import discord |
from gradio_client import Client |
import os |
import random |
from PIL import Image |
import asyncio |
import glob |
import pathlib |
HF_TOKEN = os.getenv("HF_TOKEN") |
deepfloydif_client = Client("huggingface-projects/IF", HF_TOKEN) |
BOT_USER_ID = 1086256910572986469 if os.getenv("TEST_ENV", False) else 1102236653545861151 |
DEEPFLOYDIF_CHANNEL_ID = 1121834257959092234 if os.getenv("TEST_ENV", False) else 1119313215675973714 |
def deepfloydif_stage_1_inference(prompt): |
"""Generates an image based on a prompt""" |
negative_prompt = "" |
seed = random.randint(0, 1000) |
number_of_images = 4 |
guidance_scale = 7 |
custom_timesteps_1 = "smart50" |
number_of_inference_steps = 50 |
( |
stage_1_images, |
stage_1_param_path, |
path_for_stage_2_upscaling, |
) = deepfloydif_client.predict( |
prompt, |
negative_prompt, |
seed, |
number_of_images, |
guidance_scale, |
custom_timesteps_1, |
number_of_inference_steps, |
api_name="/generate64", |
) |
return [stage_1_images, stage_1_param_path, path_for_stage_2_upscaling] |
def deepfloydif_stage_2_inference(index, path_for_stage_2_upscaling): |
"""Upscales one of the images from deepfloydif_stage_1_inference based on the chosen index""" |
selected_index_for_stage_2 = index |
seed_2 = 0 |
guidance_scale_2 = 4 |
custom_timesteps_2 = "smart50" |
number_of_inference_steps_2 = 50 |
result_path = deepfloydif_client.predict( |
path_for_stage_2_upscaling, |
selected_index_for_stage_2, |
seed_2, |
guidance_scale_2, |
custom_timesteps_2, |
number_of_inference_steps_2, |
api_name="/upscale256", |
) |
return result_path |
async def react_1234(reaction_emojis, combined_image_dfif): |
"""Sets up 4 reaction emojis so the user can choose an image to upscale for deepfloydif""" |
for emoji in reaction_emojis: |
await combined_image_dfif.add_reaction(emoji) |
def load_image(png_files, stage_1_images): |
"""Opens images as variables so we can combine them later""" |
results = [] |
for file in png_files: |
png_path = os.path.join(stage_1_images, file) |
results.append(Image.open(png_path)) |
return results |
def combine_images(png_files, stage_1_images, partial_path): |
if os.environ.get("TEST_ENV") == "True": |
print("Combining images for deepfloydif_stage_1") |
images = load_image(png_files, stage_1_images) |
combined_image = Image.new("RGB", (images[0].width * 2, images[0].height * 2)) |
combined_image.paste(images[0], (0, 0)) |
combined_image.paste(images[1], (images[0].width, 0)) |
combined_image.paste(images[2], (0, images[0].height)) |
combined_image.paste(images[3], (images[0].width, images[0].height)) |
combined_image_path = os.path.join(stage_1_images, f"{partial_path}.png") |
combined_image.save(combined_image_path) |
return combined_image_path |
async def deepfloydif_stage_1(interaction, prompt, client): |
"""DeepfloydIF command (generate images with realistic text using slash commands)""" |
try: |
if interaction.user.id != BOT_USER_ID: |
if interaction.channel.id == DEEPFLOYDIF_CHANNEL_ID: |
if os.environ.get("TEST_ENV") == "True": |
print("Safety checks passed for deepfloydif_stage_1") |
await interaction.response.send_message("Working on it!") |
channel = interaction.channel |
message = await channel.send("DeepfloydIF Thread") |
thread = await message.create_thread(name=f"{prompt}", auto_archive_duration=60) |
await thread.send( |
"[DISCLAIMER: HuggingBot is a **highly experimental** beta feature; Additional information on the" |
" DeepfloydIF model can be found here: https://huggingface.co/spaces/DeepFloyd/IF" |
) |
await thread.send(f"{interaction.user.mention} Generating images in thread, can take ~1 minute...") |
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() |
result = await loop.run_in_executor(None, deepfloydif_stage_1_inference, prompt) |
stage_1_images = result[0] |
path_for_stage_2_upscaling = result[2] |
partial_path = pathlib.Path(path_for_stage_2_upscaling).name |
png_files = list(glob.glob(f"{stage_1_images}/**/*.png")) |
if png_files: |
combined_image_path = combine_images(png_files, stage_1_images, partial_path) |
if os.environ.get("TEST_ENV") == "True": |
print("Images combined for deepfloydif_stage_1") |
with open(combined_image_path, "rb") as f: |
combined_image_dfif = await thread.send( |
f"{interaction.user.mention} React with the image number you want to upscale!", |
file=discord.File(f, f"{partial_path}.png"), |
) |
emoji_list = ["↖️", "↗️", "↙️", "↘️"] |
await react_1234(emoji_list, combined_image_dfif) |
else: |
await thread.send(f"{interaction.user.mention} No PNG files were found, cannot post them!") |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Error: {e}") |
async def deepfloydif_stage_2_react_check(reaction, user): |
"""Checks for a reaction in order to call dfif2""" |
try: |
if os.environ.get("TEST_ENV") == "True": |
print("Running deepfloydif_stage_2_react_check") |
global BOT_USER_ID |
if user.id != BOT_USER_ID: |
thread = reaction.message.channel |
thread_parent_id = thread.parent.id |
if thread_parent_id == DEEPFLOYDIF_CHANNEL_ID: |
if reaction.message.attachments: |
if user.id == reaction.message.mentions[0].id: |
attachment = reaction.message.attachments[0] |
image_name = attachment.filename |
partial_path = image_name[:-4] |
full_path = "/tmp/" + partial_path |
emoji = reaction.emoji |
if emoji == "↖️": |
index = 0 |
elif emoji == "↗️": |
index = 1 |
elif emoji == "↙️": |
index = 2 |
elif emoji == "↘️": |
index = 3 |
path_for_stage_2_upscaling = full_path |
thread = reaction.message.channel |
await deepfloydif_stage_2( |
index, |
path_for_stage_2_upscaling, |
thread, |
) |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Error: {e} (known error, does not cause issues, low priority)") |
async def deepfloydif_stage_2(index: int, path_for_stage_2_upscaling, thread): |
"""upscaling function for images generated using /deepfloydif""" |
try: |
if os.environ.get("TEST_ENV") == "True": |
print("Running deepfloydif_stage_2") |
if index == 0: |
position = "top left" |
elif index == 1: |
position = "top right" |
elif index == 2: |
position = "bottom left" |
elif index == 3: |
position = "bottom right" |
await thread.send(f"Upscaling the {position} image...") |
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() |
result_path = await loop.run_in_executor( |
None, deepfloydif_stage_2_inference, index, path_for_stage_2_upscaling |
) |
with open(result_path, "rb") as f: |
await thread.send("Here is the upscaled image!", file=discord.File(f, "result.png")) |
await thread.edit(archived=True) |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Error: {e}") |