brightly-ai /
beweinreich's picture
bugfix chatgpt audit
history blame
No virus
9.8 kB
import re
import os
import csv
import json
import time
import heapq
import pandas as pd
from openai import OpenAI
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from Levenshtein import distance
from tqdm import tqdm
from db.db_utils import get_connection
from ask_gpt import query_gpt
from utils import generate_embedding, cosine_similarity
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, util
# For any unreviewed mappings, we ask chatgpt to consider:
# 1. The similar_words list
# 2. Similar words from the dictionary based on small levenstein distance
# ChatGPT should confirm that the current mapping is the best one. If not, they should provide the better mapping.
# If its a Non-Food Item, we should confirm that
# If it's a homogenous or hetergeneous mixture, we should confirm that
api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")
client = OpenAI(api_key=api_key)
output_file_path = f'./audits/{int(time.time())}.csv'
model_name = 'sentence-transformers/all-mpnet-base-v2'
model = SentenceTransformer(model_name)
def reverse_string(s):
# remove all commas, and reverse the words in the string
s = s.replace(',', '')
return ' '.join(s.split()[::-1])
def remove_misc_words(text):
text = text.replace('raw', '').replace('fresh', '').replace('canned', '').replace('prepared', '').replace('with', '').replace('and', '').replace('or', '').replace('in', '').replace('NFS', '').strip()
text = re.sub(r'\(.*?\)', '', text)
return text
def compare_embeddings(old_dictionary_word, new_dictionary_word):
old_dictionary_word = remove_misc_words(old_dictionary_word)
new_dictionary_word = remove_misc_words(new_dictionary_word)
old_embedding = generate_embedding(model, old_dictionary_word)
new_embedding = generate_embedding(model, new_dictionary_word)
cosine_similarity_score = cosine_similarity(old_embedding, new_embedding)
return cosine_similarity_score
def update_csv(results):
df_results = pd.DataFrame(results, columns=['input_word', 'original_dictionary_word', 'new_dictionary_word',])
df_results.to_csv(output_file_path, index=False)
def find_close_levenshtein_words(input_word, dictionary, threshold=7):
# Calculate Levenshtein distances for each word in the dictionary
close_words = [word for word in dictionary if distance(input_word, word) <= threshold]
return close_words
def query_gpt(food_item, dictionary_word, similar_words):
line_separated_words = '\n'.join(similar_words)
prompt = (
f"""I have a particular food item and a mapping to a USDA word. Can you confirm if the food item is most similar to the mapping?
Generally, you should prefer the mapped word, but if you believe there is a better fit from provided list of similar words, please specify it.
This is important: only return a word from the list of words I provide.
If it's not a food item or pet food, return 'Non-Food Item'.
You should respond in JSON format with an object that has the key `guess`, and the value is the most similar food item.
The food item is: "{food_item}"
It has been mapped to: "{dictionary_word}"
Similar words:
completion =
{"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."},
{"role": "user", "content": prompt}
response_format={"type": "json_object"},
response = completion.choices[0].message.content
parsed = parse_response(response)
print(f"Q: '{food_item}'")
print(f"A: '{parsed}'")
return parsed
# Define the function to parse the GPT response
def parse_response(response):
result = json.loads(response)
return result['guess']
except (json.JSONDecodeError, KeyError) as e:
print(f"Error parsing response: {response} - {e}")
return None
db_conn = get_connection()
db_cursor = db_conn.cursor()
# Load the dictionary
db_cursor.execute("SELECT description FROM dictionary")
dictionary = db_cursor.fetchall()
dictionary = [item[0] for item in dictionary]
# select all mappings that have not been reviewed
db_cursor.execute("SELECT input_word, dictionary_word, similar_words, is_food FROM mappings WHERE gpt_reviewed = false and is_food = true and dictionary_word != 'Heterogeneous Mixture'")
results = db_cursor.fetchall()
# iterate through each row, grab the input_word and ask chatgpt to compare it to the dictionary_word
csv_data = []
for row in results:
input_word = row[0]
dictionary_word = row[1]
similar_words = [item.strip() for item in row[2].split('|')] if row[2] else []
is_food = row[3]
# find words from the dictionary list based on small levenstein distance between input_word and each word in the dictionary
levenshtein_words = find_close_levenshtein_words(input_word, dictionary)
print(f"Input: {input_word}")
print(f" - dictionary_word: {dictionary_word}")
print(f" - similar_words: {similar_words}")
print(f" - levenshtein_words: {levenshtein_words}")
# concatenate the similar_words and levenshtein_words
all_words = similar_words + levenshtein_words
all_words = list(set(all_words)) # remove duplicates
response = query_gpt(input_word, dictionary_word, all_words)
if response:
new_row = None
if response == dictionary_word and response in dictionary:
print(f" - Mapping is correct")
db_cursor.execute("UPDATE mappings SET gpt_reviewed = true WHERE input_word = %s", (input_word,))
# We should update the mapping in the database
# We should replace dictionary_word with response
# We should set reviewed to 1
# first confirm that the response is in the dictionary
if response in dictionary:
# If the response is similar to the original dictionary word, lets just skip it
compare_score1 = compare_embeddings(dictionary_word, response)
compare_score2 = compare_embeddings(reverse_string(dictionary_word), reverse_string(response))
if compare_score1 > 0.8 or compare_score2 > 0.8:
print(f" - Mapping is already similar to the dictionary word")
db_cursor.execute("UPDATE mappings SET gpt_reviewed = true WHERE input_word = %s", (input_word,))
print(f" - Mapping is not similar to the dictionary word")
print(f" - Cosine Similarity1: {compare_score1}")
print(f" - Cosine Similarity2: {compare_score2}")
# prompt the user if we want to make the change or not
print("Updating mapping to the following:")
print(f" - input_word: {input_word}")
print(f" - original_dictionary_word: {dictionary_word}")
print(f" - new_dictionary_word: {response}")
if response == 'Non-Food Item' and is_food == False:
# We can skip this one because it's already marked as a Non-Food Item
print(" - Mapping is already marked as a Non-Food Item")
confirm = 'y'
confirm = input("Press 'y' to confirm, 'i' to ignore, 'd' to delete, 'm' for mixture, any other key to skip: ")
if confirm.lower() == 'y':
if response == 'Non-Food Item':
sql = "UPDATE mappings SET dictionary_word = %s, is_food = FALSE, description = 'Non-Food Item', gpt_reviewed = true, reviewed = true WHERE input_word = %s"
sql = "UPDATE mappings SET dictionary_word = %s, gpt_reviewed = true, reviewed = true, is_food = true WHERE input_word = %s"
print(f" - Updating mapping with {response}")
db_cursor.execute(sql, (response, input_word))
new_row = {
'input_word': input_word,
'original_dictionary_word': dictionary_word,
'new_dictionary_word': response
elif confirm.lower() == 'i':
print(f" - Ignoring mapping")
sql = "UPDATE mappings SET ignore = true, gpt_reviewed = true, reviewed = true WHERE input_word = %s"
db_cursor.execute(sql, (input_word,))
elif confirm.lower() == 'd':
print(f" - Deleting mapping")
sql = "DELETE FROM mappings WHERE input_word = %s"
db_cursor.execute(sql, (input_word,))
elif confirm.lower() == 'm':
print(f" - Heterogeneous Mixture")
sql = "UPDATE mappings SET gpt_reviewed = true, reviewed = true, dictionary_word = 'Heterogeneous Mixture', is_food = true WHERE input_word = %s"
db_cursor.execute(sql, (input_word,))
db_cursor.execute("UPDATE mappings SET gpt_reviewed = true, reviewed = true WHERE input_word = %s", (input_word,))
print(f" - Response {response} is not in the dictionary")
if new_row: