Runtime error
Runtime error
/// <reference lib="dom" /> | |
// This file is deliberately not exposed through the exports map. | |
// It's meant to be loaded directly by the Svelte language server | |
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface */ | |
import * as svelteElements from './elements.js'; | |
/** | |
* @internal do not use | |
*/ | |
type HTMLProps<Property extends string, Override> = Omit< | |
import('./elements.js').SvelteHTMLElements[Property], | |
keyof Override | |
> & | |
Override; | |
declare global { | |
/** | |
* This namespace does not exist in the runtime, it is only used for typings | |
*/ | |
namespace svelteHTML { | |
// Every namespace eligible for use needs to implement the following two functions | |
/** | |
* @internal do not use | |
*/ | |
function mapElementTag<K extends keyof ElementTagNameMap>(tag: K): ElementTagNameMap[K]; | |
function mapElementTag<K extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap>(tag: K): SVGElementTagNameMap[K]; | |
function mapElementTag(tag: any): any; // needs to be any because used in context of <svelte:element> | |
/** | |
* @internal do not use | |
*/ | |
function createElement<Elements extends IntrinsicElements, Key extends keyof Elements>( | |
// "undefined | null" because of <svelte:element> | |
element: Key | undefined | null, | |
attrs: string extends Key ? svelteElements.HTMLAttributes<any> : Elements[Key] | |
): Key extends keyof ElementTagNameMap | |
? ElementTagNameMap[Key] | |
: Key extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap | |
? SVGElementTagNameMap[Key] | |
: any; | |
function createElement<Elements extends IntrinsicElements, Key extends keyof Elements, T>( | |
// "undefined | null" because of <svelte:element> | |
element: Key | undefined | null, | |
attrsEnhancers: T, | |
attrs: (string extends Key ? svelteElements.HTMLAttributes<any> : Elements[Key]) & T | |
): Key extends keyof ElementTagNameMap | |
? ElementTagNameMap[Key] | |
: Key extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap | |
? SVGElementTagNameMap[Key] | |
: any; | |
// For backwards-compatibility and ease-of-use, in case someone enhanced the typings from import('svelte/elements').HTMLAttributes/SVGAttributes | |
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars | |
interface HTMLAttributes<T extends EventTarget = any> {} | |
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars | |
interface SVGAttributes<T extends EventTarget = any> {} | |
/** | |
* Avoid using this interface directly. Instead use the `SvelteHTMLElements` interface exported by `svelte/elements` | |
* This should only be used if you need to extend the interface with custom elements | |
*/ | |
interface IntrinsicElements extends svelteElements.SvelteHTMLElements { | |
a: HTMLProps<'a', HTMLAttributes>; | |
abbr: HTMLProps<'abbr', HTMLAttributes>; | |
address: HTMLProps<'address', HTMLAttributes>; | |
area: HTMLProps<'area', HTMLAttributes>; | |
article: HTMLProps<'article', HTMLAttributes>; | |
aside: HTMLProps<'aside', HTMLAttributes>; | |
audio: HTMLProps<'audio', HTMLAttributes>; | |
b: HTMLProps<'b', HTMLAttributes>; | |
base: HTMLProps<'base', HTMLAttributes>; | |
bdi: HTMLProps<'bdi', HTMLAttributes>; | |
bdo: HTMLProps<'bdo', HTMLAttributes>; | |
big: HTMLProps<'big', HTMLAttributes>; | |
blockquote: HTMLProps<'blockquote', HTMLAttributes>; | |
body: HTMLProps<'body', HTMLAttributes>; | |
br: HTMLProps<'br', HTMLAttributes>; | |
button: HTMLProps<'button', HTMLAttributes>; | |
canvas: HTMLProps<'canvas', HTMLAttributes>; | |
caption: HTMLProps<'caption', HTMLAttributes>; | |
cite: HTMLProps<'cite', HTMLAttributes>; | |
code: HTMLProps<'code', HTMLAttributes>; | |
col: HTMLProps<'col', HTMLAttributes>; | |
colgroup: HTMLProps<'colgroup', HTMLAttributes>; | |
data: HTMLProps<'data', HTMLAttributes>; | |
datalist: HTMLProps<'datalist', HTMLAttributes>; | |
dd: HTMLProps<'dd', HTMLAttributes>; | |
del: HTMLProps<'del', HTMLAttributes>; | |
details: HTMLProps<'details', HTMLAttributes>; | |
dfn: HTMLProps<'dfn', HTMLAttributes>; | |
dialog: HTMLProps<'dialog', HTMLAttributes>; | |
div: HTMLProps<'div', HTMLAttributes>; | |
dl: HTMLProps<'dl', HTMLAttributes>; | |
dt: HTMLProps<'dt', HTMLAttributes>; | |
em: HTMLProps<'em', HTMLAttributes>; | |
embed: HTMLProps<'embed', HTMLAttributes>; | |
fieldset: HTMLProps<'fieldset', HTMLAttributes>; | |
figcaption: HTMLProps<'figcaption', HTMLAttributes>; | |
figure: HTMLProps<'figure', HTMLAttributes>; | |
footer: HTMLProps<'footer', HTMLAttributes>; | |
form: HTMLProps<'form', HTMLAttributes>; | |
h1: HTMLProps<'h1', HTMLAttributes>; | |
h2: HTMLProps<'h2', HTMLAttributes>; | |
h3: HTMLProps<'h3', HTMLAttributes>; | |
h4: HTMLProps<'h4', HTMLAttributes>; | |
h5: HTMLProps<'h5', HTMLAttributes>; | |
h6: HTMLProps<'h6', HTMLAttributes>; | |
head: HTMLProps<'head', HTMLAttributes>; | |
header: HTMLProps<'header', HTMLAttributes>; | |
hgroup: HTMLProps<'hgroup', HTMLAttributes>; | |
hr: HTMLProps<'hr', HTMLAttributes>; | |
html: HTMLProps<'html', HTMLAttributes>; | |
i: HTMLProps<'i', HTMLAttributes>; | |
iframe: HTMLProps<'iframe', HTMLAttributes>; | |
img: HTMLProps<'img', HTMLAttributes>; | |
input: HTMLProps<'input', HTMLAttributes>; | |
ins: HTMLProps<'ins', HTMLAttributes>; | |
kbd: HTMLProps<'kbd', HTMLAttributes>; | |
keygen: HTMLProps<'keygen', HTMLAttributes>; | |
label: HTMLProps<'label', HTMLAttributes>; | |
legend: HTMLProps<'legend', HTMLAttributes>; | |
li: HTMLProps<'li', HTMLAttributes>; | |
link: HTMLProps<'link', HTMLAttributes>; | |
main: HTMLProps<'main', HTMLAttributes>; | |
map: HTMLProps<'map', HTMLAttributes>; | |
mark: HTMLProps<'mark', HTMLAttributes>; | |
menu: HTMLProps<'menu', HTMLAttributes>; | |
menuitem: HTMLProps<'menuitem', HTMLAttributes>; | |
meta: HTMLProps<'meta', HTMLAttributes>; | |
meter: HTMLProps<'meter', HTMLAttributes>; | |
nav: HTMLProps<'nav', HTMLAttributes>; | |
noscript: HTMLProps<'noscript', HTMLAttributes>; | |
object: HTMLProps<'object', HTMLAttributes>; | |
ol: HTMLProps<'ol', HTMLAttributes>; | |
optgroup: HTMLProps<'optgroup', HTMLAttributes>; | |
option: HTMLProps<'option', HTMLAttributes>; | |
output: HTMLProps<'output', HTMLAttributes>; | |
p: HTMLProps<'p', HTMLAttributes>; | |
param: HTMLProps<'param', HTMLAttributes>; | |
picture: HTMLProps<'picture', HTMLAttributes>; | |
pre: HTMLProps<'pre', HTMLAttributes>; | |
progress: HTMLProps<'progress', HTMLAttributes>; | |
q: HTMLProps<'q', HTMLAttributes>; | |
rp: HTMLProps<'rp', HTMLAttributes>; | |
rt: HTMLProps<'rt', HTMLAttributes>; | |
ruby: HTMLProps<'ruby', HTMLAttributes>; | |
s: HTMLProps<'s', HTMLAttributes>; | |
samp: HTMLProps<'samp', HTMLAttributes>; | |
slot: HTMLProps<'slot', HTMLAttributes>; | |
script: HTMLProps<'script', HTMLAttributes>; | |
section: HTMLProps<'section', HTMLAttributes>; | |
select: HTMLProps<'select', HTMLAttributes>; | |
small: HTMLProps<'small', HTMLAttributes>; | |
source: HTMLProps<'source', HTMLAttributes>; | |
span: HTMLProps<'span', HTMLAttributes>; | |
strong: HTMLProps<'strong', HTMLAttributes>; | |
style: HTMLProps<'style', HTMLAttributes>; | |
sub: HTMLProps<'sub', HTMLAttributes>; | |
summary: HTMLProps<'summary', HTMLAttributes>; | |
sup: HTMLProps<'sup', HTMLAttributes>; | |
table: HTMLProps<'table', HTMLAttributes>; | |
template: HTMLProps<'template', HTMLAttributes>; | |
tbody: HTMLProps<'tbody', HTMLAttributes>; | |
td: HTMLProps<'td', HTMLAttributes>; | |
textarea: HTMLProps<'textarea', HTMLAttributes>; | |
tfoot: HTMLProps<'tfoot', HTMLAttributes>; | |
th: HTMLProps<'th', HTMLAttributes>; | |
thead: HTMLProps<'thead', HTMLAttributes>; | |
time: HTMLProps<'time', HTMLAttributes>; | |
title: HTMLProps<'title', HTMLAttributes>; | |
tr: HTMLProps<'tr', HTMLAttributes>; | |
track: HTMLProps<'track', HTMLAttributes>; | |
u: HTMLProps<'u', HTMLAttributes>; | |
ul: HTMLProps<'ul', HTMLAttributes>; | |
var: HTMLProps<'var', HTMLAttributes>; | |
video: HTMLProps<'video', HTMLAttributes>; | |
wbr: HTMLProps<'wbr', HTMLAttributes>; | |
webview: HTMLProps<'webview', HTMLAttributes>; | |
// SVG | |
svg: HTMLProps<'svg', SVGAttributes>; | |
animate: HTMLProps<'animate', SVGAttributes>; | |
animateMotion: HTMLProps<'animateMotion', SVGAttributes>; | |
animateTransform: HTMLProps<'animateTransform', SVGAttributes>; | |
circle: HTMLProps<'circle', SVGAttributes>; | |
clipPath: HTMLProps<'clipPath', SVGAttributes>; | |
defs: HTMLProps<'defs', SVGAttributes>; | |
desc: HTMLProps<'desc', SVGAttributes>; | |
ellipse: HTMLProps<'ellipse', SVGAttributes>; | |
feBlend: HTMLProps<'feBlend', SVGAttributes>; | |
feColorMatrix: HTMLProps<'feColorMatrix', SVGAttributes>; | |
feComponentTransfer: HTMLProps<'feComponentTransfer', SVGAttributes>; | |
feComposite: HTMLProps<'feComposite', SVGAttributes>; | |
feConvolveMatrix: HTMLProps<'feConvolveMatrix', SVGAttributes>; | |
feDiffuseLighting: HTMLProps<'feDiffuseLighting', SVGAttributes>; | |
feDisplacementMap: HTMLProps<'feDisplacementMap', SVGAttributes>; | |
feDistantLight: HTMLProps<'feDistantLight', SVGAttributes>; | |
feDropShadow: HTMLProps<'feDropShadow', SVGAttributes>; | |
feFlood: HTMLProps<'feFlood', SVGAttributes>; | |
feFuncA: HTMLProps<'feFuncA', SVGAttributes>; | |
feFuncB: HTMLProps<'feFuncB', SVGAttributes>; | |
feFuncG: HTMLProps<'feFuncG', SVGAttributes>; | |
feFuncR: HTMLProps<'feFuncR', SVGAttributes>; | |
feGaussianBlur: HTMLProps<'feGaussianBlur', SVGAttributes>; | |
feImage: HTMLProps<'feImage', SVGAttributes>; | |
feMerge: HTMLProps<'feMerge', SVGAttributes>; | |
feMergeNode: HTMLProps<'feMergeNode', SVGAttributes>; | |
feMorphology: HTMLProps<'feMorphology', SVGAttributes>; | |
feOffset: HTMLProps<'feOffset', SVGAttributes>; | |
fePointLight: HTMLProps<'fePointLight', SVGAttributes>; | |
feSpecularLighting: HTMLProps<'feSpecularLighting', SVGAttributes>; | |
feSpotLight: HTMLProps<'feSpotLight', SVGAttributes>; | |
feTile: HTMLProps<'feTile', SVGAttributes>; | |
feTurbulence: HTMLProps<'feTurbulence', SVGAttributes>; | |
filter: HTMLProps<'filter', SVGAttributes>; | |
foreignObject: HTMLProps<'foreignObject', SVGAttributes>; | |
g: HTMLProps<'g', SVGAttributes>; | |
image: HTMLProps<'image', SVGAttributes>; | |
line: HTMLProps<'line', SVGAttributes>; | |
linearGradient: HTMLProps<'linearGradient', SVGAttributes>; | |
marker: HTMLProps<'marker', SVGAttributes>; | |
mask: HTMLProps<'mask', SVGAttributes>; | |
metadata: HTMLProps<'metadata', SVGAttributes>; | |
mpath: HTMLProps<'mpath', SVGAttributes>; | |
path: HTMLProps<'path', SVGAttributes>; | |
pattern: HTMLProps<'pattern', SVGAttributes>; | |
polygon: HTMLProps<'polygon', SVGAttributes>; | |
polyline: HTMLProps<'polyline', SVGAttributes>; | |
radialGradient: HTMLProps<'radialGradient', SVGAttributes>; | |
rect: HTMLProps<'rect', SVGAttributes>; | |
stop: HTMLProps<'stop', SVGAttributes>; | |
switch: HTMLProps<'switch', SVGAttributes>; | |
symbol: HTMLProps<'symbol', SVGAttributes>; | |
text: HTMLProps<'text', SVGAttributes>; | |
textPath: HTMLProps<'textPath', SVGAttributes>; | |
tspan: HTMLProps<'tspan', SVGAttributes>; | |
use: HTMLProps<'use', SVGAttributes>; | |
view: HTMLProps<'view', SVGAttributes>; | |
// Svelte specific | |
'svelte:window': HTMLProps<'svelte:window', HTMLAttributes>; | |
'svelte:body': HTMLProps<'svelte:body', HTMLAttributes>; | |
'svelte:document': HTMLProps<'svelte:document', HTMLAttributes>; | |
'svelte:fragment': { slot?: string }; | |
'svelte:options': HTMLProps<'svelte:options', HTMLAttributes>; | |
'svelte:head': { [name: string]: any }; | |
[name: string]: { [name: string]: any }; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |