from textwrap import wrap | |
import streamlit as st | |
from transformers import pipeline | |
import nlpaug.augmenter.char as nac | |
import subprocess | |
import sys | |
def install(): | |
subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", "streamlit==0.89.0"]) | |
install() | |
st.markdown('# ByT5 Dutch OCR Corrector :pill:') | |
st.write('This app corrects common dutch OCR mistakes, to showcase how this could be used in an OCR post-processing pipeline.') | |
st.markdown(""" | |
To use this: | |
- Enter a text with OCR mistakes and hit 'unscramble':point_down: | |
- Or enter a normal text, scramble it :twisted_rightwards_arrows: and then hit 'unscramble' :point_down:""") | |
def load_model(): | |
with st.spinner('Please wait for the model to load...'): | |
ocr_pipeline=pipeline( | |
'text2text-generation', | |
model='ml6team/byt5-base-dutch-ocr-correction', | |
tokenizer='ml6team/byt5-base-dutch-ocr-correction' | |
) | |
return ocr_pipeline | |
ocr_pipeline = load_model() | |
if 'text' not in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state.text = "" | |
left_area, right_area = st.beta_columns(2) | |
# Format the left area | |
left_area.header("Input") | |
form = left_area.form(key='ocrcorrector') | |
placeholder = form.empty() | |
placeholder.empty() | |
input_text = placeholder.text_area(value=st.session_state.text, label='Insert text:', key='input_text') | |
scramble_button = form.form_submit_button(label='Scramble') | |
submit_button = form.form_submit_button(label='Unscramble') | |
# Right area | |
right_area.header("Output") | |
if scramble_button: | |
aug = nac.OcrAug() | |
st.session_state.text = st.session_state.input_text | |
base_text = st.session_state.text | |
augmented_data = aug.augment(base_text) | |
st.session_state.text = augmented_data | |
del st.session_state.input_text | |
placeholder.empty() | |
input_text = placeholder.text_area(value=st.session_state.text, label='Insert text:', key='input_text') | |
if submit_button: | |
base_text = st.session_state.input_text | |
output_text = " ".join([x['generated_text'] for x in ocr_pipeline(wrap(base_text, 128))]) | |
right_area.markdown('#####') | |
right_area.text_area(value=output_text, label="Corrected text:") | |