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"""Item: an individual entry in the dataset."""
import csv
import io
from collections import deque
from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Optional, Union, cast
import pyarrow as pa
from pydantic import BaseModel, StrictInt, StrictStr, validator
MANIFEST_FILENAME = 'manifest.json'
# We choose `__rowid__` inspired by the standard `rowid` pseudocolumn in DBs:
UUID_COLUMN = '__rowid__'
VALUE_KEY = '__value__'
SIGNAL_METADATA_KEY = '__metadata__'
# Python doesn't work with recursive types. These types provide some notion of type-safety.
Scalar = Union[bool, datetime, int, float, str, bytes]
Item = Any
# Contains a string field name, a wildcard for repeateds, or a specific integer index for repeateds.
# This path represents a path to a particular column.
# Examples:
# ['article', 'field'] represents {'article': {'field': VALUES}}
# ['article', '*', 'field'] represents {'article': [{'field': VALUES}, {'field': VALUES}]}
# ['article', '0', 'field'] represents {'article': {'field': VALUES}}
PathTuple = tuple[StrictStr, ...]
Path = Union[PathTuple, StrictStr]
PathKeyedItem = tuple[Path, Item]
# These fields are for for python only and not written to a schema.
RichData = Union[str, bytes]
VectorKey = tuple[Union[StrictStr, StrictInt], ...]
class DataType(str, Enum):
"""Enum holding the dtype for a field."""
STRING = 'string'
# Contains {start, end} offset integers with a reference_column.
STRING_SPAN = 'string_span'
BOOLEAN = 'boolean'
# Ints.
INT8 = 'int8'
INT16 = 'int16'
INT32 = 'int32'
INT64 = 'int64'
UINT8 = 'uint8'
UINT16 = 'uint16'
UINT32 = 'uint32'
UINT64 = 'uint64'
# Floats.
FLOAT16 = 'float16'
FLOAT32 = 'float32'
FLOAT64 = 'float64'
### Time ###
# Time of day (no time zone).
TIME = 'time'
# Calendar date (year, month, day), no time zone.
DATE = 'date'
# An "Instant" stored as number of microseconds (µs) since 1970-01-01 00:00:00+00 (UTC time zone).
TIMESTAMP = 'timestamp'
# Time span, stored as microseconds.
INTERVAL = 'interval'
BINARY = 'binary'
EMBEDDING = 'embedding'
NULL = 'null'
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return self.value
class SignalInputType(str, Enum):
"""Enum holding the signal input type."""
TEXT = 'text'
TEXT_EMBEDDING = 'text_embedding'
IMAGE = 'image'
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return self.value
SIGNAL_COMPUTE_TYPE_TO_VALID_DTYPES: dict[SignalInputType, list[DataType]] = {
SignalInputType.TEXT: [DataType.STRING, DataType.STRING_SPAN],
SignalInputType.IMAGE: [DataType.BINARY],
def signal_compute_type_supports_dtype(input_type: SignalInputType, dtype: DataType) -> bool:
"""Returns True if the signal compute type supports the dtype."""
return dtype in SIGNAL_COMPUTE_TYPE_TO_VALID_DTYPES[input_type]
Bin = tuple[str, Optional[Union[float, int]], Optional[Union[float, int]]]
class Field(BaseModel):
"""Holds information for a field in the schema."""
repeated_field: Optional['Field']
fields: Optional[dict[str, 'Field']]
dtype: Optional[DataType]
# Defined as the serialized signal when this field is the root result of a signal.
signal: Optional[dict[str, Any]]
# Maps a named bin to a tuple of (start, end) values.
bins: Optional[list[Bin]]
def either_fields_or_repeated_field_is_defined(
cls, fields: Optional[dict[str, 'Field']], values: dict[str,
Any]) -> Optional[dict[str, 'Field']]:
"""Error if both `fields` and `repeated_fields` are defined."""
if not fields:
return fields
if values.get('repeated_field'):
raise ValueError('Both "fields" and "repeated_field" should not be defined')
if VALUE_KEY in fields:
raise ValueError(f'{VALUE_KEY} is a reserved field name.')
return fields
@validator('dtype', always=True)
def infer_default_dtype(cls, dtype: Optional[DataType], values: dict[str,
Any]) -> Optional[DataType]:
"""Infers the default value for dtype if not explicitly provided."""
if dtype and values.get('repeated_field'):
raise ValueError('dtype and repeated_field cannot both be defined.')
if not values.get('repeated_field') and not values.get('fields') and not dtype:
raise ValueError('One of "fields", "repeated_field", or "dtype" should be defined')
return dtype
def validate_bins(cls, bins: list[Bin]) -> list[Bin]:
"""Validate the bins."""
if len(bins) < 2:
raise ValueError('Please specify at least two bins.')
_, first_start, _ = bins[0]
if first_start is not None:
raise ValueError('The first bin should have a `None` start value.')
_, _, last_end = bins[-1]
if last_end is not None:
raise ValueError('The last bin should have a `None` end value.')
for i, (_, start, _) in enumerate(bins):
if i == 0:
prev_bin = bins[i - 1]
_, _, prev_end = prev_bin
if start != prev_end:
raise ValueError(
f'Bin {i} start ({start}) should be equal to the previous bin end {prev_end}.')
return bins
def __str__(self) -> str:
return _str_field(self, indent=0)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f' {self.__class__.__name__}::{self.json(exclude_none=True, indent=2)}'
class Schema(BaseModel):
"""Database schema."""
fields: dict[str, Field]
# Cached leafs.
_leafs: Optional[dict[PathTuple, Field]] = None
class Config:
arbitrary_types_allowed = True
underscore_attrs_are_private = True
def leafs(self) -> dict[PathTuple, Field]:
"""Return all the leaf fields in the schema. A leaf is defined as a node that contains a value.
NOTE: Leafs may contain children. Leafs can be found as any node that has a dtype defined.
if self._leafs:
return self._leafs
result: dict[PathTuple, Field] = {}
q: deque[tuple[PathTuple, Field]] = deque([((), Field(fields=self.fields))])
while q:
path, field = q.popleft()
if field.dtype:
# Nodes with dtypes act as leafs. They also may have children.
result[path] = field
if field.fields:
for name, child_field in field.fields.items():
child_path = (*path, name)
q.append((child_path, child_field))
elif field.repeated_field:
child_path = (*path, PATH_WILDCARD)
q.append((child_path, field.repeated_field))
self._leafs = result
return result
def has_field(self, path: PathTuple) -> bool:
"""Returns if the field is found at the given path."""
field = cast(Field, self)
for path_part in path:
if field.fields:
field = cast(Field, field.fields.get(path_part))
if not field:
return False
elif field.repeated_field:
if path_part != PATH_WILDCARD:
return False
field = field.repeated_field
return False
return True
def get_field(self, path: PathTuple) -> Field:
"""Returns the field at the given path."""
field = cast(Field, self)
for name in path:
if field.fields:
field = field.fields[str(name)]
elif field.repeated_field:
if name != PATH_WILDCARD:
raise ValueError(f'Invalid path {path}')
field = field.repeated_field
raise ValueError(f'Invalid path {path}')
return field
def __str__(self) -> str:
return _str_fields(self.fields, indent=0)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return self.json(exclude_none=True, indent=2)
def schema(schema_like: object) -> Schema:
"""Parse a schema-like object to a Schema object."""
field = _parse_field_like(schema_like)
return Schema(fields=field.fields)
def field(
dtype: Optional[Union[DataType, str]] = None,
signal: Optional[dict] = None,
fields: Optional[object] = None,
bins: Optional[list[Bin]] = None,
) -> Field:
"""Parse a field-like object to a Field object."""
field = _parse_field_like(fields or {}, dtype)
if signal:
field.signal = signal
if dtype:
if isinstance(dtype, str):
dtype = DataType(dtype)
field.dtype = dtype
if bins:
field.bins = bins
return field
def _parse_field_like(field_like: object, dtype: Optional[Union[DataType, str]] = None) -> Field:
if isinstance(field_like, Field):
return field_like
elif isinstance(field_like, dict):
fields: dict[str, Field] = {}
for k, v in field_like.items():
fields[k] = _parse_field_like(v)
if isinstance(dtype, str):
dtype = DataType(dtype)
return Field(fields=fields or None, dtype=dtype)
elif isinstance(field_like, str):
return Field(dtype=DataType(field_like))
elif isinstance(field_like, list):
return Field(repeated_field=_parse_field_like(field_like[0], dtype=dtype))
raise ValueError(f'Cannot parse field like: {field_like}')
def child_item_from_column_path(item: Item, path: Path) -> Item:
"""Return the last (child) item from a column path."""
child_item_value = item
for path_part in path:
if path_part == PATH_WILDCARD:
raise ValueError(
'child_item_from_column_path cannot be called with a path that contains a repeated '
f'wildcard: "{path}"')
# path_part can either be an integer or a string for a dictionary, both of which we can
# directly index with.
child_path = int(path_part) if path_part.isdigit() else path_part
child_item_value = child_item_value[child_path]
return child_item_value
def column_paths_match(path_match: Path, specific_path: Path) -> bool:
"""Test whether two column paths match.
path_match: A column path that contains wildcards, and sub-paths. This path will be used for
testing the second specific path.
specific_path: A column path that specifically identifies an field.
Whether specific_path matches the path_match. This will only match when the
paths are equal length. If a user wants to enrich everything with an array, they must use the
path wildcard '*' in their patch match.
if isinstance(path_match, str):
path_match = (path_match,)
if isinstance(specific_path, str):
specific_path = (specific_path,)
if len(path_match) != len(specific_path):
return False
for path_match_p, specific_path_p in zip(path_match, specific_path):
if path_match_p == PATH_WILDCARD:
if path_match_p != specific_path_p:
return False
return True
def normalize_path(path: Path) -> PathTuple:
"""Normalizes a dot seperated path, but ignores dots inside quotes, like regular SQL.
- 'a.b.c' will be parsed as ('a', 'b', 'c').
- '"a.b".c' will be parsed as ('a.b', 'c').
- '"a".b.c' will be parsed as ('a', 'b', 'c').
if isinstance(path, str):
return tuple(next(csv.reader(io.StringIO(path), delimiter='.')))
return path
class ImageInfo(BaseModel):
"""Info about an individual image."""
path: Path
class SourceManifest(BaseModel):
"""The manifest that describes the dataset run, including schema and parquet files."""
# List of a parquet filepaths storing the data. The paths can be relative to `manifest.json`.
files: list[str]
# The data schema.
data_schema: Schema
# Image information for the dataset.
images: Optional[list[ImageInfo]]
def _str_fields(fields: dict[str, Field], indent: int) -> str:
prefix = ' ' * indent
out: list[str] = []
for name, field in fields.items():
out.append(f'{prefix}{name}:{_str_field(field, indent=indent + 2)}')
return '\n'.join(out)
def _str_field(field: Field, indent: int) -> str:
if field.fields:
prefix = '\n' if indent > 0 else ''
return f'{prefix}{_str_fields(field.fields, indent)}'
if field.repeated_field:
return f' list({_str_field(field.repeated_field, indent)})'
return f' {cast(DataType, field.dtype)}'
def dtype_to_arrow_schema(dtype: DataType) -> Union[pa.Schema, pa.DataType]:
"""Convert the dtype to an arrow dtype."""
if dtype == DataType.STRING:
return pa.string()
elif dtype == DataType.BOOLEAN:
return pa.bool_()
elif dtype == DataType.FLOAT16:
return pa.float16()
elif dtype == DataType.FLOAT32:
return pa.float32()
elif dtype == DataType.FLOAT64:
return pa.float64()
elif dtype == DataType.INT8:
return pa.int8()
elif dtype == DataType.INT16:
return pa.int16()
elif dtype == DataType.INT32:
return pa.int32()
elif dtype == DataType.INT64:
return pa.int64()
elif dtype == DataType.UINT8:
return pa.uint8()
elif dtype == DataType.UINT16:
return pa.uint16()
elif dtype == DataType.UINT32:
return pa.uint32()
elif dtype == DataType.UINT64:
return pa.uint64()
elif dtype == DataType.BINARY:
return pa.binary()
elif dtype == DataType.TIME:
return pa.time64()
elif dtype == DataType.DATE:
return pa.date64()
elif dtype == DataType.TIMESTAMP:
return pa.timestamp('us')
elif dtype == DataType.INTERVAL:
return pa.duration('us')
elif dtype == DataType.EMBEDDING:
# We reserve an empty column for embeddings in parquet files so they can be queried.
# The values are *not* filled out. If parquet and duckdb support embeddings in the future, we
# can set this dtype to the relevant pyarrow type.
return pa.null()
elif dtype == DataType.STRING_SPAN:
return pa.struct({
VALUE_KEY: pa.struct({
elif dtype == DataType.NULL:
return pa.null()
raise ValueError(f'Can not convert dtype "{dtype}" to arrow dtype')
def schema_to_arrow_schema(schema: Union[Schema, Field]) -> pa.Schema:
"""Convert our schema to arrow schema."""
arrow_schema = cast(pa.Schema, _schema_to_arrow_schema_impl(schema))
arrow_fields = { field.type for field in arrow_schema}
return pa.schema(arrow_fields)
def _schema_to_arrow_schema_impl(schema: Union[Schema, Field]) -> Union[pa.Schema, pa.DataType]:
"""Convert a schema to an apache arrow schema."""
if schema.fields:
arrow_fields: dict[str, Union[pa.Schema, pa.DataType]] = {}
for name, field in schema.fields.items():
if name == UUID_COLUMN:
arrow_schema = dtype_to_arrow_schema(cast(DataType, field.dtype))
arrow_schema = _schema_to_arrow_schema_impl(field)
arrow_fields[name] = arrow_schema
if isinstance(schema, Schema):
# Top-level schemas do not have __value__ fields.
return pa.schema(arrow_fields)
# When nodes have both dtype and children, we add __value__ alongside the fields.
if schema.dtype:
value_schema = dtype_to_arrow_schema(schema.dtype)
if schema.dtype == DataType.STRING_SPAN:
value_schema = value_schema[VALUE_KEY].type
arrow_fields[VALUE_KEY] = value_schema
return pa.struct(arrow_fields)
field = cast(Field, schema)
if field.repeated_field:
return pa.list_(_schema_to_arrow_schema_impl(field.repeated_field))
return dtype_to_arrow_schema(cast(DataType, field.dtype))
def arrow_dtype_to_dtype(arrow_dtype: pa.DataType) -> DataType:
"""Convert arrow dtype to our dtype."""
# Ints.
if arrow_dtype == pa.int8():
return DataType.INT8
elif arrow_dtype == pa.int16():
return DataType.INT16
elif arrow_dtype == pa.int32():
return DataType.INT32
elif arrow_dtype == pa.int64():
return DataType.INT64
elif arrow_dtype == pa.uint8():
return DataType.UINT8
elif arrow_dtype == pa.uint16():
return DataType.UINT16
elif arrow_dtype == pa.uint32():
return DataType.UINT32
elif arrow_dtype == pa.uint64():
return DataType.UINT64
# Floats.
elif arrow_dtype == pa.float16():
return DataType.FLOAT16
elif arrow_dtype == pa.float32():
return DataType.FLOAT32
elif arrow_dtype == pa.float64():
return DataType.FLOAT64
# Time.
elif pa.types.is_time(arrow_dtype):
return DataType.TIME
elif pa.types.is_date(arrow_dtype):
return DataType.DATE
elif pa.types.is_timestamp(arrow_dtype):
return DataType.TIMESTAMP
elif pa.types.is_duration(arrow_dtype):
return DataType.INTERVAL
# Others.
elif arrow_dtype == pa.string():
return DataType.STRING
elif pa.types.is_binary(arrow_dtype) or pa.types.is_fixed_size_binary(arrow_dtype):
return DataType.BINARY
elif pa.types.is_boolean(arrow_dtype):
return DataType.BOOLEAN
elif arrow_dtype == pa.null():
return DataType.NULL
raise ValueError(f'Can not convert arrow dtype "{arrow_dtype}" to our dtype')
def arrow_schema_to_schema(schema: pa.Schema) -> Schema:
"""Convert arrow schema to our schema."""
# TODO(nsthorat): Change this implementation to allow more complicated reading of arrow schemas
# into our schema by inferring values when {__value__: value} is present in the pyarrow schema.
# This isn't necessary today as this util is only needed by sources which do not have data in the
# lilac format.
return cast(Schema, _arrow_schema_to_schema_impl(schema))
def _arrow_schema_to_schema_impl(schema: Union[pa.Schema, pa.DataType]) -> Union[Schema, Field]:
"""Convert an apache arrow schema to our schema."""
if isinstance(schema, (pa.Schema, pa.StructType)):
fields: dict[str, Field] = { cast(Field, _arrow_schema_to_schema_impl(field.type)) for field in schema
return Schema(fields=fields) if isinstance(schema, pa.Schema) else Field(fields=fields)
elif isinstance(schema, pa.ListType):
return Field(repeated_field=cast(Field, _arrow_schema_to_schema_impl(schema.value_field.type)))
return Field(dtype=arrow_dtype_to_dtype(schema))
def is_float(dtype: DataType) -> bool:
"""Check if a dtype is a float dtype."""
return dtype in [DataType.FLOAT16, DataType.FLOAT32, DataType.FLOAT64]
def is_integer(dtype: DataType) -> bool:
"""Check if a dtype is an integer dtype."""
return dtype in [
DataType.INT8, DataType.INT16, DataType.INT32, DataType.INT64, DataType.UINT8, DataType.UINT16,
DataType.UINT32, DataType.UINT64
def is_temporal(dtype: DataType) -> bool:
"""Check if a dtype is a temporal dtype."""
return dtype in [DataType.TIME, DataType.DATE, DataType.TIMESTAMP, DataType.INTERVAL]
def is_ordinal(dtype: DataType) -> bool:
"""Check if a dtype is an ordinal dtype."""
return is_float(dtype) or is_integer(dtype) or is_temporal(dtype)