yolov8-deadwood / app.py
Janne Mäyrä
change examples to be random 15 images
ee7b78c unverified
import gradio as gr
from ultralytics import YOLO
import random
import os
from pathlib import Path
model_path = 'https://huggingface.co/mayrajeo/yolov8-deadwood/resolve/main/models/'
def run_models(
hp_model = YOLO(f'{model_path}{model_type}_hp.pt')
hp_result = hp_model(im[:,:,::-1], conf=conf_thr)
hp_im = hp_result[0].plot()
spk_model = YOLO(f'{model_path}{model_type}_spk.pt')
spk_result = spk_model(im[:,:,::-1], conf=conf_thr)
spk_im = spk_result[0].plot()
both_model = YOLO(f'{model_path}{model_type}_both.pt')
both_result = both_model(im[:,:,::-1], conf=conf_thr)
both_im = both_result[0].plot()
return [
(hp_im[:,:,::-1], 'HP'),
(spk_im[:,:,::-1], 'SPK'),
(both_im[:,:,::-1], 'HP+SPK')
ex_dir = Path('examples')
loc = gr.Textbox(label='Location')
desc_str = """
Demo application for YOLOv8 models for deadwood segmentation from RGB UAV imagery. Results are shown on three different models: HP is trained only with data from Hiidenportti,
SPK only with data from Sudenpesänkangas and HP+SPK is trained with both sites.
with gr.Blocks() as demo:
with gr.Row():
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column(2):
inp = gr.Image(label='Input image', sources='upload')
with gr.Column(1):
ex_list = random.sample([[ex_dir/i, i.split('_')[0]] for i in os.listdir(ex_dir)], 15)
ex = gr.Examples(ex_list, inputs=[inp, loc],
cache_examples=False, examples_per_page=5,
label='Example UAV images')
with gr.Column(1):
model = gr.Dropdown([
value='YOLOv8n', label='Model')
conf = gr.Slider(minimum=0.0, maximum=1.0, value=0.25, step=0.05, label='Confidence Threshold')
btn = gr.Button()
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
gallery = gr.Gallery(
label='Predictions', show_label=True, elem_id='gallery',
columns=[3], rows=[1], object_fit='contain', interactive=False
btn.click(run_models, [inp, model, conf], gallery)
if __name__ == '__main__': demo.launch(share=False)