PBG / Lessons_Learned_demo.csv
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CSI Division,Project Phase,Other Category,Description of Problem,Resolution,Question
01 56 26 Temporary Fencing,Project Startup,,"The exterior site fencing had to be located on decorative stamped concrete adjacent to a high traffic area of pedestrian public use.
The temporary fence was constructed of plywood for aesthetics as requested by the owner.
It was initially desirable to minimize the damage to the concrete that would be created by the type and amount of anchor attachments. The method of anchoring was to shot-pin a 2x4 to the concrete and nail a 2x4 on top of the pinned 2x4, an angle brace was then nailed to the side of the top 2x4. This method was done approximately every 8’-10’. See attached photo.
The work was self-performed by PBG, so all liability was solely held by PBG.
Windy day with gusts in excess of 40mph.
The temporary fence was constructed between two adjacent buildings that create a wind tunnel affect",The fence was reconstructed with additional bracing and utilizing concrete stakes drilled into the sidewalk,How will you ensure that all temporary fencing is securely anchored to existing structures and that it will be sufficient to withstand high wind conditions or other circumstances that could result in dislodging it?
01 56 29 Temporary Protective Walkways,Pre-Construction,Proposal,,," Have temporary protective walkways been identified as necessary during the development of the project's proposal?"
01 56 29 Temporary Protective Walkways,Pre-Construction,Budget,,," Did you ensure to have enough money in the project's budget to build covered walkways, if required?"
01 56 29 Temporary Protective Walkways,Pre-Construction,Budget,,," Did you include money in the budget for replacement/reconstructions costs that may arise from removing the temporary protective walkway?"
01 56 29 Temporary Protective Walkways,Permits and Inspections,,,," Did you review the AHJ requirements that need to be followed regarding protective walkways?"
01 56 29 Temporary Protective Walkways,Permits and Inspections,,,"Requirements/Guidelines:
Let’s talk about when pedestrian walkways are required. In the past this has been kind of grey area, but you must start with your main CC Building Inspector. It’s better to ask them out of the gates what they want to see, in lieu of getting a notice of violation days before your walkway needs to be constructed. If your building permit is under IBC 2006, refer to Section 3306 page 538 of the IBC 2006 Book. Table 3306.1 will give you the requirement guidelines to follow. This table is also important to review during bid time. Make sure we get enough money in the budget for covered walkways if required under Table 3306.1.
Encroachment Permit: You must apply with CC Civil Engineer Department for this permit. A traffic control plan must accompany your application (Contact Superior Traffic Services for documents). This plan shows where you intend on temporarily diverting pedestrian traffic in order to install the scaffold system. Don’t start installation until this permit is in hand. Also required is 3 Engineered stamped copies of the scaffold drawings and structural calculations.
Traditionally you would receive a one month permit for the sidewalk closure. However, in recent months, the Civil Department is issuing permits in 6 month intervals. Most of the time your scaffold system will be required for a large majority of the construction project and the Civil Department wants to have input for that duration. Upon disassembly of the scaffold system, Civil will now require a final inspection to insure the contractor has not damaged the sidewalk/curb/asphalt/etc. Be sure to capture R&R cost for the inevitable damage.
Building Permit: You will also need a Building Permit through CC Development Services Building Division. The Civil Department is concerned with the location of the scaffold system and the Building Division is concerned with the structural integrity of the assembly. Work as closely with the CC reviewer as possible. This will alleviate additional comment letters. Set up meetings, they will entertain your requests. So here goes, you must inform the Engineer that generates the scaffold drawings that he/she needs to include as much information on the drawings as possible. Rule of thumb: The onsite building inspector should be able to look at the drawings and inspect every square inch of the system based on a super detailed drawing. What does this detail include? This is just a start, but the following information must be on the plans:
ICC-ES Report Numbers for Concrete Anchors (Use Hilti QuickBolt KB-TZ per ESR-1917 which is IBC 2006 compliant)
General Structural notes and material callouts: plywood, aluminum size, bolts, screws, clips etc.
All connection points must have detail blowups (ex. Joist, Du-Al Bms, Outer legs, Ledgers, etc.)
All framing member sizes, thickness and gauges shall be clearly identified on plans.
In regards to the structural calculations, the following at a minimum must be provided:
Uniform loads, moment/shear for joist and stringers.
Tributary area, plywood load, joist load, wind uplift resistance.
Sill design and calculations.
All material specifications.
Once you have received the Building Division Permit you must contact your onsite building inspector for an inspection after scaffold installation is complete. Make sure you have installed the system per the approved plans.
Review Section 33 of 2006 IBC Code Book.
Talk with your onsite inspector if you think a covered walkway may be needed.
Have the scaffold company generate a super detailed set of plans. Contact CC Structural Reviewers for permit acceptance criteria (see contact below)
Schedule a meeting with CC review team prior to submitting to ensure plan compliance.
Immediately apply for Encroachment and Building Permits once plans and structural calculations are completed.
Once Permits are received, install scaffold system and call for CC Building Inspection.
Maintain the system for structural integrity and safety items.
Once the scaffolding is no longer needed per CC, dismantle, call Civil for inspection and close out both permits."," Did you include a traffic control plan and the necessary number of copies of stamped drawings when applying for an Encroachment Permit required for the protective walkway scaffold system?"