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<h6 class="text-white mb-0">AI Models:</h6> | |
<p class="mb-0"> TensorFlow, Keras, OpenCV</p> | |
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<h3 class="text-white mb-3">Inspiration Behind HealthScanAI</h3> | |
<p class="text-white">The inspiration for HealthScanAI stemmed from a desire to contribute to the fight against cancer. With the rising incidence of cancer globally, early detection has never been more crucial</p> | |
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<h5 class="position-relative d-inline-block text-primary text-uppercase">About Us</h5> | |
<h1 class="display-5 mb-0">Welcome to BrainScanAI, the innovative platform</h1> | |
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<h4 class="text-body fst-italic mb-4">developed as part of an internship at the Advanced Technologies for Medicine and Signal (ATMS) center by Mohamed Benhasan</h4> | |
<p class="mb-4">HealthScanAI is dedicated to revolutionizing cancer detection using cutting-edge artificial intelligence technologies. Our mission is to provide accessible, accurate, and early cancer detection to save lives and improve health outcomes worldwide.</p> | |
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<h5 class="mb-3"><i class="fa fa-check-circle text-primary me-3"></i>User-Friendly Interface</h5> | |
<h5 class="mb-3"><i class="fa fa-check-circle text-primary me-3"></i>Multi-Model Detection System</h5> | |
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<h5 class="mb-3"><i class="fa fa-check-circle text-primary me-3"></i>Rapid Analysis and Results</h5> | |
<h5 class="mb-3"><i class="fa fa-check-circle text-primary me-3"></i>24/7 Opened</h5> | |
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<h1 class="display-5 text-white mb-4">Upload your medical images and let our advanced AI models help you detect early signs of cancer</h1> | |
<p class="text-white mb-0">On the Scan Page of BrainScanAI, users follow a straightforward process: <br><br><b>Step 1</b> is selecting an AI model for detection or classification.</br> <br><b>Step 2</b> involves uploading a medical image (X-ray, MRI, or CT scan) with a progress bar showing upload status.</br> <br><b>Step 3</b> requires clicking "Start Scan" to initiate the analysis. Results are then displayed on the page, offering a clear and accessible method for cancer detection.</br></p> | |
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<h1 class="text-white mb-4">AI-Powered Cancer Detection</h1> | |
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<h1 class="display-5 mb-0">Discover how BrainScanAI can assist you with advanced cancer detection and classification</h1> | |
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<h1 class="display-5 text-white">Checkup You Brain With BrainScanAI</h1> | |
<p class="text-white mb-4">Our classification model integrates the outputs from the above modes, providing a comprehensive diagnosis that combines the strengths of each AI model. The system is trained on extensive datasets to ensure high accuracy and reliability in identifying cancerous cells.</p> | |
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