
# discount_percentage = "0%"
122 |
# original_price = product_price
123 |
124 |
product_link = f"{product_href}"
125 |
126 |
'product': product_name,
127 |
#'original_price': original_price,
128 |
#'discount_percentage': discount_percentage,
129 |
'price': product_price,
130 |
'terjual' : product_terjual,
131 |
'asal' : product_asal,
132 |
'link': product_link
133 |
134 |
135 |
prop = min(len(products)/num_items, 1)
136 |
my_bar.progress(prop, text=progress_text)
137 |
138 |
139 |
page += 1
140 |
141 |
142 |
return products
143 |
#---------------------------------------------------User Interface----------------------------------------------------------------------
144 |
145 |
# Streamlit UI
147 |
148 |
with st.expander("Settings :"):
149 |
# Pilihan untuk memilih situs web
150 |
selected_site = st.selectbox("Pilih Situs Web :", ["", ""])
151 |
152 |
nama_barang = st.text_input("Masukkan Nama Barang :")
153 |
num_items = st.number_input("Masukkan Estimasi Banyak Data :", min_value = 1, step = 1, placeholder="Type a number...")
165 |
if not nama_barang:
166 |
st.error("Mohon isi Nama Barang.")
167 |
168 |
scraped_products = scrape_klikindomaret(nama_barang, num_items)
169 |
hidden_data = scraped_products # Simpan data ke dalam variabel tersembunyi
170 |
scraping_done = True # Set scraping_done menjadi True
171 |
172 |
if selected_site == "":
173 |
#st.error("Sedang dalam pengembangan. Silahkan pilih situs yang lain")
174 |
if st.button("Mulai Scraping"):
175 |
if not nama_barang:
176 |
st.error("Mohon isi Nama Barang.")
177 |
178 |
scraped_products = scrape_shopee(nama_barang, num_items)
179 |
hidden_data = scraped_products # Simpan data ke dalam variabel tersembunyi
180 |
scraping_done = True # Set scraping_done menjadi True
181 |
182 |
183 |
184 |
185 |
186 |
# Simpan DataFrame ke dalam file
187 |
output_file = f"scraped_{selected_site}_{nama_barang}.xlsx"
188 |
output_file_csv = f"scraped_{selected_site}_{nama_barang}.csv"
189 |
output_file_json = f"scraped_{selected_site}_{nama_barang}.json"
190 |
191 |
192 |
#---------------------------------------------------Download File & Hasil Scraping----------------------------------------------------------------------