Runtime error
Runtime error
from typing import Any, Dict,List,Union | |
from transformers import Pipeline | |
import requests | |
import re | |
from io import BytesIO | |
import pandas as pd | |
import math | |
import queue | |
from datetime import date | |
import time | |
import logging | |
import torch | |
import torch.nn.functional as F | |
class Predictor(): | |
def __init__( | |
self, | |
pipelines: Dict[str, Pipeline] = {}, | |
paths: List[str] = [], | |
today: date = | |
) -> None: | |
if "name" not in pipelines: | |
raise ValueError("'name' pipeline is None") | |
if "common" not in pipelines: | |
raise ValueError("'common' pipeline is None") | |
self.pipelines = pipelines | | = today | |
self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) | |
self.__init_split_data() | |
self.__init_schools_data(paths) | |
self.__init_patterns() | |
def __init_patterns( | |
self | |
): | |
last_name = r"[赵,钱,孙,李,周,吴,郑,王,冯,陈,楮,卫,蒋,沈,韩,杨,朱,秦,尤,许,何,吕,施,张,孔,曹,严,华,金,魏,陶,姜,戚,谢,邹,喻,"\ | |
+r"柏,水,窦,章,云,苏,潘,葛,奚,范,彭,郎,鲁,韦,昌,马,苗,凤,花,方,俞,任,袁,柳,酆,鲍,史,唐,费,廉,岑,薛,雷,贺,倪,汤,滕,殷,罗," \ | |
+ r"毕,郝,邬,安,常,乐,于,时,傅,皮,卞,齐,康,伍,余,元,卜,顾,孟,平,黄,和,穆,萧,尹,姚,邵,湛,汪,祁,毛,禹,狄,米,贝,明,臧,计,伏,成,戴,谈,宋,茅," \ | |
+ r"庞,熊,纪,舒,屈,项,祝,董,梁,杜,阮,蓝,闽,席,季,麻,强,贾,路,娄,危,江,童,颜,郭,梅,盛,林,刁,锺,徐,丘,骆,高,夏,蔡,田,樊,胡,凌,霍,虞,万,支," \ | |
+ r"柯,昝,管,卢,莫,经,房,裘,缪,干,解,应,宗,丁,宣,贲,邓,郁,单,杭,洪,包,诸,左,石,崔,吉,钮,龚,程,嵇,邢,滑,裴,陆,荣,翁,荀,羊,於,惠,甄,麹,家," \ | |
+ r"封,芮,羿,储,靳,汲,邴,糜,松,井,段,富,巫,乌,焦,巴,弓,牧,隗,山,谷,车,侯,宓,蓬,全,郗,班,仰,秋,仲,伊,宫,宁,仇,栾,暴,甘,斜,厉,戎,祖,武,符," \ | |
+ r"刘,景,詹,束,龙,叶,幸,司,韶,郜,黎,蓟,薄,印,宿,白,怀,蒲,邰,从,鄂,索,咸,籍,赖,卓,蔺,屠,蒙,池,乔,阴,郁,胥,能,苍,双,闻,莘,党,翟,谭,贡,劳," \ | |
+ r"逄,姬,申,扶,堵,冉,宰,郦,雍,郤,璩,桑,桂,濮,牛,寿,通,边,扈,燕,冀,郏,浦,尚,农,温,别,庄,晏,柴,瞿,阎,充,慕,连,茹,习,宦,艾,鱼,容,向,古,易," \ | |
+ r"慎,戈,廖,庾,终,暨,居,衡,步,都,耿,满,弘,匡,国,文,寇,广,禄,阙,东,欧,殳,沃,利,蔚,越,夔,隆,师,巩,厍,聂,晁,勾,敖,融,冷,訾,辛,阚,那,简,饶," \ | |
+ r"空,曾,毋,沙,乜,养,鞠,须,丰,巢,关,蒯,相,查,后,荆,红,游,竺,权,逑,盖,益,桓,公,万俟,司马,上官,欧阳,夏侯,诸葛,闻人,东方,赫连,皇甫,尉迟," \ | |
+ r"公羊,澹台,公冶,宗政,濮阳,淳于,单于,太叔,申屠,公孙,仲孙,轩辕,令狐,锺离,宇文,长孙,慕容,鲜于,闾丘,司徒,司空,丌官,司寇,仉,督,子车," \ | |
+ r"颛孙,端木,巫马,公西,漆雕,乐正,壤驷,公良,拓拔,夹谷,宰父,谷梁,晋,楚,阎,法,汝,鄢,涂,钦,段干,百里,东郭,南门,呼延,归,海,羊舌,微生,岳," \ | |
+ r"帅,缑,亢,况,后,有,琴,梁丘,左丘,东门,西门,商,牟,佘,佴,伯,赏,南宫,墨,哈,谯,笪,年,爱,阳,佟,第五,言,福,邱]" | |
first_name = r' {0,3}[\u4e00-\u9fa5]( {0,3}[\u4e00-\u9fa5]){0,3}' | |
self.name_pattern = re.compile(last_name + first_name) | |
self.phone_pattern = re.compile(r'1 {0,4}(3 {0,4}\d|4 {0,4}[5-9]|5 {0,4}[0-35-9]|6 {0,4}[2567]|7 {0,4}[0-8]|8 {0,4}\d|9 {0,4}[0-35-9]) {0,4}(\d {0,4}){8}') | |
self.email_pattern = re.compile(r'([a-zA-Z0-9_-] {0,4})+@([a-zA-Z0-9_-] {0,4})+(\. {0,4}([a-zA-Z0-9_-] {0,4})+)+') | |
self.gender_pattern = re.compile(r'(性 {0,8}别.*?)?\s*?(男|女)') | |
self.age_patterns = [ | |
re.compile(r"(\d{1,2})岁|年龄.{0,10}?(\d{1,2})"), | |
re.compile(r"生.{0,12}(([12]\d{3})[年|.]?(([01]?\d)[月|.]?)?(([0-3]?\d)[日|.]?)?)"), | |
] | |
self.works_key_pattern = re.compile("工作|experience|work",re.M|re.I) | |
self.job_time_patterns = re.compile('([1-2]\d{3}(\D?[01]?\d){0,2})\D?([1-2]\d{3}(\D?[01]?\d){0,2}|至今)') | |
self.edu_index = ["博士","硕士","研究生","学士","本科","大专","专科","中专","高中","初中","小学"] | |
self.edu_patterns = list(re.compile(i) for i in self.edu_index) | |
self.school_pattern = re.compile(r"([a-zA-Z0-9 \u4e00-\u9fa5]{1,18}(学院|大学|中学|小学|学校|Unverisity|College))") | |
def _is_url(self, path: str): | |
return path.startswith('http://') or path.startswith('https://') | |
def __init_schools_data( | |
self, | |
paths: List[str], | |
): | |
schools = {} | |
headers = { | |
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36", | |
} | |
for path in paths: | |
stream = None | |
if self._is_url(path): | |
res = requests.get(path,headers=headers) | |
if res.status_code==200: | |
stream = BytesIO(res.content) | |
else: | |
with open(path, 'rb') as f: | |
stream = BytesIO( | |
df = pd.read_excel(stream) | |
for row in df.iterrows(): | |
if isinstance(row[1][1],float) and math.isnan(row[1][1]): | |
continue | |
if row[1][1]=='学校名称': | |
continue | |
# [学校] = 学历(本科、专科) | |
if len(row[1])>5: | |
schools[row[1][1]] = row[1][5] | |
else: | |
schools[row[1][1]] = "成人学校" | |
self.schools = schools | |
if len(schools)==0: | |
raise ValueError("学校数据为空") | |
def __init_split_data( | |
self | |
): | |
self.splits = {'\\', '_', '"', '%', '{', '《', ')', '$', '(', '\n', '~', '*', ':', '!', ';', '”', '’', '\t', '?', '-', ';', '》', '】', '`', '、', '+', '“', '[', '—', '·', ')', '=', '‘', '}', '?', ',', '&', '@', '#', ']', '——', ' ', '.', '【', "'", '>', ',', '/', ':', '。', '...', '^', '(', '<', '|', '……', '!'} | |
def to_date(self, datestr:str): | |
if re.match("^\d{4}$",datestr): | |
return date(int(datestr),1,1) | |
match = re.match("^\d{4}(\D)\d{1,2}",datestr) | |
if match is not None: | |
try: | |
m = min(max(int(datestr.split([1]),1),12) | |
return date(int(datestr.split([0]),m,1) | |
except ValueError: | |
print(int(datestr.split([0]),int(datestr.split([1])) | |
raise | |
if datestr=="至今": | |
return | |
return None | |
def split_to_blocks( | |
self, | |
text: str, | |
max_block_len: int = 510, | |
overlap: bool = True, | |
max_overlap_len: int = 20, | |
): | |
block = { | |
"start": -1, | |
"end": -1, | |
"text": "", | |
} | |
blocks = [] | |
overlap_end = queue.Queue() | |
for i in range(len(text)): | |
if text[i] in self.splits: | |
if block["start"]==-1: | |
continue | |
if block["end"]!=-1 and i-block['start']>=max_block_len: | |
block["text"] = text[block["start"]:block["end"]] | |
blocks.append(block) | |
block = { | |
"start": overlap_end.queue[0]+1 if overlap else block['end']+1, | |
"end": -1, | |
"text": "", | |
} | |
block["end"] = i | |
while overlap_end.qsize()>0 and overlap_end.queue[0]+max_overlap_len<=i: | |
overlap_end.get() | |
overlap_end.put(i) | |
else: | |
if block["start"]==-1: | |
block["start"] = i | |
# last block | |
if block["start"]!=-1: | |
block["end"] = len(text) | |
block["text"] = text[block["start"]:block["end"]] | |
blocks.append(block) | |
return blocks | |
def get_expand_span( | |
self, | |
text: str, | |
start: int, | |
end: int, | |
max_expand_length=10, | |
): | |
expand_l,expand_r = start,end | |
for l in range(max(start-max_expand_length,0), start): | |
if text[l] in self.splits: | |
expand_l = l+1 | |
break | |
for r in range(min(end+max_expand_length,len(text)-1), end, -1): | |
if text[r] in self.splits: | |
expand_r = r | |
break | |
return text[expand_l:expand_r], expand_l, expand_r | |
def remove_blanks( | |
self, | |
text: str, | |
blank_pattern: re.Pattern, | |
): | |
index_mapper = {} | |
new_text = [] | |
for i in range(len(text)): | |
if blank_pattern.match(text[i]) is not None: | |
continue | |
index_mapper[len(new_text)] = i | |
new_text.append(text[i]) | |
return ''.join(new_text), index_mapper | |
def process(self, text)->Dict[str, Any]: | |
return_obj = { | |
"name": [], | |
"age": [], | |
"gender": [], | |
"phone": [], | |
"email": [], | |
"schools": [], | |
"work_time": 0, | |
"edus": [], | |
"jobs": [], | |
"titles": [] | |
} | |
# 获取名字,先过滤所有空白字符,防止名字中间有空格 | |
remove_blanks_text, index_mapper = self.remove_blanks(text, re.compile(r' ')) | |
start_time = time.perf_counter() | |
for block in self.split_to_blocks(remove_blanks_text): | |
block_text,block_l = block['text'],block['start'] | |
entities = self.pipelines['name'](block_text) | |
for entity in entities: | |
if entity['entity']=='NAME' and self.name_pattern.match(entity['word']) is not None: | |
obj = { | |
'start': index_mapper[block_l+entity['start']], | |
'end': index_mapper[block_l+entity['end']-1]+1, | |
'entity': 'NAME', | |
'text': entity['word'] | |
} | |
repeat = False | |
for o in return_obj['name']: | |
if obj['start']==o['start'] and obj['end']==o['end']: | |
repeat = True | |
break | |
if not repeat: | |
obj['origin'] = text[obj['start']:obj['end']] | |
return_obj['name'].append(obj) | |
end_time = time.perf_counter() | |"process name time: {end_time-start_time}") | |
# 获取年龄 | |
start_time = time.perf_counter() | |
for age_match in self.age_patterns[0].finditer(remove_blanks_text): | |
age = None | |
s,e = -1,-1 | |
if is not None: | |
age = | |
s,e = age_match.span(1) | |
elif is not None: | |
age = | |
s,e = age_match.span(2) | |
if age is not None: | |
return_obj['age'].append({ | |
'start': index_mapper[s], | |
'end': index_mapper[e-1]+1, | |
'text': str(age), | |
'entity': 'AGE', | |
'origin': text[index_mapper[s]:index_mapper[e-1]+1] | |
}) | |
for age_match in self.age_patterns[1].finditer(remove_blanks_text): | |
age = None | |
s,e = -1,-1 | |
year = | |
if year is not None: | |
year = int(year) | |
month = | |
if month is not None: | |
month = int(month) | |
else: | |
month = 1 | |
day = | |
if day is not None: | |
day = int(day) | |
else: | |
day = 1 | |
age = - year | |
if<month or ( and<day): | |
age -= 1 | |
if age is not None: | |
s,e = age_match.span(1) | |
return_obj['age'].append({ | |
'start': index_mapper[s], | |
'end': index_mapper[e-1]+1, | |
'text': str(age), | |
'entity': 'AGE', | |
'origin': text[index_mapper[s]:index_mapper[e-1]+1] | |
}) | |
end_time = time.perf_counter() | |"process age time: {end_time-start_time}") | |
start_time = time.perf_counter() | |
# 获取学校 | |
for school_match in self.school_pattern.finditer(remove_blanks_text): | |
start,end = school_match.span() | |
expand_text, start, end = self.get_expand_span(remove_blanks_text, start, end) | |
entities = self.pipelines['common'](expand_text) | |
for entity in entities: | |
if entity['entity']=="ORG" and['word']) is not None: | |
obj = { | |
'start': index_mapper[start+entity['start']], | |
'end': index_mapper[start+entity['end']-1]+1, | |
'entity': 'SCHOOL' | |
} | |
for school in self.schools: | |
if school in entity['word']: | |
obj['text'] = school | |
obj["level"] = self.schools[school] | |
break | |
repeat = False | |
for o in return_obj['schools']: | |
if obj['start']==o['start'] and obj['end']==o['end']: | |
repeat = True | |
break | |
if not repeat: | |
obj['origin'] = text[obj['start']:obj['end']] | |
return_obj['schools'].append(obj) | |
# 正则找学校 | |
for school_match in re.finditer(r"|".join(self.schools.keys()), remove_blanks_text): | |
start,end = school_match.span() | |
obj = { | |
'start': index_mapper[start], | |
'end': index_mapper[end-1]+1, | |
'entity': 'SCHOOL', | |
'text':, | |
} | |
repeat = False | |
for o in return_obj['schools']: | |
if obj['start']==o['start'] and obj['end']==o['end']: | |
repeat = True | |
break | |
if not repeat: | |
obj['origin'] = text[obj['start']:obj['end']] | |
obj['level'] = self.schools[obj['text']] | |
return_obj['schools'].append(obj) | |
end_time = time.perf_counter() | |"process school time: {end_time-start_time}") | |
start_time = time.perf_counter() | |
# 获取学历 | |
for i,pattern in enumerate(self.edu_patterns): | |
for edu_match in pattern.finditer(remove_blanks_text): | |
start,end = edu_match.span() | |
expand_text, start, end = self.get_expand_span(remove_blanks_text, start, end) | |
entities = self.pipelines['common'](expand_text) | |
for entity in entities: | |
if entity['entity']=='EDU' and['word']) is not None: | |
obj = { | |
'start': index_mapper[start+entity['start']], | |
'end': index_mapper[start+entity['end']-1]+1, | |
'text': self.edu_index[i], | |
'entity': 'EDU', | |
} | |
repeat = False | |
for o in return_obj['edus']: | |
if obj['start']==o['start'] and obj['end']==o['end']: | |
repeat = True | |
break | |
if not repeat: | |
obj['origin'] = text[obj['start']:obj['end']] | |
return_obj['edus'].append(obj) | |
end_time = time.perf_counter() | |"process edu time: {end_time-start_time}") | |
start_time = time.perf_counter() | |
# 如果有工作经历 | |
if is not None: | |
for job_time_match in self.job_time_patterns.finditer(remove_blanks_text): | |
origin_start,origin_end = job_time_match.span() | |
# convert_to_date | |
fr = self.to_date( | |
if fr is None: | |
continue | |
fs,fe = job_time_match.span(1) | |
to = self.to_date( | |
if to is None: | |
continue | |
ts,te = job_time_match.span(3) | |
expand_text, start, end = self.get_expand_span(remove_blanks_text, origin_start, origin_end, max_expand_length=50) | |
entities = self.pipelines['common'](expand_text) | |
objs = [] | |
for entity in entities: | |
if entity['entity']=="ORG": | |
obj = { | |
'start': index_mapper[start+entity['start']], | |
'end': index_mapper[start+entity['end']-1]+1, | |
'entity': 'COMPANY', | |
'text': entity['word'], | |
'dis': min( | |
abs(origin_start-start-entity['end']+1), | |
abs(origin_end-start-entity['start']) | |
), | |
} | |
obj['origin'] = text[obj['start']:obj['end']] | |
objs.append(obj) | |
objs.sort(key=lambda x:x['dis']) | |
if len(objs)>0 and[0]['text']) is None: | |
del objs[0]['dis'] | |
from_date = { | |
'start': index_mapper[fs], | |
'end': index_mapper[fe-1]+1, | |
'text': fr.isoformat(), | |
'entity': 'DATE', | |
'origin': text[index_mapper[fs]:index_mapper[fe-1]+1] | |
} | |
to_date = { | |
'start': index_mapper[ts], | |
'end': index_mapper[te-1]+1, | |
'text': to.isoformat(), | |
'entity': 'DATE', | |
'origin': text[index_mapper[ts]:index_mapper[te-1]+1] | |
} | |
jobs = [objs[0],from_date,to_date] | |
return_obj['jobs'].append(jobs) | |
return_obj["jobs"].sort(key=lambda x:date.fromisoformat(x[1]['text'])) | |
# 计算工作时间 | |
last_end = None | |
work_month = 0 | |
for i in range(0,len(return_obj["jobs"])): | |
start = date.fromisoformat(return_obj["jobs"][i][1]['text']) | |
end = date.fromisoformat(return_obj["jobs"][i][2]['text']) | |
if last_end is not None and start<last_end: | |
start = last_end | |
diff_y = end.year-start.year | |
diff_m = end.month-start.month | |
work_month += diff_y * 12 + diff_m | |
last_end = end | |
return_obj['work_time'] = math.ceil(work_month/12) | |
end_time = time.perf_counter() | |"process work time: {end_time-start_time}") | |
start_time = time.perf_counter() | |
# 获取手机号码 | |
for phone_match in self.phone_pattern.finditer(text): | |
start,end = phone_match.span() | |
return_obj['phone'].append({ | |
'start': start, | |
'end': end, | |
'entity': 'PHONE', | |
'origin': text[start:end], | |
'text': re.sub('\s','',text[start:end]) | |
}) | |
end_time = time.perf_counter() | |"process phone time: {end_time-start_time}") | |
start_time = time.perf_counter() | |
for email_match in self.email_pattern.finditer(text): | |
start,end = email_match.span() | |
return_obj['email'].append({ | |
'start': start, | |
'end': end, | |
'entity': 'EMAIL', | |
'origin': text[start:end], | |
'text': re.sub('\s','',text[start:end]) | |
}) | |
end_time = time.perf_counter() | |"process email time: {end_time-start_time}") | |
start_time = time.perf_counter() | |
for gender_match in self.gender_pattern.finditer(text): | |
start,end = gender_match.span(2) | |
return_obj['gender'].append({ | |
'start': start, | |
'end': end, | |
'entity': 'GENDER', | |
'origin': text[start:end], | |
'text': text[start:end] | |
}) | |
end_time = time.perf_counter() | |"process gender time: {end_time-start_time}") | |
start_time = time.perf_counter() | |
for block in self.split_to_blocks(remove_blanks_text): | |
entities = self.pipelines["common"](block["text"]) | |
for entity in entities: | |
if entity['entity']=='TITLE': | |
obj = { | |
'start': index_mapper[block['start']+entity['start']], | |
'end': index_mapper[block['start']+entity['end']-1]+1, | |
'text': entity['word'], | |
'entity': 'TITLE', | |
} | |
obj['origin'] = text[obj['start']:obj['end']] | |
repeat = False | |
for o in return_obj['titles']: | |
if obj['start']==o['start'] and obj['end']==o['end']: | |
repeat = True | |
break | |
if not repeat: | |
return_obj['titles'].append(obj) | |
end_time = time.perf_counter() | |"process title time: {end_time-start_time}") | |
return return_obj | |
def __call__(self, *args: Any, **kwds: Any) -> Any: | |
return self.process(*args, **kwds) | |
class PositionPredictor(): | |
def __init__(self, pipeline: Pipeline) -> None: | |
self.pipeline = pipeline | |
self.__init_split_data() | |
self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) | |
def __split_blocks(self, text: str) -> List[str]: | |
start,end = 0,0 | |
blocks = [] | |
while end<len(text): | |
if text[end] in self.splits: | |
if end>start: | |
blocks.append(text[start:end]) | |
start = end+1 | |
end += 1 | |
if end>start: | |
blocks.append(text[start:end]) | |
return blocks | |
def __init_split_data( | |
self | |
): | |
self.splits = {'\\', '_', '"', '%', '{', '《', ')', '$', '(', '\n', '~', '*', ':', '!', ';', '”', '’', '\t', '?', '-', ';', '》', '】', '`', '、', '+', '“', '[', '—', '·', ')', '=', '‘', '}', '?', ',', '&', '@', '#', ']', '——', ' ', '.', '【', "'", '>', ',', '/', ':', '。', '...', '^', '(', '<', '|', '……', '!'} | |
def predict(self, | |
positions: List[Dict[str,Union[str,List[str]]]], | |
resume: str | |
) -> List[Dict[str, Union[str, float]]]: | |
ans = [] | |
resume_blocks = self.__split_blocks(resume) | |
resume_encoding = [] | |
for block_resume in resume_blocks: | |
resume_encoding.append(torch.tensor(self.pipeline(block_resume)[0])) | |
resume_encoding = torch.stack(resume_encoding,dim=0) | |
for position in positions: | |
requireds = position['required'] | |
score = 0.0 | |
block_encodings = [] | |
for required in requireds: | |
blocks = self.__split_blocks(required) | |
for block in blocks: | |
block_encodings.append(torch.tensor(self.pipeline(block)[0])) | |
block_encodings = torch.stack(block_encodings,dim=0) | |
cos_sims = F.cosine_similarity(resume_encoding.unsqueeze(1), block_encodings.unsqueeze(0),dim=-1) | |
score = cos_sims.max().item() | |"position: {position['name']}, score: {score}") | |
ans.append({ | |
'position': position['name'], | |
'score': score | |
}) | |
ans.sort(key=lambda x:x['score'], reverse=True) | |
return ans | |
def __call__(self, *args: Any, **kwds: Any) -> Any: | |
return self.predict(*args, **kwds) | |