GenFBDD / utils /
libokj's picture
Initial commit GenFBDD
import math
import torch.nn.functional as F
import numpy as np
import torch
def quaternion_to_matrix(quaternions):
Convert rotations given as quaternions to rotation matrices.
quaternions: quaternions with real part first,
as tensor of shape (..., 4).
Rotation matrices as tensor of shape (..., 3, 3).
r, i, j, k = torch.unbind(quaternions, -1)
two_s = 2.0 / (quaternions * quaternions).sum(-1)
o = torch.stack(
1 - two_s * (j * j + k * k),
two_s * (i * j - k * r),
two_s * (i * k + j * r),
two_s * (i * j + k * r),
1 - two_s * (i * i + k * k),
two_s * (j * k - i * r),
two_s * (i * k - j * r),
two_s * (j * k + i * r),
1 - two_s * (i * i + j * j),
return o.reshape(quaternions.shape[:-1] + (3, 3))
def axis_angle_to_quaternion(axis_angle):
Convert rotations given as axis/angle to quaternions.
axis_angle: Rotations given as a vector in axis angle form,
as a tensor of shape (..., 3), where the magnitude is
the angle turned anticlockwise in radians around the
vector's direction.
quaternions with real part first, as tensor of shape (..., 4).
angles = torch.norm(axis_angle, p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=True)
half_angles = 0.5 * angles
eps = 1e-6
small_angles = angles.abs() < eps
sin_half_angles_over_angles = torch.empty_like(angles)
sin_half_angles_over_angles[~small_angles] = (
torch.sin(half_angles[~small_angles]) / angles[~small_angles]
# for x small, sin(x/2) is about x/2 - (x/2)^3/6
# so sin(x/2)/x is about 1/2 - (x*x)/48
sin_half_angles_over_angles[small_angles] = (
0.5 - (angles[small_angles] * angles[small_angles]) / 48
quaternions =
[torch.cos(half_angles), axis_angle * sin_half_angles_over_angles], dim=-1
return quaternions
def axis_angle_to_matrix(axis_angle):
Convert rotations given as axis/angle to rotation matrices.
axis_angle: Rotations given as a vector in axis angle form,
as a tensor of shape (..., 3), where the magnitude is
the angle turned anticlockwise in radians around the
vector's direction.
Rotation matrices as tensor of shape (..., 3, 3).
return quaternion_to_matrix(axis_angle_to_quaternion(axis_angle))
def _sqrt_positive_part(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
Returns torch.sqrt(torch.max(0, x))
but with a zero subgradient where x is 0.
ret = torch.zeros_like(x)
positive_mask = x > 0
ret[positive_mask] = torch.sqrt(x[positive_mask])
return ret
def matrix_to_quaternion(matrix: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
Convert rotations given as rotation matrices to quaternions.
matrix: Rotation matrices as tensor of shape (..., 3, 3).
quaternions with real part first, as tensor of shape (..., 4).
if matrix.size(-1) != 3 or matrix.size(-2) != 3:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid rotation matrix shape {matrix.shape}.")
batch_dim = matrix.shape[:-2]
m00, m01, m02, m10, m11, m12, m20, m21, m22 = torch.unbind(
matrix.reshape(batch_dim + (9,)), dim=-1
q_abs = _sqrt_positive_part(
1.0 + m00 + m11 + m22,
1.0 + m00 - m11 - m22,
1.0 - m00 + m11 - m22,
1.0 - m00 - m11 + m22,
# we produce the desired quaternion multiplied by each of r, i, j, k
quat_by_rijk = torch.stack(
# pyre-fixme[58]: `**` is not supported for operand types `Tensor` and
# `int`.
torch.stack([q_abs[..., 0] ** 2, m21 - m12, m02 - m20, m10 - m01], dim=-1),
# pyre-fixme[58]: `**` is not supported for operand types `Tensor` and
# `int`.
torch.stack([m21 - m12, q_abs[..., 1] ** 2, m10 + m01, m02 + m20], dim=-1),
# pyre-fixme[58]: `**` is not supported for operand types `Tensor` and
# `int`.
torch.stack([m02 - m20, m10 + m01, q_abs[..., 2] ** 2, m12 + m21], dim=-1),
# pyre-fixme[58]: `**` is not supported for operand types `Tensor` and
# `int`.
torch.stack([m10 - m01, m20 + m02, m21 + m12, q_abs[..., 3] ** 2], dim=-1),
# We floor here at 0.1 but the exact level is not important; if q_abs is small,
# the candidate won't be picked.
flr = torch.tensor(0.1).to(dtype=q_abs.dtype, device=q_abs.device)
quat_candidates = quat_by_rijk / (2.0 * q_abs[..., None].max(flr))
# if not for numerical problems, quat_candidates[i] should be same (up to a sign),
# forall i; we pick the best-conditioned one (with the largest denominator)
return quat_candidates[
F.one_hot(q_abs.argmax(dim=-1), num_classes=4) > 0.5, :
].reshape(batch_dim + (4,))
def quaternion_to_axis_angle(quaternions: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
Convert rotations given as quaternions to axis/angle.
quaternions: quaternions with real part first,
as tensor of shape (..., 4).
Rotations given as a vector in axis angle form, as a tensor
of shape (..., 3), where the magnitude is the angle
turned anticlockwise in radians around the vector's
norms = torch.norm(quaternions[..., 1:], p=2, dim=-1, keepdim=True)
half_angles = torch.atan2(norms, quaternions[..., :1])
angles = 2 * half_angles
eps = 1e-6
small_angles = angles.abs() < eps
sin_half_angles_over_angles = torch.empty_like(angles)
sin_half_angles_over_angles[~small_angles] = (
torch.sin(half_angles[~small_angles]) / angles[~small_angles]
# for x small, sin(x/2) is about x/2 - (x/2)^3/6
# so sin(x/2)/x is about 1/2 - (x*x)/48
sin_half_angles_over_angles[small_angles] = (
0.5 - (angles[small_angles] * angles[small_angles]) / 48
return quaternions[..., 1:] / sin_half_angles_over_angles
def matrix_to_axis_angle(matrix: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
Convert rotations given as rotation matrices to axis/angle.
matrix: Rotation matrices as tensor of shape (..., 3, 3).
Rotations given as a vector in axis angle form, as a tensor
of shape (..., 3), where the magnitude is the angle
turned anticlockwise in radians around the vector's
return quaternion_to_axis_angle(matrix_to_quaternion(matrix))
def rigid_transform_Kabsch_3D_torch(A, B):
# R = 3x3 rotation matrix, t = 3x1 column vector
# This already takes residue identity into account.
assert A.shape[1] == B.shape[1]
num_rows, num_cols = A.shape
if num_rows != 3:
raise Exception(f"matrix A is not 3xN, it is {num_rows}x{num_cols}")
num_rows, num_cols = B.shape
if num_rows != 3:
raise Exception(f"matrix B is not 3xN, it is {num_rows}x{num_cols}")
# find mean column wise: 3 x 1
centroid_A = torch.mean(A, axis=1, keepdims=True)
centroid_B = torch.mean(B, axis=1, keepdims=True)
# subtract mean
Am = A - centroid_A
Bm = B - centroid_B
H = Am @ Bm.T
# find rotation
U, S, Vt = torch.linalg.svd(H)
R = Vt.T @ U.T
# special reflection case
if torch.linalg.det(R) < 0:
# print("det(R) < R, reflection detected!, correcting for it ...")
SS = torch.diag(torch.tensor([1.,1.,-1.], device=A.device))
R = (Vt.T @ SS) @ U.T
assert math.fabs(torch.linalg.det(R) - 1) < 3e-3 # note I had to change this error bound to be higher
t = -R @ centroid_A + centroid_B
return R, t
def rigid_transform_Kabsch_3D_torch_batch(A, B):
# R = Bx3x3 rotation matrix, t = Bx3x1 column vector
assert A.shape == B.shape
_, N, M = A.shape
if M != 3:
raise Exception(f"matrix A and B should be BxNx3")
A, B = A.permute(0, 2, 1), B.permute(0, 2, 1)
# find mean column wise: 3 x 1
centroid_A = torch.mean(A, axis=2, keepdims=True)
centroid_B = torch.mean(B, axis=2, keepdims=True)
# subtract mean
Am = A - centroid_A
Bm = B - centroid_B
H = torch.bmm(Am, Bm.transpose(1, 2))
# find rotation
U, S, Vt = torch.linalg.svd(H)
R = torch.bmm(Vt.transpose(1, 2), U.transpose(1, 2))
# reflection case
SS = torch.diag(torch.tensor([1., 1., -1.], device=A.device))
Rm = torch.bmm(Vt.transpose(1,2) @ SS, U.transpose(1, 2))
R = torch.where(torch.linalg.det(R)[:, None, None] < 0, Rm, R)
assert torch.all(torch.abs(torch.linalg.det(R) - 1) < 3e-3) # note I had to change this error bound to be higher
t = torch.bmm(-R, centroid_A) + centroid_B
return R, t
def rigid_transform_Kabsch_independent_torch(A, B):
# R = 3x3 rotation matrix, t = 3x1 column vector
# This already takes residue identity into account.
assert A.shape[1] == B.shape[1]
num_rows, num_cols = A.shape
if num_rows != 3:
raise Exception(f"matrix A is not 3xN, it is {num_rows}x{num_cols}")
num_rows, num_cols = B.shape
if num_rows != 3:
raise Exception(f"matrix B is not 3xN, it is {num_rows}x{num_cols}")
# find mean column wise: 3 x 1
centroid_A = torch.mean(A, axis=1, keepdims=True)
centroid_B = torch.mean(B, axis=1, keepdims=True)
# subtract mean
Am = A - centroid_A
Bm = B - centroid_B
H = Am @ Bm.T
# find rotation
U, S, Vt = torch.linalg.svd(H)
R = Vt.T @ U.T
# special reflection case
if torch.linalg.det(R) < 0:
# print("det(R) < R, reflection detected!, correcting for it ...")
SS = torch.diag(torch.tensor([1.,1.,-1.], device=A.device))
R = (Vt.T @ SS) @ U.T
assert math.fabs(torch.linalg.det(R) - 1) < 3e-3 # note I had to change this error bound to be higher
t = - centroid_A + centroid_B # note does not change rotation
R_vec = matrix_to_axis_angle(R)
return t, R_vec