yourusername's picture
:lipstick: cleanup
raw history blame
No virus
1.39 kB
import streamlit as st
from import get_image_urls_by_term
def show_images_of_term(search_term, num_cols=5, num_rows=3):
# Get the image urls
# Arbitrarily adding 2 to make sure we have enough images in the event of a failed request
urls = get_image_urls_by_term(search_term, count=(num_rows * num_cols) + 2)
for row_id in range(num_rows):
cols = st.columns(num_cols)
for col_id in range(num_cols):
cols[col_id].image(urls[row_id * num_cols + col_id], use_column_width=True)
def explore():
with st.sidebar:
term_1 = st.sidebar.text_input('Search Term 1', value='shiba inu')
term_2 = st.sidebar.text_input('Search Term 2', value='husky')
term_3 = st.sidebar.text_input('Search Term 3', value='')
term_4 = st.sidebar.text_input('Search Term 4', value='')
term_5 = st.sidebar.text_input('Search Term 5', value='')
terms = [t for t in [term_1, term_2, term_3, term_4, term_5] if t]
for term in terms:
def create_dataset():
st.markdown("# Coming soon...")
def main():
with st.sidebar:
mode = st.sidebar.selectbox("Mode", ["Explore", "Create Dataset"])
_ = explore() if mode == "Explore" else create_dataset()
if __name__ == '__main__':