ragtest-sakimilo / qna_prompting.py
lingyit1108's picture
added winnie-the-pooh mode; and clean up question by user_id
history blame
6.98 kB
import sqlite3
import streamlit as st
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from llama_index.core.tools import FunctionTool
import time
db_path = "./database/mock_qna.sqlite"
qna_question_description = """
Only trigger this when user wants to be tested with a question.
Use this tool to extract the chapter number from the body of input text,
thereafter, chapter number will be used as a filtering criteria for
extracting the right questions set from database.
Thereafter, the chapter_n argument will be passed to the function for Q&A question retrieval.
If no chapter number specified or user requested for random question,
or user has no preference over which chapter of textbook to be tested,
set function argument `chapter_n` to be `Chapter_0`.
qna_question_data_format = """
The format of the function argument `chapter_n` looks as follow:
It should be in the format with `Chapter_` as prefix.
Example 1: `Chapter_1` for first chapter
Example 2: For chapter 12 of the textbook, you should return `Chapter_12`
Example 3: `Chapter_5` for fifth chapter
qna_answer_description = """
Use this tool to trigger the evaluation of user's provided input with the
correct answer of the Q&A question asked. When user provides answer to the
question asked, they can reply in natural language or giving the alphabet
letter of which selected choice they think it's the right answer.
If user's answer is not a single alphabet letter, but is contextually
closer to a particular answer choice, return the corresponding
alphabet A, B, C, D or Z for which the answer's meaning is closest to.
Thereafter, the `user_selected_answer` argument will be passed to the
function for Q&A question evaluation.
qna_answer_data_format = """
The format of the function argument `user_selected_answer` looks as follow:
It should be in the format of single character such as `A`, `B`, `C`, `D` or `Z`.
Example 1: User's answer is `a`, it means choice `A`.
Example 2: User's answer is contextually closer to 3rd answer choice, it means `C`.
Example 3: User says last is the answer, it means `D`.
Example 4: If user doesn't know about the answer, it means `Z`.
class Question_Model(BaseModel):
chapter_n: str = Field(...,
class Answer_Model(BaseModel):
user_selected_answer: str = Field(...,
def get_qna_question(chapter_n: str) -> str:
con = sqlite3.connect(db_path)
cur = con.cursor()
filter_clause = "WHERE a.question_id IS NULL" \
if chapter_n == "Chapter_0" \
else f"WHERE a.question_id IS NULL AND chapter='{chapter_n}'"
sql_string = f"""SELECT q.id, question, option_1, option_2, option_3, option_4, q.correct_answer, q.reasoning
FROM qna_tbl q LEFT JOIN
FROM answer_tbl
WHERE user_id = '{st.session_state.user_id}') a
ON q.id = a.question_id
""" + filter_clause
# sql_string = sql_string + " ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1"
res = cur.execute(sql_string)
result = res.fetchone()
id = result[0]
question = result[1]
option_1 = result[2]
option_2 = result[3]
option_3 = result[4]
option_4 = result[5]
c_answer = result[6]
reasons = result[7]
qna_str = "As requested, here is the retrieved question: \n" + \
"============================================= \n" + \
question.replace("\\n", "\n") + "\n" + \
"A) " + option_1 + "\n" + \
"B) " + option_2 + "\n" + \
"C) " + option_3 + "\n" + \
"D) " + option_4
st.session_state.question_id = id
st.session_state.qna_answer = c_answer
st.session_state.reasons = reasons
return qna_str
def evaluate_qna_answer(user_selected_answer: str) -> str:
answer_mapping = {
"A": 1,
"B": 2,
"C": 3,
"D": 4,
"Z": 0
num_mapping = dict((v,k) for k,v in answer_mapping.items())
user_answer_numeric = answer_mapping.get(user_selected_answer, 0)
question_id = st.session_state.question_id
qna_answer = st.session_state.qna_answer
reasons = st.session_state.reasons
### convert to numeric type
qna_answer = int(qna_answer)
qna_answer_alphabet = num_mapping.get(qna_answer, "ERROR")
con = sqlite3.connect(db_path)
cur = con.cursor()
sql_string = f"""INSERT INTO answer_tbl
VALUES ('{st.session_state.user_id}',
res = cur.execute(sql_string)
if qna_answer == user_answer_numeric:
st.toast("🍯 yummy yummy, hooray!", icon="πŸŽ‰")
st.toast("πŸ»πŸ’•πŸ― You got it right!", icon="🎊")
st.toast("πŸ₯‡ You are amazing! πŸ’―πŸ’―", icon="πŸ’ͺ")
st.toast("🐼 Something doesn't seem right.. πŸ”₯🏠πŸ”₯", icon="πŸ˜‚")
st.toast("πŸ₯Ά Are you sure..? 😬😬", icon="😭")
st.toast("πŸ€œπŸ€› Nevertheless, it was a good try!! πŸ‹οΈβ€β™‚οΈπŸ‹οΈβ€β™‚οΈ", icon="πŸ‘")
reasoning = "" if "textbook" in reasons else "Rationale is that: " + reasons
qna_answer_response = (
f"Your selected answer is `{user_selected_answer}`, "
f"but the actual answer is `{qna_answer_alphabet}`. " + reasoning
except Exception as e:
return qna_answer_response
get_qna_question_tool = FunctionTool.from_defaults(
evaluate_qna_answer_tool = FunctionTool.from_defaults(