jackett / main.py
mikmc's picture
Upload 51 files
b5122dc verified
import asyncio
import logging
import os
import re
import shutil
import time
import zipfile
import requests
import starlette.status as status
from aiocron import crontab
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from fastapi import FastAPI, Request, HTTPException
from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware
from fastapi.responses import RedirectResponse
from fastapi.templating import Jinja2Templates
from starlette.responses import FileResponse
from debrid.get_debrid_service import get_debrid_service
from jackett.jackett_result import JackettResult
from jackett.jackett_service import JackettService
from metdata.cinemeta import Cinemeta
from metdata.tmdb import TMDB
from torrent.torrent_service import TorrentService
from torrent.torrent_smart_container import TorrentSmartContainer
from utils.cache import search_cache
from utils.filter_results import filter_items, sort_items
from utils.logger import setup_logger
from utils.parse_config import parse_config
from utils.stremio_parser import parse_to_stremio_streams
from utils.string_encoding import decodeb64
root_path = os.environ.get("ROOT_PATH", None)
if root_path and not root_path.startswith("/"):
root_path = "/" + root_path
app = FastAPI(root_path=root_path)
VERSION = "4.2.1"
isDev = os.getenv("NODE_ENV") == "development"
COMMUNITY_VERSION = True if os.getenv("IS_COMMUNITY_VERSION") == "true" else False
class LogFilterMiddleware:
def __init__(self, app):
self.app = app
async def __call__(self, scope, receive, send):
request = Request(scope, receive)
path = request.url.path
sensible_path = re.sub(r'/ey.*?/', '/<SENSITIVE_DATA>/', path)
logger.info(f"{request.method} - {sensible_path}")
return await self.app(scope, receive, send)
if not isDev:
templates = Jinja2Templates(directory="templates")
logger = setup_logger(__name__)
async def root():
return RedirectResponse(url="/configure")
async def configure(request: Request):
return templates.TemplateResponse(
{"request": request, "isCommunityVersion": COMMUNITY_VERSION},
async def function(file_path: str):
response = FileResponse(f"templates/{file_path}")
return response
async def get_manifest():
return {
"id": "community.aymene69.jackett",
"icon": "https://i.imgur.com/tVjqEJP.png",
"version": VERSION,
"catalogs": [],
"resources": ["stream"],
"types": ["movie", "series"],
"name": "Jackett" + (" Community" if COMMUNITY_VERSION else "") + (" (Dev)" if isDev else ""),
"description": "Elevate your Stremio experience with seamless access to Jackett torrent links, effortlessly "
"fetching torrents for your selected movies within the Stremio interface.",
"behaviorHints": {
"configurable": True,
# "configurationRequired": True
formatter = logging.Formatter('[%(asctime)s] p%(process)s {%(pathname)s:%(lineno)d} %(levelname)s - %(message)s',
'%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
logger.info("Started Jackett Addon")
async def get_results(config: str, stream_type: str, stream_id: str, request: Request):
start = time.time()
stream_id = stream_id.replace(".json", "")
config = parse_config(config)
logger.info(stream_type + " request")
logger.info(f"Getting media from {config['metadataProvider']}")
if config['metadataProvider'] == "tmdb" and config['tmdbApi']:
metadata_provider = TMDB(config)
metadata_provider = Cinemeta(config)
media = metadata_provider.get_metadata(stream_id, stream_type)
logger.info("Got media and properties: " + str(media.titles))
debrid_service = get_debrid_service(config)
search_results = []
if COMMUNITY_VERSION and config['cache']:
logger.info("Getting cached results")
cached_results = search_cache(media)
cached_results = [JackettResult().from_cached_item(torrent, media) for torrent in cached_results]
logger.info("Got " + str(len(cached_results)) + " cached results")
if len(cached_results) > 0:
logger.info("Filtering cached results")
search_results = filter_items(cached_results, media, config=config)
logger.info("Filtered cached results")
# TODO: if we have results per quality set, most of the time we will not have enough cached results AFTER filtering them
# because we will have less results than the maxResults, so we will always have to search for new results
if not COMMUNITY_VERSION and config['jackett'] and len(search_results) < int(config['maxResults']):
if len(search_results) > 0 and config['cache']:
logger.info("Not enough cached results found (results: " + str(len(search_results)) + ")")
elif config['cache']:
logger.info("No cached results found")
logger.info("Searching for results on Jackett")
jackett_service = JackettService(config)
jackett_search_results = jackett_service.search(media)
logger.info("Got " + str(len(jackett_search_results)) + " results from Jackett")
logger.info("Filtering Jackett results")
filtered_jackett_search_results = filter_items(jackett_search_results, media, config=config)
logger.info("Filtered Jackett results")
logger.debug("Converting result to TorrentItems (results: " + str(len(search_results)) + ")")
torrent_service = TorrentService()
torrent_results = torrent_service.convert_and_process(search_results)
logger.debug("Converted result to TorrentItems (results: " + str(len(torrent_results)) + ")")
torrent_smart_container = TorrentSmartContainer(torrent_results, media)
if config['debrid']:
if config['service'] == "torbox":
logger.debug("Checking availability")
hashes = torrent_smart_container.get_hashes()
ip = request.client.host
result = debrid_service.get_availability_bulk(hashes, ip)
torrent_smart_container.update_availability(result, type(debrid_service), media)
logger.debug("Checked availability (results: " + str(len(result.items())) + ")")
# TODO: Maybe add an if to only save to cache if caching is enabled?
logger.debug("Getting best matching results")
best_matching_results = torrent_smart_container.get_best_matching()
best_matching_results = sort_items(best_matching_results, config)
logger.debug("Got best matching results (results: " + str(len(best_matching_results)) + ")")
logger.info("Processing results")
stream_list = parse_to_stremio_streams(best_matching_results, config, media)
logger.info("Processed results (results: " + str(len(stream_list)) + ")")
logger.info("Total time: " + str(time.time() - start) + "s")
return {"streams": stream_list}
# @app.head("/playback/{config}/{query}")
async def get_playback(config: str, query: str, request: Request):
if not query:
raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Query required.")
config = parse_config(config)
logger.info("Decoding query")
query = decodeb64(query)
logger.info("Decoded query")
ip = request.client.host
debrid_service = get_debrid_service(config)
link = debrid_service.get_stream_link(query, ip)
logger.info("Got link: " + link)
return RedirectResponse(url=link, status_code=status.HTTP_301_MOVED_PERMANENTLY)
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"An error occurred: {e}")
raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail="An error occurred while processing the request.")
async def get_playback(config: str, query: str, request: Request):
if not query:
raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Query required.")
config = parse_config(config)
logger.info("Decoding query")
query = decodeb64(query)
logger.info("Decoded query")
ip = request.client.host
debrid_service = get_debrid_service(config)
link = debrid_service.get_stream_link(query, ip)
logger.info("Got link: " + link)
return RedirectResponse(url=link, status_code=status.HTTP_301_MOVED_PERMANENTLY)
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"An error occurred: {e}")
raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail="An error occurred while processing the request.")
async def update_app():
current_version = "v" + VERSION
url = "https://api.github.com/repos/aymene69/stremio-jackett/releases/latest"
response = requests.get(url)
data = response.json()
latest_version = data['tag_name']
if latest_version != current_version:
logger.info("New version available: " + latest_version)
logger.info("Getting update zip...")
update_zip = requests.get(data['zipball_url'])
with open("update.zip", "wb") as file:
logger.info("Update zip downloaded")
logger.info("Extracting update...")
with zipfile.ZipFile("update.zip", 'r') as zip_ref:
logger.info("Update extracted")
extracted_folder = os.listdir("update")[0]
extracted_folder_path = os.path.join("update", extracted_folder)
for item in os.listdir(extracted_folder_path):
s = os.path.join(extracted_folder_path, item)
d = os.path.join(".", item)
if os.path.isdir(s):
shutil.copytree(s, d, dirs_exist_ok=True)
shutil.copy2(s, d)
logger.info("Files copied")
logger.info("Cleaning up...")
logger.info("Cleaned up")
logger.info("Updated !")
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Error during update: {e}")
@crontab("* * * * *", start=not isDev)
async def schedule_task():
await update_app()
async def main():
await asyncio.gather(
if __name__ == "__main__":