import streamlit as st |
import numpy as np |
from keras.models import load_model |
from PIL import Image |
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.sequence import pad_sequences |
model = load_model('model_gru_2') |
def run(): |
image = Image.open('twittersentiment.jpg') |
st.image(image, caption = 'Twitter Sentiment') |
with st.form('sentiment_prediction'): |
input_text = st.text_area('Input Text', '', help='Enter the text for sentiment prediction') |
submitted = st.form_submit_button('Predict') |
if submitted: |
input_text = input_text.lower() |
predictions = model.predict(np.array([input_text])) |
predicted_class = np.argmax(predictions[0]) |
class_labels = {0: 'Negative', 1: 'Positive', 2: 'Neutral'} |
predicted_label = class_labels[predicted_class] |
st.write('## Sentiment Prediction:') |
st.write('Input Text:', input_text) |
st.write('Predicted Class:', predicted_class) |
st.write('Predicted Label:', predicted_label) |
st.write('Prediction Probabilities:', predictions[0]) |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
run() |