majogamit's picture
Update damage level count function
history blame contribute delete
No virus
6.97 kB
import pandas as pd
from IPython.display import display, HTML
import os
import imgkit
import pdfkit
from pypdf import PdfMerger
def classify_wall_damage(crack_width):
if crack_width <= 0.1:
return "Negligible"
elif 0.1 <= crack_width <= 1:
return "Very Slight"
elif 1.1 <= crack_width <= 5:
return "Slight"
elif 5 <= crack_width <= 15:
return "Moderate"
elif 15 <= crack_width <= 25:
return "Severe"
elif crack_width > 25:
return "Very Severe"
return "Invalid input"
from collections import Counter
def generate_html_summary(crack_list):
# Define the possible damage levels
damage_levels = ["Negligible", "Very Slight", "Slight", "Moderate", "Severe", "Very Severe"]
# Count the occurrences of each damage level
string_counts = Counter(crack_list)
# Build the HTML string
html_summary = "<html>\n<body>\n"
html_summary += "<h2>Summary of this batch</h2>\n"
html_summary += "<p><strong>Number of Cracks Detected:</strong></p>\n"
html_summary += "<ul>\n"
# Append the damage level and count to the HTML string
for level in damage_levels:
count = string_counts.get(level, 0)
html_summary += f"<li>{level} = {count}</li>\n"
html_summary += "</ul>\n"
html_summary += "</body>\n</html>"
return html_summary
def merge_html_files(file1_path, file2_path, output_path):
# Read contents of the first HTML file
with open(file1_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file1:
content1 =
# Read contents of the second HTML file
with open(file2_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file2:
content2 =
# Concatenate the contents
merged_content = content1 + content2
# Write the merged content to the output file
with open(output_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as output_file:
def count_instance(result, filenames, uuid, width_list, orientation_list, image_path, reference, remark, damage):
Counts the instances in the result and generates a CSV with the counts.
result (list): List containing results for each instance.
filenames (list): Corresponding filenames for each result.
uuid (str): Unique ID for the output folder name.
width_list (list): List containing width values for each instance.
orientation_list (list): List containing orientation values for each instance.
tuple: Path to the generated CSV and dataframe with counts.
# Initializing the dataframe
uuid= f'{uuid}0'
data = {
'Index': [],
'FileName': [],
'Orientation': [],
'Width (mm)': [],
'Instance': [],
'Damage Level': []
df_ref = pd.DataFrame({'Reference': [f'<img src="{ref}" width="640" >' for ref in reference]})
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# Populate the dataframe with counts, width, and orientation
for i, res in enumerate(result):
instance_count = len(res)
df.loc[i] = [i, os.path.basename(filenames[i]), orientation_list[i], width_list[i], instance_count, damage[i]]
# Reorder columns
df = df[['Index', 'FileName', 'Orientation', 'Width (mm)','Damage Level', 'Instance']]
# Create a new dataframe (df2) with all columns from df
df2 = df.copy()
summary = generate_html_summary(damage)
# Add another column for the image (modify as per your requirement)
print("IMG PATHS")
base_path = [os.path.basename(path) for path in image_path]
df2['Image'] = base_path
df2['Remarks'] = remark
# convert your links to html tags
def path_to_image_html(path):
return '<img src="'+ path + '" width="320" >'
print("This executed 1")
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', None)
image_cols = ['Image']
format_dict = {}
for image_col in image_cols:
format_dict[image_col] = path_to_image_html
print("This executed 2")
col_widths = [100, 50, 50, 50, 50, 120, 150]
df2 = df2.drop(df.columns[0], axis=1)
# Create the HTML file
df_html = df2.to_html(f'output/{uuid}/df_batch.html', escape=False, formatters=format_dict, col_space=col_widths, justify='left')
df_refs = df_ref.to_html(f'output/{uuid}/df_ref.html', escape=False, justify='left')
print("This executed 3")
# Save the modified dataframe to a CSV file
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# Load the HTML file
with open(f'output/{uuid}/df_ref.html', 'r') as file:
html_content =
# Parse the HTML using BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_content, 'html.parser')
# Find the table in the HTML (assuming there is only one table)
table = soup.find('table')
# Append the new summary HTML after the table
table.insert_after(BeautifulSoup(summary, 'html.parser'))
# Save the modified HTML to a new file
with open(f'output/{uuid}/df_ref_summary.html', 'w') as file:
html_table = HTML(df2.to_html(escape=False))
print('This executed 4')
file1 = f'output/{uuid}/df_ref_summary.html'
file2 = f'output/{uuid}/df_batch.html'
merge_html_files(file1, file2, f'output/{uuid}/out.html')
opt = {"enable-local-file-access": ""}
# new_parser = HtmlToDocx()
# new_parser.parse_html_file(f'output/{uuid}/df_batch.html', f'output/{uuid}/report_batch')
# new_parser.parse_html_file(f'output/{uuid}/df_ref_summary.html', f'output/{uuid}/report_ref')
# convert(f"output/{uuid}/report_batch.docx", f"output/{uuid}/Mine.pdf")
pdfkit.from_file(f'output/{uuid}/df_batch.html', f'output/{uuid}/report_batch.pdf', options=opt)
pdfkit.from_file(f'output/{uuid}/df_ref_summary.html', f'output/{uuid}/report_ref.pdf', options=opt)
print("This executed 5")
pdfs = [f'output/{uuid}/report_ref.pdf', f'output/{uuid}/report_batch.pdf']
merger = PdfMerger()
for pdf in pdfs:
paths = [f'output/{uuid}/df_batch.html', f'output/{uuid}/df_ref_summary.html',
f'output/{uuid}/df_ref.html', f'output/{uuid}/out.html',
f'output/{uuid}/report_batch.pdf', f'output/{uuid}/report_ref.pdf']
for path in paths:
if os.path.exists(path):
return f'output/{uuid}/report.pdf', df