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import random
import streamlit as st
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSequenceClassification
from transformers import pipeline
from transformers_interpret import SequenceClassificationExplainer
# Map model names to URLs
model_names_to_URLs = {
about_page_markdown = f"""# 🀬 Dutch Toxic Comment Detection Space
Made by [ML6](https://ml6.eu/).
Token attribution is performed using [transformers-interpret](https://github.com/cdpierse/transformers-interpret).
regular_emojis = [
'😐', 'πŸ™‚', 'πŸ‘Ά', 'πŸ˜‡',
undecided_emojis = [
'🀨', '🧐', 'πŸ₯Έ', 'πŸ₯΄', '🀷',
potty_mouth_emojis = [
'🀐', 'πŸ‘Ώ', '😑', '🀬', '☠️', '☣️', '☒️',
# Page setup
page_title="Toxic Comment Detection Space",
'Get help': None,
'Report a bug': None,
'About': about_page_markdown,
# Model setup
def load_pipeline(model_name):
with st.spinner('Loading model (this might take a while)...'):
toxicity_pipeline = pipeline(
cls_explainer = SequenceClassificationExplainer(
return toxicity_pipeline, cls_explainer
# Auxiliary functions
def format_explainer_html(html_string):
"""Extract tokens with attribution-based background color."""
inside_token_prefix = '##'
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_string, 'html.parser')
p = soup.new_tag('p',
attrs={'style': 'color: black; background-color: white;'})
# Select token elements and remove model specific tokens
current_word = None
for token in soup.find_all('td')[-1].find_all('mark')[1:-1]:
text = token.font.text.strip()
if text.startswith(inside_token_prefix):
text = text[len(inside_token_prefix):]
# Create a new span for each word (sequence of sub-tokens)
if current_word is not None:
p.append(' ')
current_word = soup.new_tag('span')
token.string = text
token.attrs['style'] = f"{token.attrs['style']}; padding: 0.2em 0em;"
# Add last word
# Add left and right-padding to each word
for span in p.find_all('span'):
span.find_all('mark')[0].attrs['style'] = (
f"{span.find_all('mark')[0].attrs['style']}; padding-left: 0.2em;")
span.find_all('mark')[-1].attrs['style'] = (
f"{span.find_all('mark')[-1].attrs['style']}; padding-right: 0.2em;")
return p
def classify_comment(comment, selected_model):
"""Classify the given comment and augment with additional information."""
toxicity_pipeline, cls_explainer = load_pipeline(selected_model)
result = toxicity_pipeline(comment)[0]
result['model_name'] = selected_model
# Add explanation
result['word_attribution'] = cls_explainer(comment, class_name="non-toxic")
result['visualitsation_html'] = cls_explainer.visualize()._repr_html_()
result['tokens_with_background'] = format_explainer_html(
# Choose emoji reaction
label, score = result['label'], result['score']
if label == 'toxic' and score > 0.1:
emoji = random.choice(potty_mouth_emojis)
elif label in ['non_toxic', 'non-toxic'] and score > 0.1:
emoji = random.choice(regular_emojis)
emoji = random.choice(undecided_emojis)
result.update({'text': comment, 'emoji': emoji})
# Add result to session
# Start session
if 'results' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.results = []
# Page
st.title('🀬 Dutch Toxic Comment Detection')
st.markdown("""This demo showcases two Dutch toxic comment detection models.""")
# Introduction
st.markdown(f"""Both models were trained using a sequence classification task on a translated [Jigsaw Toxicity dataset](https://www.kaggle.com/c/jigsaw-toxic-comment-classification-challenge) which contains toxic online comments.
The first model is a fine-tuned multilingual [DistilBERT](https://huggingface.co/distilbert-base-multilingual-cased) model whereas the second is a fine-tuned Dutch RoBERTa-based model called [RobBERT](https://huggingface.co/pdelobelle/robbert-v2-dutch-base).""")
st.markdown(f"""For a more comprehensive overview of the models check out their model card on πŸ€— Model Hub: [distilbert-base-dutch-toxic-comments]({model_names_to_URLs['ml6team/distilbert-base-dutch-cased-toxic-comments']}) and [RobBERT-dutch-base-toxic-comments]({model_names_to_URLs['ml6team/robbert-dutch-base-toxic-comments']}).
st.markdown("""Enter a comment that you want to classify below. The model will determine the probability that it is toxic and highlights how much each token contributes to its decision:
<font color="black">
<span style="background-color: rgb(250, 219, 219); opacity: 1;">r</span><span style="background-color: rgb(244, 179, 179); opacity: 1;">e</span><span style="background-color: rgb(238, 135, 135); opacity: 1;">d</span>
tokens indicate toxicity whereas
<font color="black">
<span style="background-color: rgb(224, 251, 224); opacity: 1;">g</span><span style="background-color: rgb(197, 247, 197); opacity: 1;">re</span><span style="background-color: rgb(121, 236, 121); opacity: 1;">en</span>
</font> tokens indicate the opposite.
Try it yourself! πŸ‘‡""",
# Demo
with st.form("dutch-toxic-comment-detection-input", clear_on_submit=False):
selected_model = st.selectbox('Select a model:', model_names_to_URLs.keys(),
)#index=0, format_func=special_internal_function, key=None, help=None, on_change=None, args=None, kwargs=None, *, disabled=False)
text = st.text_area(
label='Enter the comment you want to classify below (in Dutch):')
_, rightmost_col = st.columns([6,1])
submitted = rightmost_col.form_submit_button("Classify",
help="Classify comment")
# Listener
if submitted:
if text:
with st.spinner('Analysing comment...'):
classify_comment(text, selected_model)
st.error('**Error**: No comment to classify. Please provide a comment.')
# Results
if 'results' in st.session_state and st.session_state.results:
first = True
for result in st.session_state.results[::-1]:
if not first:
st.markdown(f"Text:\n> {result['text']}")
col_1, col_2, col_3 = st.columns([1,2,2])
col_1.metric(label='', value=f"{result['emoji']}")
col_2.metric(label='Label', value=f"{result['label']}")
col_3.metric(label='Score', value=f"{result['score']:.3f}")
st.markdown(f"Token Attribution:\n{result['tokens_with_background']}",
st.caption(f"Model: {result['model_name']}")
first = False