import pandas as pd |
import numpy as np |
from sqlalchemy import create_engine |
import matplotlib as plt |
from datetime import datetime |
import streamlit as st |
def createEngine(): |
engine = 'postgresql://lectura:ncorrea#2022@' |
return engine |
def dateToMilisec_input(date): |
time = datetime.strptime(str(date), |
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') |
return time.timestamp()*1000 |
def dateToMilisec(date): |
time = datetime.strptime(str(date), |
'%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S') |
return time.timestamp()*1000 |
def operatingPeriods(start, end): |
start = dateToMilisec_input(start) |
end = dateToMilisec_input(end) |
eng_string=createEngine() |
engine = create_engine(eng_string) |
Request="select TO_CHAR(TO_TIMESTAMP(date / 1000), 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AS date,name,value from variable_log_float\ |
left join variable on variable_log_float.id_var = variable.id where date > "+str(start)+" and date < "+str(end)+" and\ |
id_var=597 order by date" |
Program_list=pd.read_sql_query(Request, con = engine) |
op=Program_list.to_numpy() |
i=0 |
if op[0,2] == 0: |
i=1 |
periods = [] |
i=0 |
j=1 |
while i < len(op)-1: |
periods.append(['OP'+str(j),op[i,0],op[i+1,0]]) |
i=i+2 |
j=j+1 |
periods_df = pd.DataFrame(periods, columns = ['operating period','start','end']) |
return periods_df |
def insideOP(op, periods): |
periods_df = periods |
eng_string=createEngine() |
engine = create_engine(eng_string) |
start_day = periods_df.loc[periods_df['operating period'] == op, 'start'].iloc[0] |
end_day = periods_df.loc[periods_df['operating period'] == op, 'end'].iloc[0] |
start = dateToMilisec(start_day) |
end = dateToMilisec(end_day) |
Request="select TO_CHAR(TO_TIMESTAMP(date / 1000), 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AS date, id_var, value, name from variable_log_string\ |
left join variable on variable_log_string.id_var = variable.id where date >= "+str(start)+" and date <= "+str(end)+" order by date\ |
limit 20" |
actions=pd.read_sql_query(Request, con = engine) |
return actions |
def energyTemp(op, periods): |
periods_df = periods |
eng_string=createEngine() |
engine = create_engine(eng_string) |
start_day = periods_df.loc[periods_df['operating period'] == op, 'start'].iloc[0] |
end_day = periods_df.loc[periods_df['operating period'] == op, 'end'].iloc[0] |
start = dateToMilisec(start_day) |
end = dateToMilisec(end_day) |
Request="select TO_CHAR(TO_TIMESTAMP(date / 1000), 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AS date, id_var, value, name from variable_log_float\ |
left join variable on variable_log_float.id_var = variable.id where date >= "+str(start)+" and date <= "+str(end)+" and name like '%%TEMP%%' order by date\ |
limit 20" |
df=pd.read_sql_query(Request, con = engine) |
temp_evolution = df.groupby(['name'], as_index=False).agg({'date': list,'value': list}) |
return temp_evolution |
def autoManual(start, end): |
start = dateToMilisec_input(start) |
end = dateToMilisec_input(end) |
eng_string=createEngine() |
engine = create_engine(eng_string) |
Request = "select id_var, TO_CHAR(TO_TIMESTAMP(date / 1000), 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AS date,value from\ |
variable_log_float where date > "+str(start)+" and date < "+str(end)+" and\ |
id_var=622 order by date limit 25" |
t=pd.read_sql_query(Request, con = engine) |
t['mode'] = np.where(t['value']<2, 'automatic', 'manual') |
t = t.loc[t["mode"].shift() != t["mode"]] |
t.reset_index(drop=True,inplace=True) |
auto_manual=t.to_numpy() |
periods_auto_manual_5 = [] |
i=0 |
j=1 |
while i < len(auto_manual)-1: |
periods_auto_manual_5.append(['A'+str(j),auto_manual[i,3],auto_manual[i,1],auto_manual[i+1,1]]) |
i=i+1 |
j=j+1 |
periods_auto_manual_df = pd.DataFrame(periods_auto_manual_5, columns = ['name','mode','start','end']) |
return periods_auto_manual_df |
def maOperations(start, end): |
eng_string=createEngine() |
engine = create_engine(eng_string) |
periodsAM = autoManual(start,end) |
start = dateToMilisec_input(start) |
end = dateToMilisec_input(end) |
operations = pd.DataFrame() |
i=0 |
while i<len(periodsAM): |
s = periodsAM['start'][i] |
e = periodsAM['end'][i] |
s = dateToMilisec(s) |
e = dateToMilisec(e) |
Request="select TO_CHAR(TO_TIMESTAMP(date / 1000), 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AS date, id_var, value, name from variable_log_string\ |
left join variable on variable_log_string.id_var = variable.id where date >= "+str(s)+" and date <= "+str(e)+" order by date" |
a=pd.read_sql_query(Request, con = engine) |
a["mode"] = periodsAM['mode'][i] |
operations = operations.append(a) |
i=i+1 |
operations2 = operations.groupby('mode').agg({'value':'count'}) |
time_min = (end-start)/1000/60 |
opPerMin = (operations2['value'].sum())/time_min |
return operations2, opPerMin |
def energyTempAutomatic(periodsAM,Name): |
eng_string=createEngine() |
engine = create_engine(eng_string) |
periodsAM=periodsAM |
start_day = periodsAM.loc[periodsAM['name'] == Name, 'start'].iloc[0] |
end_day = periodsAM.loc[periodsAM['name'] == Name, 'end'].iloc[0] |
Request="select TO_CHAR(TO_TIMESTAMP(date / 1000), 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AS date, id_var, value, name from variable_log_float\ |
left join variable on variable_log_float.id_var = variable.id where date >= "+str(start_day)+" and date <= "+str(end_day)+" and id_var=735 order by date" |
c=pd.read_sql_query(Request, con = engine) |
temp_evolution = c.groupby(['name'], as_index=False).agg({'date': list,'value': list}) |
return temp_evolution |
def gantt_1(start, end): |
start = dateToMilisec_input(start) |
end = dateToMilisec_input(end) |
eng_string=createEngine() |
engine = create_engine(eng_string) |
R = "select id_var, TO_CHAR(TO_TIMESTAMP(date / 1000), 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AS date,value from variable_log_float where date >= "+str(start)+" and date <= "+str(end)+" and id_var=622 order by date" |
t=pd.read_sql_query(R, con = engine) |
t['mode'] = np.where(t['value']<2, 'automatic', 'manual') |
t = t.loc[t["mode"].shift() != t["mode"]] |
t.reset_index(drop=True,inplace=True) |
auto_manual=t.to_numpy() |
periods_auto_manual = [] |
i=0 |
while i < len(auto_manual)-1: |
periods_auto_manual.append([auto_manual[i,3],auto_manual[i,1],auto_manual[i+1,1]]) |
i=i+1 |
periods_auto_manual_df = pd.DataFrame(periods_auto_manual, columns = ['mode','start','end']) |
Starts=[datetime.strptime(periods_auto_manual_df["start"][i], "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S").strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") for i in range(len(periods_auto_manual_df["start"]))] |
Endings=[datetime.strptime(periods_auto_manual_df["end"][i], "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S").strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") for i in range(len(periods_auto_manual_df["end"]))] |
periods_auto_manual_df |
Starts_modes=[datetime.strptime(periods_auto_manual_df["start"][i], "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S").strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") for i in range(len(periods_auto_manual_df["start"]))] |
Endings_modes=[datetime.strptime(periods_auto_manual_df["end"][i], "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S").strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") for i in range(len(periods_auto_manual_df["end"]))] |
df2 = pd.DataFrame([dict(Task="Mode"+str(i), Start=Starts_modes[i], Finish=Endings_modes[i],mode=periods_auto_manual_df["mode"][i]) for i in range(len(Starts_modes))]) |
fig = px.timeline(df2, x_start="Start", x_end="Finish", y="Task",color="mode") |
fig.update_yaxes(autorange="reversed") |
return fig |
def gantt_2(start, end): |
joint_df=operatingPeriods(start,end) |
start = dateToMilisec_input(start) |
end = dateToMilisec_input(end) |
eng_string=createEngine() |
engine = create_engine(eng_string) |
R = "select id_var, TO_CHAR(TO_TIMESTAMP(date / 1000), 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AS date,value from variable_log_float where date >= "+str(start)+" and date <= "+str(end)+" and id_var=622 order by date" |
t=pd.read_sql_query(R, con = engine) |
t['mode'] = np.where(t['value']<2, 'automatic', 'manual') |
t = t.loc[t["mode"].shift() != t["mode"]] |
t.reset_index(drop=True,inplace=True) |
auto_manual=t.to_numpy() |
periods_auto_manual = [] |
i=0 |
while i < len(auto_manual)-1: |
periods_auto_manual.append([auto_manual[i,3],auto_manual[i,1],auto_manual[i+1,1]]) |
i=i+1 |
periods_auto_manual_df = pd.DataFrame(periods_auto_manual, columns = ['mode','start','end']) |
Starts=[datetime.strptime(periods_auto_manual_df["start"][i], "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S").strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") for i in range(len(periods_auto_manual_df["start"]))] |
Endings=[datetime.strptime(periods_auto_manual_df["end"][i], "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S").strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") for i in range(len(periods_auto_manual_df["end"]))] |
periods_auto_manual_df |
joint_df['mode']="" |
for i in range (len(joint_df)): |
for j in range(len(periods_auto_manual_df)): |
if(joint_df["start"][i]>=periods_auto_manual_df["start"][j]): |
mode_start=j |
if(joint_df["end"][i]<=periods_auto_manual_df["end"][j] and j==0): |
mode_end=j |
elif(joint_df["end"][i]<=periods_auto_manual_df["end"][j] and joint_df["end"][i]>periods_auto_manual_df["end"][j-1]): |
mode_end=j |
if(mode_start==mode_end): |
joint_df["mode"][i]=periods_auto_manual_df["mode"][mode_start] |
else: |
real_end=joint_df["end"][i] |
joint_df["end"][i]=periods_auto_manual_df["end"][mode_start] |
joint_df["mode"][i]=periods_auto_manual_df["mode"][mode_start] |
line = pd.DataFrame({"operating period": joint_df["operating period"][i], "start":joint_df["end"][i],"end":real_end,"mode":""}, index=[3]) |
joint_df = pd.concat([joint_df.iloc[:i+1], line, joint_df.iloc[i+1:]]).reset_index(drop=True) |
import plotly.figure_factory as ff |
colors = {'automatic': 'rgb(0, 255, 255)', |
'manual': "rgb(0,0,255)"} |
Starts_joint=[datetime.strptime(joint_df["start"][i], "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S").strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") for i in range(len(joint_df["start"]))] |
Endings_joint=[datetime.strptime(joint_df["end"][i], "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S").strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") for i in range(len(joint_df["end"]))] |
df3 = pd.DataFrame([ dict(Task=joint_df["operating period"][i], Start=Starts_joint[i], Finish=Endings_joint[i], mode=joint_df["mode"][i]) for i in range(len(joint_df))]) |
fig = px.timeline(df3, x_start="Start", x_end="Finish", y="Task",color="mode") |
fig.update_yaxes(autorange="reversed") |
return fig |
st.title('TBDA') |
with st.sidebar: |
with st.form("my_form"): |
st.title("Input dates") |
start_date = str(st.date_input(label="Start date", label_visibility="visible")) |
start_time = str(st.time_input(label="Start time", label_visibility="visible")) |
end_date = str(st.date_input(label="End date", label_visibility="visible")) |
end_time = str(st.time_input(label="End time", label_visibility="visible")) |
start = start_date + " " + start_time |
end = end_date + " " + end_time |
submitted = st.form_submit_button("Submit") |
if submitted: |
st.write("start", start, "end", end) |
tab1, tab2, tab3 = st.tabs(["Home", "Operating Periods", "Automatic & Manual"]) |
engine = create_engine('postgresql://nlectura:correa@') |
@st.cache |
def load_op(start, end): |
data = operatingPeriods(start, end) |
return data |
@st.cache |
def inside_op(period, periods): |
data = insideOP(period, periods) |
return data |
@st.cache |
def energy(period, periods): |
data = energyTemp(period, periods) |
return data |
@st.cache |
def auto_manual(start, end): |
data = autoManual(start, end) |
return data |
@st.cache |
def AMop(start, end): |
data = maOperations(start, end) |
return data |
with tab1: |
st.markdown(""" |
<style> |
.big-font { |
font-size:75px !important; |
} |
</style> |
""", unsafe_allow_html=True) |
st.markdown('<p class="big-font">Welcome to the Team 1 web app!</p>', unsafe_allow_html=True) |
with tab2: |
if st.checkbox('Show Operating Periods'): |
st.subheader('Operating periods') |
op = load_op(start, end) |
st.write(op) |
op=load_op(start, end) |
selectedPeriod = st.selectbox('Select OP', op) |
if st.checkbox('Show Actions and Energy'): |
if selectedPeriod!='': |
st.subheader('Actions') |
actions = inside_op(selectedPeriod, op) |
st.write(actions) |
if selectedPeriod!='': |
st.subheader('Energy') |
energy = energy(selectedPeriod, op) |
st.write(energy) |
select = st.selectbox('select variable', energy["name"]) |
if st.button('Show energy cons'): |
dates = [x for x in energy.loc[energy['name'] == select, 'date']] |
values = [x for x in energy.loc[energy['name'] == select, 'value']] |
dates = [item for dates in l for item in dates] |
values = [item for values in l for item in values] |
data_plot = list(zip(dates,values)) |
data_plot_df = pd.DataFrame(data_plot, columns =['date', 'value']) |
st.line_chart(data_plot_df, x='date', y='value') |
with tab3: |
if st.checkbox('Automatic and Manual periods'): |
st.subheader('Automatic & Manual modes over time') |
fig = gantt_1(start, end) |
st.plotly_chart(fig) |
st.subheader('Automatic and Manual periods') |
periodos = auto_manual(start, end) |
st.write(periodos) |
if st.checkbox('Automatic vs Manual operations'): |
st.subheader('Operations manual vs automatic') |
(operations, operationsMin) = AMop(start, end) |
st.subheader('Operations over time') |
fig2 = gantt_2(start, end) |
st.plotly_chart(fig2) |
st.bar_chart(operations) |
st.text(str(round(operationsMin,2))+ ' Operations per minute.') |