kelp /
liam-jemison's picture
adding tiling + dataframe output
history blame
5.08 kB
import cv2 as cv
import numpy as np
from re import search
#import os
class yolo:
def __init__(self, cfg_path, weights_path, classes, confidence_threshold = 0.25):
#does this matter? maybe not
#grab width and height from config
with open(cfg_path) as f:
cfg =
self.height = int(search("height[/s]*=[/s]*([0-9]*)\n", cfg).group(1))
self.width = int(search("width[/s]*=[/s]*([0-9]*)\n", cfg).group(1)) = cv.dnn.readNetFromDarknet(cfg_path, weights_path)
self.classes = classes
self.confidence_threshold = confidence_threshold
#palette for drawing on images
palette = np.arange(0, 255, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(1, 255, 1)
palette = cv.applyColorMap(palette, cv.COLORMAP_HSV).squeeze(0)
self.palette = palette
def show_predictions(self, predictions, input):
img = input.copy()
for (x,y,w,h, confidence, label, classID) in predictions:
cv.rectangle(img, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), tuple(self.palette[classID].tolist()), 2)
text = "{}: {:.2f}".format(label, confidence)
cv.putText(img, text, (x, y - 5), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, tuple(self.palette[classID].tolist()), 1)
# for (value,key) in zip([name, x,y,w,h, confidence, label, classID], detections.keys()):
# detections[key].append(value)
return img
def run_inference(self, img, h_offset, v_offset):
"""forward pass on a list of images
returns: list of predictions in the format
[(x, y, w, h, conf, class),..] e.g. [ (215, 47, 199, 258, 0.8504674434661865, 'Sporophyte')]
ln =
#I don't understand what this is doing
#fix from
#the original code is from
ln = [ln[i - 1] for i in]
# construct a blob from the image
blob = cv.dnn.blobFromImage(img, 1/255.0, (self.width, self.height), swapRB=True, crop=False)
outputs =
boxes = []
confidences = []
classIDs = []
#this assumes all images are the same size
h, w = img.shape[:2]
for output in outputs:
for detection in output:
scores = detection[5:]
classID = np.argmax(scores)
confidence = scores[classID]
#todo: parameterize confidence threshold
if confidence > self.confidence_threshold:
box = detection[:4] * np.array([w, h, w, h])
(centerX, centerY, width, height) = box.astype("int")
x = int(centerX - (width / 2))
y = int(centerY - (height / 2))
box = [x, y, int(width), int(height)]
indices = cv.dnn.NMSBoxes(boxes, confidences, self.confidence_threshold, 0.4)
outputs = []
if len(indices) > 0:
for i in indices.flatten():
(x, y) = (boxes[i][0], boxes[i][1])
(w, h) = (boxes[i][2], boxes[i][3])
label = self.classes[classIDs[i]]
confidence = confidences[i]
outputs.append((x + v_offset,y + h_offset,w,h,confidence,label, classIDs[i]))
return outputs
colors = np.random.randint(0, 255, size=(len(classes), 3), dtype='uint8')
if len(indices) > 0:
for i in indices.flatten():
(x, y) = (boxes[i][0], boxes[i][1])
(w, h) = (boxes[i][2], boxes[i][3])
color = [int(c) for c in colors[classIDs[i]]]
cv.rectangle(img, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), color, 2)
text = "{}: {:.4f}".format(classes[classIDs[i]], confidences[i])
cv.putText(img, text, (x, y - 5), cv.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, color, 1)
debug = 1
cv.imwrite("outputs\\" + imgPath.replace('frames\\',''), img)
#model = yolo("network_parameters\\yolov4-eggs.cfg", "network_parameters\\yolov4-eggs_final.weights",classes)
# files = os.listdir("./frames")
# for frame in files:
# output = model.run_inference("frames\\" + frame)
vidcap = cv.VideoCapture('C:\\Users\\Adam Honts\\Documents\\Kelp\\5-11\\videos\\220520152231.mp4')
success,image =
count = 0
while success:
cv.imwrite("frames\\frame%d.jpg" % count, image) # save frame as JPEG file
success,image =
print('Read a new frame: ', success)
count += 1