tty / pushcookie /
nagose's picture
Update pushcookie/
8349067 verified
history blame
4.38 kB
# Author : Bing
# Script follows here:
# Define a function to clear chromium browser cache
clear_cache() {
rm -rf ~/.cache/chromium
# Define a function to load a web page using chromium browser
load_page() {
# The first argument is the web page url
# Open the url in a new tab of chromium browser
chromium --new-tab $url --window-position=0,0 --window-size=700,500
# Define a function to move the mouse and click the left button using xdotool
move_and_click() {
# The first argument is the x coordinate
# The second argument is the y coordinate
# Move the mouse to the given coordinates
#xdotool mousemove $x $y
xte "mousemove $x $y"
# Click the left button
#xdotool click 1
xte "mouseclick 1"
# Define a function to type some characters and press enter using xdotool
type_and_enter() {
# The first argument is the characters to type
# Type the characters
xdotool type "$chars"
# Press enter
xdotool key Return
# Define a function to kill all chromium browser windows
kill_chromium() {
# Find the process id of chromium browser
pid=$(pgrep chromium)
# Kill the process
kill $pid
# Define a function to wait for some seconds
wait_for() {
# The first argument is the number of seconds to wait
# Sleep for the given seconds
sleep $seconds
screenshot_to_base64() {
# 检查是否提供了保存路径作为参数
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
echo "请提供一个保存截图的路径。"
return 1
# 使用xdotool获取当前活动窗口的截图,并将其转换为base64编码
local current_time=$(date +%s) # 获取当前绝对时间
local filename="${current_time}.txt" # 创建文件名
local save_path="$1/$filename" # 完整的保存路径
# 截屏并保存为base64编码
xdotool key "Print" # 模拟按下“Print”键进行截屏
sleep 5 # 等待截屏命令执行
xclip -selection clipboard -t image/png -o | base64 > "$save_path"
echo "截图已保存为base64编码文本文件:$save_path"
scrshot_to_base64() {
# 检查是否提供了保存路径作为参数
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
echo "请提供一个保存截图的路径。"
return 1
# 使用scrot获取当前屏幕的截图,并将其转换为base64编码
local current_time=$(date +%s) # 获取当前绝对时间
local filename="${current_time}.png" # 创建文件名
local save_path="$1/$filename" # 完整的保存路径
# 截屏并保存为PNG文件
scrot "$save_path"
# 确保截图文件已生成
if [ ! -f "$save_path" ]; then
echo "截图失败,请检查scrot是否正确安装。"
return 1
# 将PNG文件转换为base64编码并保存为文本文件
local base64_filename="${current_time}.txt"
local base64_save_path="$1/$base64_filename"
base64 "$save_path" > "$base64_save_path"
# 确保base64文件已生成
if [ ! -f "$base64_save_path" ]; then
echo "base64编码文件生成失败。"
return 1
# 使用curl发送base64编码的文本文件内容作为POST请求的body参数
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/plain" --data-binary "@$base64_save_path"
echo "截图的base64编码已发送到"
# 使用示例:
# screenshot_to_base64 "/path/to/save/directory"
# 使用示例:
# screenshot_to_base64 "/path/to/save/directory"
# Define an infinite loop
while true
# Clear chromium browser cache
# Load the first web page
#load_page ""
/home/user/Desktop/myshell/ &
# Wait for 15 seconds
wait_for 15
# Move the mouse and click the left button
move_and_click 80 210
# Wait for 5 seconds
wait_for 5
# 使用示例:
scrshot_to_base64 "/home/user/Public"
xdotool key ctrl+r
wait_for 5
# Load the second web page
load_page ""
# Wait for 5 seconds
wait_for 5
# Move the mouse and click the left button
move_and_click 400 490
# Type AI and press enter
type_and_enter "Cat & Dog"
# Wait for 5 seconds
wait_for 5
# 使用示例:
scrshot_to_base64 "/home/user/Public"
# Kill all chromium browser windows
# Wait for 50 minutes
wait_for 600
# Go back to the beginning of the loop