marlenezw's picture
more changes to the third party lib.
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# copied from ECT:
import numpy as np
import math
import scipy
from menpo.image import Image
from menpo.shape.pointcloud import PointCloud
def sigmoid(x, rate, offset):
return 1 / (1 + math.exp(-rate*(x-offset)))
def initial_shape_fromMap(image):
# a = np.random.random((10, 10))
rspmapShape = image.rspmap_data[0, 0,...].shape
n_points = image.rspmap_data.shape[1]
pointsData = np.array([np.unravel_index(image.rspmap_data[0, i,...].argmax(), rspmapShape) for i in range(n_points)], dtype=np.float32)
# width_ratio = float(image.shape[1])/image.rspmap_data.shape[3]
# height_ratio = float(image.shape[0])/ image.rspmap_data.shape[2]
# pointsData *= [height_ratio, width_ratio]
points = PointCloud(pointsData)
points.project_weight = None
return points
def calculate_evidence(patch_responses, rate=0.25, offset=20):
rspmapShape = patch_responses[0, 0,...].shape
n_points = patch_responses.shape[0]
y_weight = [np.sum(patch_responses[i,0,...], axis=1) for i in range(n_points)]
x_weight = [np.sum(patch_responses[i,0,...], axis=0) for i in range(n_points)]
# y_weight /= y_weight.sum()
# x_weight /= x_weight.sum()
y_coordinate = range(0, rspmapShape[0])
x_coordinate = range(0, rspmapShape[1])
varList = [(np.abs(np.average((y_coordinate - np.average(y_coordinate, weights=y_weight[i]))**2, weights=y_weight[i])),
np.abs(np.average((x_coordinate - np.average(x_coordinate, weights=x_weight[i])) ** 2, weights=x_weight[i])))
for i in range(n_points)]
# patch_responses[patch_responses<0.001] = 0
prpList = [(np.sum(patch_responses[i,0,...], axis=(-1, -2)), np.sum(patch_responses[i,0,...], axis=(-1, -2))) for i in range(n_points) ]
var = np.array(varList).flatten()
var[var == 0] = np.finfo(float).eps
var = np.sqrt(var)
var = 1/var
weight = np.array(prpList).flatten()
weight *= var
# offset = np.average(weight) - 20
weight = [sigmoid(i, rate, offset) for i in weight]
weight = np.array(weight)
return weight
class RspImage(Image):
RspImage is Image with response map
def __init__(self, image_data, rspmap_data = None):
super(RspImage, self).__init__(image_data)
self.rspmap_data = rspmap_data
def init_from_image(cls, image):
image.__class__ = RspImage
image.rspmap_data = None
return image
def set_rspmap(self, rspmap_data):
self.rspmap_data = rspmap_data