import { test, expect } from "@gradio/tootils"; |
test("selecting matplotlib should show matplotlib image and pressing clear should clear output", async ({ |
page |
}) => { |
await page.getByLabel("Plot Type").click(); |
await page.getByRole("option", { name: "Matplotlib" }).click(); |
await page.getByLabel("Month").click(); |
await page.getByRole("option", { name: "January" }).click(); |
await page.getByLabel("Social Distancing?").check(); |
await page.click("text=Submit"); |
const matplotlib_img = await page.getByTestId("matplotlib").getByRole("img"); |
const matplotlib_img_data = await matplotlib_img.getAttribute("src"); |
await expect(matplotlib_img_data).toBeTruthy(); |
await page.getByRole("button", { name: "Clear" }).click(); |
await expect(matplotlib_img).toHaveCount(0); |
}); |
test("selecting plotly should show plotly plot and pressing clear should clear output", async ({ |
page |
}) => { |
await page.getByLabel("Plot Type").click(); |
await page.getByRole("option", { name: "Plotly" }).click(); |
await page.getByLabel("Month").click(); |
await page.getByRole("option", { name: "January" }).click(); |
await page.getByLabel("Social Distancing?").check(); |
await page.click("text=Submit"); |
await expect(page.locator(".js-plotly-plot")).toHaveCount(1); |
await page.getByRole("button", { name: "Clear" }).click(); |
await expect(page.locator(".js-plotly-plot")).toHaveCount(0); |
}); |
test("selecting altair should show altair plot and pressing clear should clear output", async ({ |
page |
}) => { |
await page.getByLabel("Plot Type").click(); |
await page.getByRole("option", { name: "altair" }).click(); |
await page.getByLabel("Month").click(); |
await page.getByRole("option", { name: "January" }).click(); |
await page.getByLabel("Social Distancing?").check(); |
await page.click("text=Submit"); |
const altair = await page.getByTestId("altair"); |
await expect(altair).toHaveCount(1); |
await page.getByRole("button", { name: "Clear" }).click(); |
await expect(altair).toHaveCount(0); |
}); |
test("switching between all 3 plot types and pressing submit should update output component to corresponding plot type", async ({ |
page |
}) => { |
await page.getByLabel("Plot Type").click(); |
await page.getByRole("option", { name: "Matplotlib" }).click(); |
await page.getByLabel("Month").click(); |
await page.getByRole("option", { name: "January" }).click(); |
await page.getByLabel("Social Distancing?").check(); |
await page.click("text=Submit"); |
const matplotlib_img = await page.getByTestId("matplotlib").getByRole("img"); |
const matplotlib_img_data = await matplotlib_img.getAttribute("src"); |
await expect(matplotlib_img_data).toBeTruthy(); |
await page.getByLabel("Plot Type").click(); |
await page.getByRole("option", { name: "Plotly" }).click(); |
await page.click("text=Submit"); |
await expect(page.locator(".js-plotly-plot")).toHaveCount(1); |
await page.getByLabel("Plot Type").click(); |
await page.getByRole("option", { name: "Altair" }).click(); |
await page.click("text=Submit"); |
const altair = await page.getByTestId("altair"); |
await expect(altair).toHaveCount(1); |
}); |