import cv2 | |
import numpy as np | |
def rectContour(contours): | |
rectCon = [] | |
for i in contours: | |
area = cv2.contourArea(i) #alan hesabi | |
#piksel alani 50den byukse gecerlidir | |
if area > 30: | |
peri = cv2.arcLength(i, True) | |
approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(i, 0.02 * peri, True) #kac tane koseye sahip oldugu | |
if len(approx) == 4: #4 ise dortgendir | |
rectCon.append(i) | |
rectCon = sorted(rectCon, key=cv2.contourArea,reverse=True) #alanlari hesaplicak ve siralicak ki ona gore alanlari belirleyelim | |
#print(len(rectCon)) | |
return rectCon | |
def getCornerPoints(cont): | |
peri = cv2.arcLength(cont, True) | |
approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(cont, 0.02 * peri, True) #kose degerleri | |
return approx | |
def reorder(myPoints): | |
myPoints = myPoints.reshape((4, 2)) #fazla koseliyi kaldiralim | |
#print(myPoints) | |
myPointsNew = np.zeros((4, 1, 2), np.int32) | |
add = myPoints.sum(1) | |
#print(add) | |
#print(np.argmax(add)) | |
myPointsNew[0] = myPoints[np.argmin(add)] #[0,0] | |
myPointsNew[3] =myPoints[np.argmax(add)] #[w,h] | |
diff = np.diff(myPoints, axis=1) | |
myPointsNew[1] =myPoints[np.argmin(diff)] #[w,0] | |
myPointsNew[2] = myPoints[np.argmax(diff)] #[h,0] | |
return myPointsNew | |
#siklari bolmek icin 20 tane soru vertical/ 5 tane isaret alani +1 tane soru sayisi yazan yer | |
#6 horizatanl bolmek | |
def splitBoxes(img): | |
# Bölme işlemi yapmadan önce boyutları eşit olacak şekilde ayarlayın | |
img = img[5:] | |
if img.shape[0] % 25 != 0: | |
img = img[:-(img.shape[0] % 25), :] | |
rows = np.vsplit(img,25) #vertical | |
boxes=[] | |
for r in rows: | |
cols= np.hsplit(r,6) #horizantal | |
for box in cols: | |
boxes.append(box) | |
"""cv2.imshow(" s",box) | |
cv2.waitKey(0)""" | |
return boxes | |
#ogrenci numarasi alani icin ayni fonksiyonu kullandik | |
#yuakrdakisini silip sadece bu da kullanilabilir dogru degerler ile | |
#ogrenci numarasi alani 0-9 arasi sayilardan 10 tane isaretleme yeri iceriyor | |
#10x10seklinde boleriz | |
def split_num(img,vertical, horizantal): | |
rows = np.vsplit(img,vertical) #vertical | |
boxes=[] | |
for r in rows: | |
cols= np.hsplit(r,horizantal) #horizantal | |
for box in cols: | |
boxes.append(box) | |
return boxes | |
#yan yana 3 tane birlesik ders alani oldugu icin onlari 3 ayri | |
#sekle getiriyor | |
def splitColumn(img): | |
column = np.hsplit(img,4) | |
return column | |
#puan hesaplama alani | |
#soru sayisi dogru cevaplari ve ogrenci cevaplarini aliyor | |
#bunlari karsilastirip yeni bir listeye 1/0 seklinde kodluyor | |
#1ler toplanip puan hesaplanmis oluyor | |
def grading(answers,num_questions,myAnswers): | |
grading=[] | |
wrong_ans = [] | |
empty = [] | |
for x in range(0,num_questions): | |
if answers[x] == myAnswers[x]: | |
grading.append(1) | |
elif myAnswers[x] == -1: | |
grading.append(0) | |
wrong_ans.append(x+1) | |
elif myAnswers[x] == 0: | |
empty.append(x+1) | |
else: | |
grading.append(0) | |
wrong_ans.append(x+1) | |
score = (sum(grading)/num_questions)*100 | |
return score ,wrong_ans,empty | |
#piksel degerlerinde kullanici cevaplarini | |
#okuyupu index seklinde listeye kaydediyor | |
def user_answers(num_questions,myPixelVal): | |
myIndex=[] | |
for x in range (0,num_questions): | |
arr = myPixelVal[x] | |
t =70.0 | |
#empty answers | |
if arr[1] < t and arr[2] < t and arr[3] < t and arr[4] < t and arr[5] < t: | |
myIndex.append(0) | |
#2 or more answers | |
elif (arr[1]>t and arr[2]>t) or ( arr[1]>t and arr[3]>t) or (arr[1]>t and arr[4]>t) or (arr[1]>t and arr[5]> t) or (arr[2]>t and arr[3]> t) or (arr[2]>t and arr[4]> t) or (arr[2]>t and arr[5]> t) or (arr[3]>t and arr[4]> t) or (arr[3]>t and arr[5]> t) or (arr[4]>t and arr[5]>t) : | |
myIndex.append(-1) | |
else : | |
myIndexVal = np.where(arr == np.amax(arr)) | |
myIndex.append(myIndexVal[0][0]) | |
print(myIndex) | |
return myIndex | |
#student id kismi yukardan asagiya dogru karsilastirma yaparak | |
#isretli alan tespit edilecegi icin satir ve sutunlari tekrar duzenlemiz gerekti | |
#[[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]] ----> [[1,4,7],[2,5,8],[3,6,9]] | |
def id_reorder(myPixelVal): | |
duz_liste = [] | |
for sutun in range(len(myPixelVal[0])): | |
for satir in range(len(myPixelVal)): | |
duz_liste.append(myPixelVal[satir][sutun]) | |
yeni_liste = [] | |
satir = [] | |
for eleman in duz_liste: | |
satir.append(eleman) | |
if len(satir) == len(myPixelVal): | |
yeni_liste.append(satir) | |
satir = [] | |
return yeni_liste | |
#ogrenci numarasi kisminin piksel degerine gore hangisinin iseretli | |
#oldugunun tespiti | |
def id_answers(vertical_num,myPixelVal): | |
myIndex=[] | |
for x in range (0,vertical_num): | |
arr = myPixelVal[x] | |
myIndexVal = np.where(arr == np.amax(arr)) | |
myIndex.append(myIndexVal[0][0]) | |
return myIndex | |
def pixelVal(num_questions,choices,box): | |
countR=0 #rows | |
countC=0 #column | |
myPixelVal = np.zeros((num_questions,choices)) | |
for image in box: | |
totalPixels = cv2.countNonZero(image) | |
myPixelVal[countR][countC]= totalPixels | |
countC += 1 | |
if (countC==choices):countC=0;countR +=1 | |
return myPixelVal | |
#dosyadan cevap anahtarinin okunmasi | |
def read_answers(dosya_adi): | |
with open(dosya_adi, 'r') as f: | |
satirlar = f.readlines() | |
okunan_veriler = [] | |
for satir in satirlar: | |
sutunlar = satir.split() | |
okunan_veriler.append(sutunlar[1]) | |
return okunan_veriler | |
#dosyadan okunan cevaplarin numerik hale getirilmesi | |
def answers2numbers(answers): | |
num_answers = [] | |
for i in answers: | |
if i == "a": | |
num_answers.append(1) | |
elif i == "b": | |
num_answers.append(2) | |
elif i == "c": | |
num_answers.append(3) | |
elif i == "d": | |
num_answers.append(4) | |
elif i == "e": | |
num_answers.append(5) | |
else: | |
print("Oppss Check Txt file") | |
return num_answers | |