text-generation-webui / one_click.py
luis112's picture
Upload folder using huggingface_hub
history blame
No virus
16.2 kB
import argparse
import glob
import hashlib
import os
import platform
import re
import site
import subprocess
import sys
script_dir = os.getcwd()
conda_env_path = os.path.join(script_dir, "installer_files", "env")
# Remove the '# ' from the following lines as needed for your AMD GPU on Linux
# os.environ["ROCM_PATH"] = '/opt/rocm'
# os.environ["HSA_OVERRIDE_GFX_VERSION"] = '10.3.0'
# os.environ["HCC_AMDGPU_TARGET"] = 'gfx1030'
# Command-line flags
cmd_flags_path = os.path.join(script_dir, "CMD_FLAGS.txt")
if os.path.exists(cmd_flags_path):
with open(cmd_flags_path, 'r') as f:
CMD_FLAGS = ' '.join(line.strip() for line in f if line.strip() and not line.strip().startswith('#'))
flags = f"{' '.join([flag for flag in sys.argv[1:] if flag != '--update'])} {CMD_FLAGS}"
def is_linux():
return sys.platform.startswith("linux")
def is_windows():
return sys.platform.startswith("win")
def is_macos():
return sys.platform.startswith("darwin")
def is_x86_64():
return platform.machine() == "x86_64"
def cpu_has_avx2():
import cpuinfo
info = cpuinfo.get_cpu_info()
if 'avx2' in info['flags']:
return True
return False
return True
def cpu_has_amx():
import cpuinfo
info = cpuinfo.get_cpu_info()
if 'amx' in info['flags']:
return True
return False
return True
def torch_version():
site_packages_path = None
for sitedir in site.getsitepackages():
if "site-packages" in sitedir and conda_env_path in sitedir:
site_packages_path = sitedir
if site_packages_path:
torch_version_file = open(os.path.join(site_packages_path, 'torch', 'version.py')).read().splitlines()
torver = [line for line in torch_version_file if '__version__' in line][0].split('__version__ = ')[1].strip("'")
from torch import __version__ as torver
return torver
def is_installed():
site_packages_path = None
for sitedir in site.getsitepackages():
if "site-packages" in sitedir and conda_env_path in sitedir:
site_packages_path = sitedir
if site_packages_path:
return os.path.isfile(os.path.join(site_packages_path, 'torch', '__init__.py'))
return os.path.isdir(conda_env_path)
def check_env():
# If we have access to conda, we are probably in an environment
conda_exist = run_cmd("conda", environment=True, capture_output=True).returncode == 0
if not conda_exist:
print("Conda is not installed. Exiting...")
# Ensure this is a new environment and not the base environment
if os.environ["CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV"] == "base":
print("Create an environment for this project and activate it. Exiting...")
def clear_cache():
run_cmd("conda clean -a -y", environment=True)
run_cmd("python -m pip cache purge", environment=True)
def print_big_message(message):
message = message.strip()
lines = message.split('\n')
for line in lines:
if line.strip() != '':
print("*", line)
def calculate_file_hash(file_path):
p = os.path.join(script_dir, file_path)
if os.path.isfile(p):
with open(p, 'rb') as f:
return hashlib.sha256(f.read()).hexdigest()
return ''
def run_cmd(cmd, assert_success=False, environment=False, capture_output=False, env=None):
# Use the conda environment
if environment:
if is_windows():
conda_bat_path = os.path.join(script_dir, "installer_files", "conda", "condabin", "conda.bat")
cmd = "\"" + conda_bat_path + "\" activate \"" + conda_env_path + "\" >nul && " + cmd
conda_sh_path = os.path.join(script_dir, "installer_files", "conda", "etc", "profile.d", "conda.sh")
cmd = ". \"" + conda_sh_path + "\" && conda activate \"" + conda_env_path + "\" && " + cmd
# Run shell commands
result = subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True, capture_output=capture_output, env=env)
# Assert the command ran successfully
if assert_success and result.returncode != 0:
print("Command '" + cmd + "' failed with exit status code '" + str(result.returncode) + "'.\n\nExiting now.\nTry running the start/update script again.")
return result
def install_webui():
# Select your GPU, or choose to run in CPU mode
if "GPU_CHOICE" in os.environ:
choice = os.environ["GPU_CHOICE"].upper()
print_big_message(f"Selected GPU choice \"{choice}\" based on the GPU_CHOICE environment variable.")
print("What is your GPU?")
print("A) NVIDIA")
print("B) AMD (Linux/MacOS only. Requires ROCm SDK 5.6 on Linux)")
print("C) Apple M Series")
print("D) Intel Arc (IPEX)")
print("N) None (I want to run models in CPU mode)")
choice = input("Input> ").upper()
while choice not in 'ABCDN':
print("Invalid choice. Please try again.")
choice = input("Input> ").upper()
if choice == "N":
print_big_message("Once the installation ends, make sure to open CMD_FLAGS.txt with\na text editor and add the --cpu flag.")
# Find the proper Pytorch installation command
install_git = "conda install -y -k ninja git"
install_pytorch = "python -m pip install torch torchvision torchaudio"
use_cuda118 = "N"
if any((is_windows(), is_linux())) and choice == "A":
if "USE_CUDA118" in os.environ:
use_cuda118 = "Y" if os.environ.get("USE_CUDA118", "").lower() in ("yes", "y", "true", "1", "t", "on") else "N"
# Ask for CUDA version if using NVIDIA
print("\nWould you like to use CUDA 11.8 instead of 12.1? This is only necessary for older GPUs like Kepler.\nIf unsure, say \"N\".\n")
use_cuda118 = input("Input (Y/N)> ").upper().strip('"\'').strip()
while use_cuda118 not in 'YN':
print("Invalid choice. Please try again.")
use_cuda118 = input("Input> ").upper().strip('"\'').strip()
if use_cuda118 == 'Y':
print("CUDA: 11.8")
print("CUDA: 12.1")
install_pytorch = f"python -m pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/{'cu121' if use_cuda118 == 'N' else 'cu118'}"
elif not is_macos() and choice == "B":
if is_linux():
install_pytorch = "python -m pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/rocm5.6"
print("AMD GPUs are only supported on Linux. Exiting...")
elif is_linux() and (choice == "C" or choice == "N"):
install_pytorch = "python -m pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cpu"
elif choice == "D":
install_pytorch = "python -m pip install torch==2.0.1a0 torchvision==0.15.2a0 intel_extension_for_pytorch==2.0.110+xpu -f https://developer.intel.com/ipex-whl-stable-xpu"
# Install Git and then Pytorch
run_cmd(f"{install_git} && {install_pytorch} && python -m pip install py-cpuinfo==9.0.0", assert_success=True, environment=True)
# Install CUDA libraries (this wasn't necessary for Pytorch before...)
if choice == "A":
run_cmd(f"conda install -y -c \"nvidia/label/{'cuda-12.1.1' if use_cuda118 == 'N' else 'cuda-11.8.0'}\" cuda-runtime", assert_success=True, environment=True)
# Install the webui requirements
def update_requirements(initial_installation=False):
# Create .git directory if missing
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(script_dir, ".git")):
git_creation_cmd = 'git init -b main && git remote add origin https://github.com/oobabooga/text-generation-webui && git fetch && git symbolic-ref refs/remotes/origin/HEAD refs/remotes/origin/main && git reset --hard origin/main && git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/main'
run_cmd(git_creation_cmd, environment=True, assert_success=True)
files_to_check = [
'start_linux.sh', 'start_macos.sh', 'start_windows.bat', 'start_wsl.bat',
'update_linux.sh', 'update_macos.sh', 'update_windows.bat', 'update_wsl.bat',
before_pull_hashes = {file_name: calculate_file_hash(file_name) for file_name in files_to_check}
run_cmd("git pull --autostash", assert_success=True, environment=True)
after_pull_hashes = {file_name: calculate_file_hash(file_name) for file_name in files_to_check}
# Check for differences in installation file hashes
for file_name in files_to_check:
if before_pull_hashes[file_name] != after_pull_hashes[file_name]:
print(f"File '{file_name}' was updated during 'git pull'. Please run the script again.")
# Extensions requirements are installed only during the initial install by default.
# That can be changed with the INSTALL_EXTENSIONS environment variable.
install = initial_installation
if "INSTALL_EXTENSIONS" in os.environ:
install = os.environ["INSTALL_EXTENSIONS"].lower() in ("yes", "y", "true", "1", "t", "on")
if install:
print_big_message("Installing extensions requirements.")
extensions = next(os.walk("extensions"))[1]
for extension in extensions:
if extension in ['superbooga', 'superboogav2']: # No wheels available for requirements
extension_req_path = os.path.join("extensions", extension, "requirements.txt")
if os.path.exists(extension_req_path):
run_cmd("python -m pip install -r " + extension_req_path + " --upgrade", assert_success=True, environment=True)
elif initial_installation:
print_big_message("Will not install extensions due to INSTALL_EXTENSIONS environment variable.")
# Detect the Python and PyTorch versions
torver = torch_version()
print(f"TORCH: {torver}")
is_cuda = '+cu' in torver
is_cuda118 = '+cu118' in torver # 2.1.0+cu118
is_cuda117 = '+cu117' in torver # 2.0.1+cu117
is_rocm = '+rocm' in torver # 2.0.1+rocm5.4.2
is_intel = '+cxx11' in torver # 2.0.1a0+cxx11.abi
is_cpu = '+cpu' in torver # 2.0.1+cpu
if is_rocm:
if cpu_has_avx2():
requirements_file = "requirements_amd.txt"
requirements_file = "requirements_amd_noavx2.txt"
elif is_cpu:
if cpu_has_avx2():
requirements_file = "requirements_cpu_only.txt"
requirements_file = "requirements_cpu_only_noavx2.txt"
elif is_macos():
if is_x86_64():
requirements_file = "requirements_apple_intel.txt"
requirements_file = "requirements_apple_silicon.txt"
if cpu_has_avx2():
requirements_file = "requirements.txt"
requirements_file = "requirements_noavx2.txt"
# Prepare the requirements file
print_big_message(f"Installing webui requirements from file: {requirements_file}")
textgen_requirements = open(requirements_file).read().splitlines()
if is_cuda117:
textgen_requirements = [req.replace('+cu121', '+cu117').replace('+cu122', '+cu117').replace('torch2.1', 'torch2.0') for req in textgen_requirements]
elif is_cuda118:
textgen_requirements = [req.replace('+cu121', '+cu118').replace('+cu122', '+cu118') for req in textgen_requirements]
if is_windows() and (is_cuda117 or is_cuda118): # No flash-attention on Windows for CUDA 11
textgen_requirements = [req for req in textgen_requirements if 'bdashore3/flash-attention' not in req]
with open('temp_requirements.txt', 'w') as file:
# Workaround for git+ packages not updating properly.
git_requirements = [req for req in textgen_requirements if req.startswith("git+")]
for req in git_requirements:
url = req.replace("git+", "")
package_name = url.split("/")[-1].split("@")[0].rstrip(".git")
run_cmd("python -m pip uninstall -y " + package_name, environment=True)
print(f"Uninstalled {package_name}")
# Install/update the project requirements
run_cmd("python -m pip install -r temp_requirements.txt --upgrade", assert_success=True, environment=True)
# Check for '+cu' or '+rocm' in version string to determine if torch uses CUDA or ROCm. Check for pytorch-cuda as well for backwards compatibility
if not any((is_cuda, is_rocm)) and run_cmd("conda list -f pytorch-cuda | grep pytorch-cuda", environment=True, capture_output=True).returncode == 1:
if not os.path.exists("repositories/"):
# Install or update ExLlama as needed
if not os.path.exists("exllama/"):
run_cmd("git clone https://github.com/turboderp/exllama.git", environment=True)
run_cmd("git pull", environment=True)
if is_linux():
# Fix JIT compile issue with ExLlama in Linux/WSL
if not os.path.exists(f"{conda_env_path}/lib64"):
run_cmd(f'ln -s "{conda_env_path}/lib" "{conda_env_path}/lib64"', environment=True)
# On some Linux distributions, g++ may not exist or be the wrong version to compile GPTQ-for-LLaMa
gxx_output = run_cmd("g++ -dumpfullversion -dumpversion", environment=True, capture_output=True)
if gxx_output.returncode != 0 or int(gxx_output.stdout.strip().split(b".")[0]) > 11:
# Install the correct version of g++
run_cmd("conda install -y -k conda-forge::gxx_linux-64=11.2.0", environment=True)
def download_model():
run_cmd("python download-model.py", environment=True)
def launch_webui():
run_cmd(f"python server.py {flags}", environment=True)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Verifies we are in a conda environment
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
parser.add_argument('--update', action='store_true', help='Update the web UI.')
args, _ = parser.parse_known_args()
if args.update:
# If webui has already been installed, skip and run
if not is_installed():
if os.environ.get("LAUNCH_AFTER_INSTALL", "").lower() in ("no", "n", "false", "0", "f", "off"):
print_big_message("Install finished successfully and will now exit due to LAUNCH_AFTER_INSTALL.")
# Check if a model has been downloaded yet
if '--model-dir' in flags:
# Splits on ' ' or '=' while maintaining spaces within quotes
flags_list = re.split(' +(?=(?:[^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*[^\"]*$)|=', flags)
model_dir = [flags_list[(flags_list.index(flag)+1)] for flag in flags_list if flag == '--model-dir'][0].strip('"\'')
model_dir = 'models'
if len([item for item in glob.glob(f'{model_dir}/*') if not item.endswith(('.txt', '.yaml'))]) == 0:
print_big_message("WARNING: You haven't downloaded any model yet.\nOnce the web UI launches, head over to the \"Model\" tab and download one.")
# Workaround for llama-cpp-python loading paths in CUDA env vars even if they do not exist
conda_path_bin = os.path.join(conda_env_path, "bin")
if not os.path.exists(conda_path_bin):
# Launch the webui