import dominate |
from dominate.tags import * |
import os |
class HTML: |
def __init__(self, web_dir, title, reflesh=0): |
self.title = title |
self.web_dir = web_dir |
self.img_dir = os.path.join(self.web_dir, 'images') |
if not os.path.exists(self.web_dir): |
os.makedirs(self.web_dir) |
if not os.path.exists(self.img_dir): |
os.makedirs(self.img_dir) |
self.doc = dominate.document(title=title) |
if reflesh > 0: |
with self.doc.head: |
meta(http_equiv="reflesh", content=str(reflesh)) |
def get_image_dir(self): |
return self.img_dir |
def add_header(self, str): |
with self.doc: |
h3(str) |
def add_table(self, border=1): |
self.t = table(border=border, style="table-layout: fixed;") |
self.doc.add(self.t) |
def add_images(self, ims, txts, links, height=400): |
self.add_table() |
with self.t: |
with tr(): |
for im, txt, link in zip(ims, txts, links): |
with td(style="word-wrap: break-word;", halign="center", valign="top"): |
with p(): |
with a(href=os.path.join('images', link)): |
img(style="height:%dpx" % height, src=os.path.join('images', im)) |
br() |
p(txt) |
def save(self): |
html_file = '%s/index.html' % self.web_dir |
f = open(html_file, 'wt') |
f.write(self.doc.render()) |
f.close() |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
html = HTML('web/', 'test_html') |
html.add_header('hello world') |
ims = [] |
txts = [] |
links = [] |
for n in range(4): |
ims.append('image_%d.png' % n) |
txts.append('text_%d' % n) |
links.append('image_%d.png' % n) |
html.add_images(ims, txts, links) |
html.save() |