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- assets/canvas-logo-DG69PeuU.png +0 -0
- assets/decoderWorker.min-DI6rkCrP.js +1 -0
- assets/decoderWorker.min.js +902 -0
- assets/decoderWorker.min.wasm +3 -0
- assets/encoderWorker.min-DpsJ02BN.js +0 -0
- assets/index-CBBdtRXe.css +1 -0
- assets/index-eKz4obkg.js +0 -0
- assets/logo.svg +9 -0
- assets/phase-vocoder.min.js +635 -0
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
1 |
(function(){"use strict";function r(f){return(f*1e3/sampleRate).toFixed(1)}function i(f){return Math.round(f*sampleRate/1e3)}class u extends AudioWorkletProcessor{constructor(){super(),console.log("Moshi processor lives",currentFrame,sampleRate),console.log(currentTime);let l=i(80);this.initialBufferSamples=1*l,this.partialBufferSamples=i(10),this.maxBufferSamples=i(10),this.partialBufferIncrement=i(5),this.maxPartialWithIncrements=i(80),this.maxBufferSamplesIncrement=i(5),this.maxMaxBufferWithIncrements=i(80),this.initState(),this.port.onmessage=a=>{if(a.data.type=="reset"){console.log("Reset audio processor state."),this.initState();return}let m=a.data.frame;if(this.frames.push(m),this.currentSamples()>=this.initialBufferSamples&&!this.started&&this.start(),this.pidx<20&&console.log(this.timestamp(),"Got packet",this.pidx++,r(this.currentSamples()),r(m.length)),this.currentSamples()>=this.totalMaxBufferSamples()){console.log(this.timestamp(),"Dropping packets",r(this.currentSamples()),r(this.totalMaxBufferSamples()));let h=this.initialBufferSamples+this.partialBufferSamples;for(;this.currentSamples()>this.initialBufferSamples+this.partialBufferSamples;){let e=this.frames[0],t=this.currentSamples()-h;t=Math.min(e.length-this.offsetInFirstBuffer,t),this.offsetInFirstBuffer+=t,this.timeInStream+=t/sampleRate,this.offsetInFirstBuffer==e.length&&(this.frames.shift(),this.offsetInFirstBuffer=0)}console.log(this.timestamp(),"Packet dropped",r(this.currentSamples())),this.maxBufferSamples+=this.maxBufferSamplesIncrement,this.maxBufferSamples=Math.min(this.maxMaxBufferWithIncrements,this.maxBufferSamples),console.log("Increased maxBuffer to",r(this.maxBufferSamples))}this.currentSamples()/sampleRate,this.port.postMessage({totalAudioPlayed:this.totalAudioPlayed,actualAudioPlayed:this.actualAudioPlayed,delay:a.data.micDuration-this.timeInStream,minDelay:this.minDelay,maxDelay:this.maxDelay})}}initState(){this.frames=new Array,this.offsetInFirstBuffer=0,this.firstOut=!1,this.remainingPartialBufferSamples=0,this.timeInStream=0,this.resetStart(),this.totalAudioPlayed=0,this.actualAudioPlayed=0,this.maxDelay=0,this.minDelay=2e3,this.pidx=0,this.partialBufferSamples=i(10),this.maxBufferSamples=i(10)}totalMaxBufferSamples(){return this.maxBufferSamples+this.partialBufferSamples+this.initialBufferSamples}timestamp(){return Date.now()%1e3}currentSamples(){let l=0;for(let a=0;a<this.frames.length;a++)l+=this.frames[a].length;return l-=this.offsetInFirstBuffer,l}resetStart(){this.started=!1}start(){this.started=!0,this.remainingPartialBufferSamples=this.partialBufferSamples,this.firstOut=!0}canPlay(){return this.started&&this.frames.length>0&&this.remainingPartialBufferSamples<=0}process(l,a,m){let h=this.currentSamples()/sampleRate;this.canPlay()&&(this.maxDelay=Math.max(this.maxDelay,h),this.minDelay=Math.min(this.minDelay,h));const e=a[0][0];if(!this.canPlay())return this.actualAudioPlayed>0&&(this.totalAudioPlayed+=e.length/sampleRate),this.remainingPartialBufferSamples-=e.length,!0;this.firstOut&&console.log(this.timestamp(),"Audio resumed",r(this.currentSamples()),this.remainingPartialBufferSamples),this.frames[0];let t=0;for(;t<e.length&&this.frames.length;){let s=this.frames[0],n=Math.min(s.length-this.offsetInFirstBuffer,e.length-t);e.set(s.subarray(this.offsetInFirstBuffer,this.offsetInFirstBuffer+n),t),this.offsetInFirstBuffer+=n,t+=n,this.offsetInFirstBuffer==s.length&&(this.offsetInFirstBuffer=0,this.frames.shift())}if(this.firstOut){this.firstOut=!1;for(let s=0;s<t;s++)e[s]*=s/t}if(t<e.length){console.log(this.timestamp(),"Missed some audio",e.length-t),this.partialBufferSamples+=this.partialBufferIncrement,this.partialBufferSamples=Math.min(this.partialBufferSamples,this.maxPartialWithIncrements),console.log("Increased partial buffer to",r(this.partialBufferSamples)),this.resetStart();for(let s=0;s<t;s++)e[s]*=(t-s)/t}return this.totalAudioPlayed+=e.length/sampleRate,this.actualAudioPlayed+=t/sampleRate,this.timeInStream+=t/sampleRate,!0}}registerProcessor("moshi-processor",u)})();
![]() |
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
1 |
(function(){"use strict";var e=typeof e<"u"?e:{};(function(t,r){typeof exports=="object"&&typeof module=="object"?module.exports=r():typeof define=="function"&&define.amd?define([],r):typeof exports=="object"?exports.DecoderWorker=r():t.DecoderWorker=r()})(typeof self<"u"?self:void 0,function(){return function(t){var r={};function n(i){if(r[i])return r[i].exports;var o=r[i]={i,l:!1,exports:{}};return t[i].call(o.exports,o,o.exports,n),o.l=!0,o.exports}return n.m=t,n.c=r,n.d=function(i,o,c){n.o(i,o)||Object.defineProperty(i,o,{enumerable:!0,get:c})},n.r=function(i){typeof Symbol<"u"&&Symbol.toStringTag&&Object.defineProperty(i,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}),Object.defineProperty(i,"__esModule",{value:!0})},n.t=function(i,o){if(1&o&&(i=n(i)),8&o||4&o&&typeof i=="object"&&i&&i.__esModule)return i;var c=Object.create(null);if(n.r(c),Object.defineProperty(c,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:i}),2&o&&typeof i!="string")for(var f in i)n.d(c,f,function(a){return i[a]}.bind(null,f));return c},n.n=function(i){var o=i&&i.__esModule?function(){return i.default}:function(){return i};return n.d(o,"a",o),o},n.o=function(i,o){return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(i,o)},n.p="",n(n.s=0)}([function(t,r,n){(function(i){var o,c,f=new Promise(function(s){c=s});i.onmessage=function(s){f.then(function(){switch(s.data.command){case"decode":o&&o.decode(s.data.pages);break;case"done":o&&(o.sendLastBuffer(),i.close());break;case"init":o=new a(s.data,e)}})};var a=function(s,u){if(!u)throw new Error("Module with exports required to initialize a decoder instance");this.mainReady=f,this.config=Object.assign({bufferLength:4096,decoderSampleRate:48e3,outputBufferSampleRate:48e3,resampleQuality:3},s),this._opus_decoder_create=u._opus_decoder_create,this._opus_decoder_destroy=u._opus_decoder_destroy,this._speex_resampler_process_interleaved_float=u._speex_resampler_process_interleaved_float,this._speex_resampler_init=u._speex_resampler_init,this._speex_resampler_destroy=u._speex_resampler_destroy,this._opus_decode_float=u._opus_decode_float,this._free=u._free,this._malloc=u._malloc,this.HEAPU8=u.HEAPU8,this.HEAP32=u.HEAP32,this.HEAPF32=u.HEAPF32,this.outputBuffers=[]};a.prototype.decode=function(s){var u=new DataView(s.buffer);this.getPageBoundaries(u).map(function(p){var _=u.getUint8(p+5,!0),B=u.getUint32(p+18,!0);if(2&_&&(this.numberOfChannels=u.getUint8(p+37,!0),this.init()),B>1){for(var M=u.getUint8(p+26,!0),T=p+27+M,j=0;j<M;j++){var D=u.getUint8(p+27+j,!0);if(this.decoderBuffer.set(s.subarray(T,T+=D),this.decoderBufferIndex),this.decoderBufferIndex+=D,D<255){var J=this._opus_decode_float(this.decoder,this.decoderBufferPointer,this.decoderBufferIndex,this.decoderOutputPointer,this.decoderOutputMaxLength,0),Z=Math.ceil(J*this.config.outputBufferSampleRate/this.config.decoderSampleRate);this.HEAP32[this.decoderOutputLengthPointer>>2]=J,this.HEAP32[this.resampleOutputLengthPointer>>2]=Z,this._speex_resampler_process_interleaved_float(this.resampler,this.decoderOutputPointer,this.decoderOutputLengthPointer,this.resampleOutputBufferPointer,this.resampleOutputLengthPointer),this.sendToOutputBuffers(this.HEAPF32.subarray(this.resampleOutputBufferPointer>>2,(this.resampleOutputBufferPointer>>2)+Z*this.numberOfChannels)),this.decoderBufferIndex=0}}4&_&&this.sendLastBuffer()}},this)},a.prototype.getPageBoundaries=function(s){for(var u=[],p=0;p<s.byteLength-4;p++)s.getUint32(p,!0)==1399285583&&u.push(p);return u},a.prototype.init=function(){this.resetOutputBuffers(),this.initCodec(),this.initResampler()},a.prototype.initCodec=function(){this.decoder&&(this._opus_decoder_destroy(this.decoder),this._free(this.decoderBufferPointer),this._free(this.decoderOutputLengthPointer),this._free(this.decoderOutputPointer));var s=this._malloc(4);this.decoder=this._opus_decoder_create(this.config.decoderSampleRate,this.numberOfChannels,s),this._free(s),this.decoderBufferMaxLength=4e3,this.decoderBufferPointer=this._malloc(this.decoderBufferMaxLength),this.decoderBuffer=this.HEAPU8.subarray(this.decoderBufferPointer,this.decoderBufferPointer+this.decoderBufferMaxLength),this.decoderBufferIndex=0,this.decoderOutputLengthPointer=this._malloc(4),this.decoderOutputMaxLength=this.config.decoderSampleRate*this.numberOfChannels*120/1e3,this.decoderOutputPointer=this._malloc(4*this.decoderOutputMaxLength)},a.prototype.initResampler=function(){this.resampler&&(this._speex_resampler_destroy(this.resampler),this._free(this.resampleOutputLengthPointer),this._free(this.resampleOutputBufferPointer));var s=this._malloc(4);this.resampler=this._speex_resampler_init(this.numberOfChannels,this.config.decoderSampleRate,this.config.outputBufferSampleRate,this.config.resampleQuality,s),this._free(s),this.resampleOutputLengthPointer=this._malloc(4),this.resampleOutputMaxLength=Math.ceil(this.decoderOutputMaxLength*this.config.outputBufferSampleRate/this.config.decoderSampleRate),this.resampleOutputBufferPointer=this._malloc(4*this.resampleOutputMaxLength)},a.prototype.resetOutputBuffers=function(){this.outputBuffers=[],this.outputBufferArrayBuffers=[],this.outputBufferIndex=0;for(var s=0;s<this.numberOfChannels;s++)this.outputBuffers.push(new Float32Array(this.config.bufferLength)),this.outputBufferArrayBuffers.push(this.outputBuffers[s].buffer)},a.prototype.sendLastBuffer=function(){this.sendToOutputBuffers(new Float32Array((this.config.bufferLength-this.outputBufferIndex)*this.numberOfChannels)),i.postMessage(null)},a.prototype.sendToOutputBuffers=function(s){for(var u=0,p=s.length/this.numberOfChannels;u<p;){var _=Math.min(p-u,this.config.bufferLength-this.outputBufferIndex);if(this.numberOfChannels===1)this.outputBuffers[0].set(s.subarray(u,u+_),this.outputBufferIndex);else for(var B=0;B<_;B++)this.outputBuffers.forEach(function(M,T){M[this.outputBufferIndex+B]=s[(u+B)*this.numberOfChannels+T]},this);u+=_,this.outputBufferIndex+=_,this.outputBufferIndex==this.config.bufferLength&&(i.postMessage(this.outputBuffers,this.outputBufferArrayBuffers),this.resetOutputBuffers())}},e||(e={}),e.mainReady=f,e.OggOpusDecoder=a,e.onRuntimeInitialized=c,t.exports=e}).call(this,n(1))},function(t,r){var n;n=function(){return this}();try{n=n||new Function("return this")()}catch{typeof window=="object"&&(n=window)}t.exports=n}])});var O={},h;for(h in e)e.hasOwnProperty(h)&&(O[h]=e[h]);var W=typeof window=="object",w=typeof importScripts=="function",$=typeof process=="object"&&typeof process.versions=="object"&&typeof process.versions.node=="string",l="";function ee(t){return e.locateFile?e.locateFile(t,l):l+t}var U,S,I,y,g;$?(w?l=require("path").dirname(l)+"/":l=__dirname+"/",U=function(r,n){return y||(y=require("fs")),g||(g=require("path")),r=g.normalize(r),y.readFileSync(r,n?null:"utf8")},I=function(r){var n=U(r,!0);return n.buffer||(n=new Uint8Array(n)),re(n.buffer),n},S=function(r,n,i){y||(y=require("fs")),g||(g=require("path")),r=g.normalize(r),y.readFile(r,function(o,c){o?i(o):n(c.buffer)})},process.argv.length>1&&process.argv[1].replace(/\\/g,"/"),process.argv.slice(2),typeof module<"u"&&(module.exports=e),process.on("uncaughtException",function(t){if(!(t instanceof Re))throw t}),process.on("unhandledRejection",function(t){throw t}),e.inspect=function(){return"[Emscripten Module object]"}):(W||w)&&(w?l=self.location.href:typeof document<"u"&&document.currentScript&&(l=document.currentScript.src),l.indexOf("blob:")!==0?l=l.substr(0,l.replace(/[?#].*/,"").lastIndexOf("/")+1):l="",U=function(t){var r=new XMLHttpRequest;return r.open("GET",t,!1),r.send(null),r.responseText},w&&(I=function(t){var r=new XMLHttpRequest;return r.open("GET",t,!1),r.responseType="arraybuffer",r.send(null),new Uint8Array(r.response)}),S=function(t,r,n){var i=new XMLHttpRequest;i.open("GET",t,!0),i.responseType="arraybuffer",i.onload=function(){if(i.status==200||i.status==0&&i.response){r(i.response);return}n()},i.onerror=n,i.send(null)});var te=e.print||console.log.bind(console),v=e.printErr||console.warn.bind(console);for(h in O)O.hasOwnProperty(h)&&(e[h]=O[h]);O=null,e.arguments&&e.arguments,e.thisProgram&&e.thisProgram,e.quit&&e.quit;var R;e.wasmBinary&&(R=e.wasmBinary),e.noExitRuntime,typeof WebAssembly!="object"&&b("no native wasm support detected");var N,q=!1;function re(t,r){t||b("Assertion failed: "+r)}var z=typeof TextDecoder<"u"?new TextDecoder("utf8"):void 0;function k(t,r,n){for(var i=r+n,o=r;t[o]&&!(o>=i);)++o;if(o-r>16&&t.subarray&&z)return z.decode(t.subarray(r,o));for(var c="";r<o;){var f=t[r++];if(!(f&128)){c+=String.fromCharCode(f);continue}var a=t[r++]&63;if((f&224)==192){c+=String.fromCharCode((f&31)<<6|a);continue}var s=t[r++]&63;if((f&240)==224?f=(f&15)<<12|a<<6|s:f=(f&7)<<18|a<<12|s<<6|t[r++]&63,f<65536)c+=String.fromCharCode(f);else{var u=f-65536;c+=String.fromCharCode(55296|u>>10,56320|u&1023)}}return c}function ne(t,r){return t?k(P,t,r):""}var P,A;function ie(t){e.HEAP8=new Int8Array(t),e.HEAP16=new Int16Array(t),e.HEAP32=A=new Int32Array(t),e.HEAPU8=P=new Uint8Array(t),e.HEAPU16=new Uint16Array(t),e.HEAPU32=new Uint32Array(t),e.HEAPF32=new Float32Array(t),e.HEAPF64=new Float64Array(t)}e.INITIAL_MEMORY;var C,G=[],V=[],X=[];function oe(){if(e.preRun)for(typeof e.preRun=="function"&&(e.preRun=[e.preRun]);e.preRun.length;)fe(e.preRun.shift());H(G)}function se(){H(V)}function ue(){if(e.postRun)for(typeof e.postRun=="function"&&(e.postRun=[e.postRun]);e.postRun.length;)ce(e.postRun.shift());H(X)}function fe(t){G.unshift(t)}function ae(t){V.unshift(t)}function ce(t){X.unshift(t)}var m=0,x=null;function de(t){m++,e.monitorRunDependencies&&e.monitorRunDependencies(m)}function pe(t){if(m--,e.monitorRunDependencies&&e.monitorRunDependencies(m),m==0&&x){var r=x;x=null,r()}}e.preloadedImages={},e.preloadedAudios={};function b(t){e.onAbort&&e.onAbort(t),t="Aborted("+t+")",v(t),q=!0,t+=". Build with -s ASSERTIONS=1 for more info.";var r=new WebAssembly.RuntimeError(t);throw r}var le="data:application/octet-stream;base64,";function Q(t){return t.startsWith(le)}function Y(t){return t.startsWith("file://")}var d;d="decoderWorker.min.wasm",Q(d)||(d=ee(d));function K(t){try{if(t==d&&R)return new Uint8Array(R);if(I)return I(t);throw"both async and sync fetching of the wasm failed"}catch(r){b(r)}}function he(){if(!R&&(W||w)){if(typeof fetch=="function"&&!Y(d))return fetch(d,{credentials:"same-origin"}).then(function(t){if(!t.ok)throw"failed to load wasm binary file at '"+d+"'";return t.arrayBuffer()}).catch(function(){return K(d)});if(S)return new Promise(function(t,r){S(d,function(n){t(new Uint8Array(n))},r)})}return Promise.resolve().then(function(){return K(d)})}function me(){var t={a:we};function r(f,a){var s=f.exports;e.asm=s,N=e.asm.g,ie(N.buffer),C=e.asm.q,ae(e.asm.h),pe()}de();function n(f){r(f.instance)}function i(f){return he().then(function(a){return WebAssembly.instantiate(a,t)}).then(function(a){return a}).then(f,function(a){v("failed to asynchronously prepare wasm: "+a),b(a)})}function o(){return!R&&typeof WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming=="function"&&!Q(d)&&!Y(d)&&typeof fetch=="function"?fetch(d,{credentials:"same-origin"}).then(function(f){var a=WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(f,t);return a.then(n,function(s){return v("wasm streaming compile failed: "+s),v("falling back to ArrayBuffer instantiation"),i(n)})}):i(n)}if(e.instantiateWasm)try{var c=e.instantiateWasm(t,r);return c}catch(f){return v("Module.instantiateWasm callback failed with error: "+f),!1}return o(),{}}function H(t){for(;t.length>0;){var r=t.shift();if(typeof r=="function"){r(e);continue}var n=r.func;typeof n=="number"?r.arg===void 0?C.get(n)():C.get(n)(r.arg):n(r.arg===void 0?null:r.arg)}}function _e(){b("")}function ye(t,r,n){P.copyWithin(t,r,r+n)}function ge(t){b("OOM")}function ve(t){P.length,ge()}var E={mappings:{},buffers:[null,[],[]],printChar:function(t,r){var n=E.buffers[t];r===0||r===10?((t===1?te:v)(k(n,0)),n.length=0):n.push(r)},varargs:void 0,get:function(){E.varargs+=4;var t=A[E.varargs-4>>2];return t},getStr:function(t){var r=ne(t);return r},get64:function(t,r){return t}};function be(t){return 0}function Be(t,r,n,i,o){}function Oe(t,r,n,i){for(var o=0,c=0;c<n;c++){for(var f=A[r+c*8>>2],a=A[r+(c*8+4)>>2],s=0;s<a;s++)E.printChar(t,P[f+s]);o+=a}return A[i>>2]=o,0}var we={c:_e,e:ye,f:ve,d:be,b:Be,a:Oe};me(),e.___wasm_call_ctors=function(){return(e.___wasm_call_ctors=e.asm.h).apply(null,arguments)},e._opus_decoder_create=function(){return(e._opus_decoder_create=e.asm.i).apply(null,arguments)},e._opus_decode_float=function(){return(e._opus_decode_float=e.asm.j).apply(null,arguments)},e._opus_decoder_destroy=function(){return(e._opus_decoder_destroy=e.asm.k).apply(null,arguments)},e._speex_resampler_init=function(){return(e._speex_resampler_init=e.asm.l).apply(null,arguments)},e._speex_resampler_destroy=function(){return(e._speex_resampler_destroy=e.asm.m).apply(null,arguments)},e._speex_resampler_process_interleaved_float=function(){return(e._speex_resampler_process_interleaved_float=e.asm.n).apply(null,arguments)},e._malloc=function(){return(e._malloc=e.asm.o).apply(null,arguments)},e._free=function(){return(e._free=e.asm.p).apply(null,arguments)};var L;function Re(t){this.name="ExitStatus",this.message="Program terminated with exit("+t+")",this.status=t}x=function t(){L||F(),L||(x=t)};function F(t){if(m>0||(oe(),m>0))return;function r(){L||(L=!0,e.calledRun=!0,!q&&(se(),e.onRuntimeInitialized&&e.onRuntimeInitialized(),ue()))}e.setStatus?(e.setStatus("Running..."),setTimeout(function(){setTimeout(function(){e.setStatus("")},1),r()},1)):r()}if(e.run=F,e.preInit)for(typeof e.preInit=="function"&&(e.preInit=[e.preInit]);e.preInit.length>0;)e.preInit.pop()();F()})();
@@ -0,0 +1,902 @@
1 |
var Module = typeof Module !== "undefined" ? Module : {};
2 |
!(function (e, t) {
3 |
"object" == typeof exports && "object" == typeof module
4 |
? (module.exports = t())
5 |
: "function" == typeof define && define.amd
6 |
? define([], t)
7 |
: "object" == typeof exports
8 |
? (exports.DecoderWorker = t())
9 |
: (e.DecoderWorker = t());
10 |
})("undefined" != typeof self ? self : this, function () {
11 |
return (function (e) {
12 |
var t = {};
13 |
function r(s) {
14 |
if (t[s]) return t[s].exports;
15 |
var i = (t[s] = { i: s, l: !1, exports: {} });
16 |
return e[s].call(i.exports, i, i.exports, r), (i.l = !0), i.exports;
17 |
18 |
return (
19 |
(r.m = e),
20 |
(r.c = t),
21 |
(r.d = function (e, t, s) {
22 |
r.o(e, t) || Object.defineProperty(e, t, { enumerable: !0, get: s });
23 |
24 |
(r.r = function (e) {
25 |
"undefined" != typeof Symbol &&
26 |
Symbol.toStringTag &&
27 |
Object.defineProperty(e, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }),
28 |
Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
29 |
30 |
(r.t = function (e, t) {
31 |
if ((1 & t && (e = r(e)), 8 & t)) return e;
32 |
if (4 & t && "object" == typeof e && e && e.__esModule) return e;
33 |
var s = Object.create(null);
34 |
if (
35 |
36 |
Object.defineProperty(s, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: e }),
37 |
2 & t && "string" != typeof e)
38 |
39 |
for (var i in e)
40 |
41 |
42 |
43 |
function (t) {
44 |
return e[t];
45 |
}.bind(null, i),
46 |
47 |
return s;
48 |
49 |
(r.n = function (e) {
50 |
var t =
51 |
e && e.__esModule
52 |
? function () {
53 |
return e.default;
54 |
55 |
: function () {
56 |
return e;
57 |
58 |
return r.d(t, "a", t), t;
59 |
60 |
(r.o = function (e, t) {
61 |
return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t);
62 |
63 |
(r.p = ""),
64 |
r((r.s = 0))
65 |
66 |
67 |
function (e, t, r) {
68 |
69 |
(function (t) {
70 |
var r,
71 |
72 |
i = new Promise(function (e) {
73 |
s = e;
74 |
75 |
t.onmessage = function (e) {
76 |
i.then(function () {
77 |
switch (e.data.command) {
78 |
case "decode":
79 |
r && r.decode(e.data.pages);
80 |
81 |
case "done":
82 |
r && (r.sendLastBuffer(), t.close());
83 |
84 |
case "init":
85 |
r = new o(e.data, Module);
86 |
87 |
88 |
89 |
var o = function (e, t) {
90 |
if (!t)
91 |
throw new Error(
92 |
"Module with exports required to initialize a decoder instance",
93 |
94 |
(this.mainReady = i),
95 |
(this.config = Object.assign(
96 |
97 |
bufferLength: 4096,
98 |
decoderSampleRate: 48e3,
99 |
outputBufferSampleRate: 48e3,
100 |
resampleQuality: 3,
101 |
102 |
103 |
104 |
(this._opus_decoder_create = t._opus_decoder_create),
105 |
(this._opus_decoder_destroy = t._opus_decoder_destroy),
106 |
(this._speex_resampler_process_interleaved_float =
107 |
108 |
(this._speex_resampler_init = t._speex_resampler_init),
109 |
(this._speex_resampler_destroy = t._speex_resampler_destroy),
110 |
(this._opus_decode_float = t._opus_decode_float),
111 |
(this._free = t._free),
112 |
(this._malloc = t._malloc),
113 |
(this.HEAPU8 = t.HEAPU8),
114 |
(this.HEAP32 = t.HEAP32),
115 |
(this.HEAPF32 = t.HEAPF32),
116 |
(this.outputBuffers = []);
117 |
118 |
(o.prototype.decode = function (e) {
119 |
var t = new DataView(e.buffer);
120 |
this.getPageBoundaries(t).map(function (r) {
121 |
var s = t.getUint8(r + 5, !0),
122 |
i = t.getUint32(r + 18, !0);
123 |
if (
124 |
(2 & s &&
125 |
((this.numberOfChannels = t.getUint8(r + 37, !0)), this.init()),
126 |
i > 1)
127 |
) {
128 |
for (
129 |
var o = t.getUint8(r + 26, !0), u = r + 27 + o, n = 0;
130 |
n < o;
131 |
132 |
) {
133 |
var f = t.getUint8(r + 27 + n, !0);
134 |
if (
135 |
136 |
e.subarray(u, (u += f)),
137 |
138 |
139 |
(this.decoderBufferIndex += f),
140 |
f < 255)
141 |
) {
142 |
var h = this._opus_decode_float(
143 |
144 |
145 |
146 |
147 |
148 |
149 |
150 |
a = Math.ceil(
151 |
(h * this.config.outputBufferSampleRate) /
152 |
153 |
154 |
(this.HEAP32[this.decoderOutputLengthPointer >> 2] = h),
155 |
(this.HEAP32[this.resampleOutputLengthPointer >> 2] = a),
156 |
157 |
158 |
159 |
160 |
161 |
162 |
163 |
164 |
165 |
this.resampleOutputBufferPointer >> 2,
166 |
(this.resampleOutputBufferPointer >> 2) +
167 |
a * this.numberOfChannels,
168 |
169 |
170 |
(this.decoderBufferIndex = 0);
171 |
172 |
173 |
4 & s && this.sendLastBuffer();
174 |
175 |
}, this);
176 |
177 |
(o.prototype.getPageBoundaries = function (e) {
178 |
for (var t = [], r = 0; r < e.byteLength - 4; r++)
179 |
1399285583 == e.getUint32(r, !0) && t.push(r);
180 |
return t;
181 |
182 |
(o.prototype.init = function () {
183 |
this.resetOutputBuffers(), this.initCodec(), this.initResampler();
184 |
185 |
(o.prototype.initCodec = function () {
186 |
this.decoder &&
187 |
188 |
189 |
190 |
191 |
var e = this._malloc(4);
192 |
(this.decoder = this._opus_decoder_create(
193 |
194 |
195 |
196 |
197 |
198 |
(this.decoderBufferMaxLength = 4e3),
199 |
(this.decoderBufferPointer = this._malloc(
200 |
201 |
202 |
(this.decoderBuffer = this.HEAPU8.subarray(
203 |
204 |
this.decoderBufferPointer + this.decoderBufferMaxLength,
205 |
206 |
(this.decoderBufferIndex = 0),
207 |
(this.decoderOutputLengthPointer = this._malloc(4)),
208 |
(this.decoderOutputMaxLength =
209 |
(this.config.decoderSampleRate * this.numberOfChannels * 120) /
210 |
211 |
(this.decoderOutputPointer = this._malloc(
212 |
4 * this.decoderOutputMaxLength,
213 |
214 |
215 |
(o.prototype.initResampler = function () {
216 |
this.resampler &&
217 |
218 |
219 |
220 |
var e = this._malloc(4);
221 |
(this.resampler = this._speex_resampler_init(
222 |
223 |
224 |
225 |
226 |
227 |
228 |
229 |
(this.resampleOutputLengthPointer = this._malloc(4)),
230 |
(this.resampleOutputMaxLength = Math.ceil(
231 |
(this.decoderOutputMaxLength *
232 |
this.config.outputBufferSampleRate) /
233 |
234 |
235 |
(this.resampleOutputBufferPointer = this._malloc(
236 |
4 * this.resampleOutputMaxLength,
237 |
238 |
239 |
(o.prototype.resetOutputBuffers = function () {
240 |
(this.outputBuffers = []),
241 |
(this.outputBufferArrayBuffers = []),
242 |
(this.outputBufferIndex = 0);
243 |
for (var e = 0; e < this.numberOfChannels; e++)
244 |
245 |
new Float32Array(this.config.bufferLength),
246 |
247 |
248 |
249 |
250 |
251 |
(o.prototype.sendLastBuffer = function () {
252 |
253 |
new Float32Array(
254 |
(this.config.bufferLength - this.outputBufferIndex) *
255 |
256 |
257 |
258 |
259 |
260 |
(o.prototype.sendToOutputBuffers = function (e) {
261 |
for (var r = 0, s = e.length / this.numberOfChannels; r < s; ) {
262 |
var i = Math.min(
263 |
s - r,
264 |
this.config.bufferLength - this.outputBufferIndex,
265 |
266 |
if (1 === this.numberOfChannels)
267 |
268 |
e.subarray(r, r + i),
269 |
270 |
271 |
272 |
for (var o = 0; o < i; o++)
273 |
this.outputBuffers.forEach(function (t, s) {
274 |
t[this.outputBufferIndex + o] =
275 |
e[(r + o) * this.numberOfChannels + s];
276 |
}, this);
277 |
(r += i),
278 |
(this.outputBufferIndex += i),
279 |
this.outputBufferIndex == this.config.bufferLength &&
280 |
281 |
282 |
283 |
284 |
285 |
286 |
287 |
Module || (Module = {}),
288 |
(Module.mainReady = i),
289 |
(Module.OggOpusDecoder = o),
290 |
(Module.onRuntimeInitialized = s),
291 |
(e.exports = Module);
292 |
}).call(this, r(1));
293 |
294 |
function (e, t) {
295 |
var r;
296 |
r = (function () {
297 |
return this;
298 |
299 |
try {
300 |
r = r || new Function("return this")();
301 |
} catch (e) {
302 |
"object" == typeof window && (r = window);
303 |
304 |
e.exports = r;
305 |
306 |
307 |
308 |
var moduleOverrides = {};
309 |
var key;
310 |
for (key in Module) {
311 |
if (Module.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
312 |
moduleOverrides[key] = Module[key];
313 |
314 |
315 |
var arguments_ = [];
316 |
var thisProgram = "./this.program";
317 |
var quit_ = function (status, toThrow) {
318 |
throw toThrow;
319 |
320 |
var ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB = typeof window === "object";
321 |
var ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER = typeof importScripts === "function";
322 |
323 |
typeof process === "object" &&
324 |
typeof process.versions === "object" &&
325 |
typeof process.versions.node === "string";
326 |
var scriptDirectory = "";
327 |
function locateFile(path) {
328 |
if (Module["locateFile"]) {
329 |
return Module["locateFile"](path, scriptDirectory);
330 |
331 |
return scriptDirectory + path;
332 |
333 |
var read_, readAsync, readBinary, setWindowTitle;
334 |
function logExceptionOnExit(e) {
335 |
if (e instanceof ExitStatus) return;
336 |
var toLog = e;
337 |
err("exiting due to exception: " + toLog);
338 |
339 |
var nodeFS;
340 |
var nodePath;
341 |
342 |
343 |
scriptDirectory = require("path").dirname(scriptDirectory) + "/";
344 |
} else {
345 |
scriptDirectory = __dirname + "/";
346 |
347 |
read_ = function shell_read(filename, binary) {
348 |
if (!nodeFS) nodeFS = require("fs");
349 |
if (!nodePath) nodePath = require("path");
350 |
filename = nodePath["normalize"](filename);
351 |
return nodeFS["readFileSync"](filename, binary ? null : "utf8");
352 |
353 |
readBinary = function readBinary(filename) {
354 |
var ret = read_(filename, true);
355 |
if (!ret.buffer) {
356 |
ret = new Uint8Array(ret);
357 |
358 |
359 |
return ret;
360 |
361 |
readAsync = function readAsync(filename, onload, onerror) {
362 |
if (!nodeFS) nodeFS = require("fs");
363 |
if (!nodePath) nodePath = require("path");
364 |
filename = nodePath["normalize"](filename);
365 |
nodeFS["readFile"](filename, function (err, data) {
366 |
if (err) onerror(err);
367 |
else onload(data.buffer);
368 |
369 |
370 |
if (process["argv"].length > 1) {
371 |
thisProgram = process["argv"][1].replace(/\\/g, "/");
372 |
373 |
arguments_ = process["argv"].slice(2);
374 |
if (typeof module !== "undefined") {
375 |
module["exports"] = Module;
376 |
377 |
process["on"]("uncaughtException", function (ex) {
378 |
if (!(ex instanceof ExitStatus)) {
379 |
throw ex;
380 |
381 |
382 |
process["on"]("unhandledRejection", function (reason) {
383 |
throw reason;
384 |
385 |
quit_ = function (status, toThrow) {
386 |
if (keepRuntimeAlive()) {
387 |
process["exitCode"] = status;
388 |
throw toThrow;
389 |
390 |
391 |
392 |
393 |
Module["inspect"] = function () {
394 |
return "[Emscripten Module object]";
395 |
396 |
397 |
398 |
scriptDirectory = self.location.href;
399 |
} else if (typeof document !== "undefined" && document.currentScript) {
400 |
scriptDirectory = document.currentScript.src;
401 |
402 |
if (scriptDirectory.indexOf("blob:") !== 0) {
403 |
scriptDirectory = scriptDirectory.substr(
404 |
405 |
scriptDirectory.replace(/[?#].*/, "").lastIndexOf("/") + 1,
406 |
407 |
} else {
408 |
scriptDirectory = "";
409 |
410 |
411 |
read_ = function (url) {
412 |
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
413 |
xhr.open("GET", url, false);
414 |
415 |
return xhr.responseText;
416 |
417 |
418 |
readBinary = function (url) {
419 |
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
420 |
xhr.open("GET", url, false);
421 |
xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer";
422 |
423 |
return new Uint8Array(xhr.response);
424 |
425 |
426 |
readAsync = function (url, onload, onerror) {
427 |
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
428 |
xhr.open("GET", url, true);
429 |
xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer";
430 |
xhr.onload = function () {
431 |
if (xhr.status == 200 || (xhr.status == 0 && xhr.response)) {
432 |
433 |
434 |
435 |
436 |
437 |
xhr.onerror = onerror;
438 |
439 |
440 |
441 |
setWindowTitle = function (title) {
442 |
document.title = title;
443 |
444 |
} else {
445 |
446 |
var out = Module["print"] || console.log.bind(console);
447 |
var err = Module["printErr"] || console.warn.bind(console);
448 |
for (key in moduleOverrides) {
449 |
if (moduleOverrides.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
450 |
Module[key] = moduleOverrides[key];
451 |
452 |
453 |
moduleOverrides = null;
454 |
if (Module["arguments"]) arguments_ = Module["arguments"];
455 |
if (Module["thisProgram"]) thisProgram = Module["thisProgram"];
456 |
if (Module["quit"]) quit_ = Module["quit"];
457 |
var wasmBinary;
458 |
if (Module["wasmBinary"]) wasmBinary = Module["wasmBinary"];
459 |
var noExitRuntime = Module["noExitRuntime"] || true;
460 |
if (typeof WebAssembly !== "object") {
461 |
abort("no native wasm support detected");
462 |
463 |
var wasmMemory;
464 |
var ABORT = false;
465 |
466 |
function assert(condition, text) {
467 |
if (!condition) {
468 |
abort("Assertion failed: " + text);
469 |
470 |
471 |
var UTF8Decoder =
472 |
typeof TextDecoder !== "undefined" ? new TextDecoder("utf8") : undefined;
473 |
function UTF8ArrayToString(heap, idx, maxBytesToRead) {
474 |
var endIdx = idx + maxBytesToRead;
475 |
var endPtr = idx;
476 |
while (heap[endPtr] && !(endPtr >= endIdx)) ++endPtr;
477 |
if (endPtr - idx > 16 && heap.subarray && UTF8Decoder) {
478 |
return UTF8Decoder.decode(heap.subarray(idx, endPtr));
479 |
} else {
480 |
var str = "";
481 |
while (idx < endPtr) {
482 |
var u0 = heap[idx++];
483 |
if (!(u0 & 128)) {
484 |
str += String.fromCharCode(u0);
485 |
486 |
487 |
var u1 = heap[idx++] & 63;
488 |
if ((u0 & 224) == 192) {
489 |
str += String.fromCharCode(((u0 & 31) << 6) | u1);
490 |
491 |
492 |
var u2 = heap[idx++] & 63;
493 |
if ((u0 & 240) == 224) {
494 |
u0 = ((u0 & 15) << 12) | (u1 << 6) | u2;
495 |
} else {
496 |
u0 = ((u0 & 7) << 18) | (u1 << 12) | (u2 << 6) | (heap[idx++] & 63);
497 |
498 |
if (u0 < 65536) {
499 |
str += String.fromCharCode(u0);
500 |
} else {
501 |
var ch = u0 - 65536;
502 |
str += String.fromCharCode(55296 | (ch >> 10), 56320 | (ch & 1023));
503 |
504 |
505 |
506 |
return str;
507 |
508 |
function UTF8ToString(ptr, maxBytesToRead) {
509 |
return ptr ? UTF8ArrayToString(HEAPU8, ptr, maxBytesToRead) : "";
510 |
511 |
var buffer, HEAP8, HEAPU8, HEAP16, HEAPU16, HEAP32, HEAPU32, HEAPF32, HEAPF64;
512 |
function updateGlobalBufferAndViews(buf) {
513 |
buffer = buf;
514 |
Module["HEAP8"] = HEAP8 = new Int8Array(buf);
515 |
Module["HEAP16"] = HEAP16 = new Int16Array(buf);
516 |
Module["HEAP32"] = HEAP32 = new Int32Array(buf);
517 |
Module["HEAPU8"] = HEAPU8 = new Uint8Array(buf);
518 |
Module["HEAPU16"] = HEAPU16 = new Uint16Array(buf);
519 |
Module["HEAPU32"] = HEAPU32 = new Uint32Array(buf);
520 |
Module["HEAPF32"] = HEAPF32 = new Float32Array(buf);
521 |
Module["HEAPF64"] = HEAPF64 = new Float64Array(buf);
522 |
523 |
var INITIAL_MEMORY = Module["INITIAL_MEMORY"] || 16777216;
524 |
var wasmTable;
525 |
var __ATPRERUN__ = [];
526 |
var __ATINIT__ = [];
527 |
var __ATPOSTRUN__ = [];
528 |
var runtimeInitialized = false;
529 |
var runtimeKeepaliveCounter = 0;
530 |
function keepRuntimeAlive() {
531 |
return noExitRuntime || runtimeKeepaliveCounter > 0;
532 |
533 |
function preRun() {
534 |
if (Module["preRun"]) {
535 |
if (typeof Module["preRun"] == "function")
536 |
Module["preRun"] = [Module["preRun"]];
537 |
while (Module["preRun"].length) {
538 |
539 |
540 |
541 |
542 |
543 |
function initRuntime() {
544 |
runtimeInitialized = true;
545 |
546 |
547 |
function postRun() {
548 |
if (Module["postRun"]) {
549 |
if (typeof Module["postRun"] == "function")
550 |
Module["postRun"] = [Module["postRun"]];
551 |
while (Module["postRun"].length) {
552 |
553 |
554 |
555 |
556 |
557 |
function addOnPreRun(cb) {
558 |
559 |
560 |
function addOnInit(cb) {
561 |
562 |
563 |
function addOnPostRun(cb) {
564 |
565 |
566 |
var runDependencies = 0;
567 |
var runDependencyWatcher = null;
568 |
var dependenciesFulfilled = null;
569 |
function addRunDependency(id) {
570 |
571 |
if (Module["monitorRunDependencies"]) {
572 |
573 |
574 |
575 |
function removeRunDependency(id) {
576 |
577 |
if (Module["monitorRunDependencies"]) {
578 |
579 |
580 |
if (runDependencies == 0) {
581 |
if (runDependencyWatcher !== null) {
582 |
583 |
runDependencyWatcher = null;
584 |
585 |
if (dependenciesFulfilled) {
586 |
var callback = dependenciesFulfilled;
587 |
dependenciesFulfilled = null;
588 |
589 |
590 |
591 |
592 |
Module["preloadedImages"] = {};
593 |
Module["preloadedAudios"] = {};
594 |
function abort(what) {
595 |
596 |
if (Module["onAbort"]) {
597 |
598 |
599 |
600 |
what = "Aborted(" + what + ")";
601 |
602 |
ABORT = true;
603 |
604 |
what += ". Build with -s ASSERTIONS=1 for more info.";
605 |
var e = new WebAssembly.RuntimeError(what);
606 |
throw e;
607 |
608 |
var dataURIPrefix = "data:application/octet-stream;base64,";
609 |
function isDataURI(filename) {
610 |
return filename.startsWith(dataURIPrefix);
611 |
612 |
function isFileURI(filename) {
613 |
return filename.startsWith("file://");
614 |
615 |
var wasmBinaryFile;
616 |
wasmBinaryFile = "decoderWorker.min.wasm";
617 |
if (!isDataURI(wasmBinaryFile)) {
618 |
wasmBinaryFile = locateFile(wasmBinaryFile);
619 |
620 |
function getBinary(file) {
621 |
try {
622 |
if (file == wasmBinaryFile && wasmBinary) {
623 |
return new Uint8Array(wasmBinary);
624 |
625 |
if (readBinary) {
626 |
return readBinary(file);
627 |
} else {
628 |
throw "both async and sync fetching of the wasm failed";
629 |
630 |
} catch (err) {
631 |
632 |
633 |
634 |
function getBinaryPromise() {
635 |
636 |
if (typeof fetch === "function" && !isFileURI(wasmBinaryFile)) {
637 |
return fetch(wasmBinaryFile, { credentials: "same-origin" })
638 |
.then(function (response) {
639 |
if (!response["ok"]) {
640 |
throw "failed to load wasm binary file at '" + wasmBinaryFile + "'";
641 |
642 |
return response["arrayBuffer"]();
643 |
644 |
.catch(function () {
645 |
return getBinary(wasmBinaryFile);
646 |
647 |
} else {
648 |
if (readAsync) {
649 |
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
650 |
651 |
652 |
function (response) {
653 |
resolve(new Uint8Array(response));
654 |
655 |
656 |
657 |
658 |
659 |
660 |
661 |
return Promise.resolve().then(function () {
662 |
return getBinary(wasmBinaryFile);
663 |
664 |
665 |
function createWasm() {
666 |
var info = { a: asmLibraryArg };
667 |
function receiveInstance(instance, module) {
668 |
var exports = instance.exports;
669 |
Module["asm"] = exports;
670 |
wasmMemory = Module["asm"]["g"];
671 |
672 |
wasmTable = Module["asm"]["q"];
673 |
674 |
675 |
676 |
677 |
function receiveInstantiationResult(result) {
678 |
679 |
680 |
function instantiateArrayBuffer(receiver) {
681 |
return getBinaryPromise()
682 |
.then(function (binary) {
683 |
return WebAssembly.instantiate(binary, info);
684 |
685 |
.then(function (instance) {
686 |
return instance;
687 |
688 |
.then(receiver, function (reason) {
689 |
err("failed to asynchronously prepare wasm: " + reason);
690 |
691 |
692 |
693 |
function instantiateAsync() {
694 |
if (
695 |
!wasmBinary &&
696 |
typeof WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming === "function" &&
697 |
!isDataURI(wasmBinaryFile) &&
698 |
!isFileURI(wasmBinaryFile) &&
699 |
typeof fetch === "function"
700 |
) {
701 |
return fetch(wasmBinaryFile, { credentials: "same-origin" }).then(
702 |
function (response) {
703 |
var result = WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(response, info);
704 |
return result.then(receiveInstantiationResult, function (reason) {
705 |
err("wasm streaming compile failed: " + reason);
706 |
err("falling back to ArrayBuffer instantiation");
707 |
return instantiateArrayBuffer(receiveInstantiationResult);
708 |
709 |
710 |
711 |
} else {
712 |
return instantiateArrayBuffer(receiveInstantiationResult);
713 |
714 |
715 |
if (Module["instantiateWasm"]) {
716 |
try {
717 |
var exports = Module["instantiateWasm"](info, receiveInstance);
718 |
return exports;
719 |
} catch (e) {
720 |
err("Module.instantiateWasm callback failed with error: " + e);
721 |
return false;
722 |
723 |
724 |
725 |
return {};
726 |
727 |
function callRuntimeCallbacks(callbacks) {
728 |
while (callbacks.length > 0) {
729 |
var callback = callbacks.shift();
730 |
if (typeof callback == "function") {
731 |
732 |
733 |
734 |
var func = callback.func;
735 |
if (typeof func === "number") {
736 |
if (callback.arg === undefined) {
737 |
738 |
} else {
739 |
740 |
741 |
} else {
742 |
func(callback.arg === undefined ? null : callback.arg);
743 |
744 |
745 |
746 |
function _abort() {
747 |
748 |
749 |
function _emscripten_memcpy_big(dest, src, num) {
750 |
HEAPU8.copyWithin(dest, src, src + num);
751 |
752 |
function abortOnCannotGrowMemory(requestedSize) {
753 |
754 |
755 |
function _emscripten_resize_heap(requestedSize) {
756 |
var oldSize = HEAPU8.length;
757 |
requestedSize = requestedSize >>> 0;
758 |
759 |
760 |
var SYSCALLS = {
761 |
mappings: {},
762 |
buffers: [null, [], []],
763 |
printChar: function (stream, curr) {
764 |
var buffer = SYSCALLS.buffers[stream];
765 |
if (curr === 0 || curr === 10) {
766 |
(stream === 1 ? out : err)(UTF8ArrayToString(buffer, 0));
767 |
buffer.length = 0;
768 |
} else {
769 |
770 |
771 |
772 |
varargs: undefined,
773 |
get: function () {
774 |
SYSCALLS.varargs += 4;
775 |
var ret = HEAP32[(SYSCALLS.varargs - 4) >> 2];
776 |
return ret;
777 |
778 |
getStr: function (ptr) {
779 |
var ret = UTF8ToString(ptr);
780 |
return ret;
781 |
782 |
get64: function (low, high) {
783 |
return low;
784 |
785 |
786 |
function _fd_close(fd) {
787 |
return 0;
788 |
789 |
function _fd_seek(fd, offset_low, offset_high, whence, newOffset) {}
790 |
function _fd_write(fd, iov, iovcnt, pnum) {
791 |
var num = 0;
792 |
for (var i = 0; i < iovcnt; i++) {
793 |
var ptr = HEAP32[(iov + i * 8) >> 2];
794 |
var len = HEAP32[(iov + (i * 8 + 4)) >> 2];
795 |
for (var j = 0; j < len; j++) {
796 |
SYSCALLS.printChar(fd, HEAPU8[ptr + j]);
797 |
798 |
num += len;
799 |
800 |
HEAP32[pnum >> 2] = num;
801 |
return 0;
802 |
803 |
var asmLibraryArg = {
804 |
c: _abort,
805 |
e: _emscripten_memcpy_big,
806 |
f: _emscripten_resize_heap,
807 |
d: _fd_close,
808 |
b: _fd_seek,
809 |
a: _fd_write,
810 |
811 |
var asm = createWasm();
812 |
var ___wasm_call_ctors = (Module["___wasm_call_ctors"] = function () {
813 |
return (___wasm_call_ctors = Module["___wasm_call_ctors"] =
814 |
Module["asm"]["h"]).apply(null, arguments);
815 |
816 |
var _opus_decoder_create = (Module["_opus_decoder_create"] = function () {
817 |
return (_opus_decoder_create = Module["_opus_decoder_create"] =
818 |
Module["asm"]["i"]).apply(null, arguments);
819 |
820 |
var _opus_decode_float = (Module["_opus_decode_float"] = function () {
821 |
return (_opus_decode_float = Module["_opus_decode_float"] =
822 |
Module["asm"]["j"]).apply(null, arguments);
823 |
824 |
var _opus_decoder_destroy = (Module["_opus_decoder_destroy"] = function () {
825 |
return (_opus_decoder_destroy = Module["_opus_decoder_destroy"] =
826 |
Module["asm"]["k"]).apply(null, arguments);
827 |
828 |
var _speex_resampler_init = (Module["_speex_resampler_init"] = function () {
829 |
return (_speex_resampler_init = Module["_speex_resampler_init"] =
830 |
Module["asm"]["l"]).apply(null, arguments);
831 |
832 |
var _speex_resampler_destroy = (Module["_speex_resampler_destroy"] =
833 |
function () {
834 |
return (_speex_resampler_destroy = Module["_speex_resampler_destroy"] =
835 |
Module["asm"]["m"]).apply(null, arguments);
836 |
837 |
var _speex_resampler_process_interleaved_float = (Module[
838 |
839 |
] = function () {
840 |
return (_speex_resampler_process_interleaved_float = Module[
841 |
842 |
] =
843 |
Module["asm"]["n"]).apply(null, arguments);
844 |
845 |
var _malloc = (Module["_malloc"] = function () {
846 |
return (_malloc = Module["_malloc"] = Module["asm"]["o"]).apply(
847 |
848 |
849 |
850 |
851 |
var _free = (Module["_free"] = function () {
852 |
return (_free = Module["_free"] = Module["asm"]["p"]).apply(null, arguments);
853 |
854 |
var calledRun;
855 |
function ExitStatus(status) {
856 |
this.name = "ExitStatus";
857 |
this.message = "Program terminated with exit(" + status + ")";
858 |
this.status = status;
859 |
860 |
dependenciesFulfilled = function runCaller() {
861 |
if (!calledRun) run();
862 |
if (!calledRun) dependenciesFulfilled = runCaller;
863 |
864 |
function run(args) {
865 |
args = args || arguments_;
866 |
if (runDependencies > 0) {
867 |
868 |
869 |
870 |
if (runDependencies > 0) {
871 |
872 |
873 |
function doRun() {
874 |
if (calledRun) return;
875 |
calledRun = true;
876 |
Module["calledRun"] = true;
877 |
if (ABORT) return;
878 |
879 |
if (Module["onRuntimeInitialized"]) Module["onRuntimeInitialized"]();
880 |
881 |
882 |
if (Module["setStatus"]) {
883 |
884 |
setTimeout(function () {
885 |
setTimeout(function () {
886 |
887 |
}, 1);
888 |
889 |
}, 1);
890 |
} else {
891 |
892 |
893 |
894 |
Module["run"] = run;
895 |
if (Module["preInit"]) {
896 |
if (typeof Module["preInit"] == "function")
897 |
Module["preInit"] = [Module["preInit"]];
898 |
while (Module["preInit"].length > 0) {
899 |
900 |
901 |
902 |
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 |
version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
2 |
oid sha256:cd1d29c43b3fa05719c3d024ed9b9f1528be92415bd6d39d413b262a61d1891f
3 |
size 149534
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
1 |
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"player-text"}@media screen and (min-width: 768px){.main-grid{grid-template-columns:2fr 2.5fr;grid-template-rows:min-content min-content min-content 1fr;gap:30px 30px;grid-auto-flow:column;align-items:center;justify-items:center;grid-template-areas:"controls controls" "player player-stats" "player player-text" "player player-text"}}.presentation{max-width:450px}.presentation>p{padding-top:10px}.cute-words,.download-links{color:#54e8b3}.explain-links{color:#bcfce5}.controls{grid-area:controls}.player{grid-area:player;grid-template-areas:"server-audio" "user-audio";display:grid;grid-template-columns:1fr;grid-template-rows:1fr 1fr;align-items:center;justify-items:center}.server-audio{grid-area:server-audio}.user-audio{grid-area:user-audio}.player-stats{grid-area:player-stats;width:100%;height:100%}.commands{grid-area:commands;width:100%;height:100%}.player-text{grid-area:player-text;width:100%;height:100%;overflow:scroll}.hover\:bg-gray-800:hover{--tw-bg-opacity: 1;background-color:rgb(31 41 55 / var(--tw-bg-opacity))}.focus\:bg-gray-800:focus{--tw-bg-opacity: 1;background-color:rgb(31 41 55 / var(--tw-bg-opacity))}.active\:bg-gray-700:active{--tw-bg-opacity: 1;background-color:rgb(55 65 81 / var(--tw-bg-opacity))}.disabled\:bg-gray-100:disabled{--tw-bg-opacity: 1;background-color:rgb(243 244 246 / var(--tw-bg-opacity))}@media (min-width: 768px){.md\:block{display:block}.md\:max-w-screen-lg{max-width:1024px}.md\:p-12{padding:3rem}}
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
@@ -0,0 +1,635 @@
1 |
!(function t(e, s, r) {
2 |
function i(o, f) {
3 |
if (!s[o]) {
4 |
if (!e[o]) {
5 |
var h = "function" == typeof require && require;
6 |
if (!f && h) return h(o, !0);
7 |
if (n) return n(o, !0);
8 |
var u = new Error("Cannot find module '" + o + "'");
9 |
throw ((u.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND"), u);
10 |
11 |
var a = (s[o] = { exports: {} });
12 |
13 |
14 |
function (t) {
15 |
return i(e[o][1][t] || t);
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
return s[o].exports;
26 |
27 |
for (
28 |
var n = "function" == typeof require && require, o = 0;
29 |
o < r.length;
30 |
31 |
32 |
33 |
return i;
34 |
35 |
36 |
1: [
37 |
function (t, e, s) {
38 |
"use strict";
39 |
function r(t) {
40 |
if (
41 |
((this.size = 0 | t),
42 |
this.size <= 1 || 0 != (this.size & (this.size - 1)))
43 |
44 |
throw new Error(
45 |
"FFT size must be a power of two and bigger than 1",
46 |
47 |
this._csize = t << 1;
48 |
for (var e = new Array(2 * this.size), s = 0; s < e.length; s += 2) {
49 |
const t = (Math.PI * s) / this.size;
50 |
(e[s] = Math.cos(t)), (e[s + 1] = -Math.sin(t));
51 |
52 |
this.table = e;
53 |
for (var r = 0, i = 1; this.size > i; i <<= 1) r++;
54 |
(this._width = r % 2 == 0 ? r - 1 : r),
55 |
(this._bitrev = new Array(1 << this._width));
56 |
for (var n = 0; n < this._bitrev.length; n++) {
57 |
this._bitrev[n] = 0;
58 |
for (var o = 0; o < this._width; o += 2) {
59 |
var f = this._width - o - 2;
60 |
this._bitrev[n] |= ((n >>> o) & 3) << f;
61 |
62 |
63 |
(this._out = null), (this._data = null), (this._inv = 0);
64 |
65 |
(e.exports = r),
66 |
(r.prototype.fromComplexArray = function (t, e) {
67 |
for (
68 |
var s = e || new Array(t.length >>> 1), r = 0;
69 |
r < t.length;
70 |
r += 2
71 |
72 |
s[r >>> 1] = t[r];
73 |
return s;
74 |
75 |
(r.prototype.createComplexArray = function () {
76 |
const t = new Array(this._csize);
77 |
for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) t[e] = 0;
78 |
return t;
79 |
80 |
(r.prototype.toComplexArray = function (t, e) {
81 |
for (
82 |
var s = e || this.createComplexArray(), r = 0;
83 |
r < s.length;
84 |
r += 2
85 |
86 |
(s[r] = t[r >>> 1]), (s[r + 1] = 0);
87 |
return s;
88 |
89 |
(r.prototype.completeSpectrum = function (t) {
90 |
for (var e = this._csize, s = e >>> 1, r = 2; r < s; r += 2)
91 |
(t[e - r] = t[r]), (t[e - r + 1] = -t[r + 1]);
92 |
93 |
(r.prototype.transform = function (t, e) {
94 |
if (t === e)
95 |
throw new Error("Input and output buffers must be different");
96 |
(this._out = t),
97 |
(this._data = e),
98 |
(this._inv = 0),
99 |
100 |
(this._out = null),
101 |
(this._data = null);
102 |
103 |
(r.prototype.realTransform = function (t, e) {
104 |
if (t === e)
105 |
throw new Error("Input and output buffers must be different");
106 |
(this._out = t),
107 |
(this._data = e),
108 |
(this._inv = 0),
109 |
110 |
(this._out = null),
111 |
(this._data = null);
112 |
113 |
(r.prototype.inverseTransform = function (t, e) {
114 |
if (t === e)
115 |
throw new Error("Input and output buffers must be different");
116 |
(this._out = t),
117 |
(this._data = e),
118 |
(this._inv = 1),
119 |
120 |
for (var s = 0; s < t.length; s++) t[s] /= this.size;
121 |
(this._out = null), (this._data = null);
122 |
123 |
(r.prototype._transform4 = function () {
124 |
var t,
125 |
126 |
s = this._out,
127 |
r = this._csize,
128 |
i = 1 << this._width,
129 |
n = (r / i) << 1,
130 |
o = this._bitrev;
131 |
if (4 === n)
132 |
for (t = 0, e = 0; t < r; t += n, e++) {
133 |
const s = o[e];
134 |
this._singleTransform2(t, s, i);
135 |
136 |
137 |
for (t = 0, e = 0; t < r; t += n, e++) {
138 |
const s = o[e];
139 |
this._singleTransform4(t, s, i);
140 |
141 |
var f = this._inv ? -1 : 1,
142 |
h = this.table;
143 |
for (i >>= 2; i >= 2; i >>= 2) {
144 |
var u = (n = (r / i) << 1) >>> 2;
145 |
for (t = 0; t < r; t += n)
146 |
for (var a = t + u, p = t, l = 0; p < a; p += 2, l += i) {
147 |
const t = p,
148 |
e = t + u,
149 |
r = e + u,
150 |
i = r + u,
151 |
n = s[t],
152 |
o = s[t + 1],
153 |
a = s[e],
154 |
c = s[e + 1],
155 |
d = s[r],
156 |
v = s[r + 1],
157 |
m = s[i],
158 |
b = s[i + 1],
159 |
_ = n,
160 |
B = o,
161 |
g = h[l],
162 |
y = f * h[l + 1],
163 |
w = a * g - c * y,
164 |
S = a * y + c * g,
165 |
z = h[2 * l],
166 |
x = f * h[2 * l + 1],
167 |
C = d * z - v * x,
168 |
I = d * x + v * z,
169 |
k = h[3 * l],
170 |
A = f * h[3 * l + 1],
171 |
T = m * k - b * A,
172 |
O = m * A + b * k,
173 |
q = _ + C,
174 |
P = B + I,
175 |
M = _ - C,
176 |
F = B - I,
177 |
R = w + T,
178 |
W = S + O,
179 |
H = f * (w - T),
180 |
E = f * (S - O),
181 |
N = q + R,
182 |
j = P + W,
183 |
L = q - R,
184 |
D = P - W,
185 |
U = M + E,
186 |
V = F - H,
187 |
G = M - E,
188 |
J = F + H;
189 |
(s[t] = N),
190 |
(s[t + 1] = j),
191 |
(s[e] = U),
192 |
(s[e + 1] = V),
193 |
(s[r] = L),
194 |
(s[r + 1] = D),
195 |
(s[i] = G),
196 |
(s[i + 1] = J);
197 |
198 |
199 |
200 |
(r.prototype._singleTransform2 = function (t, e, s) {
201 |
const r = this._out,
202 |
i = this._data,
203 |
n = i[e],
204 |
o = i[e + 1],
205 |
f = i[e + s],
206 |
h = i[e + s + 1],
207 |
u = n + f,
208 |
a = o + h,
209 |
p = n - f,
210 |
l = o - h;
211 |
(r[t] = u), (r[t + 1] = a), (r[t + 2] = p), (r[t + 3] = l);
212 |
213 |
(r.prototype._singleTransform4 = function (t, e, s) {
214 |
const r = this._out,
215 |
i = this._data,
216 |
n = this._inv ? -1 : 1,
217 |
o = 2 * s,
218 |
f = 3 * s,
219 |
h = i[e],
220 |
u = i[e + 1],
221 |
a = i[e + s],
222 |
p = i[e + s + 1],
223 |
l = i[e + o],
224 |
c = i[e + o + 1],
225 |
d = i[e + f],
226 |
v = i[e + f + 1],
227 |
m = h + l,
228 |
b = u + c,
229 |
_ = h - l,
230 |
B = u - c,
231 |
g = a + d,
232 |
y = p + v,
233 |
w = n * (a - d),
234 |
S = n * (p - v),
235 |
z = m + g,
236 |
x = b + y,
237 |
C = _ + S,
238 |
I = B - w,
239 |
k = m - g,
240 |
A = b - y,
241 |
T = _ - S,
242 |
O = B + w;
243 |
(r[t] = z),
244 |
(r[t + 1] = x),
245 |
(r[t + 2] = C),
246 |
(r[t + 3] = I),
247 |
(r[t + 4] = k),
248 |
(r[t + 5] = A),
249 |
(r[t + 6] = T),
250 |
(r[t + 7] = O);
251 |
252 |
(r.prototype._realTransform4 = function () {
253 |
var t,
254 |
255 |
s = this._out,
256 |
r = this._csize,
257 |
i = 1 << this._width,
258 |
n = (r / i) << 1,
259 |
o = this._bitrev;
260 |
if (4 === n)
261 |
for (t = 0, e = 0; t < r; t += n, e++) {
262 |
const s = o[e];
263 |
this._singleRealTransform2(t, s >>> 1, i >>> 1);
264 |
265 |
266 |
for (t = 0, e = 0; t < r; t += n, e++) {
267 |
const s = o[e];
268 |
this._singleRealTransform4(t, s >>> 1, i >>> 1);
269 |
270 |
var f = this._inv ? -1 : 1,
271 |
h = this.table;
272 |
for (i >>= 2; i >= 2; i >>= 2) {
273 |
var u = (n = (r / i) << 1) >>> 1,
274 |
a = u >>> 1,
275 |
p = a >>> 1;
276 |
for (t = 0; t < r; t += n)
277 |
for (var l = 0, c = 0; l <= p; l += 2, c += i) {
278 |
var d = t + l,
279 |
v = d + a,
280 |
m = v + a,
281 |
b = m + a,
282 |
_ = s[d],
283 |
B = s[d + 1],
284 |
g = s[v],
285 |
y = s[v + 1],
286 |
w = s[m],
287 |
S = s[m + 1],
288 |
z = s[b],
289 |
x = s[b + 1],
290 |
C = _,
291 |
I = B,
292 |
k = h[c],
293 |
A = f * h[c + 1],
294 |
T = g * k - y * A,
295 |
O = g * A + y * k,
296 |
q = h[2 * c],
297 |
P = f * h[2 * c + 1],
298 |
M = w * q - S * P,
299 |
F = w * P + S * q,
300 |
R = h[3 * c],
301 |
W = f * h[3 * c + 1],
302 |
H = z * R - x * W,
303 |
E = z * W + x * R,
304 |
N = C + M,
305 |
j = I + F,
306 |
L = C - M,
307 |
D = I - F,
308 |
U = T + H,
309 |
V = O + E,
310 |
G = f * (T - H),
311 |
J = f * (O - E),
312 |
K = N + U,
313 |
Q = j + V,
314 |
X = L + J,
315 |
Y = D - G;
316 |
if (
317 |
((s[d] = K),
318 |
(s[d + 1] = Q),
319 |
(s[v] = X),
320 |
(s[v + 1] = Y),
321 |
0 !== l)
322 |
) {
323 |
if (l !== p) {
324 |
var Z = L + -f * J,
325 |
$ = -D + -f * G,
326 |
tt = N + -f * U,
327 |
et = -j - -f * V,
328 |
st = t + a - l,
329 |
rt = t + u - l;
330 |
(s[st] = Z),
331 |
(s[st + 1] = $),
332 |
(s[rt] = tt),
333 |
(s[rt + 1] = et);
334 |
335 |
} else {
336 |
var it = N - U,
337 |
nt = j - V;
338 |
(s[m] = it), (s[m + 1] = nt);
339 |
340 |
341 |
342 |
343 |
(r.prototype._singleRealTransform2 = function (t, e, s) {
344 |
const r = this._out,
345 |
i = this._data,
346 |
n = i[e],
347 |
o = i[e + s],
348 |
f = n + o,
349 |
h = n - o;
350 |
(r[t] = f), (r[t + 1] = 0), (r[t + 2] = h), (r[t + 3] = 0);
351 |
352 |
(r.prototype._singleRealTransform4 = function (t, e, s) {
353 |
const r = this._out,
354 |
i = this._data,
355 |
n = this._inv ? -1 : 1,
356 |
o = 2 * s,
357 |
f = 3 * s,
358 |
h = i[e],
359 |
u = i[e + s],
360 |
a = i[e + o],
361 |
p = i[e + f],
362 |
l = h + a,
363 |
c = h - a,
364 |
d = u + p,
365 |
v = n * (u - p),
366 |
m = l + d,
367 |
b = c,
368 |
_ = -v,
369 |
B = l - d,
370 |
g = c,
371 |
y = v;
372 |
(r[t] = m),
373 |
(r[t + 1] = 0),
374 |
(r[t + 2] = b),
375 |
(r[t + 3] = _),
376 |
(r[t + 4] = B),
377 |
(r[t + 5] = 0),
378 |
(r[t + 6] = g),
379 |
(r[t + 7] = y);
380 |
381 |
382 |
383 |
384 |
2: [
385 |
function (t, e, s) {
386 |
"use strict";
387 |
const r = 128;
388 |
class i extends AudioWorkletProcessor {
389 |
constructor(t) {
390 |
391 |
(this.nbInputs = t.numberOfInputs),
392 |
(this.nbOutputs = t.numberOfOutputs),
393 |
(this.blockSize = t.processorOptions.blockSize),
394 |
(this.hopSize = r),
395 |
(this.nbOverlaps = this.blockSize / this.hopSize),
396 |
(this.inputBuffers = new Array(this.nbInputs)),
397 |
(this.inputBuffersHead = new Array(this.nbInputs)),
398 |
(this.inputBuffersToSend = new Array(this.nbInputs));
399 |
for (var e = 0; e < this.nbInputs; e++)
400 |
this.allocateInputChannels(e, 1);
401 |
(this.outputBuffers = new Array(this.nbOutputs)),
402 |
(this.outputBuffersToRetrieve = new Array(this.nbOutputs));
403 |
for (e = 0; e < this.nbOutputs; e++)
404 |
this.allocateOutputChannels(e, 1);
405 |
406 |
reallocateChannelsIfNeeded(t, e) {
407 |
for (var s = 0; s < this.nbInputs; s++) {
408 |
let e = t[s].length;
409 |
e != this.inputBuffers[s].length &&
410 |
this.allocateInputChannels(s, e);
411 |
412 |
for (s = 0; s < this.nbOutputs; s++) {
413 |
let t = e[s].length;
414 |
t != this.outputBuffers[s].length &&
415 |
this.allocateOutputChannels(s, t);
416 |
417 |
418 |
allocateInputChannels(t, e) {
419 |
this.inputBuffers[t] = new Array(e);
420 |
for (var s = 0; s < e; s++)
421 |
(this.inputBuffers[t][s] = new Float32Array(this.blockSize + r)),
422 |
423 |
(this.inputBuffersHead[t] = new Array(e)),
424 |
(this.inputBuffersToSend[t] = new Array(e));
425 |
for (s = 0; s < e; s++)
426 |
(this.inputBuffersHead[t][s] = this.inputBuffers[t][s].subarray(
427 |
428 |
429 |
430 |
(this.inputBuffersToSend[t][s] = new Float32Array(
431 |
432 |
433 |
434 |
allocateOutputChannels(t, e) {
435 |
this.outputBuffers[t] = new Array(e);
436 |
for (var s = 0; s < e; s++)
437 |
(this.outputBuffers[t][s] = new Float32Array(this.blockSize)),
438 |
439 |
this.outputBuffersToRetrieve[t] = new Array(e);
440 |
for (s = 0; s < e; s++)
441 |
(this.outputBuffersToRetrieve[t][s] = new Float32Array(
442 |
443 |
444 |
445 |
446 |
readInputs(t) {
447 |
if (t[0].length && 0 == t[0][0].length)
448 |
for (var e = 0; e < this.nbInputs; e++)
449 |
for (var s = 0; s < this.inputBuffers[e].length; s++)
450 |
this.inputBuffers[e][s].fill(0, this.blockSize);
451 |
452 |
for (e = 0; e < this.nbInputs; e++)
453 |
for (s = 0; s < this.inputBuffers[e].length; s++) {
454 |
let r = t[e][s];
455 |
this.inputBuffers[e][s].set(r, this.blockSize);
456 |
457 |
458 |
writeOutputs(t) {
459 |
for (var e = 0; e < this.nbInputs; e++)
460 |
for (var s = 0; s < this.inputBuffers[e].length; s++) {
461 |
let i = this.outputBuffers[e][s].subarray(0, r);
462 |
463 |
464 |
465 |
shiftInputBuffers() {
466 |
for (var t = 0; t < this.nbInputs; t++)
467 |
for (var e = 0; e < this.inputBuffers[t].length; e++)
468 |
this.inputBuffers[t][e].copyWithin(0, r);
469 |
470 |
shiftOutputBuffers() {
471 |
for (var t = 0; t < this.nbOutputs; t++)
472 |
for (var e = 0; e < this.outputBuffers[t].length; e++)
473 |
this.outputBuffers[t][e].copyWithin(0, r),
474 |
this.outputBuffers[t][e].subarray(this.blockSize - r).fill(0);
475 |
476 |
prepareInputBuffersToSend() {
477 |
for (var t = 0; t < this.nbInputs; t++)
478 |
for (var e = 0; e < this.inputBuffers[t].length; e++)
479 |
480 |
481 |
handleOutputBuffersToRetrieve() {
482 |
for (var t = 0; t < this.nbOutputs; t++)
483 |
for (var e = 0; e < this.outputBuffers[t].length; e++)
484 |
for (var s = 0; s < this.blockSize; s++)
485 |
this.outputBuffers[t][e][s] +=
486 |
this.outputBuffersToRetrieve[t][e][s] / this.nbOverlaps;
487 |
488 |
process(t, e, s) {
489 |
return (
490 |
this.reallocateChannelsIfNeeded(t, e),
491 |
492 |
493 |
494 |
495 |
496 |
497 |
498 |
499 |
500 |
501 |
502 |
503 |
504 |
505 |
processOLA(t, e, s) {
506 |
console.assert(!1, "Not overriden");
507 |
508 |
509 |
e.exports = i;
510 |
511 |
512 |
513 |
3: [
514 |
function (t, e, s) {
515 |
"use strict";
516 |
const r = t("./ola-processor.js"),
517 |
i = t("fft.js");
518 |
519 |
520 |
class extends r {
521 |
static get parameterDescriptors() {
522 |
return [{ name: "pitchFactor", defaultValue: 1 }];
523 |
524 |
constructor(t) {
525 |
(t.processorOptions = { blockSize: 2048 }),
526 |
527 |
(this.fftSize = this.blockSize),
528 |
(this.timeCursor = 0),
529 |
(this.hannWindow = (function (t) {
530 |
let e = new Float32Array(t);
531 |
for (var s = 0; s < t; s++)
532 |
e[s] = 0.5 * (1 - Math.cos((2 * Math.PI * s) / t));
533 |
return e;
534 |
535 |
(this.fft = new i(this.fftSize)),
536 |
(this.freqComplexBuffer = this.fft.createComplexArray()),
537 |
(this.freqComplexBufferShifted = this.fft.createComplexArray()),
538 |
(this.timeComplexBuffer = this.fft.createComplexArray()),
539 |
(this.magnitudes = new Float32Array(this.fftSize / 2 + 1)),
540 |
(this.peakIndexes = new Int32Array(this.magnitudes.length)),
541 |
(this.nbPeaks = 0);
542 |
543 |
processOLA(t, e, s) {
544 |
const r = s.pitchFactor[s.pitchFactor.length - 1];
545 |
for (var i = 0; i < this.nbInputs; i++)
546 |
for (var n = 0; n < t[i].length; n++) {
547 |
var o = t[i][n],
548 |
f = e[i][n];
549 |
550 |
this.fft.realTransform(this.freqComplexBuffer, o),
551 |
552 |
553 |
554 |
555 |
556 |
557 |
558 |
559 |
this.fft.fromComplexArray(this.timeComplexBuffer, f),
560 |
561 |
562 |
this.timeCursor += this.hopSize;
563 |
564 |
applyHannWindow(t) {
565 |
for (var e = 0; e < this.blockSize; e++)
566 |
t[e] = t[e] * this.hannWindow[e];
567 |
568 |
computeMagnitudes() {
569 |
for (var t = 0, e = 0; t < this.magnitudes.length; ) {
570 |
let s = this.freqComplexBuffer[e],
571 |
r = this.freqComplexBuffer[e + 1];
572 |
(this.magnitudes[t] = s ** 2 + r ** 2), (t += 1), (e += 2);
573 |
574 |
575 |
findPeaks() {
576 |
this.nbPeaks = 0;
577 |
var t = 2;
578 |
let e = this.magnitudes.length - 2;
579 |
for (; t < e; ) {
580 |
let e = this.magnitudes[t];
581 |
this.magnitudes[t - 1] >= e || this.magnitudes[t - 2] >= e
582 |
? t++
583 |
: this.magnitudes[t + 1] >= e || this.magnitudes[t + 2] >= e
584 |
? t++
585 |
: ((this.peakIndexes[this.nbPeaks] = t),
586 |
587 |
(t += 2));
588 |
589 |
590 |
shiftPeaks(t) {
591 |
592 |
for (var e = 0; e < this.nbPeaks; e++) {
593 |
let n = this.peakIndexes[e],
594 |
o = Math.round(n * t);
595 |
if (o > this.magnitudes.length) break;
596 |
var s = 0,
597 |
r = this.fftSize;
598 |
if (e > 0) {
599 |
let t = this.peakIndexes[e - 1];
600 |
s = n - Math.floor((n - t) / 2);
601 |
602 |
if (e < this.nbPeaks - 1) {
603 |
let t = this.peakIndexes[e + 1];
604 |
r = n + Math.ceil((t - n) / 2);
605 |
606 |
let f = r - n;
607 |
for (var i = s - n; i < f; i++) {
608 |
let t = n + i,
609 |
e = o + i;
610 |
if (e >= this.magnitudes.length) break;
611 |
let s = (2 * Math.PI * (e - t)) / this.fftSize,
612 |
r = Math.cos(s * this.timeCursor),
613 |
f = Math.sin(s * this.timeCursor),
614 |
h = 2 * t,
615 |
u = h + 1,
616 |
a = this.freqComplexBuffer[h],
617 |
p = this.freqComplexBuffer[u],
618 |
l = a * r - p * f,
619 |
c = a * f + p * r,
620 |
d = 2 * e,
621 |
v = d + 1;
622 |
(this.freqComplexBufferShifted[d] += l),
623 |
(this.freqComplexBufferShifted[v] += c);
624 |
625 |
626 |
627 |
628 |
629 |
630 |
{ "./ola-processor.js": 2, "fft.js": 1 },
631 |
632 |
633 |
634 |
635 |