Build error
Build error
import os | |
from pathlib import Path | |
import shutil | |
from typing import Optional, cast | |
from ipyleaflet import Map, GeoData, basemaps, LayersControl, TileLayer | |
import geopandas as gpd | |
import solara | |
from solara import FigureEcharts | |
from solara.components.file_drop import FileInfo | |
from dcascade_py import dcascade_py | |
import xarray as xr | |
from shapely.geometry import LineString,MultiLineString | |
import time | |
import shutil | |
file_nc = solara.reactive("") | |
file_shp = solara.reactive("") | |
zoom = solara.reactive(6) | |
center = solara.reactive((20, 0)) | |
global_map_loaded = solara.reactive(False) | |
variables = solara.reactive([]) | |
sel_var = solara.reactive("") | |
ds = solara.reactive(None) | |
feature_properties = solara.reactive(None) | |
geo_data = solara.reactive(None) | |
sel_feature = solara.reactive(None) | |
timescale = solara.reactive("20") | |
sed_range = solara.reactive("-8,5") | |
class_size = solara.reactive(2.5) | |
deposit = solara.reactive(50.0) | |
continuous_update = solara.reactive(True) | |
formulas = ["Parker and Klingeman 1982", "Wilkock and Crowe 2003", "Engelund and Hansen 1967", "Yang formula 1989", "Wong and Parker 2006", "Ackers and White formula 1973"] | |
formula = solara.reactive("Engelund and Hansen 1967") | |
partitionings = ["Direct", "Bed material fraction (BMF)", "Transport capacity function (TCF)", "Shear stress correction approach"] | |
partitioning = solara.reactive("Shear stress correction approach") | |
chart_options = solara.reactive({ | |
"line": { | |
"title": {"text": "Variable"}, | |
"tooltip": {}, | |
"legend": {"data": ["Variable"]}, | |
"xAxis": {"name": "Time step","nameLocation": "middle","nameGap": 30, "data":list(range(1, int(timescale.value)+1))}, # {"type": "category"}, | |
"yAxis": {"name": "Variable","nameLocation": "middle","nameGap": 60}, | |
"series": [{ | |
"type": "line", | |
"universalTransition": True, | |
"data":[] | |
}] | |
} | |
}) | |
maps = { | |
"OpenStreetMap.Mapnik": basemaps.OpenStreetMap.Mapnik, | |
"OpenTopoMap": basemaps.OpenTopoMap, | |
"Esri.WorldTopoMap": basemaps.Esri.WorldTopoMap, | |
} | |
map_name = solara.reactive(list(maps)[0]) | |
def create_data_archive(): | |
# Specify the folder path to be zipped | |
folder_to_zip = file_shp.value.split("/deposito")[-2] | |
# Zip the folder | |
shutil.make_archive(folder_to_zip,'zip',f"{os.getcwd()}/public/data/",os.path.basename(folder_to_zip)) | |
def on_variable_change(variable): | |
print("feature",feature_properties.value) | |
sel_var.set(variable) | |
if feature_properties.value is None: | |
solara.Warning(f"Select a feature on the map first", | |
text=True, | |
dense=True, | |
icon=True, | |
) | |
else: | |
chart_options.set({ | |
"line": { | |
"title": {"text": sel_var.value+" "+str(feature_properties.value['FromN']-1)}, | |
"tooltip": {}, | |
"legend": {"data": [sel_var.value+" "+str(feature_properties.value['FromN']-1)]}, | |
"xAxis": {"name": "Time step","nameLocation": "middle","nameGap": 30,"data":list(range(1, int(timescale.value)+1))}, # {"type": "category"}, | |
"yAxis": {"name": sel_var.value+" "+str(feature_properties.value['FromN']-1),"nameLocation": "middle","nameGap": 60}, | |
"emphasis": {"itemStyle": {"shadowBlur":10}}, | |
"series": [{ | |
"type": "line", | |
"universalTransition": True, | |
"data": ds.value[sel_var.value].values[:,feature_properties.value['FromN']-1].tolist() | |
}] | |
} | |
}) | |
# Define a callback function for the click event | |
def on_feature_click(feature, **kwargs): | |
properties = feature['properties'] | |
print("Clicked on:", properties) | |
feature_properties.set(properties) | |
sel_feature.set(feature) | |
if(file_nc.value): | |
ds.set(xr.open_dataset(file_nc.value, decode_times=False)) | |
variables.set(list(ds.value.keys())) | |
# ds_dec = xr.decode_cf(ds,decode_timedelta=False) | |
chart_options.set({ | |
"line": { | |
"title": {"text": sel_var.value+" "+str(properties['FromN']-1)}, | |
"tooltip": {}, | |
"legend": {"data": [sel_var.value+" "+str(properties['FromN']-1)]}, | |
"xAxis": {"name": "Time step","nameLocation": "middle","nameGap": 30,"data":list(range(1, int(timescale.value)+1))}, # {"type": "category"}, | |
"yAxis": {"name": sel_var.value+" "+str(properties['FromN']-1),"nameLocation": "middle","nameGap": 60}, | |
"emphasis": {"itemStyle": {"shadowBlur":10}}, | |
"series": [{ | |
"type": "line", | |
"universalTransition": True, | |
"data": ds.value[sel_var.value].values[:,properties['FromN']-1].tolist() | |
}] | |
} | |
}) | |
ds.value.close() | |
def MapComponent(): | |
# Isolation is required to prevent the map from overlapping navigation (when screen width < 960px) | |
with solara.Column(style={"isolation": "isolate"}): | |
sel_geo_data = None | |
if not global_map_loaded.value: | |
#sel_df = xr.open_dataset(file_nc.value) # os.getcwd()+'/public/deposito.shp' | |
sel_df = gpd.read_file(file_shp.value) | |
geo_df = sel_df.to_crs(4326) # 32634 | |
geo_data.set(GeoData(geo_dataframe=geo_df, | |
hover_style={'fillColor': 'red' , 'fillOpacity': 5.2}, name="deposito")) | |
geo_data.value.on_click(on_feature_click) | |
center.set((geo_df.total_bounds[1], geo_df.total_bounds[0])) | | = {'color': 'black', 'fillColor': '#3366cc', 'opacity':0.5, 'weight':3.9, 'dashArray':'2', 'fillOpacity':0.1} | |
# sel_df.close() | |
m = Map(center=center.value, zoom = zoom.value, basemap= basemaps.Esri.WorldTopoMap) | |
map_type = maps[map_name.value] | |
url = map_type.build_url() | |
m.add(geo_data.value) | |
m.add(LayersControl()) | |
if sel_feature.value is not None: | |
# print(type(sel_feature.value['geometry']['coordinates'])) | |
try: | |
# Extracting the geometry | |
geometry = LineString(sel_feature.value['geometry']['coordinates']) | |
# Creating GeoDataFrame | |
gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame([sel_feature.value['properties']], geometry=[geometry]) | |
# Set the CRS (Coordinate Reference System) if known | | = "EPSG:4326" | |
# Set the CRS (Coordinate Reference System) if known | |
sel_geo_data = GeoData(geo_dataframe=gdf) | | = {'color': 'red', 'fillColor': '#3366cc', 'opacity':0.5, 'weight':15.0, 'dashArray':'5'} | |
except Exception as e: | |
print(e) | |
sel_geo_data = None | |
try: | |
# Extracting the geometry | |
geometry = MultiLineString(sel_feature.value['geometry']['coordinates']) | |
# Creating GeoDataFrame | |
gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame([sel_feature.value['properties']], geometry=[geometry]) | |
# Set the CRS (Coordinate Reference System) if known | | = "EPSG:4326" | |
# Set the CRS (Coordinate Reference System) if known | |
sel_geo_data = GeoData(geo_dataframe=gdf) | | = {'color': 'red', 'fillColor': '#3366cc', 'opacity':0.5, 'weight':15.0, 'dashArray':'5'} | |
except Exception as e: | |
print(e) | |
sel_geo_data = None | |
if sel_geo_data: | |
m.element( # type: ignore | |
zoom=zoom.value, | |
on_zoom=zoom.set, | |
center=center.value, | |
on_center=center.set, | |
scroll_wheel_zoom=True, | |
layers=[ | |
TileLayer.element(url=url), | |
# Marker.element(location=marker_location.value, draggable=True, on_location=location_changed), | |
geo_data.value, | |
sel_geo_data | |
] | |
) | |
else: | |
m.element( # type: ignore | |
zoom=zoom.value, | |
on_zoom=zoom.set, | |
center=center.value, | |
on_center=center.set, | |
scroll_wheel_zoom=True, | |
layers=[ | |
TileLayer.element(url=url), | |
# Marker.element(location=marker_location.value, draggable=True, on_location=location_changed), | |
geo_data.value | |
] | |
) | |
global_map_loaded.set(True) | |
solara.Select(label="Variable", value=sel_var, values=variables.value, on_value=on_variable_change) | |
FigureEcharts(option=chart_options.value["line"]) | |
create_data_archive() | |
print(os.environ["SOLARA_HOST"]) | |
solara.Markdown(f"[**Click here to download output files**](http://{os.environ['SOLARA_HOST']}:8765/static/public/data/{file_shp.value.split('/deposito')[-2].split('/')[-1]}.zip)") | |
# solara.Markdown(f'<a href=http://localhost:8765/static/public/data/{file_shp.value.split("/deposito")[-2].split("/")[-1]}.zip target="_blank">Download file</a>') | |
def Page(): | |
with solara.Column(style={"min-width": "500px"}): | |
content, set_content = solara.use_state(b"") | |
uploaded, set_uploaded = solara.use_state(b"") | |
filename, set_filename = solara.use_state("") | |
river_filename, set_river_filename = solara.use_state("") | |
q_filename, set_q_filename = solara.use_state("") | |
error_select_csv, set_error_select_csv = solara.use_state("") | |
error_select_shp, set_error_select_shp = solara.use_state("") | |
no_file_selected, set_no_file_selected = solara.use_state("") | |
# removed_data, set_removed = solara.use_state("") | |
size, set_size = solara.use_state(0) | |
file_browser, set_file_browser = solara.use_state(cast(Optional[Path], None)) | |
map_loaded, set_map_loaded = solara.use_state(False) | |
def on_file(file: FileInfo): | |
set_filename(file["name"]) | |
set_size(file["size"]) | |
f = file["file_obj"] | |
set_content( | |
set_uploaded(False) | |
def upload_file(): | |
if content: | |
file_path = os.path.join("public",filename) | |
with open(file_path,"wb") as file: | |
file.write(content) | |
if filename.endswith(".zip"): | |
shutil.unpack_archive(os.getcwd()+"/public/"+filename,os.getcwd()+"/public") | |
os.remove(os.getcwd()+"/public/"+filename) | |
set_uploaded(True) | |
def open_river_file(): | |
if file_browser: | |
file_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),file_browser) | |
if file_path.endswith(".shp"): | |
set_river_filename(file_path) | |
set_error_select_shp(False) | |
set_no_file_selected(False) | |
else: | |
set_error_select_shp(True) | |
else: | |
set_error_select_shp(True) | |
def open_q_file(): | |
if file_browser: | |
file_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),file_browser) | |
if file_path.endswith(".csv"): | |
set_q_filename(file_path) | |
set_error_select_csv(False) | |
else: | |
set_error_select_csv(True) | |
else: | |
set_error_select_csv(True) | |
def remove_data(): | |
for file in os.listdir(os.getcwd()+"/public"): | |
os.remove(os.getcwd()+"/public/"+file) | |
def run_dcascade(): | |
if (river_filename == "" or q_filename == ""): | |
set_no_file_selected(True) | |
else: | |
if ds.value is not None: | |
ds.value.close() | |
set_no_file_selected(False) | |
sel_form = formulas.index(str(formula).replace("'",""))+1 | |
sel_part = partitionings.index(str(partitioning).replace("'",""))+1 | |
# sel_timescale = int(str(timescale).replace("'","")) | |
sel_timescale = int(timescale.value) | |
tmp_options = chart_options.value | |
tmp_options["line"]["xAxis"]["data"] = list(range(1, sel_timescale+1)) | |
chart_options.set(tmp_options) | |
set_map_loaded(False) | |
global_map_loaded.set(False) | |
river = river_filename | |
q = q_filename | |
current_time = str(int(time.time())) | |
os.makedirs(os.getcwd()+"/public/data/"+current_time) | |
out = f"{os.getcwd()}/public/data/{current_time}/deposito" | |
out_nc = out+".nc" #".shp" | |
out_shp = out+".shp" | |
file_nc.set(out_nc) | |
file_shp.set(out_shp) | |
# out_prj = out+".prj" | |
# shutil.copyfile(river,out_prj) | |
dcascade_py(river, q, sed_range=sed_range.value, class_size=class_size.value, deposit=deposit.value, timescale=sel_timescale, formula=sel_form, partitioning=sel_part, out=out_nc, version=False, verbose=False, debug=False, credits=False, nc=True) | |
set_map_loaded(True) | |
# filename = os.getcwd()+'/public/' | |
ds.set(xr.open_dataset(out_nc, decode_times=False)) | |
variables.set(list(ds.value.keys())) | |
sel_var.set(variables.value[0]) | |
ds.value.close() | |
with solara.Div() as main: | |
with solara.Card("Dcascade"): | |
if map_loaded: | |
MapComponent() | |
with solara.Card("Upload files"): | |
solara.Markdown("Required \*.shp, \*.shx, \*.dbf and \*.prj files for **river** file and \*.csv for **q** file. Upload files one at the time or compressed in a *zip* archive.") | |
with solara.ColumnsResponsive(1, large=6): | |
solara.FileDrop( | |
label="Drag and drop a file here ", | |
on_file=on_file, | |
lazy=True, | |
) | |
solara.Button("Upload file", | |
color="primary", | |
on_click=upload_file) | |
if content and not uploaded: | |
solara.Info(f"File {filename} has total length: {size}\n", | |
text=True, | |
dense=True, | |
icon=True, | |
) | |
# solara.Preformatted("\n".join(textwrap.wrap(repr(content)))) | |
# solara.Preformatted("\n".join(textwrap.wrap(repr(filename)))) | |
elif uploaded: | |
solara.Success( | |
f"{filename} uploaded", | |
text=True, | |
dense=True, | |
icon=True, | |
) | |
with solara.Card("Select parameters"): | |
with solara.ColumnsResponsive(3, large=4): | |
solara.InputText("Timescale (days)", value=timescale, continuous_update=continuous_update.value) | |
solara.Select(label="Formula", value=formula, values=formulas) | |
# solara.Markdown(f"**Selected**: {formula.value}") | |
solara.Select(label="Partitioning ", value=partitioning, values=partitionings) | |
# solara.Markdown(f"**Selected**: {partitioning.value}") | |
solara.InputText(label="Sed range ", value=sed_range) | |
solara.InputFloat(label="Class size ", value=class_size) | |
solara.InputFloat(label="Deposit ", value=deposit) | |
with solara.Card("Select files"): | |
solara.Markdown("Select **river** and **q** files from file explorer below, the uploaded files can be found in /public folder. To select files click on the explorer the click on *SELECT RIVER FILE* or *SELECT Q FILE* based on the file selected.") | |
with solara.ColumnsResponsive(3, large=6): | |
solara.Markdown(f"**River file**: {river_filename}") | |
solara.Button("Select river file", | |
color="primary", | |
on_click=open_river_file) | |
with solara.ColumnsResponsive(3, large=6): | |
solara.Markdown(f"**Q file**: {q_filename}") | |
solara.Button("Select Q file", | |
color="primary", | |
on_click=open_q_file) | |
if error_select_csv: | |
solara.Warning(f"Q file must be csv", | |
text=True, | |
dense=True, | |
icon=True, | |
) | |
if error_select_shp: | |
solara.Warning(f"River file must be shp", | |
text=True, | |
dense=True, | |
icon=True, | |
) | |
solara.FileBrowser( | |
can_select=False, | |
on_file_open=set_file_browser, | |
directory="./public" | |
) | |
with solara.Card("Run model"): | |
with solara.ColumnsResponsive(3, large=6): | |
solara.Markdown("Click on DCASCADE button to run the model and generate the output map") | |
solara.Button("DCASCADE", | |
color="primary", | |
on_click=run_dcascade) | |
if no_file_selected: | |
solara.Warning(f"Select both River and Q files", | |
text=True, | |
dense=True, | |
icon=True, | |
) | |
# solara.Button("REMOVE DATA", | |
# color="secondary", | |
# on_click=remove_data) | |
# solara.Info(f"You are in directory: {directory}") | |
# solara.Info(f"You selected path: {path}") | |
# solara.Info(f"You opened file: {file}") | |
# if removed_data: | |
# solara.Success( | |
# f"Removed data", | |
# text=True, | |
# dense=True, | |
# icon=True, | |
# ) | |