mrm8488's picture
Fix routes
dataset: amazon_polarity
1e90a24a-1182-43dd-9445-22f2e56e5761: !Template
answer_choices: Negative ||| Positive
id: 1e90a24a-1182-43dd-9445-22f2e56e5761
jinja: 'Title: {{title}}
Review: {{content}}
Is the review positive or negative? |||
metadata: !TemplateMetadata
choices_in_prompt: true
- Accuracy
original_task: true
name: Is_this_review
reference: ''
3a48f287-6a4b-4df0-ab2d-2eaf6cb8e53d: !Template
answer_choices: No ||| Yes
id: 3a48f287-6a4b-4df0-ab2d-2eaf6cb8e53d
jinja: 'Based on this review, would the user recommend this product?
Review: {{content}}
Answer: |||
metadata: !TemplateMetadata
choices_in_prompt: false
- Accuracy
original_task: true
name: User_recommend_this_product
reference: 'Reformulation equivalent to sent analysis: would the user recommend
this product?'
592caf8f-f8ff-426a-a61b-b7e95ed510b6: !Template
answer_choices: No ||| Yes
id: 592caf8f-f8ff-426a-a61b-b7e95ed510b6
jinja: 'Is this product review positive?
Title: {{title}}
Review: {{content}}
Answer: |||
metadata: !TemplateMetadata
choices_in_prompt: false
- Accuracy
original_task: true
name: Is_this_product_review_positive
reference: ''
745b9c05-10df-4a7e-81ad-1b88cefcb166: !Template
answer_choices: Yes ||| No
id: 745b9c05-10df-4a7e-81ad-1b88cefcb166
jinja: 'Title: {{title}}
Review: {{content}}
Is this product review negative?|||
metadata: !TemplateMetadata
choices_in_prompt: false
- Accuracy
original_task: true
name: Is_this_review_negative
reference: ''
8abb5377-5dd3-4402-92a5-0d81adb6a325: !Template
answer_choices: Negative ||| Positive
id: 8abb5377-5dd3-4402-92a5-0d81adb6a325
jinja: 'Title: {{title}}
Review: {{content}}
Does this product review convey a negative or positive sentiment?|||
metadata: !TemplateMetadata
choices_in_prompt: true
- Accuracy
original_task: true
name: convey_negative_or_positive_sentiment
reference: ''
9df70cdf-f8ed-4e79-8e2f-b4668058d637: !Template
answer_choices: Negative ||| Positive
id: 9df70cdf-f8ed-4e79-8e2f-b4668058d637
jinja: 'Is there a negative or positive tone to this product review?
Title: {{title}}
Review: {{content}}
Answer: |||
metadata: !TemplateMetadata
choices_in_prompt: true
- Accuracy
original_task: true
name: negative_or_positive_tone
reference: ''
b13369e8-0500-4e93-90d4-8e6814bfb97b: !Template
answer_choices: dissatisfied ||| satisfied
id: b13369e8-0500-4e93-90d4-8e6814bfb97b
jinja: 'Here is a review left by a customer on a product. Would you say he was
{{answer_choices[1]}} or {{answer_choices[0]}}?
Title: {{title}}
Review: {{content}}
{{answer_choices[label]}} '
metadata: !TemplateMetadata
choices_in_prompt: true
- Accuracy
original_task: true
name: user_satisfied
reference: ''
b13369e8-0500-4e93-90d4-8e6814bfb98b: !Template
answer_choices: decrease ||| increase
id: b13369e8-0500-4e93-90d4-8e6814bfb98b
jinja: 'You are considering whether to buy a product. You look at the reviews.
Would the following review {{answer_choices[0]}} or {{answer_choices[1]}} the
chances of you buying the product?
Review title: {{title}}
Product review: {{content}}
{{answer_choices[label]}} '
metadata: !TemplateMetadata
choices_in_prompt: true
- Accuracy
original_task: true
name: would_you_buy
reference: ''
b13369e8-0500-4e93-90d4-8e6814bfb99b: !Template
answer_choices: unflattering ||| flattering
id: b13369e8-0500-4e93-90d4-8e6814bfb99b
jinja: 'Title: {{title}}
Product review: {{content}}
Would you say this review depicts the product in a {{answer_choices[1]}} or
{{answer_choices[0]}} light?
{{answer_choices[label]}} '
metadata: !TemplateMetadata
choices_in_prompt: true
- Accuracy
original_task: true
name: flattering_or_not
reference: ''