import asyncio |
import logging |
import os |
import re |
import shutil |
import time |
import zipfile |
import requests |
import starlette.status as status |
from aiocron import crontab |
from dotenv import load_dotenv |
from fastapi import FastAPI, Request, HTTPException |
from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware |
from fastapi.responses import RedirectResponse |
from fastapi.templating import Jinja2Templates |
from starlette.responses import FileResponse |
from debrid.get_debrid_service import get_debrid_service |
from jackett.jackett_result import JackettResult |
from jackett.jackett_service import JackettService |
from metdata.cinemeta import Cinemeta |
from metdata.tmdb import TMDB |
from torrent.torrent_service import TorrentService |
from torrent.torrent_smart_container import TorrentSmartContainer |
from utils.cache import search_cache |
from utils.filter_results import filter_items, sort_items |
from utils.logger import setup_logger |
from utils.parse_config import parse_config |
from utils.stremio_parser import parse_to_stremio_streams |
from utils.string_encoding import decodeb64 |
load_dotenv() |
root_path = os.environ.get("ROOT_PATH", None) |
if root_path and not root_path.startswith("/"): |
root_path = "/" + root_path |
app = FastAPI(root_path=root_path) |
VERSION = "4.2.1" |
isDev = os.getenv("NODE_ENV") == "development" |
COMMUNITY_VERSION = True if os.getenv("IS_COMMUNITY_VERSION") == "true" else False |
class LogFilterMiddleware: |
def __init__(self, app): |
self.app = app |
async def __call__(self, scope, receive, send): |
request = Request(scope, receive) |
path = request.url.path |
sensible_path = re.sub(r'/ey.*?/', '/<SENSITIVE_DATA>/', path) |
logger.info(f"{request.method} - {sensible_path}") |
return await self.app(scope, receive, send) |
app.add_middleware( |
CORSMiddleware, |
allow_origins=["*"], |
allow_credentials=True, |
allow_methods=["*"], |
allow_headers=["*"], |
) |
if not isDev: |
app.add_middleware(LogFilterMiddleware) |
templates = Jinja2Templates(directory="templates") |
logger = setup_logger(__name__) |
@app.get("/") |
async def root(): |
return RedirectResponse(url="/configure") |
@app.get("/configure") |
@app.get("/{config}/configure") |
async def configure(request: Request): |
return templates.TemplateResponse( |
"index.html", |
{"request": request, "isCommunityVersion": COMMUNITY_VERSION}, |
) |
@app.get("/static/{file_path:path}") |
async def function(file_path: str): |
response = FileResponse(f"templates/{file_path}") |
return response |
@app.get("/manifest.json") |
@app.get("/{params}/manifest.json") |
async def get_manifest(): |
return { |
"id": "community.aymene69.jackett", |
"icon": "https://i.imgur.com/tVjqEJP.png", |
"version": VERSION, |
"catalogs": [], |
"resources": ["stream"], |
"types": ["movie", "series"], |
"name": "Jackett" + (" Community" if COMMUNITY_VERSION else "") + (" (Dev)" if isDev else ""), |
"description": "Elevate your Stremio experience with seamless access to Jackett torrent links, effortlessly " |
"fetching torrents for your selected movies within the Stremio interface.", |
"behaviorHints": { |
"configurable": True, |
} |
} |
formatter = logging.Formatter('[%(asctime)s] p%(process)s {%(pathname)s:%(lineno)d} %(levelname)s - %(message)s', |
'%m-%d %H:%M:%S') |
logger.info("Started Jackett Addon") |
@app.get("/{config}/stream/{stream_type}/{stream_id}") |
async def get_results(config: str, stream_type: str, stream_id: str, request: Request): |
start = time.time() |
stream_id = stream_id.replace(".json", "") |
config = parse_config(config) |
logger.info(stream_type + " request") |
logger.info(f"Getting media from {config['metadataProvider']}") |
if config['metadataProvider'] == "tmdb" and config['tmdbApi']: |
metadata_provider = TMDB(config) |
else: |
metadata_provider = Cinemeta(config) |
media = metadata_provider.get_metadata(stream_id, stream_type) |
logger.info("Got media and properties: " + str(media.titles)) |
debrid_service = get_debrid_service(config) |
search_results = [] |
if COMMUNITY_VERSION and config['cache']: |
logger.info("Getting cached results") |
cached_results = search_cache(media) |
cached_results = [JackettResult().from_cached_item(torrent, media) for torrent in cached_results] |
logger.info("Got " + str(len(cached_results)) + " cached results") |
if len(cached_results) > 0: |
logger.info("Filtering cached results") |
search_results = filter_items(cached_results, media, config=config) |
logger.info("Filtered cached results") |
if not COMMUNITY_VERSION and config['jackett'] and len(search_results) < int(config['maxResults']): |
if len(search_results) > 0 and config['cache']: |
logger.info("Not enough cached results found (results: " + str(len(search_results)) + ")") |
elif config['cache']: |
logger.info("No cached results found") |
logger.info("Searching for results on Jackett") |
jackett_service = JackettService(config) |
jackett_search_results = jackett_service.search(media) |
logger.info("Got " + str(len(jackett_search_results)) + " results from Jackett") |
logger.info("Filtering Jackett results") |
filtered_jackett_search_results = filter_items(jackett_search_results, media, config=config) |
logger.info("Filtered Jackett results") |
search_results.extend(filtered_jackett_search_results) |
logger.debug("Converting result to TorrentItems (results: " + str(len(search_results)) + ")") |
torrent_service = TorrentService() |
torrent_results = torrent_service.convert_and_process(search_results) |
logger.debug("Converted result to TorrentItems (results: " + str(len(torrent_results)) + ")") |
torrent_smart_container = TorrentSmartContainer(torrent_results, media) |
if config['debrid']: |
if config['service'] == "torbox": |
logger.debug("Checking availability") |
hashes = torrent_smart_container.get_hashes() |
ip = request.client.host |
result = debrid_service.get_availability_bulk(hashes, ip) |
torrent_smart_container.update_availability(result, type(debrid_service), media) |
logger.debug("Checked availability (results: " + str(len(result.items())) + ")") |
torrent_smart_container.cache_container_items() |
logger.debug("Getting best matching results") |
best_matching_results = torrent_smart_container.get_best_matching() |
best_matching_results = sort_items(best_matching_results, config) |
logger.debug("Got best matching results (results: " + str(len(best_matching_results)) + ")") |
logger.info("Processing results") |
stream_list = parse_to_stremio_streams(best_matching_results, config, media) |
logger.info("Processed results (results: " + str(len(stream_list)) + ")") |
logger.info("Total time: " + str(time.time() - start) + "s") |
return {"streams": stream_list} |
@app.get("/playback/{config}/{query}") |
async def get_playback(config: str, query: str, request: Request): |
try: |
if not query: |
raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Query required.") |
config = parse_config(config) |
logger.info("Decoding query") |
query = decodeb64(query) |
logger.info(query) |
logger.info("Decoded query") |
ip = request.client.host |
debrid_service = get_debrid_service(config) |
link = debrid_service.get_stream_link(query, ip) |
logger.info("Got link: " + link) |
return RedirectResponse(url=link, status_code=status.HTTP_301_MOVED_PERMANENTLY) |
except Exception as e: |
logger.error(f"An error occurred: {e}") |
raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail="An error occurred while processing the request.") |
@app.head("/playback/{config}/{query}") |
async def get_playback(config: str, query: str, request: Request): |
try: |
if not query: |
raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Query required.") |
config = parse_config(config) |
logger.info("Decoding query") |
query = decodeb64(query) |
logger.info(query) |
logger.info("Decoded query") |
ip = request.client.host |
debrid_service = get_debrid_service(config) |
link = debrid_service.get_stream_link(query, ip) |
logger.info("Got link: " + link) |
return RedirectResponse(url=link, status_code=status.HTTP_301_MOVED_PERMANENTLY) |
except Exception as e: |
logger.error(f"An error occurred: {e}") |
raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail="An error occurred while processing the request.") |
async def update_app(): |
try: |
current_version = "v" + VERSION |
url = "https://api.github.com/repos/aymene69/stremio-jackett/releases/latest" |
response = requests.get(url) |
data = response.json() |
latest_version = data['tag_name'] |
if latest_version != current_version: |
logger.info("New version available: " + latest_version) |
logger.info("Updating...") |
logger.info("Getting update zip...") |
update_zip = requests.get(data['zipball_url']) |
with open("update.zip", "wb") as file: |
file.write(update_zip.content) |
logger.info("Update zip downloaded") |
logger.info("Extracting update...") |
with zipfile.ZipFile("update.zip", 'r') as zip_ref: |
zip_ref.extractall("update") |
logger.info("Update extracted") |
extracted_folder = os.listdir("update")[0] |
extracted_folder_path = os.path.join("update", extracted_folder) |
for item in os.listdir(extracted_folder_path): |
s = os.path.join(extracted_folder_path, item) |
d = os.path.join(".", item) |
if os.path.isdir(s): |
shutil.copytree(s, d, dirs_exist_ok=True) |
else: |
shutil.copy2(s, d) |
logger.info("Files copied") |
logger.info("Cleaning up...") |
shutil.rmtree("update") |
os.remove("update.zip") |
logger.info("Cleaned up") |
logger.info("Updated !") |
except Exception as e: |
logger.error(f"Error during update: {e}") |
@crontab("* * * * *", start=not isDev) |
async def schedule_task(): |
await update_app() |
async def main(): |
await asyncio.gather( |
schedule_task() |
) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
asyncio.run(main()) |