Build error
Build error
import numpy as np | |
import pandas as pd | |
import tensorflow as tf | |
from tensorflow import keras | |
from keras.models import Sequential | |
from keras.layers import Dense | |
from keras.layers import Dropout | |
from keras.layers import Flatten | |
from keras.constraints import maxnorm | |
from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import SGD | |
from keras.layers.convolutional import Conv2D | |
from keras.layers import Dense, Conv2D ,Flatten,Dropout,MaxPool2D, BatchNormalization | |
from keras.utils import np_utils | |
import tensorflow as tf | |
from keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator | |
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing import image_dataset_from_directory | |
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing import image | |
from tensorflow.keras.applications.vgg19 import VGG19 | |
import keras | |
from PIL import Image | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
import seaborn | |
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix , classification_report | |
import os | |
import cv2 | |
from skimage.transform import resize | |
import streamlit as st | |
def get_output_layers(net): | |
layer_names = net.getLayerNames() | |
output_layers = [layer_names[i[0] - 1] for i in net.getUnconnectedOutLayers()] | |
return output_layers | |
# function to draw bounding box on the detected object with class name | |
def draw_bounding_box(img, class_id, confidence, x, y, x_plus_w, y_plus_h, COLORS): | |
label = f'damage:{confidence}' | |
color = COLORS[class_id] | |
cv2.rectangle(img, (x,y), (x_plus_w,y_plus_h), color, 2) | |
cv2.putText(img, label, (x-10,y-10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, color, 2) | |
# plt.imshow(img) | |
# | |
def detection_inference(image, scale = 1/255, image_size = 416, conf_threshold = 0.1, nms_threshold = 0.4): | |
Width = image.shape[1] | |
Height = image.shape[0] | |
net=cv2.dnn.readNet('yolov4-custom_best.weights','yolov4-custom.cfg') | |
COLORS = np.random.uniform(0, 255, size=(1, 3)) | |
blob = cv2.dnn.blobFromImage(image, scale, (image_size, image_size), (0,0,0), True, crop=False) | |
net.setInput(blob) | |
outs = net.forward(get_output_layers(net)) | |
class_ids = [] | |
confidences = [] | |
boxes = [] | |
for out in outs: | |
for detection in out: | |
scores=detection[5:] | |
class_id=np.argmax(scores) | |
confidence=scores[class_id] | |
if confidence > 0.1: | |
center_x = int(detection[0] * Width) | |
center_y = int(detection[1] * Height) | |
w = int(detection[2] * Width) | |
h = int(detection[3] * Height) | |
x = center_x - w / 2 | |
y = center_y - h / 2 | |
class_ids.append(class_id) | |
confidences.append(float(confidence)) | |
boxes.append([x, y, w, h]) | |
indices = cv2.dnn.NMSBoxes(boxes, confidences, conf_threshold, nms_threshold) | |
for i in indices: | |
i = i[0] | |
box = boxes[i] | |
x = box[0] | |
y = box[1] | |
w = box[2] | |
h = box[3] | |
draw_bounding_box(image, class_ids[i], confidences[i], round(x), round(y), round(x+w), round(y+h), COLORS) | |
image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) | |
plt.imshow(image) | | | |
return image | |
# st.image(image, caption='Object detection output', use_column_width=True) | |
def _predict(img, model): | |
m = keras.models.load_model(model) | |
img2 = img.resize((224, 224)) | |
image_array = np.asarray(img2) | |
new_one = image_array.reshape((1, 224, 224, 3)) | |
y_pred = m(new_one) | |
print(y_pred) | |
val = np.argmax(y_pred, axis = 1) | |
return y_pred, val | |
def guidedRelu(x): | |
def grad(dy): | |
return tf.cast(dy>0,"float32") * tf.cast(x>0, "float32") * dy | |
return tf.nn.relu(x), grad | |
def gradcam(img, model): | |
m = keras.models.load_model(model) | |
LAYER_NAME = 'block5_conv4' | |
gb_model = tf.keras.models.Model( | |
inputs = [m.inputs], | |
outputs = [m.get_layer(LAYER_NAME).output] | |
) | |
layer_dict = [layer for layer in gb_model.layers[1:] if hasattr(layer,'activation')] | |
for layer in layer_dict: | |
if layer.activation == tf.keras.activations.relu: | |
layer.activation = guidedRelu | |
img2 = img.resize((224, 224)) | |
image_array = np.asarray(img2) | |
print(image_array.shape) | |
new_one = image_array.reshape((1, 224, 224, 3)) | |
with tf.GradientTape() as tape: | |
inputs = tf.cast(new_one, tf.float32) | | | |
outputs = gb_model(inputs)[0] | |
grads = tape.gradient(outputs,inputs)[0] | |
weights = tf.reduce_mean(grads, axis=(0, 1)) | |
grad_cam = np.ones(outputs.shape[0: 2], dtype = np.float32) | |
for i, w in enumerate(weights): | |
grad_cam += w * outputs[:, :, i] | |
grad_cam_img = cv2.resize(grad_cam.numpy(), (img.size[0], img.size[1])) | |
grad_cam_img = np.maximum(grad_cam_img, 0) | |
heatmap = (grad_cam_img - grad_cam_img.min()) / (grad_cam_img.max() - grad_cam_img.min()) | |
grad_cam_img = cv2.applyColorMap(np.uint8(255*heatmap), cv2.COLORMAP_JET) | |
output_image = cv2.addWeighted(np.asarray(img).astype('uint8'), 1, grad_cam_img, 0.4, 0) | |
output_img = Image.fromarray(output_image) | |
st.image(output_img, caption='Class Activation Visualization', use_column_width=True) | |
plt.imshow(output_image) | |
plt.axis("off") | | | |
# guided_back_prop = grads | |
# guided_cam = np.maximum(grad_cam, 0) | |
# guided_cam = guided_cam / np.max(guided_cam) # scale 0 to 1.0 | |
# guided_cam = resize(guided_cam, (224,224), preserve_range=True) | |
# #pointwise multiplcation of guided backprop and grad CAM | |
# gd_gb = np.dstack(( | |
# guided_back_prop[:, :, 0] * guided_cam, | |
# guided_back_prop[:, :, 1] * guided_cam, | |
# guided_back_prop[:, :, 2] * guided_cam, | |
# )) | |
# plt.imshow(gd_gb) | |
# plt.axis("off") | |
# | |
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader( | |
"Choose an image of your infrastructure", type=['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png']) | |
if uploaded_file is not None: | |
img ='RGB') | |
cv_img = np.array(img) | |
cv_img = cv2.cvtColor(cv_img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) | |
# img2 ='test.jpg') | |
st.image(img, caption='Uploaded file of your infrastructure', use_column_width=True) | |
# similarity = ssim(img, img2) | |
# st.write("") | |
# st.write(f'This is {similarity * 100}% histopathological image') | |
# if similarity >= 0.85: | |
st.write("") | |
st.write("Classifying...") | |
y_pred, val = _predict(img, 'damage-detections.h5') | |
if val == 0: | |
st.write(f'The infrastructure has damage.') | |
final_img = detection_inference(cv_img) | |
final_pil_image = Image.fromarray(final_img) | |
gradcam(final_pil_image, 'damage-detections.h5') | |
else: | |
st.write(f'The infrastructure does not have damage.') | |
gradcam(img, 'damage-detections.h5') | |