genAIWeb /
mcguinnessa's picture
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import websocket
import json
from contextlib import closing
from dataclasses import dataclass
from uuid import uuid4
import re
import time
import datetime
#from langchain import PromptTemplate
from langchain_core.prompts import PromptTemplate
import gradio as gr
import os
SOCKET_URL = "wss://"
API_TOKEN = os.environ['API_KEY']
FORMAT_OPTIONS = ["HTML", "CSV", "Excel", "JSON", "Text"]
#g_tests_generated = False
#MODEL = "mistral.mixtral-8x7b-instruct-v0:1"
#MODEL = "ai21.j2-ultra-v1"
#MODEL = "anthropic.claude-v2:1"
#MODEL = "amazon.titan-tg1-large"
#MODEL = "anthropic.claude-3-sonnet-20240229-v1:0"
#MODEL = "anthropic.claude-3-haiku-20240307-v1:0"
#MODEL = "meta.llama2-70b-chat-v1"
#MODEL = "amazon.titan-tg1-large"
model_dict = {"mistral.mixtral-8x7b-instruct-v0:1" : 4096,
"mistral.mistral-large-2402-v1:0" : 4096,
# "mistral.mistral-7b-instruct-v0:2" : 4096,
"meta.llama2-70b-chat-v1" : 2048,
"meta.llama3-70b-instruct-v1:0" : 2048,
"meta.llama3-8b-instruct-v1:0" : 2048,
"ai21.j2-ultra-v1" : 4096,
# "anthropic.claude-3-sonnet-20240229-v1:0" : 4096,
# "anthropic.claude-3-haiku-20240307-v1:0" : 4096,
"amazon.titan-tg1-large" : 4096 }
HEADING_NAME = "Test Name"
HEADING_DESC = "Description"
HEADING_ID = "External Test ID"
HEADING_PRE = "Pre-Conditions"
HEADING_STEPS = "Test Steps"
HEADING_RESULTS = "Expected Results"
def validate_element(input):
rc = False
el_len = len(input)
if el_len < 32 and el_len > 0:
rc = True
return rc
def validate_service(input):
rc = False
if len(input) < 32:
rc = True
return rc
# Generates the tests
def generate_tests(model, element, service, format, temperature, topp, max_tokens, num_tests,
role, type):
session_id = uuid4()
service = str(service)
element = str(element)
print("Element:" + element)
print("Service(len):" + service + ":" + str(len(service)))
print("Format:" + format)
#rc = ["", "{}", "", gr.Button("Download", visible=True) ]
rc = ["", "{}", "", gr.Column(visible=True), None ]
if not validate_element(element):
return "Invalid Element input"
if not validate_service(service):
return "Invalid Service input"
if num_tests >= TESTS_PER_CALL:
num_tests_to_ask_for = TESTS_PER_CALL
num_tests_to_ask_for = num_tests
secondary_target = ""
if 0 < len(service):
secondary_target = f" including the for the service {service}."
formatting_prefix = ""
formatting_suffix = ""
format_separator = ""
formatting = ""
if format == "HTML":
formatting = f"""Each test cases must be presented as row which can be added to a HTML table. Each row will be prefixed with <tr> & suffixed with </tr>. This table must easy to read. Do not include the tag <table>, do not generate the header row or use the <th> tags.
Here is an example of the desired output format <tr><td>{HEADING_NO}</td><td>{HEADING_NAME}</td><td>{HEADING_DESC}</td><td>{HEADING_ID}</td><td>{HEADING_PRE}</td><td>{HEADING_STEPS}</td><td>{HEADING_RESULTS}</td></tr>"""
formatting_prefix = f"<table><tr><th>{HEADING_NO}</th><th>{HEADING_NAME}</th><th>{HEADING_DESC}</th><th>{HEADING_ID}</th><th>{HEADING_PRE}</th><th>{HEADING_STEPS}</th><th>{HEADING_RESULTS}</th></tr>"
formatting_suffix = "</table>"
display_idx = 0
elif format == "JSON":
formatting = f"""The output must use strict JSON format. Each Test case will be a JSON object. Each of the fields will be property in the JSON object. Do not generate the enclosing "[" or "]" of the top level list.
Here is an example of the desire output format:
{{ "{HEADING_NO}" : "Value", "{HEADING_NAME}": "Value", "{HEADING_DESC}": "Value", "{HEADING_ID}": "Value", "{HEADING_PRE}": "Value", "{HEADING_STEPS}": "Value", "{HEADING_RESULTS}": "Value" }}"""
formatting_prefix = f"["
formatting_suffix = "]"
format_separator = ","
display_idx = 1
elif format == "CSV":
formatting = "The resultant test cases must be presented in the format of a CSV table"
display_idx = 2
elif format == "Excel":
formatting = "The resultant test cases must be presented in the format of a that can be easily pasted into a spreadsheet such as Excel"
display_idx = 2
elif format == "Text":
formatting = "The resultant test cases must be presented in the format of a table in plain text"
display_idx = 2
#prompt = f"""You are a {role}. Generate {num_tests_to_ask_for} unique test cases for {element} including the for the service {service}.
prompt = f"""You are a {role}. Generate {num_tests_to_ask_for} unique test cases for {element}{secondary_target}.
The test cases must be {type} test cases.
Do not generate any superfluous output that is not part of test case.
The test cases must contain the fields in the following order: {HEADING_NO}, {HEADING_NAME}, {HEADING_DESC}, {HEADING_ID}, {HEADING_PRE}, {HEADING_STEPS}, and {HEADING_RESULTS} as specified by the Test Case Definition.
# The test cases must conform to the definition specified in your knowledge base.
# The test cases must conform to the definition specified.
# The test cases must conform to the definition of a Test Case in your understanding.
# The test cases must conform to your understanding of the definition of a test case.
# The test cases must conform to the definition of a test case provided.
# The test cases must conform to the definition specified in 'Test Definition.txt'
# The test cases must include the following elements, each corresponding to a heading: {HEADING_NO}, {HEADING_NAME}, {HEADING_DESC}, {HEADING_ID}, {HEADING_PRE}, {HEADING_STEPS}, and {HEADING_RESULTS}.
# {HEADING_NO}' is an abbreviation for number. This is a unique integer for each test case, starting from 1 and incrementing by 1 for each test case.
# {HEADING_NAME} is a useful short description of the test.
# {HEADING_DESC} is a summary of the test and should end in -{element}.
# {HEADING_ID} is an alpha-numeric ID, unique for each case and derived from {element}.
# {HEADING_PRE} describes the preconditions needed for the tests to be executed.
# {HEADING_STEPS} is a series of at least 3 steps that clearly describes how to execute the test case. Each step must be numbered.
# {HEADING_RESULTS} describes the expected outcome for each step itemised in, each outcome must be numbered {HEADING_STEPS}.
#output = ""
output_array = []
tests_remaining = num_tests
while tests_remaining > 0:
query_output = send_query(model, prompt, session_id, temperature, topp, max_tokens)
output_array.append(enforce_format(query_output, format))
tests_remaining -= num_tests_to_ask_for
if tests_remaining >= TESTS_PER_CALL:
num_tests_to_ask_for = TESTS_PER_CALL
num_tests_to_ask_for = tests_remaining
prompt = f"Generate another {num_tests_to_ask_for} unique test cases using the same requirements in the same output format. Ensure the numbering is continuous"
output = format_separator.join(output_array)
rc[display_idx] = f"{formatting_prefix}{output}{formatting_suffix}"
print("TOTAL OUT:" + str(rc[display_idx]))
current_time =
filename = "gentests-" + current_time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M") + ".tst"
#filename = "genai.tst"
download_to_file(rc[0], rc[1], rc[2], format, filename)
rc[4] = gr.DownloadButton(value=filename)
# inputs=[html_box, json_box, text_box, format_file, format_gen],
# outputs=downloaded_md)
return rc
# Sends the query to the playground
def send_query(model, prompt, session_id, temperature, topp, max_tokens):
print("Model :" + str(model))
print("Max Tokens :" + str(max_tokens))
print("Session ID IN :" + str(session_id))
print("Temperature :" + str(temperature))
print("TopP :" + str(topp))
print("Prompt :" + str(prompt))
data = {
"action": "run",
"modelInterface": "langchain",
"data": {
"mode": "chain",
"text": prompt,
"files": [],
"modelName": model,
"provider": "bedrock",
"sessionId": str(session_id),
"workspaceId": WORKSPACE_ID,
"modelKwargs": {
"streaming": False,
"maxTokens": max_tokens,
"temperature": temperature,
"topP": topp
r1 = None
s1 = None
while r1 is None:
m1 = ws.recv()
j1 = json.loads(m1)
#print("J1:" + str(j1))
a1 = j1.get("action")
#print("A1:" + str(a1))
if "final_response" == a1:
r1 = j1.get("data", {}).get("content")
s1 = j1.get("data", {}).get("sessionId")
print("Response: " + str(r1))
if "error" == a1:
print("M1:" + str(m1))
print("Session ID OUT:" + str(s1))
return r1.strip()
# Enforce Format Helper
def strip_leading_and_trailing(text_block, start_str, end_str):
output = ""
idx = text_block.find(start_str)
print("leading idx=" + str(idx))
if idx != -1:
output = text_block[idx:]
#print("Output:" + str(output))
idx = output.rfind(end_str)
print("trailing idx=" + str(idx))
if idx != -1:
output = output[:idx + len(end_str)]
print("Stripped Output:" + str(output))
return output
# Enforce Format
def enforce_format(text_block, format):
print("Format=" + format)
if format == "HTML":
return strip_leading_and_trailing(text_block, "<tr>", "</tr>")
elif format == "JSON":
return strip_leading_and_trailing(text_block, "{", "}")
return text_block
# Method that changes the default value of Max Tokens based on the model selected
def change_max_token_default(model_name):
number = model_dict[model_name]
return gr.Number(value=number, label="Max Tokens", scale=1)
# Downloads the output to a file
#def download_to_file(html, json_data, text, format_in, format_out):
def download_to_file(html, json_data, text, format_in, filename):
#file_path = "genai.tst"
with open(filename, "w") as output_file:
if format_in == "HTML":
if format_in == "JSON":
json.dump(json_data, output_file, indent=3)
#text_str = str(format_in) + " tests written to file, " + file_path + " as " + str(format_out)
text_str = str(format_in) + " tests written to file, " + filename
#return gr.Markdown(visible=True, value=text_str)
#return file_path
if __name__ == "__main__":
global tests_generated
theme = gr.themes.Glass(,
#theme = gr.themes.Default()
#theme = gr.themes.Base()
#theme = gr.themes.Soft()
#theme = gr.themes.Monochrome()
#prompt_element_template = """element"""
prompt_element_template = """HSS"""
#prompt_subsystem_template = ""
prompt_subsystem_template = "Backup And Restore"
ws = websocket.create_connection(url, header={"x-api-key": API_TOKEN})
# Session ID
#session_id = uuid4()
output_str = ""
with gr.Blocks(theme=theme) as demo:
generated_state = gr.State(False)
#gr.Label("Generate Tests for")
with gr.Row() as row1:
element = gr.Textbox(label="Generate tests for ", value=prompt_element_template, scale=2)
subsystem = gr.Textbox(label="Service ", value=prompt_subsystem_template, scale=1)
with gr.Row() as row2:
num_tests = gr.Number(value=10, label="Number")
format_gen = gr.Dropdown(choices=FORMAT_OPTIONS,
role = gr.Dropdown(
choices=["Tester", "Software Engineer", "Customer", "Analyst"],
type = gr.Dropdown(choices=[
"Sunny Day", "Rainy Day", "Functional", "High Availability",
"Resilience", "Acceptance"
label="Test Type")
with gr.Row() as row3:
default_max_tokens = 2048
model = gr.Dropdown(choices=model_dict.keys(), value=list(model_dict.keys())[1], label="Model", scale=2)
temperature = gr.Number(value=0.4, label="Temperature", scale=1)
topp = gr.Number(value=0.9, label="TopP", scale=1)
max_tokens = gr.Number(value=4096, label="Max Tokens", scale=1), inputs=model, outputs=max_tokens)
gen_btn = gr.Button("Generate")
html_box = gr.HTML(visible=True)
json_box = gr.JSON(visible=False)
text_box = gr.Textbox(visible=False, show_label=False)
with gr.Column(visible=False) as col1:
with gr.Row() as row4:
#format_file = gr.Dropdown(choices=FORMAT_OPTIONS, label="File Format", value="JSON")
#download_btn = gr.Button("Download")
download_btn = gr.DownloadButton("Download")
#download_btn = gr.DownloadButton("Download", value=download_to_file, inputs=[html_box, json_box, text_box, format_file, format_gen])
#downloaded_md = gr.Markdown("""LLM Parameters""", visible=False),
# inputs=[html_box, json_box, text_box, format_file, format_gen],
# outputs=downloaded_md)
#output_box = output_list[0]
# Inline function to change visibility
def change_output_box(format):
value = format
#dd = gr.Dropdown(value=format)
col = gr.Column(visible=False)
if value == "HTML":
#return [gr.HTML(visible=True, value=""), gr.JSON(visible=False, value="{}"), gr.Textbox(visible=False, value=""), dd, col]
return [gr.HTML(visible=True, value=""), gr.JSON(visible=False, value="{}"), gr.Textbox(visible=False, value=""), col]
elif value == "JSON":
#return [gr.HTML(visible=False, value=""), gr.JSON(visible=True, value="{}"), gr.Textbox(visible=False, value=""), dd, col]
return [gr.HTML(visible=False, value=""), gr.JSON(visible=True, value="{}"), gr.Textbox(visible=False, value=""), col]
#return [gr.HTML(visible=False, value=""), gr.JSON(visible=False, value="{}"), gr.Textbox(visible=True, value=""), dd, col]
return [gr.HTML(visible=False, value=""), gr.JSON(visible=False, value="{}"), gr.Textbox(visible=True, value=""), col], inputs=format_gen, outputs=[html_box, json_box, text_box, format_file, col1]), inputs=format_gen, outputs=[html_box, json_box, text_box, col1]),
model, element, subsystem, format_gen, temperature, topp, max_tokens, num_tests,
role, type,
outputs=[html_box, json_box, text_box, col1, download_btn],
#demo.launch(share=True, server_name="")