Runtime error
Runtime error
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@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ example_input_11 = "Family-history-of-MI-OR-Family-history-of-myocardial-infarct
2 |
example_input_12 = """HPI: 17yo M presents with palpitations. Patient reports 3-4 months of intermittent episodes of "heart beating/pounding out of my chest." 2 days ago during a soccer game had an episode, but this time had chest pressure and felt as if he were going to pass out (did not lose conciousness). Of note patient endorses abusing adderall, primarily to study (1-3 times per week). Before recent soccer game, took adderrall night before and morning of game. Denies shortness of breath, diaphoresis, fevers, chills, headache, fatigue, changes in sleep, changes in vision/hearing, abdominal paun, changes in bowel or urinary habits.
3 |
PMHx: none
4 |
Rx: uses friends adderrall
5 |
FHx: mom with "thyroid disease," dad with recent heart
6 |
All: none
7 |
Immunizations: up to date
8 |
SHx: Freshmen in college. Endorses 3-4 drinks 3 nights / week (on weekends), denies tabacco, endorses trying marijuana. Sexually active with girlfriend x 1 year, uses condoms"""
2 |
example_input_12 = """HPI: 17yo M presents with palpitations. Patient reports 3-4 months of intermittent episodes of "heart beating/pounding out of my chest." 2 days ago during a soccer game had an episode, but this time had chest pressure and felt as if he were going to pass out (did not lose conciousness). Of note patient endorses abusing adderall, primarily to study (1-3 times per week). Before recent soccer game, took adderrall night before and morning of game. Denies shortness of breath, diaphoresis, fevers, chills, headache, fatigue, changes in sleep, changes in vision/hearing, abdominal paun, changes in bowel or urinary habits.
3 |
PMHx: none
4 |
Rx: uses friends adderrall
5 |
FHx: mom with "thyroid disease," dad with recent heart attack
6 |
All: none
7 |
Immunizations: up to date
8 |
SHx: Freshmen in college. Endorses 3-4 drinks 3 nights / week (on weekends), denies tabacco, endorses trying marijuana. Sexually active with girlfriend x 1 year, uses condoms"""