/* Copyright 2020 Google LLC. All Rights Reserved. | |
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); | |
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. | |
You may obtain a copy of the License at | | | |
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software | |
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, | |
WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. | |
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and | |
limitations under the License. | |
==============================================================================*/ | |
window.makeSel = function(){ | |
var s = c.width/(nCols -2) -1 | |
var personSel = c.svg.appendMany('g', students) | |
var rectSel = personSel.append('rect') | |
.at({ | |
height: s, | |
width: s, | |
x: -s/2, | |
y: -s/2, | |
// fillOpacity: .2 | |
}) | |
var textSel = personSel.append('text.weepeople') | |
.text(d => d.letter) | |
.at({fontSize: d => d.isMale ? 26 : 34, dy: '.33em', textAnchor: 'middle'}) | |
.st({stroke: d => d.isSick ? dcolors.sick : dcolors.well}) | |
addSwoop(c) | |
var botAxis = c.svg.append('g').translate(c.width + 150, 1) | |
var truthAxis = botAxis.append('g.axis').translate([0, 0]) | |
truthAxis.append('text').text('Truth') | |
.at({textAnchor: 'middle', fontWeight: 500, x: s*2.65}) | |
truthAxis.append('g').translate([45, 22]) | |
.append('text').text('Sick').parent() | |
.append('text.weepeople').text('k') | |
.at({fontSize: 34, x: 22, y: 5}) | |
.st({fill: colors.sick}) | |
truthAxis.append('g').translate([95, 22]) | |
.append('text').text('Well').parent() | |
.append('text.weepeople').text('d') | |
.at({fontSize: 34, fill: colors.well, x: 22, y: 5}) | |
.st({fill: colors.well}) | |
var mlAxis = botAxis.append('g.axis').translate([220, 0]) | |
mlAxis.append('text').text('ML Prediction') | |
.at({textAnchor: 'middle', fontWeight: 500, x: s*2.8}) | |
mlAxis.append('g').translate([35, 22]) | |
.append('text').text('Sick').parent() | |
.append('rect') | |
.at({width: s*.7, height: s*.7, fill: lcolors.sick, x: 28, y: -17}) | |
mlAxis.append('g').translate([100, 22]) | |
.append('text').text('Well').parent() | |
.append('rect') | |
.at({width: s*.7, height: s*.7, fill: lcolors.well, x: 28, y: -17}) | |
var fpAxis = c.svg.append('g.axis') | |
// fpAxis.append('rect') | |
// .translate(nCols*s - 20, 1) | |
// .at({ | |
// fill: lcolors.well, | |
// x: -82, | |
// y: -12, | |
// width: 56, | |
// height: 28, | |
// // stroke: '#000', | |
// }) | |
// fpAxis.append('text') | |
// .translate(nCols*s - 20, 1) | |
// .tspans(['False', 'Negatives'], 12) | |
// .at({textAnchor: 'end', x: -s/2 - 10, fill: colors.sick}) | |
// fpAxis.append('text') | |
// .translate(nCols*s, 0) | |
// .tspans(['False', 'Positives'], 12) | |
// .at({textAnchor: 'start', x: s/2 + 7, fill: colors.well}) | |
var sexAxis = c.svg.append('g.axis') | |
sexAxis.append('text').st({fontWeight: 500, fill: ''}) | |
.translate([-15, -30]) | |
.text('Adults') | |
sexAxis.append('text').st({fontWeight: 500, fill: ''}) | |
.translate([-15, -30 + students.maleOffsetPx]) | |
.text('Children') | |
var brAxis = c.svg.append('g.axis') | |
var cpx = 0 | |
brAxis.append('path') | |
.translate([-15, -20]) | |
.at({ | |
stroke: colors.sick, | |
fill: 'none', | |
d: ['M -3 -3 v', -cpx, 'h', students.fSickCols*students.colWidth, 'v', cpx].join('') | |
}) | |
brAxis.append('path') | |
.translate([-15, -20 + students.maleOffsetPx]) | |
.at({ | |
stroke: colors.sick, | |
fill: 'none', | |
d: ['M -3 -3 v', -cpx, 'h', students.mSickCols*students.colWidth, 'v', cpx].join('') | |
}) | |
brAxis.append('text').st({fontWeight: 500, fill: colors.sick}) | |
.translate([-15, -30]) | |
.text('Sick Adults') | |
brAxis.append('text').st({fontWeight: 500, fill: colors.sick}) | |
.translate([-15, -30 + students.maleOffsetPx]) | |
.text('Sick Children') | |
return {personSel, textSel, rectSel, fpAxis, sexAxis, brAxis, truthAxis, mlAxis, botAxis} | |
} | |
if (window.init) window.init() | |