brightly-ai /
beweinreich's picture
fixed bug with wrapping in dictionary data
history blame
11.8 kB
import time
from tqdm import tqdm
import pandas as pd
from pluralizer import Pluralizer
from similarity_fast import SimilarityFast
from food_nonfood import classify_as_food_nonfood, pessimistic_food_nonfood_score
from utils import clean_word
from db.db_utils import store_mapping_to_db, get_mapping_from_db, get_dictionary_data_from_db
from ask_gpt import query_gpt
from multi_food_item_detector import extract_items
similarity_threshold = 0.75
class Algo:
def __init__(self, db_conn, enable_csv=False):
self.db_conn = db_conn
self.enable_csv = enable_csv
self.db_cursor = db_conn.cursor()
self.similarity_fast = SimilarityFast(self.db_cursor)
# self.similarity_slow = SimilaritySlow(self.db_cursor, self.db_conn)
self.pluralizer = Pluralizer()
def save_to_csv(self, results):
if not self.enable_csv:
output_file_path = f'./results/{int(time.time())}.csv'
df_results = pd.DataFrame(results, columns=[
'input_word', 'cleaned_word', 'matching_word',
'dictionary_word', 'similarity_score', 'confidence_score',
'similar_words', 'is_food', 'food_nonfood_score'
df_results.to_csv(output_file_path, index=False)
def perform_mapping(self, input_word, attempts=0):
mapping = self.similarity_fast.find_most_similar_word(input_word)
# skip slow mapping for now
# if mapping['similarity_score'] < similarity_threshold:
# print("Attempting slow mapping")
# slow_mapping = self.similarity_slow.find_most_similar_word(input_word)
# print(f" - Slow: {slow_mapping}")
# if slow_mapping['similarity_score'] > mapping['similarity_score']:
# mapping = slow_mapping
# if mapping['similarity_score'] < similarity_threshold and len(input_word.split(' ')) > 1:
# print(" - Attempting reverse mapping")
# reversed_input_word = ' '.join(input_word.split(' ')[::-1])
# reversed_mapping = self.similarity_fast.find_most_similar_word(reversed_input_word)
# if reversed_mapping['similarity_score'] > mapping['similarity_score']:
# reversed_mapping.update(
# {
# 'input_word': input_word,
# 'cleaned_word': mapping['cleaned_word']
# }
# )
# mapping = reversed_mapping
# check if the cleaned_word is a substring of the matching_word
is_substring = mapping['cleaned_word'] in mapping['matching_word']
if mapping['similarity_score'] < similarity_threshold and not is_substring:
print(" - Attempting GPT mapping")
gpt_recommended_word = query_gpt(input_word)
if gpt_recommended_word:
if gpt_recommended_word == 'Non-Food Item':
'similarity_score': 1.0,
'confidence_score': 1.0,
'is_food': False,
'food_nonfood_score': 1.0
return mapping
elif gpt_recommended_word == 'Mixed Food Items':
'matching_word': 'Mixed Food Items',
'dictionary_word': 'Mixed Food Items', 'similarity_score': 1.0,
'confidence_score': 1.0
return mapping
gpt_mapping = self.similarity_fast.find_most_similar_word(gpt_recommended_word)
if gpt_mapping['similarity_score'] > mapping['similarity_score']:
'input_word': input_word,
'cleaned_word': mapping['cleaned_word']
mapping = gpt_mapping
except Exception as e:
print(f" - Error querying GPT: {e}")
return mapping
def handle_multi_item(self, input_word):
# The input word has a comma or a slash in it
# If it has more commas, its comma-delimited
# If it has more slashes, its slash-delimited
# If it has equal number of commas and slashes, we'll go with slashes
input_word_parts = extract_items(input_word)
print(f" - Extracted items: {input_word_parts}")
mappings = []
for part in input_word_parts:
mapping = self.handle_single_item(part)
# look up the dictionary values for each mapping
# find the wweia category
# if all mappings have the same wweia category, return "homogenous", else "heterogeneous"
# if is_food is False for any mappings, return "Non-Food Item" as dictionary word
for mapping in mappings:
if mapping['is_food'] == False:
return {
'input_word': input_word,
'cleaned_word': mapping['cleaned_word'],
'matching_word': 'Non-Food Item',
'dictionary_word': 'Non-Food Item',
'similarity_score': None,
'confidence_score': None,
'similar_words': None,
'is_food': False,
'food_nonfood_score': 1.0
dictionary_words = [mapping['dictionary_word'] for mapping in mappings]
if len(set(dictionary_words)) == 0:
return {
'input_word': input_word,
'cleaned_word': None,
'matching_word': None,
'dictionary_word': None,
'similarity_score': None,
'confidence_score': None,
'similar_words': None,
'is_food': None,
'food_nonfood_score': None
# check if "heterogeneous" is in the wweia category of any of the mappings
# otherwise we find the mapping with the lowest DMC value, and return that as the dictionary word, dmc, wc, and leakage values
heterogeneous_exists = False
most_conservative_mapping = None
for mapping in mappings:
if mapping['wweia_category'] == "Heterogeneous Mixture":
heterogeneous_exists = True
if most_conservative_mapping is None or mapping['dry_matter_content'] < most_conservative_mapping['dry_matter_content']:
most_conservative_mapping = mapping
mixture_data = {}
if heterogeneous_exists:
mixture_data = {
'matching_word': 'Heterogeneous Mixture',
'dictionary_word': 'Heterogeneous Mixture',
'wweia_category': 'Heterogeneous Mixture',
'dry_matter_content': 0.27,
'water_content': 0.73,
'leakage': 0.1
dictionary_word = 'Hetereogenous Mixture'
if most_conservative_mapping is not None:
dictionary_word = f"{most_conservative_mapping['dictionary_word']} (Lowest DMC)"
return {
'input_word': input_word,
'cleaned_word': None,
'matching_word': dictionary_word,
'dictionary_word': dictionary_word,
'similarity_score': None,
'confidence_score': None,
'similar_words': None,
'is_food': True,
'food_nonfood_score': 1.0,
'wweia_category': most_conservative_mapping['wweia_category'],
'water_content': most_conservative_mapping['water_content'],
'dry_matter_content': most_conservative_mapping['dry_matter_content'],
'leakage': most_conservative_mapping['leakage']
def handle_single_item(self, input_word):
input_word_clean = clean_word(input_word)
# try the singular form of the word
singular = self.pluralizer.pluralize(input_word_clean, 1)
mapping = get_mapping_from_db(self.db_cursor, singular)
if mapping:
print(f" - Found mapping in db: {mapping}")
return self.wrap_mapping_with_dictionary_data(mapping)
# try the plural form of the word
plural = self.pluralizer.pluralize(input_word_clean, 2)
mapping = get_mapping_from_db(self.db_cursor, plural)
if mapping:
print(f" - Found mapping in db: {mapping}")
return self.wrap_mapping_with_dictionary_data(mapping)
food_nonfood = classify_as_food_nonfood(input_word)
# if we're very confident that the word is non-food, let's not even classify it
if food_nonfood[1] > 0.9 and food_nonfood[0] == False:
mapping = {
'input_word': input_word,
'cleaned_word': input_word_clean,
'matching_word': 'Non-Food Item',
'dictionary_word': 'Non-Food Item',
'similarity_score': None,
'confidence_score': None,
'similar_words': None,
'is_food': False,
'food_nonfood_score': food_nonfood[1]
store_mapping_to_db(self.db_cursor, self.db_conn, mapping)
return self.wrap_mapping_with_dictionary_data(mapping)
mapping = self.perform_mapping(input_word)
food_nonfood_pessimistic = pessimistic_food_nonfood_score(food_nonfood, mapping['similarity_score'])
'is_food': food_nonfood_pessimistic[0],
'food_nonfood_score': food_nonfood_pessimistic[1]
print(f" - Storing new mapping to db: {mapping}")
store_mapping_to_db(self.db_cursor, self.db_conn, mapping)
return self.wrap_mapping_with_dictionary_data(mapping)
def wrap_mapping_with_dictionary_data(self, mapping):
if not mapping:
return None
dictionary_result = get_dictionary_data_from_db(self.db_cursor, mapping['dictionary_word'])
'wweia_category': dictionary_result['wweia_category'] if dictionary_result else None,
'water_content': dictionary_result['water_content'] if dictionary_result else None,
'dry_matter_content': dictionary_result['dry_matter_content'] if dictionary_result else None,
'leakage': dictionary_result['leakage'] if dictionary_result else None
return mapping
def match_words(self, input_words, stream_results=False):
results = []
for input_word in tqdm(input_words, desc="Processing input words"):
if not isinstance(input_word, str) or pd.isna(input_word) or input_word == "" or input_word.lower() == "nan":
print(f"Processing: {input_word}")
if ',' in input_word or '/' in input_word:
mapping = self.handle_multi_item(input_word)
mapping = self.handle_single_item(input_word)
if mapping:
if stream_results:
return mapping
return results