LLM-model-cards / app.py
Blair Yang
New interface
from dataclasses import dataclass
import gradio as gr
from database import PostgreSQL, Entry
from models import ALL_SUPPORTED_MODELS
from utils import *
db = PostgreSQL()
class State:
dataset: str = "mmlu"
topic: str = DEFAULT_TOPIC
model: str = random.choice(MODELS)
card_path: str = None
card: Card = None
summarizer_model: str = DEFAULT_SUMMARIZER
card_summary: str = None
qa: str = None
model_answer: str = None
ground_truth: bool = None # if the model correctly answers the question
submitted: bool = False
def __post_init__(self):
if any([self.card_path is None, self.card is None, self.card_summary is None]):
assert all([self.card_path is None, self.card is None, self.card_summary is None])
self.card, self.card_path = sample_random_card(self.dataset, self.topic, self.model)
# init qa
if any([self.qa is None, self.model_answer is None, self.ground_truth is None]):
assert all([self.qa is None, self.model_answer is None, self.ground_truth is None])
self.qa, self.model_answer, self.ground_truth = sample_random_qa(self.dataset, self.topic, self.model)
if self.card_summary is None:
self.card_summary = summarize_card(self.summarizer_model, self.card, self.qa)
# self.card_summary = ""
def submit_guess(guess: str, reasoning: str, confidence: int, state: State):
This function mutates the state.
if guess is None:
return "Please make a guess and then submit!", "", state
if state.submitted:
return "You have already submitted your guess!", state.model_answer, state
guess = True if guess == "Correct" else False
result = "You are right!" if (state.ground_truth == guess) else "You are wrong!"
# need to store: topic, model, card, question, guess, reasoning, confidence
entry = Entry(state.model, state.card_path, state.topic, state.qa, guess, state.ground_truth, reasoning, confidence)
state.submitted = True
return result, state.model_answer, state
def next_guess(state: State):
This function mutates the state.
state.qa, state.model_answer, state.ground_truth = sample_random_qa(state.dataset, state.topic, state.model)
state.card_summary = summarize_card(state.summarizer_model, state.card, state.qa)
state.submitted = False
return state.qa, state.card_summary, "", "", state
def re_summarize(state: State):
This function mutates the state.
state.card_summary = summarize_card(state.summarizer_model, state.card, state.qa)
return state.card_summary, state
def switch_card(state: State):
This function mutates the state.
old_model = state.model
state.model = random.choice(MODELS)
state.card, state.card_path = sample_random_card(state.dataset, state.topic, state.model)
return old_model, state.qa, "", state.card.get_markdown_str(), state.card_summary, "", state
def init_app():
theme = gr.themes.Default(
with gr.Blocks(theme=theme) as app:
gr_state = gr.State(State()) # this state if only for the current user
s = gr_state.value
s: State
with gr.Row(): # header
with gr.Column(scale=1):
with gr.Group():
gr_dataset = gr.Dropdown(label="Select a Dataset", choices=DATASETS, value=s.dataset)
gr_topic = gr.Dropdown(label="Select a Topic", choices=TOPICS[s.dataset], value=s.topic)
gr_switch_card_button = gr.Button("Switch Evaluation Card")
gr_previous_model = gr.Textbox(label="Previous Model (A model may have multiple cards.)", value="", interactive=False)
with gr.Column(scale=2):
gr_instruction = gr.Markdown(value=read_all("prompts/instructions.md"))
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column(scale=1): # question/guess column
gr_question = gr.Textbox(label="Question", value=s.qa, interactive=False, show_copy_button=True)
with gr.Group():
gr_reasoning = gr.Textbox(label="Explanation for Your Guess", lines=1, placeholder="Reason your decision (optional)")
gr_guess = gr.Radio(label="I believe the model will answer this question", choices=["Correct", "Incorrect"])
gr_confidence = gr.Slider(label="Confidence", minimum=1, maximum=5, step=1, value=3)
gr_guess_result = gr.Textbox(label="Result", value="",
placeholder="We will show the result once you submit your guess! :>", interactive=False)
gr_submit_button = gr.Button("Submit")
gr_next_button = gr.Button("Next Entry (will not change the full card)")
with gr.Column(scale=2): # card column
with gr.Accordion(label="Full Evaluation Card", open=False):
gr_full_card = gr.Markdown(label="Full Evaluation Card", value=s.card.get_markdown_str())
with gr.Group():
with gr.Row():
gr_summarizer = gr.Dropdown(label="Select a Model as the Summarizer", choices=ALL_SUPPORTED_MODELS, value=DEFAULT_SUMMARIZER, scale=2, interactive=True)
gr_re_summarize_button = gr.Button("Re-generate Summary", scale=1)
with gr.Accordion(label="Evaluation Card Summary", open=True):
gr_relevant_card = gr.Markdown(value=s.card_summary)
gr_model_answer = gr.Textbox(label="Model's Answer", value="", interactive=False, show_copy_button=True)
inputs=[gr_guess, gr_reasoning, gr_confidence, gr_state],
outputs=[gr_guess_result, gr_model_answer, gr_state])
outputs=[gr_question, gr_relevant_card, gr_model_answer, gr_guess_result, gr_state])
outputs=[gr_relevant_card, gr_state])
outputs=[gr_previous_model, gr_question, gr_guess_result, gr_full_card, gr_relevant_card, gr_model_answer, gr_state])
if __name__ == "__main__":