brightly-ai /
beweinreich's picture
pausing here
history blame
No virus
4.15 kB
import os
import time
import cProfile
import pstats
import pandas as pd
from algo import Algo
from db.db_utils import get_connection
if __name__ == "__main__":
db_conn = get_connection()
db_cursor = db_conn.cursor()
# raw_file_name = 'food-forward-2022-raw-data.csv'
# raw_file_name = 'MFB-2023-raw-data.csv'
# get all files in the raw folder and iterate through them
raw_files = os.listdir('./raw')
# remove test.csv from raw_files
raw_files = [f for f in raw_files if f != 'test.csv']
# for raw_file_name in ['sharing-excess-2020-raw-data.csv', 'sharing-excess-2021-raw-data.csv', 'sharing-excess-2022-raw-data.csv', 'sharing-excess-2023-raw-data.csv']:
# for raw_file_name in ['spoonfuls-2023-Raw-Data.csv']:
for raw_file_name in raw_files:
if not raw_file_name.endswith('.csv'):
# chop off the extension for the results run key
# result_file_name = raw_file_name.split('.')[0]
# run_key = f"{result_file_name}-{int(time.time())}"
run_key = raw_file_name.split('.')[0]
print(f"Processing {raw_file_name}")
# Check if the file is in the run_meta table
db_cursor.execute('SELECT run_key FROM run_meta WHERE run_key = %s', (run_key,))
run_meta_row = db_cursor.fetchone()
if not run_meta_row:
# prompt the user for the organization_id and year
# the user can select from a list of organizations
db_cursor.execute('SELECT id, name FROM organizations')
organizations = db_cursor.fetchall()
for i, org in enumerate(organizations):
print(f"{i+1}. {org[1]}")
org_choice = int(input("Select an organization: "))
organization_id = organizations[org_choice-1][0]
year = int(input("Enter the year: "))
db_cursor.execute('INSERT INTO run_meta (run_key, organization_id, year) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)', (run_key, organization_id, year))
# find the number of rows that were already processed associated with this run key
db_cursor.execute('SELECT run_row FROM results WHERE run_key = %s ORDER BY run_row DESC', (run_key,))
# get the last row that was processed
last_row = db_cursor.fetchone()
input_file_path = f'./raw/{raw_file_name}'
df_input = pd.read_csv(input_file_path)
# Convert column headers to lowercase
df_input.columns = df_input.columns.str.lower()
descriptions = df_input['description'].astype(str).tolist()
descriptions2 = df_input.get('description2', pd.Series([None] * len(df_input))).astype(str).tolist()
donors = df_input['donor'].astype(str).tolist()
dates = df_input['date'].astype(str).tolist()
weights = df_input['weight'].astype(str).tolist()
input_data = [(desc, desc2, i + 2, donor, date, weight) for i, (desc, desc2, donor, date, weight) in enumerate(zip(descriptions, descriptions2, donors, dates, weights))]
# run_row is the the last row from the CSV file that was processed, so let's offset from there
num_rows = len(input_data)
last_row_num = 0
if last_row:
last_row_num = last_row[0] - 1
# num_rows is the total number of rows in the CSV file but we add one row for the header
print(f"CSV has {num_rows+1} rows")
csv_complete = last_row_num >= num_rows
if not csv_complete:
print(f"Starting at row #{last_row_num + 1}")
input_data = input_data[last_row_num:]
# limit to 100 rows
# input_data = input_data[:100]
# profiler = cProfile.Profile()
# profiler.enable()
algo = Algo(db_conn, run_key)
# profiler.disable()
# # Print profiling results
# stats = pstats.Stats(profiler).sort_stats('cumtime')
# stats.print_stats(20) # Print top 20 results
# algo.match_words([['bananas']])